Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1829 What are these idiots doing?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Xia Xia didn't know that someone at the bottom was thinking about him, but with his character, even if he knew it, it didn't matter. After all, the other party was not a peerless beauty.

At this time, he just solved a small trouble that was not too much trouble, and continued to move forward with Ning Ruirui.

The black fog in the valley has all dissipated, and the field of vision is also much wider. Not far from the front is the end of a valley. When you look up, you can see a long bridge, which is still an old-fashioned stone arch bridge. Fortunately, it is wider, probably Equivalent to six lanes.

Ning Ruirui couldn't help but feel a little strange, in such a small seabed space, who would be so idle to build such a wide stone arch bridge? Fortunately, this question just flashed through her mind, and she didn't bother about it. But when she looked at Xia Xia, a question popped up in her heart.

"Are you alright, I just saw that the impostor seems to have injected something into your body, it will be fine." Ning Ruirui didn't know whether she was worried or curious, even if she looked at Xia Xia as if nothing had happened Looks like, still can't help but ask.

"It's just some ghosts." Xia Xia smiled and said, "Little long-legged girl, I am a spirit body of ice and fire. That kind of thing can't hurt me. It has long been burned by the fire spirit in my body."

"Then your ice and fire spirit body is very powerful." Ning Ruirui nodded, and secretly relieved, "It actually has such a magical function."

"Of course it's amazing. Sister Shenxian said that this is a special physique that has been rarely seen in thousands of years." Xia Xia laughed and said proudly: "And the eight needles against the sky must be combined with my ice and fire spirit body to be effective. Therefore, only I can cultivate in the world. Some idiots don't understand at all, and they always want to steal the eight needles from me."

Ning Ruirui asked strangely, "Do many people know that you can go against the sky with eight needles?"

"There shouldn't be many, but I have met a few." Xia Xia thought about it carefully. In addition to his wives, there were a few immortal cultivators who had already been killed by him, and there were some who had experienced the Eight Needles Against the Sky. people, and ordinary people have never heard of Eight Needles Against the Sky.

"Do you think the so-called senior cultivator who led us here knows?" Ning Ruirui suddenly thought of a more serious question, "Could he actually go for your eight needles against the sky?"

"I don't know, there is a possibility. The person who rescued Su Ye that day must be him." Xia Xia didn't care much, and said casually: "This shows that the idiot must have been staring at me. But this kind of sneaky An idiot who dares not show his face has nothing to worry about, and poses no threat to me."

"That's annoying enough. I knew it wouldn't come." Ning Ruirui knew Xia Xia's character and basically didn't care about other people's intrigues and tricks, because he always thought that others couldn't hurt him, so naturally he didn't. will care. But she couldn't care less. She was involved in this summer because of her. If something really happened, she would definitely have some grudges in her heart.

"Little long-legged girl, you don't need to think so much." Xia Xia hugged Ning Ruirui with an indifferent expression: "Without this adventure, those idiots would think of other ways to deal with me. So do whatever you want. What do you do, don't think about those messy things, just be happy."

"Understood, sometimes I think you are really reliable." Ning Ruirui smiled, although it still sounded like some earthy words, but she really felt Xia Xia's sincerity, maybe this is what he can do The reason why so many beauties are favored. With him, she can really do whatever she wants, and this is so charming that it can be said that not many women can resist.


As soon as she finished speaking, Ning Ruirui felt that her pretty butt was slapped, and her admiration instantly turned to shame: "Damn hooligan, why are you hitting me?"

"Little long-legged girl, you said the wrong thing, of course you will be beaten." Xia Xia liked the wonderful touch of Ning Ruirui's buttocks as always, but put on a dissatisfied look on her face: "What do you mean sometimes I'm also very reliable I'm your boyfriend, and I'm reliable anytime, anywhere."

"You are not allowed to touch me without my permission, did you hear me?" Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes at Xia Tian, ​​and she understood that this thing is not praised at all, nor can it be praised.

"Little long-legged girl, you are wrong again." Xia Xia said solemnly: "I didn't move my feet, I just did it."

Ning Ruirui was speechless: "I'm too lazy to care about you!"

The two walked forward unhurriedly, and after ten minutes, they reached the edge of the stone arch bridge.

"Xiafeidu?" Ning Ruirui saw a monument standing on the left side of the stone arch bridge, and couldn't help but smile and said: "This name sounds very similar to Xiafei Road, is it built by the people of the magic capital?"

"Of course not." At this time, a rather clear voice sounded from the side, "In legend, Xiafeidu is the bridge to the fairyland, which means the ferry of Xiayu's ascension."

Ning Ruirui turned her head to look, only to find three young men and women with different expressions standing in the corner not far away. He was also dressed in a decent white robe, quite a bit of the demeanor of the ancient turbid Shijia son.

"Who are you?" Ning Ruirui asked casually.

The man in white smiled, and cupped his hands to Ning Ruirui and said, "Xia Niu Feiyang is a cultivator. These two fellow Daoists, one is called Ma Jucai and the other is called Lu Yunke."

