Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1828 Fulfill Your Wish

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Ning Ruirui also said: "I really can't let him go, or he will definitely hurt others again. I don't know how many people in those ghosts were killed by him."

"Don't deceive people too much." The fake Xia Tian's eyes changed, and he said sternly: "I've already planned to let you go, don't try to provoke me again, it's not good for you!"

"Is there something wrong with this person's brain?" Ning Ruirui asked Xia Tian.

"Little long-legged girl, why are you asking such a stupid question." Xia Xia explained casually: "Since you are an idiot, there must be something wrong with your brain."

"I'm fighting with you!" The fake Xia Xia roared, her whole body turned into thick fog, and she made a gesture of wanting to die with Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui. In fact, there was a black pill the size of a grain of rice, which quietly escaped under the cover of thick fog.

"Can you run?" Xia Xia's figure flashed, and he came to the black pill pill, and casually reached out and pinched the pill pill.

"Two or two adults, let me go." The black pill pill immediately made a begging voice: "I have been cultivating here for hundreds of years to condense such a small ghost pill, as long as there is another suitable pill I can be resurrected with my physical body. It is not easy for the two of you to think about my cultivation, so please forgive me this time."

"I don't see it right, there are at least a few hundred people in your ghost image, where are those people's bodies?" Ning Ruirui shook her head in disbelief, "I haven't told the truth yet, so let him just disappear, it's okay. Avenged those ghosts."

"Don't, don't!" Hei Danwan cried out, "I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't provoke the two of you! But I really didn't destroy those people's bodies. There is a bridge at the head of the bridge, guarded by a big devil of Roshan. He likes to collect people's flesh most. Under the bridge is a dark river leading to the shadow array. "

"Big Devil Roshan?" Ning Ruirui heard the word a little fresh, "What kind of trick is that?"

In order to save his life, Hei Dan Wan had to explain: "It's a monster that can integrate other people's bodies into his own body. It's extremely terrifying, and my body was also devoured by him."

"You claim to have practiced asceticism for hundreds of years, so wouldn't this Roshan devil live longer?" Ning Ruirui frowned, remembering some information she had heard before, "I only heard people say that here People can only live for about a hundred years at most, who are you lying?"

"Little long-legged girl, they didn't lie." Xia Xia said with a smile: "People here can only live a hundred years longer, but this thing is not a human being, and that Big Roshan is definitely not a human being."

Ning Ruirui nodded, it seems that there are still many non-human beings alive in this Guixu Cave, but I don't know if they are naturally produced or deliberately made by others.

"You two, I am just a pill now, and there is no threat to you at all." Hei Pill said eagerly, "If you let me go, it can be considered a good relationship. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely The liver and brain are on the ground, repaying your kindness of not killing."

"We are not interested in your repayment." Xia Xia said lazily: "You idiot dare to become like me, I am the most handsome guy in the world, are you worthy of pretending?"

Hei Dan Wan let out a roaring voice: "Then what do you guys want? What is the benefit to you by destroying me?"

"Your forgetfulness is really big." Ning Ruirui couldn't help reminding: "So soon I forgot that it was you who wanted to fight us and kill us. Now that the situation has reversed, I have forgotten all at once. "

"Then you can't blame me." Hei Dan Wan defended: "It's your own indiscretion, if you didn't seduce me on the white jade stairs, how could I be malicious."

"It's really arrogant." Ning Ruirui shook her head speechlessly, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"I'll leave it to you."

"Hey, I'm actually still useful to you." Hei Dan Wan felt bad, and immediately made a new statement: "You guys want to go to the bottom layer, right? As long as you leave me alive, I can give it to you. You guys are the guides, I actually went there once..."

Ning Ruirui didn't believe it: "Don't blow it, if you've been there, why would you stay on this floor."

"This is true, if I lie, let my Dan fall away!" Hei Dan Wan hurriedly swore and swore,

Xia Xia said with a smile: "You lied, I will fulfill your wishes."

Saying that, two fingers pressed lightly.

"Don't, don't do this! I was wrong, I lied just now. But I really have information that can help you... uh!" Hei Danmaru didn't finish his plea for mercy, and instead let out a scream. .


With a crisp sound, the black pill shattered instantly, then turned into a cloud of black mist, and disappeared completely within a few seconds.


Return to the Ruins Secret Realm, the lowest level.

The sky and the earth are all a piece of soft light, and there is a wall in the center, about nine feet high, five feet wide, and one foot thick.

This wall stands alone in this world, covered with a thin layer of golden light.

Beneath the wall, a man in a black robe sat cross-legged, with his eyes closed, breathing for a long time, with wisps of breath on his head.

After a while, a round hole appeared in the air, and several figures flew out of the hole and landed behind the black-robed man, who immediately knelt down.

