Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1821 What's so great about the tribulation period

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"How did you do it?" Yuan Xiaodie, who was in the barrier, had not recovered from the shock, and asked Xia Xia roaringly.

Xia Tian still looked lazy, and said with a smile: "That's how it is, but an ugly and idiot woman like you will definitely not understand."

Ning Ruirui also wanted to ask questions, and when she heard Xia Xia's words, she had to swallow her doubts.

"Impossible, it's impossible!" Yuan Xiaodie couldn't accept this reality, "Even if you are an immortal cultivator, your realm will definitely not be too high, that senior immortal cultivator is about to cross the tribulation period, how can you crack it? Got his means."

"What's so great about the Tribulation Period, my wives are all in the Tribulation Period, and a few of them are still in great consummation." Xia Xia said nonchalantly, "When I regain my strength, I will suddenly upgrade the little long-legged girl to the Tribulation Period. period is not impossible.”

"I'm not ashamed. If you really saw the Tribulation Transcendence Period, I'm afraid you wouldn't say such words." Yuan Xiaodie naturally wouldn't believe such obvious big words, but she also clearly realized in her heart that she still underestimated Xia Xia. .

Xia Xia was too lazy to pay attention to this ugly and stupid woman and explained more to the idiot, then he was an idiot.

"Although Xia Xia is sometimes unreliable, he never speaks loudly." Ning Ruirui couldn't help but explain for Xia Xia.

Su Ye also looked up and down Xia Xia with some surprise, as if he knew him for the first time: "I didn't expect you to be able to decipher the formation, which makes me a little impressed."

"I've said it before, nothing in the world can trap me." Xia Xia glanced at Su Ye lazily, "I don't believe this is ugly, then I'll let her know."

When Yuan Xiaodie heard Xia Xia's words, she couldn't help it, and scolded: "Isn't enough of scolding, you are so ugly, it's not over, right!"

"You are ugly from the beginning." Xia Xia said in a natural tone, "To say you are ugly is not a curse."

Su Ye rarely agreed with Xia Xia's opinion: "She is really ugly and has a bad temper. If Senior Xiuxian asked me to take care of her, I really don't want to go with her."

"You..." Yuan Xiaodie was so angry that she wanted to kill someone, but she quickly calmed down and said to Su Ye, "I'm too lazy to care about you, let me out."

The enchantment, to put it bluntly, is actually a spell seal technique. Whether it is open or closed, it needs a certain spell to cooperate. But it doesn't mean that as long as you know the formula, you can use the enchantment, and you need a certain amount of spiritual power to support it. Yuan Xiaodie was just the medicine cauldron that the black-robed immortal cultivator used to test the medicinal pills, not even the immortal cultivator. Naturally, he had no spiritual power. The person who drove the enchantment just now was actually Su Ye.

Su Ye held her arms with a mocking smile on her mouth, and didn't mean to let Yuan Xiaodie out at all.

"Su Ye, I asked you to let me out!" Yuan Xiaodie looked at Su Ye's expression, and a tinge of unpleasantness filled her heart, "Didn't you hear that?"

"I heard." Su Ye scratched his ears, "However, I'm not going to let you out, just stay inside and reflect on it."

Yuan Xiaodie was furious: "Su, what do you mean!"

"That's what it means." Su Ye's face was full of a sense of superiority unique to an immortal cultivator. "You're just a mortal. Do you really think you can yell at me, Su Ye?"

"Don't forget, that lord ordered you to assist me!" Yuan Xiaodie didn't expect this to happen, and scolded angrily: "He is still waiting for me below, if I don't arrive in time, You have no way of explaining it."

"It's just a mere medicine cauldron, what kind of person do you really think you are?" Su Ye snorted coldly, "I am the first genius in North Lake Villa for hundreds of years, a genuine immortal cultivator. I don't know how many times you are heavier, what do I need to explain?"

Yuan Xiaodie was extremely anxious, and she knew that Su Ye was right. She had indeed been a little bit flustered during this time, and to a certain extent she was coquettish and coquettish. She kept pointing fingers at Su Ye, almost forgetting that he He is also a foreign cultivator.

"Xia Tian, ​​what do you want to do with this ugly woman?" Su Ye turned her head and smiled at Xia Xia, "With just a word, I, Su Ye, can help you take care of her at any time."

"Su Ye, how dare you!" Yuan Xiaodie's eyes widened and she looked at Su Ye in disbelief. This person actually turned her hand and betrayed her without any hesitation. Could it be that he is really not afraid of the wrath of the senior cultivator? Even though she has no weight in Yuan Xiaodie, the Yuan family is a force that cannot be underestimated. She does not believe that the senior cultivator will ignore it.

Su Ye said coldly, "Do you think I dare not?"

"As long as I can come out, I must make you look good!" Yuan Xiaodie gritted her teeth secretly in her heart, but she had to swallow her anger and think of a way to get out of this barrier first.

