Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1815 The news of Yin doctor door

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Ning Ruirui tried a few more times and found that about 100 meters should be her current limit, but she was not disappointed, but aroused her playfulness and competitiveness, and decided to surprise Xia Xia next time. back.

"By the way, old Taoist priest, I have something to ask you." Xia Tian remembered a doubt in his heart before, "You'd better answer me honestly."

The blue-robed Taoist nodded: "Mr. Xia, just ask."

"About that Yin Xiaoyi, you can talk about it in detail." Xia Tian looked serious.

Ning Ruirui put away the knife, put the handle into the backpack she was carrying, and looked at Xia Tian: "Did you just suspect that this person has something to do with Sister Yiyi?"

"It's a little suspicious." Xia Xia nodded, "But you need to ask what happened to that Yin Xiaoyi first."

"In fact, I don't know much about Yin Xiaoyi." The blue-robed Taoist frowned, after all, it was more than a hundred years ago, and he tried to recall: "She was brought by the master from the bottom of the mountain, and she is also an orphan. At that time, she was only twelve or thirteen years old, and she was already a beauty embryo, and her talent was extremely high. No matter what she learned, she was very fast and highly valued by her master."

Xia Tian's eyes lit up and asked again, "Then does she have any other special symptoms?"

"Dead rascal, are you enough? Are you also interested in the old woman from more than a hundred years ago?" Ning Ruirui found that Xia Xia seemed to be in high spirits, and said with some taste: "I'm not afraid that she has turned into a rotten bone now. already."

"Little long-legged girl, are you jealous?" Xia Xia said with a smile: "Actually, after living for more than a hundred years, it is not necessarily an old woman. My beautiful girl is still the same as when I was young."

Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes, too lazy to talk about this topic any more.

"Her surname is Yin, and it is said that she is the eldest daughter in the family, so she is called Xiaoyi." The blue-robed Taoist continued, "Although she is extremely talented, she is not actually interested in things like cultivating immortals, but rather in medicine. I like it, especially the legendary technique of bringing the dead back to life, almost obsessed."

"Returning from the dead?" Ning Ruirui frowned, "Is there really such a medical technique in the world?"

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded, "I will. As long as people are not dead, I have a way to save them."

The blue-robed Taoist priest explained, "Mr. Xia misunderstood. The technique of bringing back the dead that Yin Xiaoyi wanted to learn is actually beyond the scope of medical skills, it is more like..." He couldn't help but get stuck at this point. words to express.

"Xianju?" Xia Xia said casually.

"Yes, Xianshu." The blue-robed Taoist suddenly grabbed the word, "You think, this kind of thing is not something that only real gods can do, even immortal cultivators may not have this ability."

Xia Xia didn't take it seriously, as long as he practiced the eight needles against the sky, it might not be difficult to come back to life at that time.

"Has she practiced it yet?" Ning Ruirui asked a question that she herself had already guessed the answer to.

Sure enough, the blue-robed Taoist priest shook his head and said, "She's gone crazy, she stole one of the master's evil cultivation techniques, and can directly steal other people's cultivation base, spiritual energy, and even vitality. It was done with Lin Langtian. After that catastrophe, she disappeared without a trace, and no one knew where she was. Not long after I came to this underwater palace, I didn't know any news about her. "

After Ning Ruirui heard it, she was still puzzled and looked at Xia Tian: "I didn't hear what this has to do with Sister Yiyi."

"It should have something to do with it." Xia Xia thought for a while and explained, "Did you know that Yiyi's wife used to be a practitioner of Yin medicine?"

"I've heard about this from Sister Ninth for a long time." Ning Ruirui heard that Xia Xia mentioned Yin Medicine Sect, a thought flashed in her mind, and hesitantly said, "Sister Ninth said that the disciples of Yin Medicine Sect are great. Most of them are orphans, and they all have the same surname as the sect master. And most of the names are named after the ranking..."

"It's very likely that Yiyi's wife was also surnamed Yin before, and maybe she was called Yin Xiaoyi." Xia Xia nodded, and this was what he thought of, "It's just that the Yin doctor's family wanted to make Yiyi's wife better. She is a high-ranking senior in the capital, so she changed her name to Yi Xiaoyin. It may also be that Yiyi's wife did not want to be controlled by the Yin doctor, so she changed her name."

"That should be the latter." Ning Ruirui remembered Yi Xiaoyin's hard work and persistence over the years, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed: "If this is the case, then Sister Yiyi has had a hard time all these years."

"It's not bitter, after all, she was very lucky to meet me." Xia Xia smiled, "She is now my wife, and she has long since left the yin doctor's door and opened her own Lian Suo hospital, she must be very happy. ."

Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes and whispered, "Meeting you, the devil, is really the fate of Sister Yiyi."

"Little long-legged girl, it's not right to speak ill of your husband." Xia Xia was a little unhappy, "I have to punish you so that you can have a long memory."

Ning Ruirui hurriedly jumped a few meters away and stared at Xia Tian: "Don't do this, you bastard just trying to take advantage of me, I don't know you yet."

"But the yin doctor sect is indeed a bit annoying." Xia Xia saw Ning Ruirui being so prepared, and did not bother, but recalled what happened to the yin doctor sect against him in the past: "I must find a way to arrest the master of the sect. Come out and beat him up, or Yiyi's wife won't be able to feel at ease."

