Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1833 Age can be changed at any time

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

After crossing the bridge, Ning Ruirui remembered a question: "What about the three liars?"

Xia Tian shook his head: "I don't know."

"You really don't know?" Ning Ruirui looked at Xia Xia suspiciously, "Did they get killed by that Roshan?"

"That's not true." Xia Xia shook his head again, "Little long-legged girl, what do those three idiots do, it doesn't matter if they die or not."

"Important." Ning Ruirui stared at Xia Tian, ​​"I'm in a bad mood."

"Little long-legged girl, you don't have to be in a bad mood." Xia Xia said casually: "You don't even need to care about the lives of those three idiots."

A thought flashed through Ning Ruirui's mind, and she couldn't help but ask, "Have you done anything to them?"

Summer giggled, noncommittal.

"Next time you do something to these bastards, let me know in advance, otherwise I thought you changed it." Seeing his reaction, Ning Ruirui was more certain. This dead hooligan is obviously a scumbag, and he has to bear grudges very much. Those who have offended him basically have nothing to do, so how could he let those three dead liars go.

"Little long-legged girl, don't talk nonsense." Xia Xia showed a serious expression, "I always convince people with virtue and reason."

Ning Ruirui gave him a white look: "I believe in you."

"I'm not a ghost." Xia Tian hugged Ning Ruirui and said seriously: "Little long-legged girl, you should believe me unconditionally, I'm your boyfriend."

Before Ning Ruirui could answer, a rather old voice sounded from the side: "Hey, that's a powerful statement, and I also think you should believe in this unconditional buddy, beauty."

"Huh?" Ning Ruirui was startled, and found a ragged old man squatting in a corner not far ahead.

The old man looked at least seventy years old, his hair was gray and messy, and his body was rather thin, but his eyes were still bright, not like the eyes of an old man.

Xia Tian glared at the old man in disgust: "You idiot, don't you deserve to be beaten, you actually overheard me talking to my girlfriend?"

"Hey, I didn't eavesdrop, it was you who spoke too loudly." The sloppy old man grinned, "However, your girlfriend is indeed very beautiful, buddy, you are so lucky."

"Old man, who are you and why are you here?" Ning Ruirui found that the old man had been staring at her. The strange thing was that there was no wretchedness in his expression, but it was definitely not appreciation, which made her a little elusive. well.

"You call me the old man?" The sloppy old man pointed to himself with some difficulty: "I'm only twenty-eight years old, you call me the old man?"

Ning Ruirui was stunned for a while, her eyes full of surprise: "How old do you say you are?"

"Twenty-eight years old." The sloppy old man stretched out a pair of dirty hands, his fingernails were full of black dirt, his left hand was two and his right was eight, "The birthday just passed last month, then At that time my girlfriend was also there, although she is not as beautiful as you, but she is also very beautiful, like a star."

"Are you sure you're not joking?" Ning Ruirui looked at the old man carefully. To be honest, apart from the vitality in his eyes, his whole body was about to die, and some people believed that he was 82 years old.

The sloppy old man glared at Ning Ruirui: "Who is joking with you, the old man is twenty-eight years old."

"..." Ning Ruirui was speechless for a while, and couldn't help but complain: "You call yourself an old man, and you still insist on being twenty-eight?"

"It was originally, the old man is just my habitual catchphrase." The sloppy old man hummed: "After tonight, I might be eighteen years old."

Xia Tian glanced at the sloppy old man and said casually, "You better stop dreaming, after tonight, you will be dead."

"Dude, I don't have any grudges against you, so why are you cursing me to death?" The sloppy old man glared at Xia Xia angrily, "I'm in good health, as long as I can recover some energy, I can go to the cave mansion again. If you give it a try, you will definitely be able to return to the age of eighteen, and then I will knock you over with one punch."

"You can't beat me no matter how old you are." Xia Tian pouted, "Don't say one punch, it's impossible to give you 10,000 punches. And I can kill you with one punch at any time."

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to an uninitiated person like you." Perhaps afraid that Xia Xia would actually hit him, the sloppy old man's eyes flickered a few times, "When I return to eighteen years old, I will gain more lifespan, and then I will If you can live forever, you won't be able to envy you if you want, this is my chance."

"Chance?" Ning Ruirui heard a key word, "Is the chance you mentioned related to the cave you mentioned?"

"I don't know what you're talking about! The old man kindly advises you..." The sloppy old man rolled his eyes, "Since it's so easy to cross the bridge, don't walk around, it's just half a step wrong here. You may die, and of course you may not be able to die if you want to.”

Xia Xia said lazily: "No matter where we are, we will not die, you can't tell."

"Forget it, I'll stop talking nonsense with you, it's almost time." The sloppy old man suddenly lowered his tone, stopped talking to Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, turned and walked away.

"Strange." At first, Ning Ruirui suspected that the old man might have Alzheimer's, so his speech was a little unclear, but now he thinks that this person must be mentally ill.

"Little long-legged girl, his brain is not ill." Xia Xiachong explained to Ning Ruirui: "But it is true that there is a problem with his brain.

. "

"What are you talking about?" Ning Ruirui was a little confused at first, but now she is a little confused by what Xia Xia said: "What does it mean that the brain is not sick, but there is something wrong with the brain?"

