Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1832 I must beat him

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Naturally, the injured person was not Ning Ruirui, but Xue Xiaodao.

I have to say that the knife Xue Xiaodao cut just now was really amazing. Compared to that, the previous few knives were nothing but child's play.

Ning Ruirui also knew that this knife could not be avoided, so she didn't plan to dodge from the beginning. Since Xia Xia said that she can take the initiative to counterattack, it means that Xue Xiao's swordsmanship must be flawed, but she has not found it yet.

So, Ning Ruirui listened to Xia Xia's suggestion and kept her eyes fixed on the muscles on Xue Xiaodao's arm, and finally saw some clues.

Xue Xiaodao's body is a little abnormal, and those are not fat, but muscles, and the strength that he can use must be extremely amazing, which is one of the reasons why his knife is so fast. However, this also created a flaw in his swordsmanship, that is, his body movements were not fast enough, and this was an opportunity for Ning Ruirui to fight back.

Fortunately, Ning Ruirui accurately seized this opportunity, and before Xue Xiaodao's shocking knife was formed, she used the flowing cloud iron blade to penetrate Xue Xiaodao's body.

"Isn't it possible?" Xue Xiaodao's eyes were about to pop out. He couldn't accept this reality at all, so he shouted angrily: "My body has been transformed countless times, and its hardness is stronger than that of diamonds, even a cannon may not If you can punch a hole, how can your knife pierce through."

"Nothing is impossible." Xia Xia said lazily: "Besides, that kind of transformation has a fart effect. I can pierce it with a poke. Little long-legged girl, it took nine points of effort to force a fight with me. Fingers are about the same, and it is normal to pierce your body."

"Can't you praise me once, why do you have to add the last sentence?" Ning Ruirui was quite happy, but she was speechless when she heard Xia Xia's words.

Xia Tian shrugged and said with a smile: "Little long-legged girl, I'm telling the truth. If you want to hear praise, I can praise you now."

"Forget it." Ning Ruirui waved her hand.

"No, no, it's your knife that's weird." Xue Xiaodao suddenly reached out and grabbed the Liuyun iron blade that pierced his body, "This is... a blade made by Yunshuang Iron Worm, how could you have one?"

"Yunshuang Iron Worm? What is that?" Ning Ruirui was stunned and asked casually.

"It's an exotic creature, it's both a bug and a metal, and it can be used to make a weapon." Xue Xiaodao's eyes deepened, and he muttered to himself, "However, it's the next level, you don't have to. If you haven't been there, you mustn't know. Then where did your knife come from?"

"Is it necessary to tell you?" Ning Ruirui felt a little disgusted when she saw the man holding the blade in her hand, so she just cut off the blade. One of the characteristics of the flowing cloud iron blade is that it can be soft or hard, and it can be cut off at any time.

"I just wanted to play with you guys, and then I'll kill you." Xue Xiaodao touched the wound and saw that it had healed, "It seems that you still have a lot of secrets hidden in your body, and you have to keep it until you study it slowly. Row."

"Your swordsmanship is also ineffective for me, and I will kill you next." Ning Ruirui heard that this person bit the word "research" very hard, and knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

When Xue Xiaodao heard this, he couldn't help sneering: "It's ridiculous, but it hurts my fur, so I think it can kill me? I'll let you know how wide the world is! Look at the knife... uh!"

As soon as the word "knife" was finished, he was stabbed in the chest.

"I said that, your tricks have been seen through by me, no matter how much you struggle, it's useless." Ning Ruirui quickly retracted the flowing cloud iron blade, and said indifferently: "It's useless to try again and again, I don't want to die. If so, just get out of the way, I don't want to kill people."

"As arrogant as this bastard Xia Xia!" Xue Xiaodao was furious and pointed at Ning Ruirui: "If you can't measure your weight, let me die!"

Xue Xiaodao took a step forward with his left foot, then took a half step forward with his right foot in a half-arc, and the long knife he swung up again slashed out. Long Di exploded in people's ears.

"Not good." Ning Ruirui was startled by the thunder, and her reaction was suddenly half a beat slower. This was a fatal flaw in a duel with a master.

"Haha, you're not dead this time!" Xue Xiaodao naturally noticed this, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

Losing the first opportunity, Ning Ruirui could only choose to dodge. Although it was a bit of a risk, the fighter's opportunity has passed, and greed for merit will only lead to a more tragic end.

"I want to escape, it's too late!" Xue Xiaodao's arm suddenly soared three feet, and the long knife caught up with Ning Ruirui, who was retreating, and was about to split her in half.


At the critical moment, Xia Xia dodged over and took Ning Ruirui away from the danger, landing more than ten meters away.

The long knife slashed heavily on the bridge deck, and in an instant, the stone splashed and smashed into a huge pit.

"Huh?" Xue Xiaodao found that his knife hadn't slashed anyone, so he couldn't help frowning, looked up, and suddenly sneered: "Hehe, Xia, can't you finally resist?"

"I was careless." Ning Ruirui was still in shock, she was indeed a little frightened just now, the long knife almost swept past her cheek, and the icy blade made her face a little cold.

"Little long-legged girl, you don't have to think so much." Xia Xia giggled, "You have done a good job, let me handle this idiot."

