Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1814 You really are a pervert

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Xia Tian just told the truth, but no one believed it except Ning Ruirui.

The blue-robed Taoist priest didn't know much about Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui. He chose to give things to them before because he had no time and there was no one around him he could trust. However, Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui showed similar strengths. The strength gave him a glimmer of hope.

"Hmph, that's all for today. Next time we meet again, don't blame us for being rude to you." The woman in the green dress changed her face, slammed Xia Xia and Ning Ruiyi with harsh words, and then said to the blue-robed Taoist priest. : "Don't think I will believe your nonsense. I will check the facts myself, old thief Ge, don't die too early."

The blue-robed Taoist chuckled: "The old Taoist will try to hold on for a few more years. I also want to completely understand some things."

"Let's go." The woman in the green skirt greeted the little brothers she brought, and turned around and left.

This time, Xia Xia didn't stop her again.

After walking for a while, the woman in the green skirt touched her close pocket, took out a package, and sneered, "It looks pretty good, but it's not like I've been caught in my mother's plan."

"Sister Lu, when did you steal it?"

"This skill is so powerful that we didn't even notice it."

"Hurry up and give things to the Yuan family, and we should go out earlier."

When the woman in the green skirt heard this, her face became a little gloomy: "The Yuan family's gang is not a good thing, and they must be guarded against. Besides, Yuan Tianzheng is dead, it is hard to say that they will not join me, so they can only ask again. I beg that senior."

On the other side, Ning Ruirui watched the woman in the green skirt and the others leave, and couldn't help but feel a little: "Sure enough, things like grievances will never be clear. This Miss Lin seems to have fallen into hatred and can't get out. "

"Little long-legged girl, what do you care about that idiot woman." Xia Tian pouted, "Did you not find out that she just packaged your stuff?"

Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes at Xia Xia, took out the package that the blue-robed Taoist priest gave her, and shook it in front of Xia Xia's eyes: "It's here."

"That's what I exchanged for you." Xia Xia said lazily.

"Really?" Ning Ruirui was a little skeptical. After thinking about it, she did find that something was wrong. When she was fighting with the woman in the green skirt, the other party deliberately got close to her body several times. At that time, she thought the other party was provoking her. , now it seems that it is something that wants to hug her.

"Mr. Xia, Miss Ning, I'm sorry to have you involved in this dispute." The blue-robed Taoist apologised for bringing Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui into this dispute, "Old Taoist feels guilty, but now the misunderstanding is resolved. , it is also a matter of Lao Dao’s mind.”

"There's no need to apologize, and it's not a big deal." Although Ning Ruirui was in a bad mood, she didn't blame the old Taoist. After all, she took over the package, not to mention that she didn't think the woman in the green dress could give it to her. What trouble she has caused.

The blue-robed Taoist priest was about to say something when he suddenly opened his mouth and spurted black blood, his body trembled, and he fell majestically to the ground.

"Master Ge, are you alright?" Ning Ruirui hurriedly stepped forward to check, and then rushed to Xia Tian, ​​"Come and see, what's wrong with him?"

"It's nothing, it's just dying." Xia Xia glanced at it, "And he's not saved, it's probably only a matter of the past two days."

The blue-robed Taoist calmed down and regained consciousness: "Miss Ning, I'm fine. Mr. Xia is right, I've run out of oil and burnt out. In fact, I should have died more than a hundred years ago. Even if the medicine is forcibly lasted for a hundred years, it is also profitable."

Ning Ruirui didn't know why, but she thought of her grandfather. She didn't know what to say for a while, so she just said to Xia Tian, ​​"Help him, at least don't make him feel so uncomfortable."

"You two don't need to pay attention to it, it's just a matter of life and death." The blue-robed Taoist priest also looked away.

Xia Xia naturally listened to Ning Ruirui, took out the silver needle and gave the old Taoist two needles: "You are indeed helpless, and I don't plan to save you. However, since the little girl with long legs has spoken, I can let you in It was pain-free during this time."

As expected, the blue-robed Taoist felt his whole body light up. The pain and soreness that he had been in all the time disappeared. He said, "If I thank you, the old Taoist won't say it anymore. I don't know where the two of you are going next?"

"We are looking for a way, how to get to the next floor." Ning Ruirui replied.

"The next floor?" The blue-robed Taoist had a look of astonishment on his face. "It's a very dangerous place. The old Taoist has been there before, and he turned back halfway."

Ning Ruirui quickly asked, "Have you been to the next floor? Can you show us the way?"

"Old Daoist didn't go to the next floor." The blue-robed Taoist priest shook his head, "I just went to the passage to the next floor. There are many structures and countless formations. If you are not careful, you will die. This floor was actually used in the past. Many people were stranded, most of them died in the passage, or were trapped there. The old man advised the two of you not to go, it is better to try your luck on this floor, maybe you will encounter a formation that goes out."

"The formation of going out?" Ning Ruirui was a little curious when she heard this, "Then why don't you try it yourself?"

Xia Tian yawned and said casually, "It must be that he can't get out. That formation is probably also a lie, and it's useless."

"It's not a lie, it's just that there is a limit to the activation of the formation." The blue-robed Taoist smiled bitterly, "This underwater palace is very strange, not only has the spiritual energy surging, but also countless exotic flowers and herbs, medicine pills. Agar, but as long as you eat it, it will be repelled by the formation. But if you don't take it, the spiritual energy in your body will

If it is not enough, it will be crushed by the pressure of the formation. Therefore, even if there are formations that can go out on each floor, there is no one in ten thousand that can actually go out. "

Ning Ruirui nodded, knowing a little more about the survival of the underwater palace.

