Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1612 Your grandfather knows how to play

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"What's so good about news?" Xia Xia turned to look at Ning Ruirui, "I might as well look at you... Hey, little girl with long legs, your clothes don't look good."

Ning Ruirui had already changed her clothes and was dressed casually, with a T-shirt and denim, and a pair of sneakers. In fact, she looked pretty good, especially the pair of long legs that stood against the sky, which was still so striking.

However, compared to the previous swimsuit, this one is indeed a bit less sexy.

"Do you like to see it!" Ning Ruirui said angrily, the rascal said before that she was too good-looking and would make others take advantage of her, but now she dresses more conservatively, and he actually dislikes this unsightly dress, this person Simply schizophrenia!

"This dress doesn't look good." Shi Chun agreed, "Sister Ruirui, I think you should look better when you don't wear it."

Ning Ruirui simply ignores Shichun, this girl is beautiful and pure like a fairy, but the scale of her speech is too large, even more rogue than this rogue in Xia Tian!

"Let you watch the news!" Ning Ruirui walked to Xia Xia and shoved her phone in front of Xia Xia, "Look carefully... Hey, let me go!"

Ning Ruirui felt like she was going crazy. Is this hooligan now addicted to hugging her? He actually hugged her waist again.

"This news is nothing, doesn't it mean you have a boyfriend?" Xia Xia obviously wouldn't let go of Ning Ruirui, but at the same time he looked at the phone, it was actually gossip news.

There was a picture in the news, but it was a mosaic. Well, this made Xia Xia a little dissatisfied.

"Who is this idiot reporter? Why put such a thing on my face? You don't have to be jealous of me when you see I'm handsome, right?" Xia Xia was a little unhappy. This photo is actually Xia Xia hugging A Jiu and Ning Ruirui at the same time. Photo.

A Jiu and Ning Ruirui didn't code, they could see it clearly, and then the text on the picture was just four words, and the two women were fighting for their husbands.

"Wow, Sister Ruirui, you and your brother-in-law have an affair!" Shi Chun also came over, "Sister Ruirui, I support you, you will definitely win Sister Ajiu, that Sister Ajiu is annoying, long It's not as good-looking as you are!"

Shi Chun opened the news: "I saw what the reporter said, um, Ning Ruirui, who is known as a sports myth, broke out a new relationship... Hey, this is not right, Sister Ruirui, you have never been in a relationship, where is this? Can it be regarded as a new relationship? Let me take a look... The man is rumored to be the second generation of the mysterious rich... Well, that's not right, my brother-in-law should be considered a rich generation... I will continue to see..."

"Shi Chun, stop making trouble, this is not what I told Xia Tian to watch!" Ning Ruirui couldn't bear it anymore and clicked on another news, "Look here!"

"Well, Hu Jiawei, the tennis prince who announced his retirement not long ago, is said to have arrived in Wanggang. He should be trying to restore his relationship with Ning Ruirui... Of course, in fact, Ning Ruirui has never admitted his relationship with Hu Jiawei. Some people say that this is Hu Jiawei's unrequited love, but there is a fact that Ning Ruirui and Hu Jiawei have gone to many places to carry out extreme challenges in the past few years..." Shi Chun read while reading, and then said to himself, "It seems that Nothing."

"Yeah, little girl with long legs, it's nothing, don't worry, I know you have nothing to do with that idiot, so I won't be angry." Xia Xia also said at this time.

"Hey, are you both out of your mind?" Ning Ruirui was about to collapse, "Someone knew that Hu Jiawei came to Wanggang and said he was looking for me. Now that Hu Jiawei is missing again, you don't think the Hu family will come to look for him again. me?"

"But, little girl with long legs, what if the Hu family came to find you?" Xia Xia was a little puzzled.

"Yes, Sister Ruirui, we are not afraid of that Hu family." Shi Chun nodded.

Ning Ruirui was stunned, she suddenly realized that these two people were not afraid of anything.

On second thought, they have the qualifications not to be afraid.

The phone rang, and Ning Ruirui hurriedly took the phone away from the two of them and connected the call.

"It's me...No, the news is nonsense, I haven't met Hu Jiawei...I was in Wanggang, I was with Sister Jiu before...I know, I'll find you later." Ning Ruirui hung up the phone, then stared at With summer, "Hey, I'm leaving!"

After a pause, Ning Ruirui said again, "Grandpa has seen the news, and now urges me to go to his place."

"Little long-legged girl, is your grandfather also in Wanggang?" Xia Xia asked casually.

"Idiot, do you still need to ask? I came here with grandpa!" Ning Ruirui said angrily, "I don't worry that grandpa is staying in Guicheng alone. Now grandpa is in a nearby resort. The one you sent The two of you are protecting Grandpa!"

"Well, it looks like I have to fire those two people." Xia Xia said to himself, "They should protect you, not your grandfather."

