Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1819 Where life does not meet

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


It was Ning Ruirui who shot in time and knocked the man unconscious. Wang Jiaqi had already been pinched and rolled his eyes.

"Cough cough!" Wang Jiaqi broke the man's hand and coughed a few times, "Thank you, you saved me again."

"Go ahead and talk about it." Ning Ruirui looked at the panic in the corridor, gave Wang Jiaqi a wink and asked her to drag the doctor into the room, and then closed the door of Room 8.

In the room, there were two doctors standing in front of a screen recording data. Before they could recover, Ning Ruirui stunned them.

Behind the screen, there was a huge transparent jar, and it really contained an adult male.

Looking at the man, Wang Jiaqi couldn't help stunned: "He, he's not my boyfriend."

Ning Ruirui hurriedly asked, "Are you sure?"

"What's the matter?" Wang Jiaqi looked confused, "I saw him being taken into Room 8. He has always been weak, and it is impossible to escape."

"Will it be..." Ning Ruirui thought of a possibility.

Wang Jiaqi immediately shook his head: "No, the experimental subjects here will never be disposed of casually. The longest one has been detained here for almost ten years."

"Hey, this person looks a little familiar." Xia Xia frowned as he looked at the person in the jar, and muttered to himself.

Ning Ruirui glanced at Xia Xia in surprise. She knew that this rascal actually had a very good memory, but she was not interested in memorizing anyone except beautiful women. To be able to say this from his mouth, it means that the jar The people here must have made a deep impression on him before.

"You know him?" Ning Ruirui asked quickly.

Xia Xia pretended to think hard, then gave up in an instant and said, "It's not a beautiful woman, it doesn't matter if you know him or not."

"Maybe it's your former acquaintance!" Ning Ruirui was also drunk with Xia Xia's attitude, and complained: "You have a very good memory, just think about it, if you really know it, you have to ask carefully, maybe Another conspiracy against you."

"I do know." Xia Xia said lazily: "I forgot what it was called. I was beaten up by me twelve years ago, and I didn't know what to do after that, and I wasn't interested in knowing."

Ning Ruirui felt that things were not so simple. Could it be that the Yuan family was also trying to figure out the summer behind the scenes? It is not impossible to think about it carefully, after all, there are too many people and families who have offended this dead hooligan. Not to mention the grievances and grievances 12 years ago, in the short period of time he just descended from the snow-capped mountains, he has been tossing around a lot, and the famous and surnamed enemies have been able to strengthen their ranks.

If this Yuan family really went to Xia Xia, then this laboratory must have a special purpose. Unfortunately, there is still too little information. We need to find a way to figure out these things, otherwise there may be endless troubles in the future.

"Why isn't he here?" Wang Jiaqi still couldn't accept this reality. "It's impossible for him not to be here. I'm going to look in another room."

Wang Jiaqi turned around and was about to leave, but unfortunately he was blocked within two steps, but it was the doctor who had been knocked out by Ning Ruirui before.

"You don't have to look, your boyfriend is not in another room." This man woke up at some point, but he never made a sound. He just quietly locked the door, took out a pistol from his pocket, and aimed it at the three of them in Xia Tian. people.

"Who are you?" Wang Jiaqi looked at the man suspiciously, "How do you know where my boyfriend is?"

Xia Xian was a little impatient, and glared at the woman: "I have never seen a woman as stupid as you, isn't he your boyfriend."

"What did you say?" Wang Jiaqi was stunned when he heard the words, and then he remembered. Although the voice of the man opposite was a little hoarse, it was indeed very familiar: "Are you really..."

The man didn't bother to disguise any more. He stretched out his hand and took off his mask and headgear. He smiled and said to Wang Jiaqi, "Jiaqi, am I not here? Tell me, what do you have to do with me?"

"Jianfeng, you're fine, that's great!" Wang Jiaqi's face first showed a look of surprise, just about to rush to embrace it, he lowered his eyebrows when he saw the gun in the other's hand, and stopped subconsciously: "You What are you doing?"

"Reminiscing." Jiang Jianfeng's lips twitched, looking at Wang Jiaqi, "You should be the key subject of the experiment, and you are also very closely guarded. How did you escape from the jar?"

Wang Jiaqi looked at her boyfriend in disbelief, and apparently heard something unusual in his words, and hurriedly said, "Jianfeng, I'm Wang Jiaqi, your girlfriend, and I'm here to save you."

"Okay, I have something like a girlfriend, and I don't lack you." Jiang Jianfeng said coldly: "Now you go back to room 9, and I can save your life, otherwise, you will be useless."

Wang Jiaqi couldn't believe his ears: "Jiang Jianfeng, what do you mean?"

