Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1818 How could he be so good

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Before the corridor was submerged, Xia Xia hugged Ning Ruirui and flashed directly into the door at the end of the corridor, but he ignored Wang Jiaqi who was screaming for help.

"Didn't you see she's still there?" Ning Ruirui stared at Xia Tian with a speechless expression, "Don't go and rescue her."

Xia Tian pouted, a little unhappy: "Little long-legged girl, this woman is not a good person, what are you doing to save her?"

"Whether she is a good person is another matter. I still have a lot of things to ask her." Ning Ruirui saw that the white liquid was about to engulf Wang Jiaqi, "Hurry up, don't waste time."

"Okay." Xia Xia's figure flashed, and he came back in less than half a second, with one more person in his hand, naturally Wang Jiaqi. As for the young man dressed as a doctor, he was engulfed by the white liquid and turned into a white sculpture.

Wang Jiaqi was in shock, the white liquid on her body was gradually seeping into her body, making her unable to move or speak, so she could only show a look of help to Ning Ruirui.

Ning Ruirui had no choice. She didn't dare to touch these weird things herself, so she had to say to Xia Tian, ​​"Help her get rid of those things."

In the summer, even the silver needles were useless. He just squeezed the condensed white liquids, and tore them off in an instant.


Wang Jiaqi felt as if his skin had been ripped off. He couldn't help rolling on the ground in pain, and it took a while to recover.

"Are you okay?" Ning Ruirui stepped forward and patted Wang Jiaqi's back, "How do you feel?"

"Thank you, thank you, I'm fine." Wang Jiaqi quickly thanked, just thought she was dead, she still has important things to do, she must not die here. However, she was also very curious about Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui.

"Who are you to break into our Yuan family's territory, you are impatient to live." At this time, many men in white suits heard the movement and ran out together, holding the weapons and handing the three of them to Xia Xia. Surrounded, one of the young men with broken eyebrows shouted in dissatisfaction.

Xia Xia said with a displeased face: "I hate people pointing a gun at me the most, you idiots want to die, right?"

"I think you are courting death!" The young man with broken eyebrows wrinkled his brows and said in a cold voice, "I don't know how Fang Datou was watching the door in front of him, but he even let outsiders in. However, since you have come in , then don't even think about going out."

Wang Jiaqi seemed to be very afraid of this young doctor. At this time, he was hiding behind Ning Ruirui and did not dare to let out the air.

"Well, she just ran out of Room 9, right?" The young man with broken eyebrows pointed at Wang Jiaqi and said, "Take this woman up and send it back to Room 9. The other man and woman are brought to my office first."

"No, I'm not going." Wang Jiaqi was so frightened when she saw those people coming to catch her, she clung to Ning Ruirui's arm tightly with both hands, "Don't let them catch me, or I'll really die."

Ning Ruirui said to the young man with the broken eyebrow: "She is my friend now, and no one can take her away. Don't waste that effort. I don't want to hurt people, so don't make trouble for yourself."

"Oh, this beauty, where did you come from, with such a big tone?" The young man with the broken eyebrows couldn't help laughing when he heard Ning Ruirui's words, "I want to hurt people today, You go and teach them a lesson, don't kill them."

After the men in white suits got the order, they immediately divided their labor and cooperated, working in pairs, dealing with one person each.

bang bang bang-

Unfortunately, before they could get close, they quickly flew out backwards, smashed heavily on the wall, and fell back to the ground, instantly unconscious.

"Hey, I still have some skills." The young man with broken eyebrows turned his head to look at the subordinates who were kicked away, not too surprised, his face still had a stubborn expression, "It's not surprising, except for pure experimental subjects, How could someone with no ability be picked by our Yuan family and brought to this underwater palace."

Ning Ruirui said casually, "We just came down to hunt for treasure. I haven't heard of the Yuan family."

"That treasure map was distributed by our Yuan family, including the dark web or the deep web and other places that ordinary people can't see." The young man with broken eyebrows said very proudly: "No matter which channel you know from, in short, come here. It is to contribute to our Yuan family, it is best to keep this in mind, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."

"Are you okay with your brain?" Ning Ruirui felt that this young man with broken eyebrows was too self-righteous, "I'm not interested in contributing to your Yuan family, I just want to know what the hell you guys are doing here."

"Forget it." The young man with broken eyebrows showed an impatient look, "You have already reached this floor, so just follow the passage and go to the next floor, you have to ask for trouble. Since everything is said here, Then you don't have to leave anymore, just stay and be an experimental subject."

When he said this, the young man with broken eyebrows took out a pair of gloves from his pocket, put them on himself in a slow manner, smiled and said to Ning Ruirui and Xia Xia, "You two, who will come first?"

