Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1753: Don't take me there

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Maybe it was because she was in a good mood, or maybe it was for other reasons, Yi Xiaoyin was not only not angry at the moment, but she had a sense of playfulness, she looked at the man and said, "Although I don't know that you want to take me there. Na, but, can I take him with me?"

Yi Xiaoyin pointed at Natsume with her finger, and of course her tone was very calm.

"It's still Yiyi's wife who loves me, and even if she is kidnapped, she will take me with her." Xia Xia grinned beside him, looking quite happy.

On the other hand, the four kidnappers were a little stunned at the moment. You look at me, I look at you, and they looked at each other. Obviously, they didn't respond. Speaking of which, these people did not have any experience of kidnapping others, but it was the first time. It was the first time I saw the person being bound so calm, and it was the first time I wanted to bring a companion.

Originally, it was reasonable to say that tying one was tying up, and tying two was also tying up. It was not a bad thing to bring one more person, but now, Yi Xiaoyin took the initiative to ask to bring a man, and they felt that something was not right.

"Miss Yi, our goal is only you. As for him, forget it." The man who just spoke spoke again, not knowing whether this person was the leader of the group or a full-time spokesperson.

"Then what are you going to do with him?" Yi Xiaoyin asked casually.

"Hey, are you idiots sick?" Xia Xia was dissatisfied, "You kidnapped Yiyi's wife and didn't take me with you. I'm bored alone, and Yiyi's wife wants to play with me."

"Miss Yi, we don't want to take your man with us. As for him..." It was the spokesperson who spoke, and he waved his hand, "Resolve him!"

Well, obviously this is not a spokesman, but a real commander in command.

As soon as he gave such an order, the other three men acted together. They rushed towards Xia Xia, obviously to make a move. The so-called solution seemed to really want to kill people.




Three painful screams were issued almost at the same time. The three people came to the end in an instant, and they rolled on the ground in pain. Xia Xia kicked each of them casually, and at the same time also stabbed the three of them. Needle, at this moment, these three people only felt pain all over their body, and the pain could not stop.

"Idiots, if you want to kidnap Yiyi's wife and don't take me with you, why don't you take me to such a fun thing!" Xia Xia scolded the three of them, and then looked at the last man: "Hey, do you want to be an idiot? Kidnap us? If you want to kidnap, quickly lead the way... Forget it, don't lead the way as an idiot!"

Xia Xia kicked the last man down again, and at the same time stabbed him with a needle, and then the man rolled on the ground in pain.

He grabbed Yi Xiaoyin's waist and smiled, "Wife Yiyi, the car is still there, do we want to go up?"

At the other end of the alley, the car was indeed still parked there, and if nothing happened, there should actually be people in the car.

"Let's go and have a look." Yi Xiaoyin just finished saying this when she found that the car suddenly started. Obviously, the driver in the car finally realized that something was wrong and started to flee.

In the next second, Yi Xiaoyin felt that her whole body was also light, and Xia Tian picked her up. In the next second, she had come to the side of the car, and the door of the car was opened smoothly, even though the car was already moving, But Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin still sat in firmly.

There was only one driver in the car, and the driver suddenly saw two more people in the car, and suddenly screamed, the car braked suddenly, and then parked the car on the side of the road, opened the door, and ran wildly on the road. Get up, obviously trying to run away.

"What kind of kidnappers are these kidnappers, they don't have any professional ethics at all, they just run away!" Xia Xia was a little dissatisfied, so he had to take Yi Xiaoyin out of the car again, catch up with the kidnapper, give the kidnapper a kick, and add One shot, and then, the kidnapper rolled on the road and screamed.

"Forget it, wife Yiyi, regardless of these idiot kidnappers, let's find a place to eat." Xia Xia felt that it was no fun. He originally wanted to see which idiot wanted to kidnap his wife Yiyi, but now he feels , In fact, it doesn't matter, anyway, his wife is so beautiful and cute, many people in this world will want to kidnap her.

As the saying goes, one more is not much, and one less is not a lot. Anyway, he is with Yiyi's wife these days. It is enough to kill one. There is not much need to find out who is the commander behind the scenes.

"Well, they're all minor characters anyway." Yi Xiaoyin wasn't very sad about this. No matter who ordered the kidnappers, the fact that this person could think of kidnapping means he wasn't a real big man, because he obviously didn't understand she.

People who really knew her would not find such a few trash to kidnap her. After all, if she was so easy to be kidnapped, she would have been kidnapped countless times in the past ten years.

"Hey, look, there's a restaurant there. It doesn't seem to be crowded, so let's go there to eat." Yi Xiaoyin was too lazy to look for a restaurant. When she saw there was a restaurant in front of her, she was ready to go in.

The restaurant looked really deserted, but it wasn't necessarily bad because on the one hand, it wasn't even twelve o'clock, so it was a little early. Very normal.

"Okay, Mrs. Yiyi, you can eat anywhere you want, but in fact, I suddenly had an idea, why don't we go to the snowy mountains to cook hot pot and eat." Xia Xia said with a smile: "I think that should be fun."

"Boring, I won't go." Yi Xiao

Yin gave Xia Tian a white look, "If you want to go to the snowy mountains to cook hot pot romantically with someone, just find someone else. I don't want to do such a boring thing. We'll have to do business later."

"Okay, then next time I'll see if the little girl with long legs should go." Xia Xia was a little regretful. He just thought this idea was a good idea. After all, it's just not fun to eat too much, and it's really fun to play something else at the same time. , Snow Mountain is obviously a good place to play other games while eating.

Well, I like Xueshan in summer, and there are many good memories of him there, not only with Ye Yumei's long-legged wife, but also with Ji Qingying's queen's wife, and many, many more...

But now, he can only go to the real restaurant in front of him to eat with his wife Yiyi. The two walked into the restaurant together, and then found that the restaurant was really deserted. At this moment, there was not a single customer. Woolen cloth.

Not only were there no guests, but there seemed to be no waiters. After more than ten seconds, someone came out. A woman in her thirties, the woman looked a little stunned at first, and then immediately smiled.

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