Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1835 You are also worthy

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Immortal Cloud Continent, Sun Moon Immortal Gate, Moon Sect General Altar.

Song Yumei was alone in the quiet room looking through the collections of books in the sect. These books were all just moved from the library, and there were at least tens of thousands of books, including jade slips and spirit books. The materials are also rudimentary materials such as wire-bound books, silk and even bamboo slips. The things recorded on them are also complicated and quite messy.

Fortunately, Song Yumei is a scholar herself, and remembering her memory is only the most basic learning skill for her. After washing the marrow and cutting bones in the summer, her memory has reached the level of "terrifying". When she was in school, she liked to read books in the library.

It was just these materials that made her feel a little irritated, not only the records were messy, but also many key parts were lost, and many historical facts had been tampered with, so she could not clearly understand the inheritance history of the entire sect. Obviously Someone was obstructing her from doing this.

However, Song Yumei did not gain anything, at least she has figured out the relationship between the Sun and Moon Immortal Gate and the Misty Immortal Gate, and why the Sun and Moon Immortal Gate is divided into two main altars, the Sun Sect and the Moon Sect... It's just that these things are just a few things. All you need to know is that you don't need to study in depth. The most important thing is the inheritance of the core exercises of Sun Moon Immortal Gate. But the record of this part is gone. According to legend, it was destroyed by Wen Tianjun in the sect catastrophe twelve years ago.

Song Yumei was a little skeptical about this. Of course she knew about the slaughter of the Sun Sect by Tianjun 12 years ago. After all, the root cause of the incident was that Ye Yumei brought Yue Qingya to the earth, but she didn't. I feel that it is necessary for Wen Tianjun to destroy things like the inheritance of the exercises.

"Sister Song, those people from the Sun Sect are here again." At this time, a tall and jade-like figure gently pushed in the door, but together with Song Yumei, it was Ning Jie who replaced Ye Yumei to take over Sun Moon Immortal Gate.

Song Yumei didn't lift her head, and said casually, "Just let them wait."

"Just letting them hang like this is not a long-term solution." Ning Jie frowned slightly and reminded: "Sister Ye hasn't shown her face in the past few days, and they have already doubted it. That Sun Sect's elder Lu is gathering forces everywhere. , has annexed dozens of small immortal sects, and the power is too big to lose, I am afraid that its ambitions are not small."

In order not to attract the attention of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, Yue Qingya ordered everyone to suppress their cultivation. However, due to personal characteristics, the degree of suppression of each person is slightly different. Pi Ru Ye Yumei took over Sun Moon Immortal Sect with the cultivation of the Great Perfection of the Distraction Stage. Naturally, Song Yumei could only go lower, suppressing it to the Nascent Soul stage. As for Ning Jie, she simply showed people in Jindan period.

Therefore, the people of Sun Moon Immortal Sect are extremely afraid of Ye Yumei, but they secretly despise Song Yumei and Ning Jie.

"So what if you have doubts." Song Yumei said indifferently, "It's just a bunch of clowns jumping on the beam with heart and no guts. The highest cultivation base is only Jindan period, so it's not a concern."

"Okay." Ning Jie wasn't really worried about what would happen to those people, but because of her personality, she wasn't very good at making decisions, so she was more suitable for supporting things. Before on Earth, if she hadn't met the great devil in the summer, it is estimated that she was still an ordinary office worker and lived an ordinary life.


The room was violently kicked open, and a mighty white-robed old man broke in, followed by a group of disciples from Sun Moon Immortal Sect.

"Where is Ye Yumei, hurry up and let her come out to see the old man!" The white-robed old man had a beard, and as soon as he came in, he shouted loudly, "If you don't give the old man an explanation today, she is probably the head of the sect! "

Ning Jie glanced at these people, her eyebrows creased, and she said coldly, "Elder Lu, this is the head room, you just bring people in, I'm afraid it's a little too far."

"What kind of thing are you, dare to talk to me like this?" The white-robed old man glared at Ning Jie and said proudly: "I, Lu Kaicheng, is one of the three elders of the Japanese Sect, and I have followed the previous head from birth to death for hundreds of years, even if Ye Yumei and that girl will bend over and lower her eyebrows when she sees me, there is no place for you to speak here."

Ning Jie was about to speak when Song Yumei gave her a look, so she stepped aside.

"Ye Sect is out, I will handle all matters of Sun Moon Immortal Sect!" Song Yumei raised her eyebrows slightly and said lightly, "Elder Lu, it's the same as if you have anything to say to me."

"So you are Song Yumei appointed by Ye Yumei?" The elder Baipao softened his attitude towards Song Yumei, but his tone was still quite arrogant: "Well, this old man is too lazy to turn around and wipe it out, so I will tell you directly. ."

Song Yumei nodded slightly: "It's okay to say it straight."

"Then the old man is welcome." The white-robed old man was very satisfied with Song Yumei's knowledge and said with a smile: "The Sun and Moon Immortal Sect is divided into two sects, the sun and the moon. Naturally it is yang; your Moon Sect are all female disciples, so naturally it is yin. Since ancient times, the law of heaven is that the sun is stronger than the moon, and the yang is stronger than the yin..."

