Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1823 I have a faster way

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"You'd better just say what you want to do." Mu Han didn't feel much about it, and he didn't believe 100% or even half of Bai Tianlang's words.

"Two things." Bai Tianlang stretched out two fingers, "One, let Yue Qingya check to see if there is such a forbidden technique in the Misty Immortal Gate; two, you must find out Shuiyue as soon as possible. , She is the only person who really knows Wen Tianjun, and she has disappeared for no apparent reason. There must be some secrets hidden here. As for the young man, I will continue to send people to monitor her."

Mu Han nodded. They had already speculated on the second point before, and they had already done it in secret. As for the first point, it is not difficult to do it, and now the Misty Immortal Gate has been completely controlled by Yue Qingya.

"Mr. Bai, I will convey these two opinions." Mu Han smiled politely, and then asked back: "However, what I am curious about is that doing or not doing these things doesn't seem to do us much good. There is no obvious loss. Even if Wen Tianjun is really not dead, it will not threaten us."

Bai Tianlang shook his head and said solemnly: "This may not be the case. Ask Tianjun, you still know too little. If he really prepares a backhand, he must also prepare a means of revenge on you. He not only pays revenge, but also pays attention to one-hit kills. You must not wait for his sure-kill blows to regret it."

"Thank you, Mr. Bo for reminding me." Mu Han's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "It's just that we have already done these things. For this, I don't think there is any need for Mr. Bo to let us come over. "

Bai Tianlang didn't speak anymore, he just continued tea for Mu Han and Xia Leng again.

Mu Han knew what Bai Tianlang meant, obviously he still wanted to communicate with Yue Qingya or Ji Qingying in person.

After drinking the tea, Mu Han left directly, not knowing if he was returning to the imperial palace.

At this time, the sky also cleared up, Xia Leng did not plan to stay on Yuntai Peak, and also said goodbye to Bai Tianlang.

Bai Tianlang gave Xia Leng a token and said: "With this token, all the monsters and monsters in Yunzhou will not harass you. It is a small gift for you to apologize."

"Thank you." Xia Leng accepted the token, took Feng Tianling and the other three, and drove away in a carriage.


Underwater Palace.

There was a sudden change at the bottom, and then a golden light rushed up, even breaking through the sea and escaping into the void.

"It's not good." Su Ye screamed, and immediately dodged into the barrier in mid-air, and went with Yuan Xiaodie.

Ning Ruirui felt a slight tremor under her feet, like ripples on the water, and she couldn't help but turn her head to look at Xia Xia: "What's the situation?"

"Little long-legged girl, hold me tight." Xia Xia rarely showed a dignified look, "It's a bit weird in front, I want to go over and take a look."

"That was the shock wave that broke the formation. It seems that senior Xiuxian couldn't wait for us and started to forcibly enter the formation." Su Ye shouted at Xia Xia from the barrier: "That is a heaven-level protection formation, forcing the formation will produce Huge energy fluctuations, you better come in, or you will definitely be injured."

Xia Xia ignored Su Ye, but said to Ning Ruirui: "Little long-legged girl, don't listen to this idiot. With me here, you won't be hurt."

"Summer, you'd better not be stubborn." Su Ye warned coldly: "You saw the golden light just now, the next shock wave is at least seven or eight, and your cultivation is not strong enough to ignore all the shocks, right? ?"

"Why don't you just hide?" Ning Ruirui became a little worried when she heard this, but she still hugged Xia Xia's waist subconsciously.

"There's nothing to hide." Xia Tian looked disapproving, "This kind of shock wave is stronger than an electric fan, little girl with long legs, you don't have to be afraid."

Su Ye didn't bother to persuade any more, folded his arms and said, "Since you like to court death, then go, don't blame me for not reminding you. It's just a pity that Miss Ning is still so young and beautiful, so I will let you go. already."


As soon as the words fell, Su Ye was slapped on the face, stunned him directly.

"Xia Xia, you bastard, dare to beat me!" Su Ye came back to his senses and roared in anger, but unfortunately Xia Xia was gone, and he didn't dare to go out and bear the shock wave, so he could only swallow it back. , wait until the next time we meet and find summer to settle accounts.

At this time, Xia Xia held Ning Ruirui in the direction of the golden light just now, and ran at a fast speed.

To be precise, it is no longer a run, because the speed per hour is already faster than the high-speed rail, and it almost turns into a shadow, whistling past in the eyes of many people who are stuck in this passage.

About a few seconds later, a huge air current swept the sky and covered the earth, and countless Danshan icebergs were scraped and smashed into pieces. .

"This..." Ning Ruirui had also seen a tornado or a storm, but the shock wave in front was hundreds of times more terrifying, and she was momentarily speechless.

