Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1837 Don't delay my sleep

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

While the shop assistant screamed, he pointed out the window.

Xia Leng and the others immediately turned their heads to look over, and sure enough, a dark shadow flashed past.

Ji Jiu didn't wait for Xia Leng's instructions, and jumped out of the window in an instant, chasing towards the shadow.

About two or three minutes later, Ji Jiu came back with a dignified face, and rushed to Xia Lenghui to report: "I lost it."

"Have you seen what the other party looks like?" Xia Leng asked casually.

Ji Jiu thought for a while, and hesitated: "It doesn't look like a person, just a shadow, walking close to the ground, very fast."

"Ghost, it must be a ghost." The second shop boy was still in shock, and his whole body was shaking: "The ghost must have come to kill me, he is going to kill me, and now I will die."

"Why did this ghost want to kill you?" Xia Leng stared at the shop boy, "Did you do something to it?"

"No, no." The shop boy shook his head again and again, "How dare I do anything to him, just a few days ago, when the ghost was killing people, I saw him. He must have come to kill me."

Xia Leng thinks this is interesting. If a person is seen by others when they do bad things, in order to prevent things from being exposed, he will indeed choose to kill and silence, but is it necessary for ghosts? So, either this shop boy is talking nonsense, or that shadow is not a ghost at all.

"Isn't it right, if there was a murder in this inn, it should have been sealed up by the government sooner rather than later, why is there nothing?" Ji Jiu raised a question, apparently not believing what the shopkeeper said.

When Xia Leng saw that the shop assistant was a little stunned, he took out a few silver needles and gave him a few needles to calm him down a little. As Xia Xia's son, Xia Leng certainly knows acupuncture, but he is not learning eight needles against the sky, but another set of acupuncture methods of Yueqing Yajiao.

The second shopkeeper gave Xia Leng a grateful look, and then said with a sad face: "It's not that I didn't report to the official, but that the young master died later, and no one believed me when I reported to the official."

"Alive again?" Xia Leng frowned slightly, staring coldly at the second shop assistant, "Since you want to ask me for help, it's best to make it clear from the beginning to the end, and it's best not to lie in front of me."

"Yes, yes, I don't dare to be a kid." Dian Xiaoer didn't know why, but he vaguely felt that the little boy's eyes were even more terrifying than that of the ghost, "Three days ago, when the sky was just getting dark, there was a young man. The rich son brought two beautiful maids to the inn, and there were no other customers in our store at that time, so the shopkeeper asked me to take care of that son with all my heart.”

Xia Leng has been staring into the eyes of this shop boy, to see if he is lying.

Ji Jiu also pretended to be listening attentively on the side. In fact, his mind was always on the periphery of the room, guarding against the ghost before coming back.

"The boy didn't move after entering the room, and he didn't come out until midnight." The second shopkeeper continued: "I was afraid that the guests were hungry, so I wanted to ask the guests if they needed to prepare meals, but found that the door was not closed, and There was no sound in the room, it was so... so quiet, I couldn't help but move a little bit..."

"What did you see?" Xia Leng couldn't help but ask when she noticed the terrified look on the face of the shop assistant.

"I see..." Dian Xiaoer said with trembling all over: "That son seems to be talking to someone, but her two beautiful maids are already lying on the ground, covered in blood, they are probably dead."

Ji Jiu suddenly interrupted Dian Xiaoer's words and asked in a cold voice, "Wait, they are talking, so why is there no sound?"

"I don't know about this villain." The shop boy shrank his neck timidly, "However, I'm sure I'm talking to a ghost. I saw a little ghost through the crack of the door, with green faces and fangs, fierce and vicious... "

"Didn't you just say that you haven't seen it with your own eyes? Why did you peek at the crack of the door now?" Ji Jiu asked with a sneer.

"Well..." The shop boy didn't dare to speak.

Xia Leng didn't care about this, and said, "Go on, what about later?"

"Later." Dian Xiaoer continued: "That young man suddenly became angry, as if he was slashing at something with a sword, and then he was bitten to death by a very large mouth, and even his clothes were eaten. I was terrified, so I ran back to my room and hid under the covers, and the shopkeeper pulled me out at dawn."

"Master, I think this guy is obviously making up a story." Ji Jiu frowned, "It's so flawed, I don't know what he's making up."

"I didn't lie, didn't you see the ghost's shadow just now?" The second shop assistant was anxious, and kowtowed to Xia Leng: "You are immortal cultivators, immortals, even if you have 10,000 courage to lie to you. "

Xia Leng did not make a judgment immediately, but just pondered for a while, and asked again, "You said that he was alive again later?"

"Yeah, the blame is here." The second shopkeeper was also very puzzled, "At that time, I was hesitating whether to report the matter to the shopkeeper, but I saw the young master and the two maids came out of the room, saying that they were going to have breakfast. .I was almost scared to death, but they didn't look like dead people at all, they could eat, drink, dance and sing."

"What else?" Xia Leng noticed that the shop assistant's eyes flickered when he spoke, "Since you have come to me, it's best not to hide it, understand?"