Xia Xia glared at Su Ye and said angrily, "I want to take care of you idiot first, don't think I don't know what happened just now."

"I also know that I can't hide it from you." Su Ye still smiled brightly, "I also know that this kind of enchantment may not trap you, but this stupid woman is holding chicken feathers as an arrow, and she insists that I try it for her, because I'll give her a try for that senior cultivator's face."

"Don't say that you are so innocent, let me ask you, where is Wang Jiaqi and her?" Although Ning Ruirui didn't know what was going on, she couldn't help but feel happy when she saw that Su Ye sold Yuan Xiaodie without hesitation. despise. Although Yuan Xiaodie is not a good person, but the person who can sell a woman without the slightest hesitation is not a good thing.

What kind of bird would it be? It was the same thing as Jiang Jianfeng, whom he had met before.

"Wang Jiaqi?" Su Ye shook his head, "I don't know or have heard of it."

Yuan Xiaodie's eyes lit up and she immediately said, "I know, I asked someone to take her away. As long as you let me out, I will take you to find her."

"There's no need for that, Miss Yuan should continue to stay inside." Ning Ruirui just asked casually, she and Wang Jiaqi were not friends of life or death, but they just met and rescued him once.

"You!" Yuan Xiaodie glared at Ning Ruirui, thinking that after going out, she must not let this woman go, "Better remember what happened today, I won't just let it go!"

Xia Xia glanced at Yuan Xiaodie unhappily, and warned lazily: "You ugly woman better not play the bad idea of ​​the little long-legged girl, or I will make you die miserably."

Yuan Xiaodie snorted coldly, but she didn't take it to heart. She didn't feel how terrible Xia Tian was. As long as she was allowed to go out, she was confident that there were countless ways to deal with them. Subconsciously, she obviously didn't take this failure seriously. After all, she was born in the hidden Yuan family like a giant. She has always had eyes above the top, not to mention that there is a cultivator who is secretly helping.

"Okay, don't worry about these trivial things." Su Ye was not a patient person either, looked at Xia Xia and said, "I want to discuss something with you, it will benefit you and me without anything. A bad thing."

Xia Xia's answer was still as straightforward: "I'm not interested."

"Don't refuse so quickly." Su Ye had expected Xia Xia's reaction earlier, and said with a smile, "You and I are both immortal cultivators. You should know exactly what this underwater palace means. Don't you have any ideas?"

"No." Xia Xia shook his head and yawned, "It's just boring. If I knew it wouldn't come, it might be better to hug Ah Jiu and sleep comfortably."

Su Ye was stunned, this summer is really in the wrong way with him. As a cultivator, he always mixes with ants. Seeing such a big paradise, he has no idea at all. God has been chatting to death, it is really hopeless.

Ning Ruirui probably guessed what Su Ye was thinking, and said at this time, "What are you going to do with this place?"

"There is a lot of spiritual energy here, an inexhaustible source, and countless treasures... These are things that countless cultivators dream of, you should understand." Su Ye felt that this woman was more like a qualified cultivator. , "However, I can't do this alone, and I need the help of the two of you. As long as you agree, everything will be discussed."

Ning Ruirui thought about it seriously, and then answered very seriously: "I don't know, and I don't want to."

"Have you heard?" Xia Xia smiled, "The little girl with long legs is not interested, you idiot, don't waste your saliva, and hurry up and get out."

Su Ye was unwilling and continued to persuade: "Xia Xia, it is true that I don't like you, and you are also very unhappy with me, then we can make an appointment at any time to fight again happily and fairly. But now, I hope you can put aside your prejudices and cooperate with me sincerely."

Su Ye seems to be a reckless man, but in fact he is not shallow, but he has never been invincible before, and naturally he is too lazy to play any tricks. But now it's different. He was beaten twice by Xia Xia. Although he thought it was Xia Xia who used despicable methods, he had to recognize Xia Xia's strength in his heart, and even regarded him as a kindred spirit. friends of the same kind.

"I don't like to cooperate with people, because no matter what, I can do it alone." Xia Xia waved his hand impatiently, "What's more, I won't cooperate with idiots, and I'm still my defeat."

"Xia Xia, you really disappointed me." Su Ye was so excited by Xia Xia's words that he almost lost control of his emotions, "There is a kind of don't use that needle of yours, let's fight again and see who is more powerful!"

"You can't even avoid my acupuncture, how dare you call yourself a genius." Xia Xia shook his head in disapproval, "I am the real genius, your idiot's tricks are no longer working for me, how many times do you try again? You are all my underdogs."

Su Ye clenched his fists secretly and glared at Xia Xia, a little afraid that he could not help himself and might punch him at any time.

Xia Xia was too lazy to pay attention to this guy, and left Ning Ruirui with his arms around him.

At this time, a strange sound came from a distance, like a dull thunder rolling in the thick clouds.

"Not good!" Su Ye's expression changed drastically, revealing a rare look of panic.

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