Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1816 The earthy love story is not suitable for you

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Passing through the large translucent door, Ning Ruirui and Xia Xia stepped into a field of ice and snow. The temperature was estimated to be dozens of degrees below zero, and some scattered and broken medicinal pill mountains on the road were frozen into icebergs. Fortunately, Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui were immortal cultivators. Although most of the spiritual energy was suppressed by the formation in the underwater palace, the trivial matter of keeping out the cold was completely fine.

"Why does this place look like it has no end?" Ning Ruirui looked at the still white front, and couldn't help but wonder, "Is this really a passage?"

Xia Tian hugged Ning Ruirui with a nonchalant look on his face: "Little long-legged girl, it doesn't matter if he has an end or not, just go."

"If you're stuck here for the rest of your life, don't you care?" Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes at Xia Tian, ​​"I always feel like something is wrong."

"There is nowhere in the world that can trap me." Xia Xia giggled, "However, little girl with long legs, if you want to stay here for the rest of your life, I can also accompany you."

When Ning Ruirui heard this, she couldn't believe it at all, and asked instead: "Don't do this, it's strange that you are willing to give up your wives outside. This kind of earthy talk is not suitable for you."

"Little long-legged girl, why are you willing to give up my wife." Xia Xia didn't quite understand, "If you like this place, I'll build one for you outside, or just move it out."

Ning Ruirui choked up, it really wasn't some earthy words, but this perverted and accustomed way of doing things.

"Hey, did you hear anything?" After walking for a while, Ning Ruirui's ears moved, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and she asked Xia Tian.

Xia Tian said casually: "I heard it, the wind."

"It's not the wind, it seems that someone is calling for help." Ning Ruirui listened intently, and finally heard some clues, and her eyes began to search for the source of the sound, "It seems to be over there, let's go and see."

Turning around the two frozen medicinal pill mountains, a house actually appeared. It looked like a relatively luxurious villa. It covers a large area and has a very beautiful design. It is at least tens of millions outside. The appearance of this underwater palace world is a bit unbelievable.

Ning Ruirui is also a little strange, who is so generous, who can build such a modern villa here. The house looks quite new, which shows that its owner must have only entered the seabed in recent years.

There is a thin film outside the courtyard of the villa, which isolates all the wind, snow and frost from the outside. Inside the courtyard, the climate is like spring, and many exotic flowers and plants are planted.

Ning Ruirui recognized it again, and the faint cry for help was indeed coming from the villa. No matter what happened inside, since she heard the cry for help, she couldn't just sit back and ignore it.

Walking into the courtyard, Ning Ruirui didn't break into the door recklessly, but knocked on the door politely. This villa has a doorbell, but it is definitely impossible to get electricity in such a place, so there is no need to press it.

After a while, the door opened slightly, revealing a square face with thin eyebrows. Seeing Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, this person was also a little surprised.

"Who are the two of you, is there anything you knock on the door?" the square-faced man asked cautiously.

Ning Ruirui didn't plan to hide anything, and asked directly, "I heard someone in your villa shouting for help, so I came here to have a look."

"Obviously you heard it wrong." The square-faced man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The cold wind is howling here, how could there be any sound coming out."

"My ears have always been very smart." Ning Ruirui was not sure at first, but when she heard the words of the person in front of her, she was almost certain that something was going on inside.

The square-faced man glanced at Ning Ruirui and said lightly, "You two are new here, right?"

"New? What do you mean?" Ning Ruirui asked.

"It doesn't make any sense." The square-faced man became impatient. "This is the Yuan family's villa. You should also be the ones invited by the Yuan family, so just follow the Yuan family's instructions and don't mind your own business."

"You idiot really don't have common sense." Xia Tian pouted: "In the world, except my wife and girlfriend, no one can please me."

The square-faced man had a puzzled look on his face, thinking that I know who you are, and common sense, it's just crazy.

"Do I have to say get out?" The square-faced man's tone has completely cooled down. "This is the vacation villa of the third young master of the Yuan family, not a reception point. If you want supplies, you will arrive in three or four hours further south."

When Ning Ruirui heard this sentence, she caught a few key words at once, so she became more interested in this villa and the Yuan family.

"Help, help me, you two!" At this time, a figure in a hospital suit stumbled out of the house and rushed to Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui who were standing at the door for help.

Seven or eight strong men in white suits chased after this person, and immediately rushed forward and pressed the people who ran out to the ground.

The square-faced man's face instantly turned gloomy, and he scolded: "Are you all rice buckets, this has made people run out, don't catch them back." Then, he turned his head to Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui and warned: "You better be Don't see anything, otherwise, you will never want to go out in this life."

When he spoke, he was about to close the door, but unfortunately the door could not be closed.