"There's something wrong with that glove." Wang Jiaqi attached to Ning Ruirui's ear and reminded softly: "It seems that anyone who touches it will faint. That's how people escaped and got caught."

The young man with broken eyebrows shook his head, raised his hands, patted it twice, and said with a smile, "What nonsense are you talking about, if that's the case, shouldn't it be me who fainted first?"

Ning Ruirui didn't speak, just glanced at Xia Xia and assured him.

I'm sure there's something wrong with that glove.

"Little long-legged girl, you don't have to worry, this idiot is a waste and can't beat you." Xia Xia said casually with a look of disdain: "There's nothing wrong with those gloves, it's just to pretend to be cool. However, No matter how you pretend, it's useless, it's impossible to be more handsome than me and cooler than me."

"This gentleman has good eyesight." The young man with broken eyebrows smiled and pointed to Xia Tian, ​​"I'll take your eyes out for research in a while."

"No one in this world can take my eyes off, and it's even more impossible for you to be an idiot." Xia Xia glanced at the man unhappily, "If your eyes are useless, you can donate them to those in need."

The young man with broken eyebrows sneered, and suddenly put one hand behind his back, and put on a sprinting posture: "Be careful, I'm going to get on. There are very few opportunities to take action here. When I meet a master like you, It's the first time, so I'm a little nervous."

Naturally, Ning Ruirui would not believe this kind of nonsense, and stared at this young man with a broken eyebrow with a wary expression. Generally speaking, people with a big voice will have some skills, especially since there are so many secrets in this strange villa, there will definitely be The master is in charge, but he does not know which class of master he is, or whether he is an immortal cultivator.

"Beauty, where are you looking?"

When the voice sounded, the young man with broken eyebrows had already appeared behind Ning Ruirui, and a pair of white gloves also pinched at Ning Ruirui's neck, "In a battle between masters, distraction will kill you."


As soon as the words fell, the young man with broken eyebrows was kicked flying by Ning Ruirui, and he fell to the ground after breaking through two walls. His head tilted, and he fainted.

"This is the end?" Ning Ruirui looked surprised and couldn't believe it, "Did I read it wrong, why is he so rude?"

Xia Tian pouted and said disapprovingly: "Little long-legged girl, I told you earlier, this idiot is not very good at all, and of course it is not your opponent."

Wang Jiaqi was also stunned. The young man with the broken eyebrow was the security captain here, and he was very good at it. There are often people here who want to sneak away, but they are caught by him in the end, and then brutally murdered. Basically, there is no one trapped here who is not afraid of him. It's just that such a powerful person was defeated by Ning Ruirui in such an understatement, which made her a little unbelievable for a while.

"It's boring, I was ready for a hard fight, but it ended before I warmed up." Ning Ruirui was not enjoying herself, and she was not in a good mood, "This villa seems to be very important, how could it be so wasteful? Someone to take care of?"

"He's the security captain here. He's really powerful, but I didn't expect Sister Ning to be so... fierce." Wang Jiaqi didn't know how to describe Ning Ruirui, but then thought of one more thing: "However, the real thing here is The person in charge is the third young master of the Yuan family, he is Yuan Xiaodie's brother, a very scary person."

"Where is the third young master of the Yuan family?" Ning Ruirui asked.

"I only know that he shouldn't be in the villa." Wang Jiaqi shook his head and said, "I don't know where he will be, I haven't been out outside the villa yet."

Ning Ruirui remembered what the young man with broken eyebrows said just now, and asked again, "Where are you being held? How many people are there?"

"Just in front, there are a total of twelve rooms, and each room contains a person." Wang Jiaqi pointed to several rooms not far away, "There are three doctor-like people in each room who are watching every day. , I know they have guns in their hands."

Ning Ruirui nodded and said casually, "Go and see, and save everyone first."

Wang Jiaqi led the way, but after playing a little bit of thought, he smashed the alarm in the corridor directly, then skipped a few rooms in front, and stopped at the door of room 8: "My boyfriend is here. In this room."

At this time, the alarm sounded loudly, and the whole villa was in a commotion.

After a while, the doors of each room were opened, and doctors in surgical suits came out, looking at the security guards in white suits who were hiding on the ground with puzzled expressions.

As soon as Room 8 was opened, a man who looked like a doctor came out. Wang Jiaqi picked up a hammer from nowhere and smashed it at the back of the man's head.

The man came out wearing a mask and headgear, but he was very alert. He sensed the danger and immediately turned his head to avoid the attack. With his backhand, he grabbed Wang Jiaqi's neck and pushed her against the wall. Was pinched and rolled his eyes.

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