Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1822 of course it's a monster

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Layers of thick clouds suddenly gathered, pressing down the sky as if it was about to touch the eaves.

The rolling thunder came down from the clouds, which was both dull and majestic.

At this time, the wind was already chaotic, and the rain was floating everywhere, and a storm was coming.

Xia Leng stood in front of the window, staring at the shadowy blood monkeys and other monsters in the tree branches in front of him without blinking.

"What is he doing? Isn't it cold with the window open?" Feng Tianling stared at Xia Leng for a long time, then quietly pulled Xiao Xiu'er and asked softly, "Would you like him to come over for dinner?"

Xiao Xiu'er also glanced at Xia Leng and said with a smile: "It's okay, the young master has this temperament. He often likes to stare at the distance in a daze, just wait a while."

"Oh." Feng Tianling nodded and didn't ask any further questions. She felt that Xia Leng was indeed a little mature. She didn't look like a twelve-year-old child at all.

"Young Master, how long do we have to stay here?" After a while, Xiao Xiu'er prepared her lunch, and walked slowly to Xia Leng, "That monster who is a Sirius or a Tengu wants to put us under house arrest, right? "

Xia Leng said lightly, "He doesn't have the guts."

"That's right. After all, the young master is the prince of the Ji Dynasty." Xiao Xiu'er actually didn't know much about Xia Leng, because she was the maid personally selected by Ji Qingying, and she was well aware of his status in the Ji Dynasty.

"Emperor, prince?" Feng Tianling was stunned when she heard the words, a look of panic flashed in her eyes.

Xia Leng glared at Xiao Xiu'er and explained lightly: "Don't listen to her nonsense, my father just won the title of honor due to martial arts, and has nothing to do with the Ji royal family."

Feng Tianling was skeptical, but did not ask any further questions.

"I just said nonsense, don't believe it." Xiao Xiu'er also came to her senses, knowing that her words were a little omission, and she felt a little embarrassed, but she felt that Feng Tianling was not a bad person, so she was a little slack.

"Oh." Feng Tianling didn't know how to answer, so she nodded.

"Young Master, you're not blaming me, are you?" Xiao Xiuer's mouth flattened, she looked at Xia Leng pitifully, not daring to move.

Xia Leng ignored it, although it wasn't a big fault, he didn't mean to hold him accountable, but it was still necessary to teach her a small lesson. In fact, he always thought it was strange, with Aunt Ji Qingying's rigorous personality, how could she single out such a simple and unwitting little girl as his personal maid.

Feng Tianling hurriedly said, "I didn't actually hear anything."

"Eat." Xia Leng glanced at Xiao Xiu'er, who was sitting upright, and said lightly.

"Okay, son, let me serve you the meal. I made this dish specially for you, you can try it." Xiao Xiuer immediately revived with blood and served Xia Leng's meal.

Feng Tianling couldn't help but feel a little stunned when she saw this scene. Although their Feng family is also a big family in Yunzhou, her parents died early, and she was thankful that she was not bullied in the family, and she really never enjoyed the treatment of a master.

Ji Jiu remained silent the whole time, eating quietly.

"You have a good life, and you actually started cooking here?" A strange aperture suddenly appeared in the room, and then a voice came out from the aperture, and a man came out of the circle in response. Stunning fairy.

"Aunt Mu." Xia Leng didn't look surprised when she saw Mu Han, and asked lightly, "Have you eaten yet?"

Xiao Xiu'er immediately got up to get the dishes, but Mu Han didn't stop her and sat beside Feng Tianling at the right time.

"You, you are..." Feng Tianling looked at Mu Han nervously, of course she remembered this beautiful woman like a fairy.

Mu Han stroked Feng Tianling's head and said with a smile, "Don't be nervous, I'm Xia'er's relative, you can just call me Aunt Mu."

"Oh, okay, Aunt Mu." Feng Tianling nodded obediently.

Xia Leng asked, "Aunt Mu, are you here to talk to Bai Tianlang?"

"Not bad." Mu Han nodded, "But I haven't contacted him yet, so I'll see you first."

"You came alone?" Xia Leng asked again.

Mu Han laughed and explained: "Your aunt Mei'er thinks it's too far away and doesn't bother to move, and the upper floors of Yuxian Sect have been changing frequently recently, so it's better to keep her there."

After the meal was over, not long after, a few little demons came over to invite Xia Leng and Mu Han to discuss matters. Obviously, the Heavenly Wolf Demon Immortal already knew that Mu Han had come.

After a while, the two were taken to a clean and bright room with no door and no clothes, but the wind and rain outside could not disturb it at all.

There are no extra furnishings in the room, only a coffee table and three futons.

"Two people, please." Bai Tianlang was wearing a blue shirt and was making tea. He looked up to see Xia Leng and Mu Han, and made a gesture of taking a seat with a smile.

Mu Han had never dealt with this Heavenly Wolf Demon Immortal, but he had heard Ji Qingying and Yue Qingya talking about this person, and he was already a little convinced. Besides, her current cultivation level is much higher than Bai Tianlang, and she is not afraid of what kind of tricks he will play.

Bai Tianlang poured two cups of tea and gently pushed it in front of Xia Leng and Mu Han: "Please."

Xia Leng picked up the tea and took a sip, feeling nothing.

"Thank you." Mu Han thanked him and took a sip, feeling a long-lasting aura in the tea, "What kind of tea is this? Why have I never drunk it?"

"The special products of Yunzhou Demon Region are of course not available elsewhere." Bai Tianlang chuckled, "Even here, the number is pitifully small. Miss Mu is here, so I just took some out to entertain guests, otherwise it would be true. reluctant."