"I'm sorry, I saw it." Ning Ruirui saw that the figure who rushed out was a young woman, and immediately reached out her hand against the door: "And I like to meddle in my own business the most."

"If you have to find a fight, then it will do it for you!" Square face

The man was so angry that he clenched his fists and hit Ning Ruirui.


As soon as the square-faced man's fist was thrown out, the whole person flew upside down more than ten meters, and smashed into the wall heavily, like a painting, and he couldn't lift it off.

"Dare to shoot at my girlfriend, you idiot want to die." Xia Xia glared at the square face and said dissatisfied.

Those men in white suits were stunned, not knowing what to do for a while.

"A bunch of rubbish, what are they doing." The square-faced man was still embedded in the wall, struggling and scolding: "Pull me out!"

At this time, Ning Ruirui helped the woman who asked for help and asked in a low voice, "Are you all right?"

"No, it's fine, it's still inside..." The woman opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she rolled her eyes and fainted.

"Okay, leave me alone." The square-faced man saw that seven or eight of his subordinates couldn't pull him off the wall, so he became anxious and shouted, "Close the door, don't let them run away, or we won't be able to eat. Walk around!"

Those men in white suits immediately surrounded Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, and they also showed strange weapons in their hands, which seemed to be similar to daggers, but the blades were pure white with a strange luster.

"I'll deal with them." Ning Ruirui saw the daggers, and immediately remembered the Liuyun Iron Blade that Ge Daochang gave her, "Just use them to try out the effect of killing the enemy."

When the square-faced man saw the handle of the knife in Ning Ruirui's hand, his pupils could not help shrinking, and he immediately shouted: "Hurry up, don't let her have a chance to come out... uh!"

Before he could finish speaking, Xia Xia walked over and kicked him a little deeper into the wall. Almost the whole person was embedded in it, and he couldn't move at all.

"My girlfriend is talking, you idiot better shut up." Xia Xia said in a deep voice, "Otherwise I'll beat you up."

The square-faced man looked aggrieved, what do you mean or I will beat you up, you obviously beat me.

Those men in white suits were shocked by Xia Xia's operation, and they didn't know who to deal with first, but their daggers were already aimed at Ning Ruirui, so they could only continue.

"Don't be distracted, your opponent is me." Ning Ruirui's lips curled slightly, showing a smile, "Otherwise, you will die without knowing how to die."

Hearing this, these men in white suits could not help but snorted coldly, clenched the daggers in their hands, separated them for a second, and stabbed Ning Ruirui one after another, with a very tacit understanding.

If an ordinary person encounters this attack mode, it is basically impossible to avoid it. The continuous stabs are also divided into upper and lower sections. Whether it is dodging or hard blocking, there is no way to completely protect themselves.

It's a pity that Ning Ruirui is no longer an ordinary person, not to mention that he has an extra weapon in his hand, so dealing with these people is still a piece of cake.

call out!

Ning Ruirui suddenly exerted force, and saw the hilt of the knife tremble slightly, and a white blade rushed out immediately, walking around Ning Ruirui's side in an instant, cutting off all the daggers. Before the men in white suits could react, Ning Ruirui kicked them out one by one and slammed them on the ground, unconscious.

After putting away the blade, Ning Ruirui put the handle back in her backpack, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"It's done."

"Little long-legged girl, you don't need to be so troublesome." Xia Xia looked at Ning Ruirui strangely, "You can just stun them, why waste time with that stuff."

"What do you know?" Ning Ruirui disapproved of Xia Xia's words, "Since you have collected the artifact, of course you have to show it anytime and anywhere, or you won't have it for nothing."

Xia Xia didn't feel the so-called divine weapon. First, the speed was not half as fast as his, and second, the power was not as good as one of his fingers. What's the point.

"Rescue her first." Ning Ruirui helped the woman who woke up and said to Xia Tian, ​​"Ask what's going on."

"No need to help, she's just pretending to be dizzy, you just kick her and wake up." Xia Xia said lazily.

Of course, Ning Ruirui didn't do what Xia Xia said, but used some simple first aid measures among the people who pressed the woman. After a while, the woman really woke up.

"Ah, thank you for saving me." The woman had a pitiful look on her face, "My boyfriend is still inside, can you... save him too."

"Don't worry." Ning Ruirui softly reassured: "Since I'm in charge of this business, I'll definitely take care of it to the end. However, you can also talk about your situation, and I'll understand the situation first."

"I want to see how you can handle it!" The square-faced man did not know how to finally buckle himself from the wall. At this time, he held a white pistol in his hand and pointed at Xia He and Ning Ruirui and the others pulled the trigger.

"go to hell!"

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