Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1838 You should really be worried

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Earth, return to the secret realm of ruins.

Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, led by the Chu leather trousers, walked through the circle without incident. The people on the side didn't dare to provoke them again, and they didn't know if they were afraid of Xia Xia or whether they were afraid of it. This was Chu Feng who was wearing leather pants.

During the walk, Chu Pi Pants also figured out the purpose of Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, so he said: "At the bottom, I haven't been there, so I can't help much. But I've stayed on this floor for a few years. I'm fairly familiar with it, maybe it can help Mr. Xia and Miss Ning a few times."

"Then how many years have you been here?" Ning Ruirui asked, she still didn't trust this Chu Feng yet. After all, it remains to be verified whether this person is from the Chumen, and at this point, there is no guarantee that he is not. The bait sent by some people should be careful in this place, and it is better not to step on some traps.

Chu Leather Pants replied respectfully: "It's been eight years. When I first came here, I was always forced by the Yuan family to explore below. At this level, the Yuan family's strength was not strong enough, so I stayed behind. here."

"It's been ten years and you're still trapped here. You're such a waste." Xia Xia said casually, "Don't say your surname Chu in the future, Yaoyao's wife probably won't be happy when she finds out."

"I really lose the face of Truman, and I don't have the face to see the eldest lady." Chu Pi Pants laughed shyly, "If Mr. Xia thinks that I don't deserve the surname Chu, I can change it at any time."

Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes at Xia Xia, motioned him not to intervene, and then tentatively asked: "The Yuan family you are talking about, is it the Yuan family in the capital city or the Yuan family in Guicheng?"

"Exactly, I don't know very well." Chu Piku frowned and recalled for a while, then shook his head and said, "Originally we defected to the Yuan family in the capital, and after staying under Yuan Shihuang's hands for less than a year, we were sent by him. Arrived at the Yuan family in Xingdao, then took a cruise ship to the high seas in Xingdao... and then arrived here. And here, people from the Yuan family have long been stationed."

"The first few floors are quite dangerous, how did you survive?" Ning Ruirui asked casually.

Chu Leather Pants replied without hesitation: "The Yuan family has already explored the first few floors, and a special channel has been opened up long ago. At this level, the power of the Yuan family was not able to penetrate down, mainly because It was blocked by a large formation, and there was no way to transport more people below."

"Does that mean that someone has already been transported?" Ning Ruirui heard the voice outside the words, "Hehe, it seems that the Yuan family's plans are not small."

"I've been on this floor for five or six years, and I saw the Yuan family transporting people down twice." Chu Piku replied, "The first time was two years ago, and four people were sent. The first time was just now. Five people. But..."

Ning Ruirui asked, "But what?"

"However, there is one person who seems to be an exception." Chu PiPants said with a little hesitation: "That person is wearing a black robe and seems to have a very high status in the Yuan family. And you can bring as many people as you want, just like a fairy."

"He's not an immortal, he's just an idiot." Xia Xia couldn't help but pouted, "I also like to pretend to be a ghost, so I'm going to beat him hard and let him know that I'm number one in the world."

"Uh..." Chu Pi Pants couldn't say anything for a while. In his eyes, Xia Xia was just a master who was much more powerful than many masters, while the man in black robe was like an omnipotent immortal.

Xia Xia certainly knew what this man was thinking, but he was too lazy to explain. He was not interested in explaining anything to anyone except his woman.

"What's the name of this floor?" Ning Ruirui changed the topic at the right time: "What's the formation method you're talking about?"

"Walk forward for about half an hour, and you will reach the bottom of this cave." Chu Pi Pants leaned on his side and pointed to the front of the cave: "There is a very powerful formation, and only through that formation can we get to the bottom. Go to the first floor. However, it has already been occupied by the Yuan family, I am afraid that it will be a little troublesome to pass."

Xia Xia said with an indifferent expression: "What's the trouble with this, no matter what kind of family he is, just kill him if he dares to get in the way."

"I'm afraid it's not feasible." Chu Piku knew that Xia Xia's temper was not good, and he might hit someone at any time, so he tried to make his words more euphemistic: "Only through the formation can you go to the next floor, and that formation only has The people in the Yuan family know how to operate."

The implication, of course, is to let Xia Xia compromise with the Yuan family.

"Of course, I'm not asking Mr. Xia to do anything, I just hope to help Mr. Xia less trouble." Seeing that Xia Xia's face was not very good, Chu Piku immediately changed his tone: "For Mr. Xia, the Yuan family is really not enough. I'm worried, but if the formation is out of control, I'm afraid this entire underwater palace is at risk of collapse. So..."

