Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1830 They are just playing tricks

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


At the same time, a cry of pain rang out.

The person who called was naturally not Xia Xia, but the man in white with the sword.

This sword of his, just before it stabbed into Xia Xia, suddenly turned a strange bend and stabbed into his own chest in turn.

"What's the situation?" Ma Jucai's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw: "How did Brother Niu's sword stab him?"

Lu Yunke was also amazed: "Brother Niu's swordsmanship has already entered the realm of the world, and this sword is amazing, how did the kid escape?"

"This...what's going on here?" The man in white was stunned, looking down at his wound, "You can't see through my swordsmanship."

"Whoever likes to see through your broken swordsmanship will see through it." Xia Xia said impatiently: "I don't have time to play games with you idiot here."

"Game? You actually call my swordsmanship a game? I'm so angry!" The man in white was so angry that he even forgot the pain of the wound. You are not allowed to insult it! Kneel down and apologize to me!"


A fist slammed into the face of the man in white, and his facial features were almost scattered. The whole person was impacted by this, and immediately flew out backwards, and fell on the stone arch bridge more than ten meters away, and immediately became unconscious.

The two companions of the man in white immediately ran over to check, for fear that the man would be killed by Xia Xia.

"An idiot." Xia Xia put away his fists with a look of disdain, "I really need a beating."

Ning Ruirui also felt that the man in white was a bit baffled. The front was quite normal. As soon as the door of the holy hand was involved, he became a violent monkey and stabbed with his sword.

"Could it be that this sage door is really powerful?" Ning Ruirui couldn't help but feel a little strange, but she was a former athlete and really didn't know anything about the so-called cultivator, and she felt that it was a lie. After becoming an immortal cultivator, because of the summer, she was not interested in learning about this, because it was completely unnecessary.

"Little long-legged girl, how can you be smart and stupid at the same time." Xia Xia said lazily: "There is no sect that doesn't even have Jindan stage, what is so powerful, you can destroy this kind of broken sect."

Ning Ruirui thought the same, with the eight needles against the sky in the summer, you can easily wash the marrow of people. If the previous level is restored, it is not impossible to directly promote a person to the tribulation period. In such a comparison, the so-called Xiuxian sect is completely weak, and there is really no need to pay attention.

"You must have used some despicable means!" The man in white was rescued by his two colleagues in a short time, but the resentment in his heart was really hard to calm, "There is a kind, fight me in an upright manner, and I will show you. To Yunshou swordsmanship is amazing!"

"The thinking of an idiot is indeed the same." Xia Xia heard this, and couldn't help but think of Su Ye. "The result is the same no matter how many times you try again. If you want to be beaten, you can try again at any time."

"Why don't you ask about things, why did it suddenly turn into a fight?" Ning Ruirui couldn't help but sigh that wherever there is summer, no matter what happens, it will eventually develop in one direction, "Dead rogue, your ability is really amazing. "

"What does this have to do with me, this idiot made the first move." Xia Tian pouted, "He needs to be beaten himself, I just fulfill his wish."

Hearing this, the man in white became even more angry: "It's just nonsense, if you hadn't insulted my teacher, how would I have attacked you?"

"Who insulted your teacher, you are so weak, it's not surprising that the broken sect was destroyed." Xia Xia said casually.

"How dare you talk nonsense!" The man in white raised his sword and was about to sprint towards Xia Xia again. Before his footwork started, he was hugged by two companions.

Ning Ruirui has long been aware of Xia Xia's poisonous tongue. What's more poisonous is that he never feels that he has said anything wrong, because he thinks that what he said is the truth.

In the world, what hurts the most is the truth.

"Mr. Niu, we don't actually have any malicious intentions." Ning Ruirui is not afraid of men in white clothes, but just doesn't like extravagance, so she couldn't help but explain: "It's not that you have the idea of ​​insulting your teacher. The door doesn't know anything, so please forgive me if I've offended you."

"Okay, I accept your apology." The man in white suddenly pulled his sword back into its sheath, and his expression returned to his indifferent expression, as if the angry man just now was not him at all: "It would be better if I said that earlier, Niu also Not some unreasonable person."

"Uh..." Ning Ruirui was dumbfounded for a while, she didn't know what to say, she could only read silently in her heart, "This person is really sick."

"Little long-legged girl, you guessed it right, he has a sick mind." Xia Xia has always been too lazy to take care of such sick-minded idiots, but Ning Ruirui said soft words, he couldn't dismantle her platform, so he Just let this idiot go.

"Do you two want to cross the bridge?" The man in white smiled lightly, "This, maybe we can help."