"Thank you so much for Mr. Bo's hospitality." Mu Han responded lightly, and then said, "Let's get straight to the point, it's a waste of time to go around in circles."

Bai Tianlang put down the teapot, nodded and said, "Quick talk, Miss Mu is indeed one of the most powerful agents on earth."

"This matter has nothing to do with the special agent. Besides, the most powerful agent is my husband, and Mr. Bai also knows him." Mu Han calmly blocked the Ji Feng in Bai Tianlang's words, "Let's get down to business, You said that Tianjun didn't die, what happened?"

"It literally means." Bai Tianlang said slowly: "This is also the reason why I want to discuss with you."

Mu Han did not rush to ask questions, but just said: "However, Wen Tianjun has already been killed by Ji Qingying, this is also certain. Yue Qingya also said that with Wen Tianjun's arrogance, it is impossible to leave behind. "

"Wrong." Bai Tianlang showed a sneering look on his face, "Yue Qingya's evaluation of Wen Tianjun is completely wrong. I know that she is being taboo for the Venerable, after all, Wen Tianjun is her mentor. He is indeed very cold and arrogant, but he is also very treacherous and insidious at the same time... In order to achieve his goals, he can use any means and at any cost. Rarely seen, because everyone who saw it died, of course I was an exception."

Mu Han asked casually, "Why does Mr. Bai make an exception?"

"Because I suffered from his losses, at that time my cultivation was almost the same as his, and even more potential than him." Bai Tianlang looked indifferent, but there were still sparks splashing in his eyes, "He tried his best to plot against him. I even used the slut Shuiyue to sway me. In the end, he succeeded. He became the head of the Misty Immortal Sect and became a decent leader. However, my Bai Tianlang cultivation base was stagnant and became everyone. Shouting monster."

"You were originally a demon cultivator, so it's okay to say you're a demon." Mu Han glanced at Bai Tianlang, "Don't tell me you care about this?"

Bai Tianlang waved his hand and said, "A demon is a demon, an immortal is an immortal, a demon cultivator is a demon cultivator, and a demon immortal is a demon immortal... These are not the same thing, but a big difference, but today is also the case. Not for talking about that."

Mu Han nodded slightly. The purpose of this visit is very clear, that is, to ask Wen Tianjun's life and death, but she has never liked losing the initiative, so she did not directly enter the topic.

"Twelve years ago, I fought with Tianjun Wen and stopped him for some time." Bai Tianlang continued: "After that, he opened the time-travelling formation and headed to Earth, and then his breath disappeared. Yes. I also secretly went to the Misty Immortal Gate to confirm that he is indeed dead."

At this time, Mu Han was just drinking tea and didn't ask any further questions.

Xia Leng has always been like an ornament, sitting there quietly without even drinking tea.

"However, some time ago, my children in the demon realm saw Wen Tianjun." As expected, Bai Tianlang changed the subject and his eyes became sharp.

Mu Han frowned slightly, and said a little suspiciously: "How can you be sure that what they saw is Wen Tianjun, what evidence do you have?"

"Look at this." Bai Tianlang raised his hand, and a cloud of white mist floated from nowhere and stopped in front of Xia Leng and Mu Han.

The white fog gradually dispersed, forming a circular light fog with a radius of about a foot. After a while, there were graceful figures inside, similar to the holographic projection technology on the earth.

Inside, there is a rather quaint old town, which doesn't look very big, but the streets are full of people.

It is not accurate to say that it is a flow of people, because there are also many monsters walking upright, but the people inside do not seem to be surprised, but they are used to it.

Not long after, a young man in white came slowly from the crowd. This young man is quite tall, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, like a jade tree facing the wind.

"Wen Tianjun looked exactly like him when he was young." Bai Tianlang took Bai Wu and handed it to Mu Han, "You can pass this to Yue Qingya, she will believe what I said."

Mu Han took Bai Wu back and asked inexplicably, "If it just looks like Wen Tianjun when he was young, it doesn't mean anything."

"Miss Mu, there's actually something that even Yue Qingya may not know about." Bai Tianlang sighed, "Actually, Wen Tianjun and I both come from, in the demon region north of Yunzhou, that's us. My hometown. When I was young, there were some changes in the demon realm, and tens of thousands of people migrated from the demon realm, and Wen Tianjun and I were one of them.”

"There is a forbidden technique in Xianxianmen, which is called Xiaoyao Bian. It is said that it has the effect of reviving the dead and rejuvenating the old." Bai Tianlang's tone was very positive, "Wen Tianjun is likely to have practiced that forbidden technique."

"Mr. Bai, are you sure you're not condemning me?" Mu Han said dissatisfiedly.

Bai Tianlang asked indifferently: "Your current cultivation level is much higher than mine, and killing me is easy, do you think it is necessary for me to make such a joke?"

Mu Han shouted categorically, "Then just send someone to investigate this young man."

"I'm afraid this won't work." Bai Tianlang shook his head and sighed: "Although Queen Ji has unified the Xianyun Continent, the Demon Realm is an exception. Even if you are in the tribulation period, if you go in rashly, you will have nothing to do. back."

Mu Han thought for a moment: "Could there be more powerful immortal cultivators out there?"

"It's not a cultivator." Bai Tianlang said, "Immortal cultivators are actually very good at talking, because they return home.

In the end, it was a human being, as long as it wasn't a conflict of interest, no one would risk offending a bunch of great powers during the Tribulation Period to take him in. "

"Then what do you mean?" Mu Han was puzzled.

Bai Tianlang said solemnly: "Since it is a demon domain, of course there are demons and ghosts. They are real demons and ghosts, and they are very terrifying."

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