"Zu Zun, here we are." One of those people, a young man in a white suit, took two steps on his knees and said to the man in black robe, "I don't know what your orders are?"

The black-robed man raised his eyelids and didn't

Yu opened it and asked softly, "How many people are left?"

"In the secret realm, there were originally five hundred and forty-three people alive." The man in the white suit replied respectfully, "Just a few waves passed, and there are only three hundred and twenty people left."

"Not enough, add more." The black-robed man said lightly.

The man in the white suit had a look of embarrassment on his face, but he nodded and agreed: "I will arrange it immediately, but the teleportation array in Haiyan is a little old, and the survival rate of those sent in is only 1%. Last time I arranged two ships. The cruise ship plus five planes are all used as a cover for the accident and death. If it is done in such a name now, I am afraid it will arouse suspicion..."

The black-robed man snorted softly, "Are you accusing me?"

"Ah, I don't dare." The man in the white suit hurriedly kowtowed, "Shican can become the head of the Yuan family in Guicheng, all thanks to the support of the ancestors, and I will do my best to satisfy your request."

"Yuan Shican, you have to remember." The black-robed man's voice was unusually cold, "Your Yuan family's achievements today depend on this seat. This seat can make you prosper, and you can die in an instant. You are not worthy of bargaining with me, Do what you want to do, or I want you to do something like a waste!"

"Yes yes yes!" The man in the white suit was so frightened that his whole body was shaking like a sieve, and there were faint wet marks on his trousers, "I'll do it now, Zu Zun will calm down."

The black-robed man snorted softly, and then said: "Behind this wall, there is a great creation. If it can be opened, this seat will be able to soar and return to the upper realm. Naturally, you can also get some benefits, and you will live forever. So , sacrificing a few ants is nothing."

"Yes!" The man in the white suit thought of immortality, and a morbid blushing appeared on his face again, "In order to repay such a great kindness, Shi Can will definitely be the ancestor of the ancestors. It's just that my first palm hides the Yuan family, and the foundation is unstable. And the Yuan family in the capital is already too big to lose, and they don't listen to my orders at all."

The man in black robe said lightly: "If you are disobedient, except that, don't waste my time."

"As ordered." The corner of the man in the white suit raised his mouth, showing a successful smile, "Shican will prepare the next batch of sacrifices for Zuzun, and you will not be disappointed."

The black-robed man said nothing, and resumed his rhythmic breathing.

The man in the white suit knelt down and took a few steps back, then stood up and said to the people who followed him: "You are here to serve the ancestors, and you can do whatever you want, and there must be no hesitation, even if it is you. Give me your life without hesitation, you know?"

Those few people were not very old, but they were all expressionless and said in unison, "I see."

There was a hint of pity in the eyes of the man in the white suit. These people were elites who had been cultivated by their Yuan family for several generations, but now they were sent here as nourishment. What a pity.

However, the thought just flashed by.

"As long as you can live forever, no matter how many people you sacrifice, it doesn't matter." The man in the white suit said to himself secretly, "Even if the entire Yuan family and the entire earth are dead, what does it have to do with me, Yuan Shican!"

The man in the white suit flew up and went out of the round hole again.

A few seconds after he left, the black-robed man's lips suddenly opened slightly.

Then the young people didn't even have time to let out the screams, and they turned into a few wisps of clear smoke, which were sucked into the mouth by the black-robed man.

"The aptitude is too poor, it's a waste." The black robe man's nostrils exuded a trace of black mist, and after a while, he also floated out of the round hole.

"How many times, why still can't open this wall?"

"The formation on the wall has long been broken by this seat. It stands to reason that breaking the wall is just around the corner, but after hundreds of years, it still failed."

"What is the reason, is this seat's method wrong?"

The black-robed man muttered to himself, with a rare look of doubt in his eyes:

"Or, the power of this seat is not enough?"

"No, this seat has already touched the edge of the Tribulation Transcendence Period, as long as there is a little more pure true essence, it can break through."

"It's a pity that the spiritual energy in this realm is too thin. If you forcibly extract the true essence, I'm afraid the entire planet will burst."

"The old men in the upper realm, who sent me to this place where birds don't shit, are clearly exiling me, wanting me to fend for themselves in this realm."

"This seat is not as good as that group of people wished, and God did not treat this seat badly for letting me discover this secret realm."

"The real essence behind the wall will definitely allow me to go beyond the calamity and directly soar. When the time comes, I will seek revenge from those old men."

"But how to break this wall?"

"The essence of ordinary people can't extract much true essence, and the immortal cultivators here have to keep them guarding all levels of space."

The man in black robe stood up slowly and asked in doubt, "Huh? That immortal cultivator named Xia Xia, I don't know what floor he has reached. Why hasn't that kid Su Ye arrived yet?"

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