"That's good, I'll go with me when the time comes." Ning Ruirui agreed with this. She also knew some of Yi Xiaoyin's difficulties from Ah Jiu, but she couldn't interfere before, and there was no reason to interfere.

Taoist Lanpao listened to Xia Xia's words, but remembered one more thing: "Old Daoist remembered, Yin Xiaoyi once said that her dream is to establish a sect to spread her medical skills, so that the world will be free from illnesses from now on. , and there was no death. Could this sect be what you call the yin doctor sect?"

Ning Ruirui nodded slightly: "It's very possible, but she has to say that this dream is great, but it is very unrealistic."

"It is said that her parents and brothers and sisters all died of illness. It is not unusual for her to have this dream." The blue-robed Taoist priest said with emotion, "It's just that she has an extreme personality and tends to go to extremes. Even if such a sect is established, I am afraid that when it is executed, it will also be out of shape.”

"Yin Doctor Sect is a sect that hurts people." Xia Xia said lazily: "I use medical skills to harm those rich people and then extort their money. I have killed several bad doctors in Yin Medicine Sect before."

"It seems that she has gone astray after all." The blue-robed Taoist sighed, "Unfortunately, I can't help her, and I can't help."

Xia Xia had finished asking what he wanted to ask, and there was nothing to chat with this Taoist priest, so he took Ning Ruirui to say goodbye and left.

Before leaving, the blue-robed Taoist also pointed the way to Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, saying that they would go around more than a dozen medicinal pill mountains, and it would take about half a day to reach the passage on the next floor.

The journey is not a problem for Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, it is annoying to go around.

Therefore, after determining the direction, Xia Xia decided to go straight all the way, without going around the mountain of medicinal herbs, and just punched the road.

In less than half a day, about less than an hour after walking, Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui arrived at the entrance of the next-level passage as mentioned by the blue-robed Taoist priest.

"right here?"

Ning Ruirui's place is a place of ice and snow, and a translucent gate that connects the sky and the ground. The inside of the gate is white, snow is flying, and the temperature is very low.

"Let's go." Xia Xia didn't have any feelings for the scenery. After confirming that it was the entrance, he didn't hesitate and walked in with his arms around Ning Ruirui.


Jianghai City, Divine Doctor Building.

After Yi Xiaoyin sorted out some of the materials, she couldn't help but feel a little tired, and sat on the sofa and closed her eyes for a nap.

"Little...Sister Yiyi, I made you a cup of weak tea to refresh you." Ah Jiu, who was dressed at home, came over with a cup of hot tea and placed it in front of Yi Xiaoyin.

Yi Xiaoyin slowly opened her beautiful eyes and glanced at Ajiu: "Ajiu, you don't have to wait for me, rest early."

"It's not called a waiter, it's just a habit." Ajiu sat next to Yi Xiaoyin, "I'll press it for you, you frown so tightly, you've been worrying a lot recently."

"Yeah." Yi Xiaoyincha felt the change in Ah Jiu's tone, although his words were still so soft, he just lost that humble demeanor, more like a concern among friends. For this change, she is happy to see it happen, and she is quite gratified.

Ah Jiu smiled, put Yi Xiaoyin on her thighs, and then gently squeezed Yi Xiaoyin's head, smoothing the frown between her brows.

Yi Xiaoyin also gradually relaxed and enjoyed it quietly.

"I don't know what happened to that rogue and Ruirui." Ajiu said while massaging Yi Xiaoyin, "It is said that he is going to explore the seabed, so it is estimated that he is taking the opportunity to live in the world of two."

When Yi Xiaoyin heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she said with a smile, "Ajiu, are you jealous?"

"Jealous? How is it possible, I won't be jealous of that rogue." Ah Jiu shook her head and denied it directly.

"Eat as soon as you eat, don't cover it up." Yi Xiaoyin said softly with a smile, "Best, tell him directly in front of him that you are jealous, he will treat you better, he eats this very much. set."

Ah Jiu was stunned for a second or two: "Sister Yiyi, since you know so much, why have you never done this before?"

"I don't want to, and I don't have to." Yi Xiaoyin said calmly, "You are different, you can, and you don't have to be burdened."

A Jiu thought of something, and his heart softened a little bit: "Sister Yiyi, did that place never plan to let you go?"

"Ajiu, you are not from the Yin doctor's family." Yi Xiaoyin's beautiful eyes opened slightly, "Neither are my subordinates or maids, so don't bother, it won't do you any good."

"But..." Ajiu has followed Yi Xiaoyin for many years, and of course she knows a lot of the inside story of Yin Medicine Sect. She has a deep fear of that intertwined and mysterious organization, and is naturally extremely worried about Yi Xiaoyin. , "Why don't you mention it to Xia Xia and let him come forward to solve it, or I'm afraid..."

"No need." Yi Xiaoyin refused directly, "This is my business, I don't want to involve him, I will solve it myself."

Ajiu knew Yi Xiaoyin's temperament, so she didn't persuade her any more, she just hoped that dead hooligan wouldn't play too crazy with Ning Ruirui. She had a vague premonition that Yin Doctor Sect might have found Yi Xiaoyin secretly again, but Yi Xiaoyin didn't mention it to anyone.

"Come back early, help little...hey."

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