"How do you say that?" Ning Ruirui looked at the stone arch bridge in front of her, "Is there something strange on the bridge that prevents us from getting through?"

"There are no strange things, but there are strange people." The man in white looked solemn, "It is a monster covered in flesh, not only is it huge, but also has a hard skin, is extremely powerful, and has some invisible methods, which can be said to be hard to guard against. You cross the bridge rashly, fearing that you will become the belly of that monster."

"No matter what's on the bridge

Monster, I can deal with it with one punch. " Xia Tian looked disdainful, "I don't need your three idiots to help. "

"Young Master Xia is a little too confident." The man in white was not angry at this time, but said a little unhappily: "I don't think your cultivation is very high, let alone you, there are ten more, think about it. To solve that monster, I'm afraid... hehe."

Ning Ruirui gave Xia Xia a look, motioning him to stop talking, and then continued to ask the man in white: "If that's the case, then why do you guarantee that you can escort us there?"

"We have lived here for some years." The Ma Jucai interjected: "Although I haven't crossed the bridge, I have figured out some of the characteristics of the monster. As long as it is handled properly, it is not difficult to escort others across the bridge."

"Since it's not difficult, why don't you go over by yourself?" Ning Ruirui felt that these people were a little evasive, at least their purpose was not so simple.

"Because the three of us must cooperate to trap that monster temporarily." Lu Yunke explained: "Besides, crossing the bridge doesn't mean anything to us, so it's better to stay here and help some fellows, or make some connections. Kindness."

Ning Ruirui asked, "What do you mean by good fate?"

"The next floor has more spiritual energy and countless treasures." The man in white said with a smile: "If you can come back from the next floor, please share half of your profits with us."

"You haven't crossed the bridge, how do you know that the next floor has treasures?" Ning Ruirui asked again.

"Because some of the people we escorted across the bridge came back safely from below." The man in white explained: "We got some benefits from them. That's why we decided to stay on the other side of the bridge, and The comrades who crossed the bridge formed a good relationship. I don’t know Miss Ning, how are you thinking?”

It turned out that such a good relationship was nothing more than a transaction. Ning Ruirui understood that there was no problem in crossing the bridge when Xia was here, but she didn't want to rely on Xia for everything, not to mention that she didn't want Xia to be so tired. The treasures of heaven and earth on the next floor are of no use to her. She feels that it is quite worthwhile to use this to offset some summer pressure.

"No problem." Ning Ruirui made a decision instantly, "I'm not interested in those treasures, let alone 50%, it's okay to give them all."

"Then it's settled." The man in white nodded, "It's just empty words, I want to ask Miss Ning to leave some credentials."

Ning Ruirui thought it was a little funny: "If I really want to break my promise, do you think the credentials will be useful?"

"There's no need for Miss Ning to worry about it." The man in white opened his mouth and smiled, "Just leave some things to show your sincerity."

Ning Ruirui looked at her backpack and found a few sword pills in it. That was when she was fighting with the woman in the bucket hat, and she picked up a few out of curiosity, but now it comes in handy.

"Jianwan? It's a good thing on this floor." The man in white naturally recognized a few balls thrown by Ning Ruirui, and was not surprised. He turned around and threw them to the other two, "Put them away."

"Can you cross the bridge now?" Ning Ruirui said lightly.

The man in white nodded: "Of course, I'll go ahead to lead the way, and there are two of my fellow disciples behind, you can rest assured."

As soon as the voice fell, the man in white swept up the bridge and rushed into the thin mist on the bridge.

"Let's go." Ning Ruirui felt that there was nothing wrong, so she took Xia Xia's arm and stepped onto the bridge.

Xia Xia didn't have any special reaction, just felt a little troublesome, it would be better for them to punch the so-called monster directly and then go across the bridge generously.

Not long after, the two people had reached the center of the bridge. The man in white in front had completely disappeared, and the two people who followed also walked very slowly, as if a heavy stone was tied to their feet.

Ning Ruirui had some ominous premonition, and muttered to herself, "They won't be playing tricks."

"They were playing tricks from the beginning, and they were tricks that could be seen at a glance." Xia Xia said with a smile: "It's only a stupid girl like you, little long-legged girl."

"I didn't get fooled, I just thought it was boring." Ning Ruirui really expected it, but felt that these three people couldn't hurt them, and the so-called monster on the bridge was definitely not Xia Xia's opponent. Exploring these three people is to add some fun to the boring itinerary.

"Summer, you are finally here!"

In the thin mist, an incomparably tall figure suddenly appeared, and there was a heavy breathing sound, with a strong murderous aura.

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