Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1834 A little shame on my wife

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Friend, don't think you're amazing because you know how to punch and kick." The elegant man suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed his tie, staring at Xia Xia coldly, "In this place, knowing how to keep a low profile and learn to compromise is the law of survival."

"Hey, idiot, don't yell, you're not my friend, and you're not qualified to be my friend." Xia Xia showed a slightly unhappy look, "I don't need to keep a low profile, and I don't need to learn to compromise, because I'm Xia Xia, the best in the world. summer."

"Who are you calling an idiot!" The elegant man's eyes flashed with strong anger instantly, "It's still number one in the world, I'm really laughing off my big teeth, you are too self-righteous, and you will end up miserably like this."

"Of course I called you an idiot." Xia Xia said to Ning Ruirui with a smile: "Little long-legged girl, look, idiots don't always think they are idiots, but they always say idiots and do idiots. "

Although Ning Ruirui was already used to the character that Xia Xian's mouth would hurt people, she still had a headache and was considering whether to speak up to ease the atmosphere.

"You brought it on yourself!" The elegant man was not polite at all, on the contrary, he had a violent temper. He was already furious at the moment, and he stretched out his hand to dig something behind his waist, but his hand was held down by his companion.

"Don't mess around." It was a big man in leather pants behind the elegant man who spoke.

The elegant man roared: "Chu leather pants, why are you stopping me?"

"Save your life." The man in leather pants said lightly.

"Stop me again, I'm going to kill you!" The elegant man glared at each other fiercely, "We're running out of time, we must find a scapegoat as soon as possible, and don't stop me, these two people, Lao Tzu, will be decided."

"I'm afraid you can't afford it." The man in leather pants shook his head.

The other was an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman, and she asked in confusion, "Old Chu, what do you mean by that?"

The man in leather pants pulled the elegant man behind him, walked slowly to Xia Xia, and gave a respectful salute: "Mr Xia Xia, I have offended you just now, it's our fault, please have a lot, don't bother with us."

Xia Tian glanced at the man and asked lazily, "You know me?"

"I know." The man in leather pants still lowered his head, "My name is Chu Feng, and I am from Chumen. Twelve years ago, I was fortunate enough to meet you, and I am deeply impressed. I never thought it would be my honor to meet you here. ."

"Chumen? Didn't they disband long ago?" Ning Ruirui knew a thing or two. Among the wives who had also listened to Yi Xiaoyin's popular science in the summer, one of them was named Chu Yao, the former boss of this Trumen.

"It's not disbanded, it's just merged into the genius doctor group." Xia Xia explained to Ning Ruirui casually, and the man in leather pants said, "Since you are Yaoyao's wife, how come you are so miserable? "It's a bit embarrassing for Yaoyao's wife to say it."

"Mr. Xia is joking, I've actually been expelled from Chumen by the eldest lady." Chu Leather Pants showed a look of shame, and he had no regrets in his heart, "I didn't listen to the eldest lady at the beginning, and I did something in my hand, and then I thought about it. It's too late to change."

Xia Xia nodded, Chu Men was the family gang of his wife, Chu Yao. Later, when the Divine Doctor Group was integrated, Qiao Xiaoqiao helped Chu Yao to clean up the gang. Of course, some messy people were naturally swept out of the house.

"Then why are you here?" Xia Xia was relatively polite to his wife's subordinates. After all, Aiwu Jiwu would no longer call him an idiot.

Chu Leather Pants hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth: "After being swept out of the house, a cousin of the eldest young lady gathered most of the brothers and joined the Yuan family in the capital. However, these people were quickly divided and disintegrated by the Yuan family. , part of it was completely absorbed by the Yuan family, and the rest were sent here if they were disobedient."

After speaking, Chu PiPants showed a painful look on his face, and cried and said, "There were more than 100 brothers on the cruise ship at that time, and only two or three people entered here alive. I really regret not listening to the eldest lady. advice."

"What is the big man crying for?" Xia Xia looked a little tired, "Those idiots died when they died, what's there to cry about."

"Yes, they have committed a lot of things before, and they deserve it. According to the old rules of Truman, I also deserve to die." Chu Piku immediately wiped away tears and said to Xia Xia, "I am fortunate enough to meet Mr. Xia today, and I don't expect it either. You can save me, but I just hope that I can do some trivial things for you, and it can be regarded as the last thing to do for the eldest lady."

Xia Xia looked at Ning Ruirui: "Little long-legged girl, what do you think about him?"

"Leave him first, it just so happens that we don't know anything about this cave, so it's better to have multiple guides." Ning Ruirui has never liked violence very much. Although she is gradually influenced by summer, she still has her own principles in some principles. 's persistence.