"No, I have to win against him, otherwise how can I face a stronger enemy in the future?" Ning Ruirui was very unwilling, she managed to make some progress, and as a result, an oversight almost killed her.

For her always proud, it was really hard to accept.

Xia Xia glanced at Ning Ruirui, and found that her eyes were very firm, and she didn't persuade much. She nodded and said, "Okay, you go."

"Aren't you afraid that I was really killed by him?" Seeing that Xia Xia agreed so happily, Ning Ruirui asked unexpectedly, "I'm at a disadvantage now."

"With me here, no one can hurt you." Xia Xian was not worried at all, this was out of confidence in his own strength, "Besides, you should have found a way to solve this idiot, don't be mad, Fix it quickly."

While speaking, thunder exploded, and the long knife came again.

Ning Ruirui was no longer intimidated this time, her figure flashed, and she went straight to the long knife. Fortunately, the blade passed close to her and did not hurt her in the slightest.

"You were able to escape, how could this... uh!" Xue Xiaodao's eyes narrowed, and a look of panic appeared. Before he could react, Ning Ruirui's knife pierced into his chest, directly penetrating his body. And passed.

"I'm not interested in your grievance with Xia Xia, nor do I care." Ning Ruirui took back the flowing cloud iron blade and looked at Xue Xiaodao, who fell down with a bang: "But you have become this kind of monster, and I will leave you here. The world is also a scourge to others, so it’s better to do so.”

After speaking, Ning Ruirui turned and walked away, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"Let's go."

No movement in summer.

"What's wrong?" Ning Ruirui had just finished asking this sentence, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, she couldn't help turning around, and then she gained insight.

"I'm tired of it too, you two should die together." Xue Xiaodao's wound healed again, and his anger accumulated to a peak. His whole body immediately doubled in size. Now it's more like a mountain of flesh, only the skin Showing a black luster, it appears more rigid.

When the long knife was raised, a thick black gas surged up from under the bridge, so the blade became longer, thicker, and darker... Finally, it condensed into a ghost that exuded a thick ghostly aura. The big knife on the head, especially the two eyes on the ghost's head, turned out to be like a living thing, emitting a breathtaking dim light.

As soon as the sword started, all the ghosts came together, and the thunder followed. In less than half a second, the thick black mist wrapped the entire bridge in it, completely blocking the way for Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui to escape.

Of course, Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui never thought of running away. Especially in the summer, he has never been interested in such tricks, and even despised them very much. Only people who have no strength will do so many tricks when fighting.

Ning Ruirui's cultivation is still shallow, and it is indeed somewhat affected.

"It's really boring." Xia Xia yawned lazily and punched casually.


The big sword collided with the fist, making a loud noise, the ghost head on the sword shattered instantly, and the ghost qi dissipated immediately.

"This is impossible!" Xue Xiaodao widened his eyes and roared, "Even if you are a cultivator, you can't be so strong! I don't believe it!"

"Believe it or not, it's none of my business." Xia Xia pouted and punched Xue Xiaodao in the chest again, "You ugly, stupid and disgusting idiot, just die. "

Xue Xiaodao's eyes were full of horror and extreme unwillingness.

"Don't think about it, no one can save you this time, nor can you." Xia Xia retracted his fist and said this lightly.

Before he finished speaking, Xue Xiaodao's body shrank rapidly, and in the end, only a thin body was left.

"Little long-legged girl, let's go." Xia Xia returned to Ning Ruirui's side, and a hand was naturally placed in a suitable position.

Ning Ruirui nodded, put away the flowing cloud iron blade, and slowly crossed the bridge with Xia Xia.

After the two of them crossed the bridge, three figures suddenly turned up under the bridge. They were the three people who said they wanted to protect Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui from crossing the bridge.

"They actually killed the Great Demon King of Roshan?" Ma Jucai was shocked, "The strength is really unfathomable."

Lu Yunke couldn't help but said worriedly: "Brother Niu, we originally played the role of this devil to help him lead people to the bridge, so as to get some benefits from it. Now that the devil is dead, what should we do?"

"Hehe, as expected, God helped me." Niu Feiyang in white clapped his hands and laughed, "I was originally under the control of this devil, and I don't know when it will come out. Now that summer has solved this trouble for us, then our brothers. Aren't the three of them exactly like dragons entering the sea and tigers entering the mountains. I have a hunch that I will definitely benefit from following him that summer."

"However, that summer's strength was too terrifying, I'm afraid..." Ma Jucai couldn't help but feel scared when he thought that Xia Xia could kill the Great Demon King of Roshan with one punch.

"I'm afraid of a fart!" Niu Feiyang disapproved, "No matter how powerful it is, didn't we cheat on the bridge?" He knocked on his head, "We rely on our brains, that kid looks like an idiot, and then It's just because of us... what kind of eyes do you two look like?"

"Brother Niu, your brain seems to flow out!" Lu Yunke pointed at Niu Feiyang in horror.

"What nonsense, what nonsense are you talking about!" Niu Feiyang thought it was a little funny, but when he opened his mouth, he found that it was a little difficult for him to speak, and he put his hand under his nose, and sure enough, yellow and white liquid continued to overflow, "This, this yes!"

In a short while, Lu Yunke and Ma Jucai could not escape the end of their brains overflowing, and they became dementia children without a brain.

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