"My name is Ning Ruirui, his name is Xia Xia." Seeing that the other party was polite, Ning Ruirui also introduced herself, but only said her and Xia Xia's names.

Xia Tian added: "I'm her boyfriend."

"Meeting the two of you here is also considered a fate." The man in white smiled even more, and cupped his hands again: "I see that the two of them are quite novel in clothes. I don't know if it is possible?"

The tone of this man's speech was inexplicable, and it sounded a little awkward.

"You ask." Ning Ruirui has always been helpful, and the other party did not show any hostility, so answering a few questions was a small effort.

The man in white exchanged glances with the other two loose cultivators, and then asked Ning Ruirui, "I wonder if Miss Ning knows about Zhongnanshan Quanzhen School?"

"Of course I know that, it's a tourist attraction now, and I heard that there are still many high-ranking people living in seclusion there." Ning Ruirui said casually, "It seems that the Taoist Court of Quanzhen Sect is also there, but now it is only used to attract tourists. of."

"Excellent." The green-robed man named Lu Yunke couldn't help but applaud, "Zhongnan Shengjing, as expected, was not destroyed by the war."

"What about the Qingcheng School of Qingcheng Mountain?" Ma Jucai couldn't help but ask, "Is it still there?"

Ning Ruirui has been to almost all the famous mountains and rivers in China. Naturally, she knew something, so she said, "It's still there. It's still a five-a-level scenic spot, one more a than Zhongnan Mountain."

The two of them didn't understand what the five-a-level, four-a-level, etc. were said, but when they heard that the mountain gate still existed, their faces showed a look of joy.

"I think the girl is also a practitioner of our Taoism. I don't know what sect or faction?" The man in white said with a confident expression and said with a smile: "The next is from the famous Holy Hand Sect. I think the two of you should have heard of it."

"I don't have a sect, and I haven't heard of any holy hand door." Ning Ruirui's expression was indifferent and she told the truth.

The man in white looked cold, and said a little unhappily: "The Holy Hand Gate is located in Wugong Mountain. It is the number one cultivator in China. You haven't heard of it, it's a joke."

"I know Wugong Mountain, I have never heard of the Holy Hand Sect." Ning Ruirui saw this person's face changed inexplicably, and she felt a little unhappy in her heart: "As for the first cultivation sect in China, it is even more unheard of."

"Impossible!" The man in white scowled with anger, pointed at Ning Ruirui and said, "You are a cultivator, why are you full of lies. A hundred years ago, one of my uncles in the Sect of the Holy Hand was the first monk in China. The Golden Core Stage is only one step away. Now that a hundred years have passed, my Holy Hand Gate should have dominated the cultivation world long ago, how could you have not heard of it.”

"So..." Ning Ruirui suddenly asked, "You were trapped here more than a hundred years ago?"

"It's less than a hundred years, but it's been more than ninety years." The man in white said embarrassedly, "Also pay attention to your words, we are not trapped here, but come here with a fortuitous encounter. Later Seeing that there is plenty of spiritual energy here and it is beneficial to practice, so I stayed."

Saying that, the man in white felt wrong, why the initiative of the words was transferred to the other party's mouth, so he then asked Ning Ruirui: "Miss Ning, the Holy Hand Sect was a powerful Xiuxian sect a hundred years ago, you better think clearly. Say it again."

"Whatever you think." Ning Ruirui waved her hand and continued: "However, what I want to say is that in a hundred years of vicissitudes, you have never heard of your holy hand, and I don't know if you have dominated the cultivation world. , but I think the so-called cultivation world may no longer exist."

Xia Xia did know some things, but he still heard from the beautiful maid Gu Hanshuang before that the environment for cultivating immortals in China a hundred years ago was actually okay. It's a pity that there was a so-called senior who engaged in affairs in Zhongnan Mountain, and in the end most of the immortal cultivators died there. The remaining ones who were lingering were later solved by Xia Xia.

In this way, the so-called cultivation world in China seems to be destroyed by Xia Xia. However, Xia Xia didn't take this seriously, after all, they were a bunch of trash, and they didn't even have a Golden Core Stage after cultivating for so long.

"It doesn't make sense." The man in white frowned and muttered to himself: "Uncle Zhuo once said that he has a way to make the monks all over the world obey his orders. At that time, the country was in chaos, and my Holy Hand Gate should be able to take advantage of the situation. That's right."

"Little long-legged girl, why are you ignoring this idiot." Xia Xia said lazily: "What is left with hands and feet, it sounds like a pheasant sect, maybe it has been destroyed long ago."

"Shut up!" The man in white was instantly furious, pointing at Xia Xia and roaring: "Dare to insult my teacher, how can I, Niu Feiyang, spare you, and take my sword!"

As soon as the word "sword" came out, the man in white reached out to his waist, and with just one touch, a stroke, and a flick, the seven-foot-long soft sword came to Xia Xia and stabbed him in the throat.

This sword was extremely fast, the angle was tricky, and there was no sign of the shot, which shocked Ning Ruirui.

"Be careful!"

Sure enough, the tip of the sword pierced into the body without incident.

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