"Since my girlfriend has spoken, then you can let you go first." Xia Xia said indifferently.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia, and Miss Ning." Chu PiPants quickly thanked him, almost kneeling down and kowtow. The elegant man and middle-aged woman on the side frowned, disapprovingly, obviously they didn't know who Xia Tian was.

"Hey, you know me too?" Ning Ruirui didn't introduce herself from beginning to end, but this person opened her mouth and said her surname.

Chu PiPants nodded and said, "Miss Ning is the pride of the national team. She often appears in newspapers. How could I not know about it. I just didn't expect that you are also Mr. Xia's woman."

"I'm not this guy's woman yet, just his girlfriend." Ning Ruirui explained casually, and then felt it was unnecessary.

, In her own heart, she has actually acquiesced to this fact.

"Are these two idiots your friends?" Xia Xia did not correct Ning Ruirui's words this time, but pointed at the elegant man and the middle-aged woman.

Chu Pi Pants froze and said quickly, "It's not a friend, it's just temporarily united because of common interests."

"Chu Leather Pants, your face is too ugly." The elegant man suddenly changed color, "I thought I was hooking up with a bastard who appeared out of nowhere... eh!"

Before he could finish speaking, Chu Leather Pants suddenly took a step forward and smashed his fist into the Wenya man's mouth, causing most of the other's mouth full of teeth to fall out.

"It's best not to be rude to Mr. Xia." Chu PiPants stared at the elegant man and said coldly, "Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you!"

The elegant man knew that he was no match for Chu Pipants, so he had to swallow his teeth with blood, silently swearing in his heart: "Chu Pipants, don't let you fall into my hands, and then you will be better off dead! "

The middle-aged woman took the elegant man back a few steps: "Old Chu, since you and these two are acquainted, then forget it this time, you can take them away, we will part ways and not interfere with each other, how about it? "


Chu Leather Pants slapped the woman with a flick of her hand: "What are you, you deserve to talk to Mr. Xia. Your life depends on whether Mr. Xia cares about your offense just now."

Ning Ruirui felt that these Chu leather pants were really irritable. Although they were not as good as Xia Xia's, their style of behavior was somewhat similar. It was worthy of being the subordinate of this rascal little wife. From this, it could be seen that the woman named Chu Yao, Definitely not a good temper.

"Mr. Xia, what do you say to deal with them?" Chu Leather Pants bowed to Xia Xia with a very respectful attitude.

"Anyway, they're all dying, so pay attention to what these idiots are doing." Xia Xia yawned, lacking interest.

Ning Ruirui also said, "don't pay attention to them, let's go ahead and take a look."

"Okay." Chu PiPants nodded and said with great interest: "Then I will lead the way and explain the situation here to the two of you by the way."

Not long after, Chu Pi Pants led Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui to the depths of the cave, and no one dared to intercept those who were behind the aperture after that.

"Damn! These Chu leather pants are crazy!" The elegant man watched them walk away before spat out a mouth full of blood and broken teeth, and said viciously, "I will make him look good one day!"

The middle-aged woman said, "You should thank him, otherwise, we would have died just now."

"Mom, what do you mean!" The elegant man's tone was quite dissatisfied. "With your strength, killing him is not an easy thing. You don't like Chu leather pants, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The middle-aged woman glared at the elegant man, "Don't you know anything about those two people just now, especially the one called Xia Xia?"

"Summer? Never heard of it." The elegant man raised his head and thought for a while, then scolded: "This is the name of a bad street. There are not ten thousand or eight thousand who call this name. What's so great about him."

"What's so great?" The middle-aged woman sighed, "Twelve years ago, this was the most terrifying figure in Jianghai and even the whole country. Even the four major families of the Imperial Capital dared not provoke him. I just don't know why, but suddenly disappeared ten years ago. In two years, I didn't react just now, otherwise, I would never let you provoke him."

The elegant man was still a little unconvinced: "Mom, are you sure he is so powerful, and I don't think his appearance is extraordinary."

"Judging people by their appearance is the stupidest thing." The middle-aged woman reprimanded: "When can you change this?"

"Even if what you said is true, so what!" The elegant man was still unconvinced, his eyes became violent again: "No matter how powerful he was, it was twelve years ago, and he was sent here, That shows that he is just a pawn to hide the Yuan family, why should I be afraid of him."

"You're right." The middle-aged woman nodded, quite satisfied with her son's courage, "Outside, he is indeed invincible. But here, my son may not be as good as him, not to mention yours. The chance is coming. When you become a cultivator, you can kill him at any time."

"Mom, then don't hesitate." The elegant man grabbed the middle-aged woman's hand, "Maybe the Chu leather pants have leaked my chance, we must speed up the progress."

The middle-aged woman nodded solemnly.

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