"Hey, does that make any difference?" Ning Ruirui was suddenly anxious, "Don't fire them!"

"Little long-legged girl, of course there is a difference." Xia Xia looked serious, "You are my future wife, so they are fulfilling their duty to protect you. As for protecting your grandfather, that is dereliction of duty. And you came out alone, and they didn't follow, which is definitely not acceptable."

"Okay, I lied to them yesterday that I was looking for you, but they didn't come with me!" Ning Ruirui said angrily, "I think most of them followed me to the beach in secret and found that you were really there, Then go back!"

"Oh, that's it." Xia Xia looked at Ning Ruirui, "Little long-legged girl, you really missed me, so you came to Wanggang to find me."

"I didn't think about you... Forget it, I'm too lazy

I'll argue with you, in short, I'm going to the resort to find grandpa. "Ning Ruirui felt that her mind was disturbed by Xia Xia, so it's better to quarrel with him less, otherwise she will most likely be tossed into a neuropathy.

"Take me, I'm going on vacation too!" Shi Chun immediately shouted.

"I won't take you there!" Ning Ruirui snorted, when she saw Shi Chun for the first time, she actually had a good impression of Shi Chun. Now, Ning Ruirui found out that Shi Chun is a replica of summer.

Although Ning Ruirui can't say that she doesn't like Shi Chun now, she really can't say that she likes her, so she definitely doesn't want to take Shi Chun to the resort.

"Brother-in-law and brother-in-law, take me there." Shi Chun put his arms around Xia Xia's arm.

"He's not going." Ning Ruirui felt inexplicable.

"Sister Ruirui, brother-in-law will definitely go. He has no one to play with him now, so he will go to play with you."

"Little long-legged girl, I'd better go with you, I don't want to play with Chunchun here." Xia Xia nodded, he is really boring now, even the nine girls are gone, and there is absolutely no one to accompany he.

"Hey, don't go!" Ning Ruirui stared at Xia Tian, ​​"I won't play with you, I'm going to accompany grandpa!"

"It doesn't matter, I'll accompany you." Xia Xia said casually: "Little long-legged girl, do you think I'm treating you well now?"

"What a shit!" Ning Ruirui swears in her heart, but she is still a little ladylike on the surface, she just glared at Xia Xia, and she didn't say anything, because she knew one thing, that is, if Xia Xia insisted on Follow, she couldn't stop it at all.

After thinking for a while, Ning Ruirui spoke again: "Hey, you can go, but you are not allowed to bring this female hooligan Chunchun!"

"Okay." Xia Xia agreed, and he didn't really want to take the liar girl Chunchun with him.

"Brother-in-law, why are you doing this?" Shi Chun was suddenly depressed, "You have to bring me, I have always been your god assist, if I didn't help you, you couldn't hold Sister Ruirui on it before. , I can often assist you like this in the future, for example, I can accidentally take off sister Ruirui's clothes..."

"You must not take her there!" Ning Ruirui said immediately, this Shi Chun is indeed a hooligan, and she can even think of such a way!

More importantly, Ning Ruirui believed that Shi Chun would definitely be able to do this.

"Little long-legged girl, don't worry, I won't take her with me. Now we just need to go." After Xia Xia said this, she hugged Ning Ruirui and disappeared directly from the villa.

After three seconds.


"Little long-legged girl, in which direction is the resort?" Xia Xia asked.

"Let me see..." Ning Ruirui was also a little dizzy, it was the first time she knew her way in the air.

After about a minute, Ning Ruirui finally found her way.

"Over there, it's next to the beach." Ning Ruirui pointed to the distance, "It's the beach with a villa, and the one with walls outside the villa area."

I have to say that Ning Ruirui's eyesight is quite good now, and the straight line distance is at least several kilometers, and she can see clearly.

However, such a distance is too close for flying. No, it took about a minute for the two of them to arrive at this seaside resort.

This resort is quite big, and there seems to be a lot of people. When Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui were walking inside, they met several groups of people, some men and women, well, many beautiful women in bikinis.

"Little long-legged girl, is your grandfather having a bikini party with someone here?" Xia Xia asked in surprise.

"Do you think grandpa is a hooligan like you?" Ning Ruirui said angrily. Fortunately, this hooligan figured out that she actually said that her grandfather was having a bikini party. How is this possible?

However, a few minutes later, when Ning Ruirui stopped at the gate of one of the villas, she began to wonder if she had made a mistake. Could it be that this place is actually having a bikini party?

Otherwise, why do bikini girls come out from time to time at this moment?

"Little long-legged girl, your grandfather is very good at playing, but his taste is not very good." Xia Xia said casually, these bikini girls are not good-looking at all, and they are too far from the little long-legged girl.

Ning Ruirui glared at Xia Tian directly, then took out her mobile phone and made a call. She wanted to find out if Grandpa had changed places.

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