Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1820 It's that simple

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The huge screen in the office suddenly lit up, and a figure was displayed on it. It was a young man in his forties. He was wearing a decent white suit. His hair was neatly combed. There are a lot of round scars, making him look a little fierce and a little funny.

"It's your acquaintance again?" Ning Ruirui raised her eyes, glanced at the big screen, and asked Xia Tian softly.

"I don't know." Xia Xia shook his head, "I haven't seen it before."

When the scarred man on the screen heard Xia Xia's words, he couldn't help laughing lightly: "Xia Xia, you are really a noble person who forgets things. Don't the three words Xue Xiaodao make any waves in your heart?"

"Xue Xiaodao, that idiot who was hit by my chopsticks." After such a reminder, Xia Xia was really impressed, but he didn't pay much attention to it. For him, he was just an idiot who was beaten many years ago. .

"I remember it, that's great!" The muscles on Xue Xiaodao's face kept twitching, obviously furious, "Back then in Xingcheng, in front of countless people, you tortured me to death rather than torment, forcing you to ask After all my secrets, they threw me aside like a piece of garbage. This great hatred, this deep hatred... tortured me day and night, and made me grit my teeth. Until now, I just think that one day, the pain I have suffered will be taken back from you a hundred times and a thousand times!"

Xia Tian pouted: "The lines are well said, but unfortunately you idiot don't have the ability to live well, so you have to find death again."

"Xia Xia, I have investigated you, and I know you are very powerful." Xue Xiaodao grinned, "Although you made me lose everything twelve years ago, you can never imagine that I am the one who hides the Yuan family from the aristocratic family. Although it was only a dog they raised, it was enough for me to save my life. After two years of injury, I was sent here by the Yuan family. Now my body has been remodeled to perfection, but these I keep each of the scars, just want to remind myself all the time, not to forget the hatred at the beginning!"

"There's a lot of nonsense." Xia Xia said lazily, "If you really have that ability, just come out and fight with me. If you talk so much, you're not afraid."

"You're right, I'm afraid of you, very afraid, very afraid." Xue Xiaodao did not deny it, but nodded in agreement, "The more I study you, the more afraid I am in my heart. The people you fought against, no, it should be that the people you beaten have carefully investigated them one by one, and some of them were even sent here as experimental materials."

"I didn't know until I got here. It turns out that you are a so-called immortal cultivator, so that's why you are so powerful." Xue Xiaodao suddenly turned into a chatter, no matter if Xia Xia was listening, he narrated: "However, this space There are not a lot of immortal cultivators here, and while I was transforming my body, I often fought against them and accumulated a lot of experience.”

"Your so-called experience doesn't work for me at all." Xia Xia pouted, "I am a genius, even among immortal cultivators. Don't confuse me with those ordinary immortal cultivators, they are not worthy."

Xue Yidao sneered and said, "Sure enough, I'm still so arrogant, so I'm relieved. I'm afraid that your courage will become smaller. In that case, there will be no sense of accomplishment in abusing you."

"It's not good to live, why are you idiots always courting death." Xia Xia felt a little incomprehensible, shook his head and sighed: "An idiot is an idiot, I'll just send you on the road this time, watching you old idiots It comes out, and it's annoying."

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you on the next floor." Xue Xiaodao snorted lightly, pointed at Xia Xia on the screen, and said fiercely: "If you don't peel your skin, you will be tortured to death, so I won't be named. Xue."

After speaking, the screen went black and the image disappeared.

"Strange, isn't there no electricity here? Why is there a monitor screen and so many instruments?" Ning Ruirui suddenly remembered a question that had been ignored before, "Did they bring the generator down, or did they rely on love? Generate electricity?"

Xia Tian waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter what power they use, it's just a bunch of idiots, don't care."

"I don't think Xue Xiaodao is simple." Ning Ruirui said worriedly: "He has studied you here for ten years, and has transformed your body in a targeted manner, so you are not worried at all? "

"There's nothing to worry about." Xia Xia didn't take it to heart at all, "Genius is always a genius, and an idiot is an idiot no matter how he transforms it. The gap between them will only get bigger and bigger. It's impossible for an idiot to understand this truth. "

Ning Ruirui was silent for a while, although this truth will not be accepted by many people, but this is indeed Xia Xia's true thoughts since he was used to it. He has always felt that he is the first genius in the world, except his wife, others It is impossible for anyone to match him, let alone better than him.