"Yes, that's what the villain said." The second shopkeeper said hurriedly: "I couldn't figure out what was going on when I saw that they were still alive, so I went to peek again in the middle of the night. Then I saw..."

This time, Ji Jiu asked, "What did you see?"


Same scene as the night before, but this time I saw a little bit of a ghost, and it seemed to see me too. The second shopkeeper's voice became quieter, as if he was afraid that someone would hear it: "This kind of thing happened for three days in a row..."

"Wait." Xia Leng heard something different. "Three days in a row? What do you mean, the so-called son is still in the inn?"

The shop assistant hesitated for a while, his eyelids trembled, his throat moved, and he nodded: "Yes, in fact, his room is next to you, and he hasn't come out all day today, and now, in the middle of the night, the villain is really scared, So I want to ask two immortals to save me."

"Sir, this shop boy is talking nonsense." At this time, Xiao Xiu'er pushed open the door and walked in, with her hands on her waist, staring at the shop boy: "Dare to talk nonsense to my boy, you want to die, right?"

The shop assistant felt very wronged: "The villain is telling the truth, there is absolutely no falsehood, otherwise, the villain will be struck by lightning!"


Fortunately, there was a thunderstorm outside, which almost scared the shop assistant to death.

"Look, God can't listen anymore." Xiao Xiu'er glared at the shop assistant, "Don't hurry up, go and boil some hot water, our son must take a bath before going to bed."

"Yes, yes! The villain is going to boil the water." The shop assistant had no choice but to stand up shyly, and walked out of Xia Leng's room with a heart.

Xia Leng just thought she had heard a story, looked at Xiao Xiuer and asked, "What about her?"

"Who are you talking about?" Xiao Xiu'er was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses: "You said Xiaolinger, she has already slept. I'm here to feed the son, a rude man like Ji Jiu will definitely not be able to serve the son to bathe and go to bed."

Ji Jiu glanced at Xiao Xiu'er strangely. There was no characteristic expression on her face, she just said lightly, "I'll go out and check the situation around."

"You don't need to feed today, you can go back and rest." Xia Leng yawned, "I'm sleepy too, I'll go to sleep after a while."

Xiao Xiu'er said with a bit of self-reproach: "Master, do you dislike slaves? It's the slave's duty to serve you. You don't let slaves do this, so what's the point of slaves staying by your side?"

"I really dislike you." Xia Leng stared at Xiao Xiu'er and said without shyness: "And it is very disgusting. I feel disgusted for a second when I see you, very disgusting, so disgusting that I want to vomit."

"Master, Master, you..." Xiao Xiu'er was stunned, she couldn't believe that these words came from Xia Leng's mouth. When she came back to her senses, her eyes instantly became wet. live stream.

"What am I?" Xia Leng said blankly: "I am ruthless? Am I unrighteous? Or am I inexplicable?"

Xiao Xiu'er didn't know what to say, so she covered her face with her hands and sobbed: "Young Master is not wrong, it's the servant girl who is at fault. If you didn't serve the son well, the servant girl would die."

Xia Leng nodded unexpectedly: "Well, then you go to die."

"Young master, you actually hate slaves so much?" Xiao Xiu'er's eyes widened in disbelief, "Am I really making you hate me so much?"

"Hate? It's totally out of the question." Xia Leng shook his head slightly, "I don't know you and I don't have the slightest sense of friendship. Where can there be love and hate, you think too much."

Xiao Xiu'er was stunned: "What do you mean by this son?"

"Don't understand?" Xia Leng looked at Xiao Xiu'er in front of him, and explained casually: "Although my maid is a little stupid and wordy, she doesn't call herself a slave, and she never serves me in bathing and dressing, because this It's me who told me. She always remembers what I say."

Xiao Xiuer stopped crying, her tears stopped instantly, and her eyes gradually became interesting: "As expected, you are a good seedling. As soon as you enter the inn today, I will follow you."

"No matter how good a seedling is, it's not something you can look up to." Xia Leng said lightly, "Also, show your true form. I don't like you talking like this stupid girl."

Xiao Xiu'er smiled and shook her head: "That's not good, I like this body very much. I just learned a little bit, and if I get used to it for a while, maybe it will come in handy in the future."

"You don't need to think so much." Xia Leng's eyes turned cold, and he instantly had a summer look: "Because you have no future."

"You're not young, and your tone is very big." Xiao Xiu'er curled her lips and said contemptuously: "Then this seat will take your soul first, and then slowly refine your body into the seat's container. This is the seat of the seat. The blessings you have cultivated in eight lifetimes."

"Stop talking nonsense, if you have any tricks, you can use them soon." Xia Leng's face didn't show much expression, "Whether you are a ghost or not, don't delay my sleep."

"Looking for death!" Xiao Xiu'er snorted coldly, and her whole body turned into a ghost, covering Xia Leng in it. At the very top of the ghost image was a huge dog's head, which opened its bloody mouth and bit Xia Leng's head.


With a soft sound, his head burst instantly.

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