Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1754 Let's go to Jianghai

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Please take a seat, the two of you please take a seat." The woman immediately came over to say hello, "I'm sorry, we just opened and the waiter hasn't come yet. I'm the boss here, what would you like to eat?"

Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin found a seat by the window and sat down, and the proprietress said again, "I'm sorry, we're only in trial operation, and the menu hasn't been done yet, and the person who helped us print the menu was originally Said it was delivered this morning, but it hasn't been delivered yet, and I can't leave here, so I don't have a menu for the time being, but we have all kinds of seasonal side dishes, fish, beef, mutton, etc., and I'll report to you. A few names of dishes..."

The proprietress was about to sign up for the name of the dish, but Yi Xiaoyin interrupted her.

"No need, Madam Boss, there are only two of us. You can do it as you please. Just get a few of your signature dishes." Yi Xiaoyin obviously didn't have much time to order food slowly. She is no longer an ordinary person who has to eat. The reason why she came here is more to fool summer.

Well, it can't be said to be fooling, in short, I have to accompany the summer to play.

In other words, it is more appropriate to use the word coax.

Men need coaxing, and men like Xia Xia need coaxing especially, otherwise they are always reluctant to do things seriously. It's not that Yi Xiaoyin doesn't know this, but she just doesn't want to coax Xia Xia.

Yi Xiaoyin suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. People seem to always change. She always felt that she couldn't get along well with Xia Xia, but now it seems that this is not the case, and she has always felt that she can't Let go of the hatred in her heart, but now, looking at Xia Xia, she doesn't seem to feel that she is still hating. Is she hating now, or is she sticking to a certain principle?

Many times, Yi Xiaoyin told herself that she was only for this world, but is she really that great?

There is a saying that the world will turn around when everyone leaves. In fact, in Yi Xiaoyin's opinion, this statement is not completely correct, because in terms of the ability of cultivators, if no one really protects the world, the world may really be completely Disappeared, but in fact, Yi Xiaoyin still understands one thing, the world may not be without summer, but in fact, it can be without her.

So is she for the world, or for herself?

"Wife Yiyi, what are you thinking?" Xia Xia's voice sounded, "Actually, I'm right in front of you, so you don't have to think about me."

Yi Xiaoyin woke up, she knew that she had just been in a trance, and she did not refute Xia Xia's words, even though Xia Xia was in front of her, she was really thinking about Xia Xia just now.

"Do you have any news about Ah Jiu?" Yi Xiaoyin decided to change the subject, and she really hadn't contacted Ah Jiu for a while.

"No, Jiu girl is so disobedient, I don't know where to go." Xia Xia really didn't have any news of Ah Jiu, but he didn't really care about it.

Yi Xiaoyin did not continue to ask questions. In fact, she was just looking for a topic temporarily and diverting her eyes.

"Wife Yiyi, you look really pretty when you're in a daze." Xia Xia was staring at Yi Xiaoyin's pretty face, and at this time she also praised Yi Xiaoyin.

"I look good no matter what." Yi Xiaoyin snorted, she still had this confidence.

"Wife Yiyi, everything you say is right." Xia Tian smiled.

Yi Xiaoyin didn't say anything more, but the lady boss started to serve the food very soon, and started eating it in summer, and then told Yi Xiaoyin: "Wife Yiyi, the food here is not bad, you can try it too. Bar."

Yi Xiaoyin didn't delay, she decided to eat something to divert her attention, otherwise she would have too many things on her mind.

In this way, for the next hour, Yi Xiaoyin kept eating there, and the speed of eating was quite fast, and every time the proprietress brought a dish, she found that the previous plate was empty. , Within an hour, Yi Xiaoyin seemed to have eaten dozens of dishes by herself, but in summer, she basically didn't eat it.

"Well, I'm sorry, we have a trial operation and we don't have enough ingredients, so this, this is the last dish." The proprietress looked apologetic. She claimed to have all kinds of seasonal side dishes and all kinds of meat there, but in fact Obviously not so, no, now they don't know what to cook.

"It's okay, I'm full, I don't need to serve any more." Yi Xiaoyin replied, "How much is it, pay the bill."

"Oh, okay, okay." The proprietress brought over a list, then began to calculate, and finally gave the answer: "That, a total of 1,890... I'll give you a discount, give 1,800."

Yi Xiaoyin didn't say anything, she paid the money quickly, then got up and walked out of the restaurant, and Xia Xia naturally followed.

"You didn't eat just now, do you want to go to another place to continue eating?" Yi Xiaoyin asked. Although she was eating alone, she didn't know what Xia Tian was doing. This guy just kept staring at her. It made her feel flustered and a little annoyed.

She knows what Xia Xia wants, and she knows even more that it may not be easy to keep the current situation like this, especially if she spends time with Xia Xia recently, it is impossible to guarantee that nothing will happen.

But she really didn't want that to happen. To her, it seemed to be a shadow that would never fade away, even though the past ten years seemed to be still fresh in her memory.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time." Yi Xiaoyin decided not to think about those things. Anyway, Zhao Yuji is still in this world, as well as Ning Ruirui, and even Lan Yiren...


Yi Xiaoyin suddenly realized that she should not stay in Wanggang. If she needs to deal with these things with Xia Xia these days, why should she stay in Wanggang?

Is it bad to go to Jianghai?

When they got to Jianghai, there were Lan Yiren and Su Beibei. In this way, Xia wouldn't bother her all day, and she wouldn't have to worry about this kind of thing all day.

She was only used to staying in Wanggang before, but now, she feels that she should change this habit. In the past, she rejected Jianghai because it was there in the summer. Now, she feels that going to Jianghai is actually the best choice for now.

"Wife Yiyi, I'm not hungry, I don't need to eat." Xia Tian's voice came into Yi Xiaoyin's ears, and she woke up Yi Xiaoyin again, and then she looked at Xia Tian decisively and asked, "I I want to discuss something with you, how about we go to Jianghai?"

"Wife Yiyi, don't you want to stay here?" Xia Xia looked a little strange.

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