Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1817 Go and smash these cans

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Hurry up, he has this gun..." The woman in the hospital suit saw the pistol, her eyes were full of horror, and she shouted at Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui.

Too bad it's still too late.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The square-faced man fired three shots at Xia Xia and them, grinning: "Can you dodge it? This is a specially made pistol, and the bullets are only available here. It's a kind of..." The man stopped talking, because he found that the three of them didn't look like they were shot in the summer.

"Why didn't you say anything, you idiot?" Xia Xia looked at the square-faced man with a smile, "Go on, what is it?"

The square-faced man was in disbelief. He looked at the pistol in his hand and the magazine, and finally determined that the bullet was definitely fired: "What's going on, the bullet was clearly fired, why didn't you get shot?"

"Then didn't you realize that you were shot?" Ning Ruirui kindly reminded him.

When the square-faced man heard this, he couldn't help showing a puzzled look, then looked down and found that he had been shot in the leg, waist and chest.


At this time, he screamed in agony, and the gun in his hand could no longer be held, and fell to the ground.

The woman in the hospital uniform suddenly broke free from Ning Ruirui's arms, rushed forward, picked up the pistol, and shot the square-faced man, wiping out all the magazines.

"It's weird." Ning Ruirui frowned and said softly.

Weird indeed.

The place where the square-faced man was shot did not bleed, but some white liquid overflowed.

What's even more bizarre is that these white liquids seem to be still living things, and they are spreading little by little. After a while, several bullet holes are connected together, and almost half of the square-faced man's body has been wrapped into a cocoon.

"Quick, kill me!" The square-faced man's eyes were full of horror, and he roared at Xia Tian and them.

Xia Xian ignored him at all, but the white liquid was a little interested, so he reached out and touched it.

As soon as those white liquids touched Xia Xia's fingers, they immediately climbed up the poles, like germs under a microscope, covering his entire fingers at a speed visible to the naked eye, and continued to grow rapidly.

"It's a little disgusting." Ning Ruirui looked at the white liquid that seemed to be wriggling and growing, and said to Xia Tian with some disgust: "Get it quickly, it looks too much."

Xia Tian nodded and squeezed lightly, and the white liquid suddenly shrank rapidly, and finally disappeared.

"What are these things?" Ning Ruirui asked in confusion, "Why do they seem to be living things?"

"They're living creatures." The woman in the hospital gown came back to her senses and murmured, "Or rather, it's a creature we've never seen before, it's terrifying."

"Who are these people?" Ning Ruirui keenly felt that there must be a big secret in this house, "Who are you and why are you here?"

The woman in the sick clothes looked up at Ning Ruirui, and pointed inside: "Can you help me save my boyfriend first?"

"Okay, let's go." Ning Ruirui didn't ask any more, she directly helped the woman in the hospital gown up, and then walked over in the direction she pointed.

The square-faced man wanted to say something, but it was a pity that the white liquid had seeped into his mouth, making him unable to make a sound, so he could only watch Xia Xia and the three of them walked in.

Under the leadership of the woman in the hospital gown, Ning Ruirui found an entrance to the basement. The door should have just been opened, and before it could be locked, it opened as soon as it was pulled.

"I, I just... escaped, escaped from inside." The woman in the hospital gown was a little weak, and after walking for a while, she was out of breath and couldn't speak clearly.

Ning Ruirui turned back and said to Xia Xia who was following behind: "You give her an injection, at least you can let her talk well, or she won't understand."

Xia Xia didn't hesitate, he always responded to his wife's request. Although Ning Ruirui is only a girlfriend now, she will upgrade to be his wife sooner or later, so she does.

After the acupuncture, the woman in the hospital suit was obviously looking better, and she stopped panting. She was basically no different from ordinary people.

Ning Ruirui opened the door, and the three walked in slowly.

"Can you take the liberty to ask who you are?" After a while, the woman in the hospital gown couldn't help but be curious, her eyes wandering around Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui.

Ning Ruirui said lightly: "I can tell you, my name is Ning Ruirui, his name is Xia Xia, and he is my boyfriend. As for the rest, you don't need to know."

The woman in the hospital gown nodded wisely and introduced herself: "My name is Wang Jiaqi, I'm a student of Jiang Hai Da Hai, and my boyfriend and I were just traveling. I never expected to encounter such a thing."

"What happened?" Ning Ruirui asked as she walked.

"It just happened three months ago. A classmate of mine said that her family has a cruise ship that will go to sea soon. If anyone wants to get on the ship, she can give us a 50% discount." Wang Jiaqi recalled the past events, and his expression was still a little frightened. "I thought I was taking advantage of others, but as soon as I got on the boat, she was overturned by drug anesthesia, and she woke up and was here."

"Who is that classmate of yours?" Ning Ruirui thought about a possibility.