"The meaning is very clear." Jiang Jianfeng's expression in his eyes was quite cold, "What kind of thing do you think you are, I would like you? If Yuan Xiaodie said that your physique is relatively special, it is an excellent experimental material, I'm just too lazy to take care of you, and I'm going out with you on a cruise for your honeymoon, are you worthy?"

"I already knew about you and Yuan Xiaodie, and I don't mind." Wang Jiaqi collapsed instantly and burst into tears: "As long as you love me and stay with me, I can forgive you. I know this cruise is a Yuan Xiaodie also knew that she had bad intentions, but for you, I still agreed to come. Don't you feel my love for you at all?"

Jiang Jianfeng sneered: "That can only show that you are stupid, and

And hopelessly stupid. It is even more impossible for me, Jiang Jianfeng, to fall in love with an idiot like you. "

"This is no longer a scumbag, but a scumbag." Ning Ruirui gave the man a disgusting look, "It's really disgusting."

"This beauty, I advise you to speak with some virtue." Jiang Jianfeng glared at Ning Ruirui fiercely, "Otherwise, I have ninety-nine ways to torture you to death."

Xia Xia said unhappily: "If you dare to talk to my girlfriend like that, you idiot will be worse off than dead."

"It happens that the experimental body in Room 1 is about to be scrapped. I think you have a good physique and can be used as supplementary material." Jiang Jianfeng looked Xia Tian up and down, "Although it is not strong enough, it looks very healthy and has a lot of energy. "

"Jiang Jianfeng, are you worthy of me?" Wang Jiaqi finally recovered from the collapse and scolded: "I gave everything for you, even being locked in a jar and being tortured every day, I gritted my teeth and endured it. There is a chance to go out and save you, but what about you..."

"Then thank you for your concern." Jiang Jianfeng looked disdainful, "By the way, your experimental procedures are all made by me, isn't it a surprise?"

"I'll fight with you!" Wang Jiaqi was struck by thunder, thinking that the inhuman torture she had suffered was actually ordered by the person she loved so much in front of her, and she was even more distressed. Excited, she rushed over immediately.


Jiang Jianfeng pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Wang Jiaqi fell to the ground after being shot, and crawled over to Jiang Jianfeng unwillingly: "You, you pay me back, pay me back..."

"Return your sister, I don't owe you anything." Jiang Jianfeng pointed a gun at Wang Jiaqi's head, glanced at Ning Ruirui, and said with a smile: "Since there are better experimental subjects here, then you are useless, go. Die."


Before Jiang Jianfeng pulled the trigger again, Ning Ruirui kicked him away.

This kick used almost half of her strength. Jiang Jianfeng shot out like a cannonball, directly smashing through seven or eight layers of walls, and fell into the ice and snow outside. It is estimated that he will not survive.

"Okay, don't cry, it's not worth it for this kind of scum." Ning Ruirui stepped forward to help Wang Jiaqi and comforted her casually. She was quite sympathetic to this woman's experience, but there were also some incomprehensible points. It's just love, it's like the universe has been destroyed, and there are some sins that she obviously caused by herself.

Wang Jiaqi was still crying there, as if the whole world was collapsing, and she couldn't remember what kind of occasion they were in.

Sure enough, the movement here attracted the attention of many people, and those who looked like doctors also came back to their senses and charged towards them with weapons.

"Go and solve them." Ning Ruirui was a little annoyed, and gave Xia Tian a wink.

Xia Xia did not refuse, yawned lazily, and then flashed through the crowd like a ghost. Those people suddenly seemed to have been tapped, and they were all frozen, unable to move.

"Little long-legged girl, it's done." Xia Xia flashed back, hugged Ning Ruirui's slender waist, and said as if taking credit.

"Let's go to another room. It's best if we can find some information and see what this place is." Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes at him, then looked at Wang Jiaqi, who was still crying, and was not interested in accompanying her here. Crying, it is better to leave her here to vent.

Naturally, there is nothing wrong with summer. As long as he can accompany Ning Ruirui, it doesn't matter where he goes or what he does.

Next, Ning Ruirui and Xia Xia went to several other rooms and rescued all the people in the jar. Among them, there were two or three people, and Xia Xia felt a little familiar. No need to ask, he must have beaten him before.

After turning around for a while, Ning Ruirui found an office, which was probably the office of the young man with the broken eyebrows, which not only had a huge office used to monitor the entire villa.

screen, and a lot of data files.

"I'll take a look at these documents, don't disturb me." Ning Ruirui found a seat and sat down, taking those documents and examining them carefully.

"Little long-legged girl, look at yours, I'll touch mine." Xia Xia's hand wandered around Ning Ruirui's waist, and said with a smile, "I will definitely not disturb you."

Ning Ruirui is too lazy to pay attention to this stuff, she is really looking for opportunities to take advantage of her all the time.

"Hey, Summer, it's really you!" A voice suddenly sounded in the room, but the tone was rather greasy, "Where in life has never met, I can still meet you here!"

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