"I don't think you two are like ordinary people, so you can try it." The blue-robed Taoist said with emotion: "If you can go out, you should go out early. After staying here for a long time, you have to eat the things here to maintain Life. As long as you eat it, I am afraid that you will sink deeper and deeper like an old Taoist, until..."

"Don't compare us to you." Xia Xia had a disapproving expression on his face, "Me and the little long-legged girl are already immortal cultivators, so it's okay not to eat. Besides, no matter what the formation method is, it's not valid for me, I want to go out. I can go out anytime, and nothing can hold me back. I'm..."

"You are summer, the best summer in the world." Ning Ruirui added in a funny way following Xia's words: "It's also an invincible summer, right?"

"You are wrong, I am the omnipotent Xia Tian." Xia Xia nodded naturally: "That's right. Little long-legged girl, you should keep this in mind and don't be afraid of anything."

"I believe you are a ghost." Ning Ruirui gave Xia Tian a dissatisfied look, "Which one of your eyes is afraid of seeing me."

Xia Xia pointed to his left eye and right eye: "These two."

Ning Ruirui was speechless and wanted to reach out and poke it twice, but considering that she would definitely not be able to beat the summer, maybe she would be entangled by this hooligan to take advantage of it, so she decided... to ignore him.

"Okay, Daoist Ge, we still have something to do, so let's say goodbye first." Ning Ruirui turned to look at the blue-robed Taoist priest, "As for what you told me, Ning Ruirui will do it if I promise, please. rest assured."

"Then thank you again." The blue-robed Taoist handed over his thanks and said, "Old Daoist has nothing to worry about anymore, only this knife is still a little missed. I will give it to the two of you today as a souvenir."

Ning Ruirui was stunned: "Why give it to us?"

"What happened just now, after all, the old Taoist did something wrong, and this thing is considered compensation." The blue-robed Taoist handed the flowing cloud iron blade in his hand to Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui: "I thought about keeping it so that I can be with the woman from the Lin family. It's no longer necessary to die together. Why don't you give it to Mr. Xia and Miss Ning as a souvenir."

"Are you sure you want to give it to us?" Ning Ruirui felt that this knife was a bit powerful. After all, this was the first time she had seen a long knife that could flow like a liquid, but after all, a knife was a murder weapon, and she didn't want to accept it. .

The blue-robed Taoist put all the blades into the hilt, and then solemnly handed it to Ning Ruirui: "This thing is no longer useful to me, and I may have a chance to give it to the two of you."

Ning Ruirui was still a little hesitant, but Xia Xia said at this time: "Little long-legged girl, take it first, you are too weak, you can protect yourself by keeping it."

"Just use it to guard against you rascal." Ning Ruirui glared at him and took the hilt, "However, how can this thing be used?"

The blue-robed Taoist told Ning Ruirui the trick of using it: "Just like this, it is possible to use it. Miss Ning has a good talent. When she first started using it, her blade would be about ten meters away, but don't be discouraged and insist Practice, reaching 40 meters is just around the corner.”

"I'll give it a try first." Ning Ruirui followed the method of the blue-robed Taoist sect, holding the handle of the knife with her right hand and then exerting force.

I saw a white blade suddenly shot out from the handle of the knife, like a jet flying across the sky, leaving a long white trace that looked at least 100 meters long.

The blue-robed Taoist was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

"Try it too." Ning Ruirui was so excited like a child, she took the blade back and handed it to Xia Tian: "See how long you can be."

Xia Xia smiled: "I must be very long, you don't need to try to know this."

"Rogue, what are you thinking!" Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes at Xia Tian, ​​"You are not allowed to say such nonsense in the future, do you hear me?"

"What did I say?" Xia Tian looked innocent, "Just stating a fact."

Ning Ruirui stared at Xia Tian: "try it!"

"Then I'll give it a try, but don't blame me if you get hit, little long-legged girl." Xia Xia said lazily.

Ning Ruirui wrinkled her nose and snorted softly, "Maybe I'll hit you in the face."

"Only an idiot can slap himself in the face. I'm not an idiot, but a genius." Xia Tian pouted, took the handle of the knife, and pressed it casually.

The handle of the knife just trembled, and no blade appeared.

"Hahahaha." Ning Ruirui was directly amused, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"It's not interesting to call yourself an idiot."

Xia Tian was also stunned for a moment, picked up the hilt and looked at it: "This piece of shit must be broken, it doesn't make any sense at all."

"It may be that Mr. Xia's strength is beyond the range of Liu Yun's iron blade." The blue-robed Taoist saw the clue, "You may save some strength, it may be different."

"I don't even use 1% of my strength. It seems that this thing is meaningless." Xia Xia said with some contempt, and the strength in his hands was indeed lighter.

This time, the handle of the knife trembled, and then a white blade extended out, like white lightning, breaking through Ning Ruirui's field of vision in an instant, and splitting several mountains of medicinal herbs in the way, which looked like endless.

"No." Ning Ruirui was stunned for a while, "You really are perverted, put it away, don't accidentally hurt people in the distance."

"It's really boring." Xia Tian took the blade back and handed the handle back to Ning Ruirui, "It's boring."

The blue-robed Taoist priest was too stunned to say, this Floating Cloud Iron Blade was created by him based on the notes left by his master. It could not only be used to raid and kill people, but also to test a person's strength and potential. At present, Ning Ruirui's strength has reached the limit that people can achieve, and this summer has already broken through the category of people, even beyond the category of immortal cultivators. What is his origin?

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