"Her name is Yuan Xiaodie, she seems to belong to a big family, at least she never lacks money, she just likes to dress curiously and has a bad temper.

Not many friends. "Wang Jiaqi replied: "I share the dormitory with her, and we usually have a good time." I have always regarded her as a best friend, and I have never offended her, and I have absolutely no idea why she did this to me. "

Hearing the three words Yuan Xiaodie, Ning Ruirui nodded, and she was indeed the woman dressed in weird clothes in the cruise bar before.

"Then where is this place?" Ning Ruirui then asked, "Do you know?"

Wang Jiaqi's body trembled slightly and shook his head: "I don't know. Anyway, after I woke up, I was here with my boyfriend. I guess it's some kind of property of Yuan Xiaodie's family."

"What happened after you woke up with your boyfriend?" Ning Ruirui, like a detective, asked little by little, and observed Wang Jiaqi's facial expressions from time to time. Not very trustworthy.

It's no wonder that after falling to the bottom of the sea, the people she and Xia met along the way all had their own motives. The so-called "eating a moat grows one's wisdom", although Ning Ruirui likes to help others, her heart has not changed, but she still needs to be cautious.

"There are a lot of people in white suits here, and some people... Probably doctors." Although Wang Jiaqi was a little reluctant to recall, she now has requests from Ning Ruirui and Xia Xia, so she naturally has to answer the corresponding questions. In order to gain their trust, "they have been injecting various unknown drugs into our bodies for the past three months, and then observe our reactions. I think they may be doing human trials."

"Human experiments, that's illegal." Ning Ruirui frowned and thought carefully: "What the hell does this Yuan family want to do?"

Xia Xia interjected lazily: "Little long-legged girl, aren't you nonsense, it's not illegal, why does he have so many bright halls on the bottom of the sea."

"Sea, seabed?" Wang Jiaqi caught a word and was stunned: "What do you mean by seabed?"

Ning Ruirui was also a little surprised: "Don't you know that we are on the bottom of the sea now?"

"This, how is this possible?" Wang Jiaqi couldn't believe it. She always thought that she was in a laboratory in the wilderness. "How can there be oxygen at the bottom of the sea, and there is so much light here..."

"It won't be easy to explain for a while, but you just need to know that we are indeed on the bottom of the sea." Ning Ruirui didn't know how to explain things like enchantments, formations, etc. to ordinary people, so she just took it over with a vague sentence. .

"No wonder, I said why the sky has never been dark." Wang Jiaqi said to himself, "I thought we were taken to a place with extreme daylight."

After walking for a long time, the descending stairs were almost finished. At the bottom was a relatively empty corridor, surrounded by transparent jars three or four meters high, which were all filled with white liquid.

"Huh? These jars can't be..." Seeing these jars, Ning Ruirui couldn't help but remember that there seems to be such a jar in a trial space on a certain floor of the cruise ship. some dummies.

Wang Jiaqi looked panicked and didn't dare to look at those jars at all, and said softly, "We are locked in such a similar jar."

"I'm going to smash all these broken jars!" Ning Ruirui was instantly furious and shouted in a low voice.

"It's useless." Wang Jiaqi shook his head, "The material of these jars is very special, even shells are useless."

Ning Ruirui didn't believe in this evil, so she squeezed her fist and smashed it.


There was a muffled sound, and there was only a fist mark that was neither shallow nor deep on the jar.

Even so, Wang Jiaqi was also taken aback, how much effort is required!

"Xiamen, go and smash these cans." Ning Ruirui closed her fist, but it didn't hurt, but she also found that she might not be able to break these cans with her own strength, so she turned around and told Xia to do it.

Xia Xia still looked lazy, and said with a pouted mouth: "Little long-legged girl, there is nothing in these jars, so don't waste your time."

"Forget it, I'll do it myself." Ning Ruirui thought about it, took out the flowing cloud iron blade from her backpack, and held it in her hand: "I don't believe it can't be broken."

"Who are you! What are you doing here!"

At this time, the door at the end of the corridor was suddenly opened from the inside, and a young man in a surgical gown shouted to Ning Ruirui and the three of them coldly.

Ning Ruirui ignored this person, directly grasped the handle of the knife, and suddenly exerted force.

"Stop!" Seeing Ning Ruirui's posture, the young doctor couldn't help but guess what she wanted to do. Although he knew that those jars were indestructible, he decided to stop Ning Ruirui just in case.

call out!

The white blade was like running water, gushing out from the handle of the knife, and immediately became straight and sharp, drawing several arcs, first chopped off the young doctor who rushed over, and then cut through the corridor one by one jars arranged in.

The body of the jar burst, and the white liquid inside suddenly poured out like a flash flood, engulfing the entire corridor in the blink of an eye.

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