There is no need to spend much effort on this kind of thing. When you get to the next level, no matter who gets in your way, just do it directly. Ning Ruirui also left that Xue Xiaodao behind and continued to read the information, but the more she looked, the more frightened she became.

This villa laboratory has been established for at least 50 or 60 years, and the Yuan family has been sending various medical talents and experimental subjects to it continuously over the years. Of course, the purpose is not to deal with the summer, but To crack the mystery of longevity. It was only in the past twelve years that the Yuan family gradually began to pay attention to Summer, collected information about him, and began to do targeted research.

"I'm going to take these materials with me." Ning Ruirui felt that she would not be able to read it all in a while, and she didn't

She couldn't understand the few things, so she had to ask an expert to clarify her doubts, so she stuffed the most important parts of the information into her backpack, and she planned to burn the rest that she couldn't take with her.

After a careful search in the office, Ning Ruirui found nothing else, so he destroyed all the equipment here, and then left with Xia Xia.

"Hey, where's that Wang Jiaqi?" After Ning Ruirui came out, she found that she couldn't find the woman before, even the people rescued from the jar and those doctors were gone, and only messy items were left on the ground.

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Little long-legged girl, I didn't even think of this, she must be taken away by someone."

"Someone came just now?" Ning Ruirui asked in surprise.

"That's right." Xia Xia nodded, "Several came, although they were not immortal cultivators, but their bodies were transformed, and they took everyone here away."

Ning Ruirui glared at Xia Xia fiercely, and said angrily, "Then why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"Little long-legged girl, it's you who said not to disturb you." Xia Xia said with an innocent expression, "Speaking of such trivial matters, what is there to say."

"Is this a trivial matter?" Ning Ruirui laughed angrily, "The next time someone sets a trap in front of my eyes, you don't plan to remind me, do you?"

"You don't need to come back next time." Xia Xia smiled and pointed to the outside. "Those idiots have already set traps. Let's go and play with them."

Ning Ruirui was speechless for a moment: "..."

However, this is the end of the matter, and it is useless to say more. You can only go out and see what tricks others have played.

In a few seconds, Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui left the villa and came to the courtyard full of flowers and plants.

Ning Ruirui was startled when she saw the situation outside, although she was mentally prepared.

At this time, the film covering the courtyard has become a ball, floating in the air, and the villa is wrapped inside. Outside the transparent film, there were two people standing, it was Yuan Xiaodie and Su Ye, they stared at Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui who were trapped inside.

"It's you again?" Ning Ruirui was also very upset when she saw the two of them, "What do you want to do?"

Yuan Xiaodie laughed, and her tone was very gentle: "I want to make a deal with the two of you."

"I'm not interested in making deals with idiots." Xia Xia refused outright, "You'd better remove this trick, otherwise, I'll beat you up."

Su Ye looked at Xia Xia and smiled, "Aren't you very powerful, you can rush out by yourself."

"He can't rush out." Yuan Xiaodie said with a sneer, "This is the barrier set up by that senior cultivator. It's easy to get in, and if you want to get out, unless you have his formula, no one can get out. ."

"Looks like you guys really need a beating." Xia Xia's patience has always been limited, and he's already very unhappy.

Ning Ruirui reached out and took Xia Xia's arm, and asked Yuan Xiaodie, "Let's talk about it first, what kind of deal do you want to make."

"It's very simple, I want you to stay on this floor." Yuan Xiaodie was obviously satisfied with Ning Ruirui's knowledge, and said slowly, "You'd better stay here until we come up from the bottom floor. Of course, when we come up, you can hitch a ride with us and leave the bottom of the sea."

"It's that simple?" Ning Ruirui was a little suspicious.

Yuan Xiaodie nodded: "It's that simple."

"Then what if we don't agree?" Ning Ruirui didn't trust this woman, knowing that her real plan was definitely not that simple.

"That can only force you to stay on this floor." Yuan Xiaodie laughed, "As long as this barrier is not lifted, you will be trapped here until you die."

Xia Xia said disdainfully: "It's just such a piece of shit, it can't trap me."

"Then you might as well try." Yuan Xiaodie sneered with arms crossed.

"Just try it." Xia Tian just stretched out his hand casually, and then pouted, "Okay."

Yuan Xiaodie was amused by Xia Xia's actions, and Huazhi said in a trembling manner: "This is your method, and it's ridiculously naive. You haven't changed anything... eh?"

After a few seconds, Yuan Xiaodie's laughter stopped abruptly, and she suddenly found herself in the barrier, while Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui were outside.

"How is this going!"

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