"Elder Lu, my time is precious, and I don't have time to listen to your long speeches here." Song Yumei interrupted Elder Lu's nonsense directly, "Let's get straight to the point, don't go around in circles."

"Alright!" The white-robed old man looked at Song Yumei silently, and then looked at the disciples of the Sun Sect who were following behind him, "Then the old man said it bluntly, please return the head of the sect to me, Sun. Zong."

Song Yumei felt amused when she heard this: "Does Elder Lu know what he is talking about?"

"Of course I know." The elder Baipao pointed at Song Yumei with a natural expression on his face, "The head of the sect was passed down from generation to generation by our Japanese sect, and I have to say this.

How can the world have the truth of the chicken Sichen. "

"If I'm not mistaken, Immortal Ming Yu, who founded Sun Moon Immortal Gate ten thousand years ago, was a woman." Song Yumei knocked on the information piled up on the table and sneered, "And there was no Sun Sect at first. It was only later that a small sect attached to it quietly seized power when the Mingyu Immortal Venerable fell, and this happened..."

"Fart!" The white-robed old man was very excited, his face flushed red, and he roared: "Song Yumei, don't change the subject, the old man just asks you one question, do you want to pay for this position?"

The so-called disciples of the Japanese sect who followed behind suddenly shouted: "Hand over the head of the sect and restore the divine power of my sect!"

"With you?" Song Yumei stood up slowly, her eyes unusually calm: "Also worthy?"

"That being the case, don't blame the old man." The white-robed old man suddenly let go of his roar, and used the technique of sound transmission to transmit his voice to the entire Yuezong main altar: "Everyone should still remember what happened twelve years ago. Well, at that time Wen Tianjun suddenly came to the door, almost all the true disciples died, and even the sect master was seriously injured. When the sect master was dying, he entrusted the Sun and Moon Immortal Sect to the old man, and the old man worked hard for 12 years to make the Immortal Sect. After all, Ye Yumei suddenly came back, and her cultivation has soared. The old man saw that she was a true disciple after all, so he temporarily handed over Immortal Sect to her. Now, I have found out that it was because of Ye Yumei's cheapness. People angered Wen Tianjun, which caused my sect to be destroyed."

Ning Jie listened to this man's words, and she was a little bit black-and-white, and she was rude to Ye Yumei. She couldn't help but want to shoot this man.

"Let him speak." Song Yumei shook her head at Ning Jie and said calmly.

"Now, that Hu Meizi is already a member of the Misty Immortal Sect, and he still wants to use our Sun and Moon Immortal Sect as his name." The white-robed old man was enthusiastic and generous, and his words were spitting, "I am the Sun and Moon Immortal Sect and the Misty Immortal Sect. It has always been the same as fire and water, and now there is a feud to destroy the door... My sect has a ten-thousand-year foundation, how can that bitch be so badly trampled! Today, this old man will take back the position of the head of the sect, clean up the door, and then destroy the elusive immortal sect and revive it. The fame of my Sun Moon Immortal Sect."

"Clean up the door, restore my Rizong. Take revenge, and your prestige will be forever!" The disciples of Rizong, who were not much different from Longtao, shouted in unison again.

"Nian you are just Ye Yumei's minions, this old man can spare your life." The white-robed old man was very proud when he saw this situation, pointing to Song Yumei and Ning Jie: "You two get out of Sun Moon Immortal Gate immediately, By the way, I will tell that Hu Meizi, she has been expelled from the sect."

"Finished?" Song Yumei smiled lightly, "Does Elder Lu have anything to add?"

The white-robed old man frowned. Obviously, Song Yumei's reaction was a little unexpected, and he felt a little bad, but he felt that it was just two women, and his cultivation base was similar to him, so what was there to be afraid of.

Ning Jie said at this time: "Elder Lu, no matter if you are instructed by someone or if you really want to, I advise you to stop here, otherwise it will not do you any good."

"Hey, you guys are really stubborn!" The white-robed old man heard this, and his anger suddenly surged up: "The old man made a breakthrough in his cultivation a few days ago, and now he is in the Nascent Soul period, and he is only one step away from the distraction period. Yao. This old man advises you not to seek your own death!"

Ning Jie didn't bother to persuade any more, so she said to Song Yu: "Sister Song, this person doesn't seem to make sense, what should I do?"

"Kill it, throw it out." Song Yumei sat down with a calm expression, "I don't want anyone to bother me with these documents anymore."

"The old man is the oldest elder in the sect, and even the head of the sect is my junior." The old man in the white robe was so angry that his lungs burst, and he pointed at Song Yu and said: "How dare you despise the old man so much, just look at the old man. Slashing to death you idiots... ah!"

Before he finished speaking, the white-robed old man flew out of the room like a kite with a broken string, and slammed heavily on the ground outside, motionless like a dead dog.

Those Niizong disciples were stunned one by one, completely at a loss. Before they could react, they were kicked one by one and fell to the side of the white-robed old man.

After a while, no one dared to probe the breath of the white-robed old man, and as expected, it was gone.

"Anyone of you who wants to win the Sect Leader can come out and try." Ning Jie walked slowly to the door, and said to those Japanese disciples: "As long as you can walk under my hands, this Sect Leader will Anyone can do it.”

Everyone looked at the dead white-robed old man, but no one dared to answer.

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