The shock wave came to the front in an instant, and the strong wind blew across Ning Ruirui's side like a blade, almost slicing her into countless pieces. The most terrifying thing was the pressure brought by the shock wave, which directly made her unable to breathe. Just when she was about to suffocate, a warm current came from her eyebrows, and instantly surged all over her body, releasing the suffocation.

Fortunately, this shock wave came and went quickly.

"Little long-legged girl, are you alright?" Xia Xia still kept her footsteps, and withdrew her fingers from the center of her eyebrows, "

Your face doesn't look very good? "

Ning Ruirui recovered and shook her head: "It's all right."

Then he remembered Su Ye's words, and asked with lingering fears: "How many times have this shock wave happened?"

"No more." Xia Xia smiled, "We came all at once."

"It was all just now?" Ning Ruirui didn't believe it. "It didn't take a second to add up."

"That's right." Xia Xia nodded and said, "I thought they had been separated for a long time, so I accelerated and rushed over together."

Ning Ruirui was speechless for a while, should he praise him or scold him, but looking at Xia Xia's complacent look, he would neither praise nor scold him, lest he make any more monsters.

"The front is where the golden light came out just now." Xia Xia's footsteps slowed down and finally stopped in front of a big pit, "From here, you should be able to go to the next floor. But going down one layer at a time is a bit annoying, no Know if there is a direct way to the bottom layer."

"This hole actually moves?" Ning Ruirui looked at the funnel-like hole on the ground. The stairs were clinging to the wall of the hole, rotating and extending downward, and from time to time it would rotate like a whirlpool, with a circle in the middle. The void, pitch black and bottomless.

"What's wrong with moving?" Xia Xia was puzzled, "Is there any special meaning?"

"No." Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes at Xia Tian, ​​"I just sighed casually."

Xia Xia didn't care, and said with a smile: "Little long-legged girl, let's go down."

"We've all come here, and I'm definitely going to go down and have a look." Ning Ruirui was about to walk towards the white jade-like stairs, but Xia Xia stopped her, "What's wrong?"

"Little long-legged girl, it's too troublesome to walk up the stairs." Xia Xianchong Ning Ruirui shook his head, "I have a faster way."

Ning Ruirui was taken aback: "What method?"

"Of course I jumped from the middle." Xia Xia pointed to the hollow surrounded by the stairs, "It's definitely faster than walking down the stairs."

"If you want to jump, you jump, I don't want to jump." Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes: "I choose to go down the stairs."

Xia Xia pretended to think about it seriously, and said with a smile: "Okay, then let's go up the stairs."

"Are you serious?" Ning Ruirui glanced at Xia Tian in disbelief, "You won't suddenly force me to jump halfway."

"Of course not." Xia Tian made a serious expression, "Little long-legged girl, why do you think so?"

"Let go of me first." Ning Ruirui couldn't believe Xia Xia, this dead hooligan always had some special brain holes, and then did it without her consent. Like Su Ye, he hid in the advanced barrier for a while, but this guy took her and went straight through.

"Little long-legged girl, you are doing this wrong." Xia Xia was very unhappy, "I am your boyfriend, you should believe me 100%, if I say you can't do it, then you definitely won't do it."

Ning Ruirui has suffered losses several times, pointing to Xia Xia's hand that was around her waist at some point: "Let go first, and you go ahead."

"Little long-legged girl, is this necessary?" Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly.

"Yes, very much." Ning Ruirui put her hands on Xia Xia's shoulders and pushed him to the stairs at the entrance of the cave, "Give me to walk the stairs honestly, anyway, we are not in a hurry."

Xia Xia really didn't make any demon moths. Walking up the stairs step by step, Ning Ruirui was a little relieved.

After walking for a while, Xia Xia couldn't help but say, "Little long-legged girl, it's too slow to go on like this."

"Go slowly." Ning Ruirui knew that Xia Xia couldn't take it anymore, but she really planned to test Xia Xia's patience, "Otherwise, I'll go alone, anyway, I won't jump from the middle, you die Get this heart."

Xia Tian said: "It's boring to go like this."

"Then what do you want?" Ning Ruirui asked back.

Xia Xia's figure flashed, and he stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around Ning Ruirui's waist again, and said with a smile, "It's better this way."

Ning Ruirui was too lazy to care, as long as the hooligan didn't drag her to jump down, it was acceptable for others to take some steps backwards.

I don't know how long I have walked, and I have been far away from the entrance of the cave for a short distance, but the downward stairs still do not see the bottom.

"Is it really a bottomless pit?" Ning Ruirui also murmured in her heart, but there was no expression on her face.

Xia Xian yawned in boredom, looked around, and then stopped at his feet.

"What's the matter." Ning Ruirui turned her head to look at Xia Xia, "Why are you stopping?"

"Little long-legged girl, what do you think that is?" Xia Xia raised her head and pointed in one direction.

Ning Ruirui suddenly looked in the direction of Xia Xia's finger, and then she was stunned, her eyes showing an unbelievable look, and she shouted: "This, this is..."

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