"Little long-legged girl, you should be my wife earlier, so that you can become smart, or you will die sooner or later." Xia Xia looked at Ning Ruirui worriedly, "I can't understand such a simple thing, not being sick doesn't mean No problem, being sick doesn’t mean having problems, being sick and having problems are not the same thing, but sometimes they can be the same…”

"Okay, okay!" Ning Ruirui felt even more headache, and interrupted Xia Tian directly, "I don't want to hear you say tongue twisters, just say it, you can just tell me how old he is."

"It's really a bit weird." Xia Xia frowned rarely, "He is indeed twenty-eight today, but yesterday was seventy-six, the day before yesterday was thirty-eight, the day before yesterday was..."

Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes and said to Xia Tian, ​​"I think you have a problem with your brain. What is your age, can you change it every day?"

"Of course you can." Xia Tian replied with a serious face, "Little long-legged girl, if you want to change back to eighteen years old, I can change it for you at any time. However, you are fine now, go back to At eighteen, your breasts may be smaller."

"You have it all." Ning Ruirui looked at her, knowing that the dead gangster thought her breasts were too small again, and she was very upset: "I know you are very capable, what I asked was the age of the person just now. fluctuated so much?"

"That idiot must have eaten something to become like this." Xia Xia said casually, "This place is originally a strange place, and it's not surprising that there are some strange things. However, no matter what his body is already At the limit, it's useless to eat anything."

These words brought Ning Ruirui back to her senses, she almost forgot that they were in a very strange place, and it was not surprising that anything happened.

"That person seemed to have mentioned something about the cave just now?" Ning Ruirui muttered to herself, "Let's go there and see, maybe we'll know what's going on."

Of course, Xia Xia has no opinion. He originally came out to play with Ning Ruirui. Of course, her opinion should be the main thing. Besides, he was indeed a little curious. His eight anti-sky needles can change the lifespan of others at will. In addition, it seems that the needle method of Yin Medicine has similar functions, but the effect is very weak, and it can only slightly control the vitality of the human body and accelerate or delay aging.

So the two followed behind the sloppy old man and walked forward along the slightly narrow valley. After turning a corner, they saw the entrance of a huge circular cave. It looks a bit like a treasure trove in a martial arts novel.

The sloppy old man's body was really bad, he would stop to pant if he couldn't walk two steps, and walk a distance of less than ten meters in two or three minutes.

"Little long-legged girl, this idiot is walking too slowly, let's go in directly." Xia Xia was impatient and couldn't help saying to Ning Ruirui.

"Okay, let's go." Ning Ruirui nodded, since she knew where the hole was, there was no need to follow the sloppy old man.

Xia Tian immediately put his arms around Ning Ruirui and flashed to the edge of the hole, seeing that the sloppy old man's eyeballs were about to come out. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but his voice was too low, and no one but himself could hear it.

As soon as Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui entered the cave, a light lit up, and then the light quickly escaped into the depths of the cave.

Ning Ruirui felt that this light must have something to do with it, but there was no one in front of her to ask, so she had to keep her doubts for the time being.

The cave is quite spacious and well-lit. There is an aperture at intervals. The strange thing is that there are people standing behind each aperture, some of them are one or two, some are seven or eight, and these people are watching. Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui walked into the cave.

"Two people, new comers?" Standing behind the first aperture is a foreign young man with a splayed beard, but he speaks fluent Chinese with a hint of Dijing dialect.

"How do you know?" Ning Ruirui looked at the man strangely. It was the first time she saw a foreigner in this secret realm.

"You don't need to worry about this." The foreigner patted his moustache proudly, "My name is Mike, isn't it a vulgar name, but my strength is not bad, you two better pay attention to it. Next, you two put your hands in the aperture in front of me for at least three seconds, or I'll beat you up, can you hear me clearly?"

Ning Ruirui felt that this was another inexplicable person, a little too lazy to answer, and reached out and patted Xia Xia's chest, motioning for him to deal with it.

"You idiot is very powerful, does it have anything to do with us?" Xia Xia said lazily: "Why should we pay attention to it?"

"Boy, it seems that you haven't been beaten very much." The foreigner sighed, took off his shirt, revealing his strong muscles, and raised his fist at Xia Xia: "It's better to be obedient, or I will let you go. You know what it's like to know these iron fists."

Xia Tian nodded: "I really haven't been beaten very much, because no one is my opponent except my wives. And your pair are not iron fists, but embroidered pillows."

"Are you courting death?" The foreigner frowned and greeted Xia Xia with his fist.


Xia Xia kicked the foreigner with his foot and smashed it against the wall inside the cave, unable to lift it off.

Seeing that Xia Xia made a decisive move, and his strength was quite strong, the others couldn't help but show a look of consternation in their eyes, and they were thinking about countermeasures for a while.

After walking a few steps, I met an aperture again, this

There are three people in it.

"Both of you, I'm sorry. Can you take some time out to discuss something?" One of the slightly more elegant men took the initiative to move forward and said to Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, "It's a matter of great benefit to you and us."

"I'm not interested." Xia Xia's refusal came, "There are good dogs out of the way, if you don't want to be beaten, just get out of the way."

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