"So shit!" A young man appeared in front of them at some point in the summer. He looked like he was just in his early twenties, but half of his face seemed to have been burned by fire, full of black and red skinny: "Chu Feng, you Eating things inside and out, actually arranging our Yuan family like this behind the scenes."

Chu Piku was a little surprised to see this young man, but quickly calmed down: "Yuan Liang, what you said is wrong, I have never been a member of the Yuan family, and I can't be safe from the four words. Come on up."

"Haha, if it wasn't for our Yuan family to take you in, I'm afraid you would have already died." The manly-faced young man said coldly: "You guys don't want to pay back, and you still think about plotting against us all the time. Yuan family, damn it. I persuaded my cousin to kill you all."

"Don't do this, I would have been fooled by you back then, so let's save it now." I don't know if it's because Xia Xia is around, or if

Chu Leather Pants had really had enough, and he spoke very toughly: "We had hundreds of brothers at the time, and now I am the only one left. Do I still need to thank you Yuan family?"

"That's your fate, damn it." The manly-faced young man mocked: "I can't grasp such a big opportunity, who can blame it? Without our Yuan family, how can you live so well in this secret realm?"

Chu Leather Pants spat and scolded: "Fuck you, I would rather not have this kind of moisturizing, there is a kind of your Yuan family returning my dead brother?"

"Chu Feng, it seems that you are really impatient." The manly-faced young man pointed at Chu Leather Pants and Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, "The three of you are going to die today, think about going to the next floor and dream. ."

Xia Xia asked lazily, "Who are you idiot? If you want to die, just die yourself. My wife and I will never die."

"Never die?" The manly-faced young man couldn't help sneering, "Chu Feng, you really told the eyes of that formation. Now all the cats and dogs here want to live forever."

"You're a cat and a dog, no, you're an idiot." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "I'm not interested in what kind of formation, but now I'm a little interested in beating you."

"Beat me?" The manly-faced young man sneered, "In this secret realm, there are no more than three people who can touch my clothes, and you are not there... uh!"

Before the last word "中" was uttered, it turned into a groan, and then the whole person flew out, like a broken wind, and fell far away.

Xia Xia said casually: "What an idiot, if you fight, you will fight, if you are beaten, you will be beaten. Who is interested in touching the edge of your clothes."

"This..." Chu Pi Pants was stunned. Although he knew some summer's prestige before, seeing it with his own eyes was another matter. This Yuan Liang is not an ordinary person, but a key training object in the side branch of the Yuan family. I just didn't expect that, before he could finish speaking, he was kicked away by Xia Xia's casual kick.

"This person is the person in charge of the formation you said?" Ning Ruirui thought of one thing and confirmed to Chu Leather Pants.

Chu Piku shook his head and said, "It's not him, he's just patrolling this cave. The person who guards the formation must be in the eyes of the formation all his life, otherwise, the control of the formation may be usurped by others. already."

"Who is the person guarding the formation?" Ning Ruirui asked.

"Little long-legged girl, you don't need to ask so clearly." Xia Xia said impatiently: "Whoever he is, just kill him if he dares to get in the way. If he cooperates a little bit, it will just beat him up. With this time, let's think about where we can go to sleep, I'm a little sleepy."

Well, this practice is very summer. Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes, too lazy to pay attention to this violent and lustful dead hooligan. With his perverted constitution, how could he be sleepy, he clearly wanted to take advantage of him.

"Little long-legged girl, of course I will be sleepy, and you will be sleepy too." Xia Xia said solemnly: "It's night now, isn't it normal to find a place to sleep?"

Chu Pi Pants wanted to explain that there was actually no need to rest or eat here, but before he opened his mouth, he was frightened back by Xia Xia's sharp eyes.

"Why is it still in the middle of the night?" Ning Ruirui was a little strange, "I remember you said it was night, now it's been a long time, it should be dawn outside." Day and night. Of course, she also knows the time when summer can sense the outside world.

Xia Tian nodded: "It's bright, but it's getting dark again."

"You lied to a ghost!" Ning Ruirui didn't believe it.

"Little long-legged girl, how can you call yourself a ghost." Xia Xia said with a smile: "There is already a ghost in my wife, and that is the stingy wife. Although you are stingy, but you are not my wife, then You can only be a cheapskate girlfriend, well, it seems that the nickname is a bit long, but it doesn't matter."

After a circle, Xia Tian's words came back again: "Little long-legged girl, it's really midnight now, don't you really want to find a place to rest?"

"Take a rest, can your mind think of anything else?" Ning Ruirui stared at Xia Xia angrily, "It's been another day, then we should finish the matter here as soon as possible and go out earlier, maybe sister Yi is here The outside world is already starting to worry about us."

"Wife Yiyi will definitely not worry about us." Xia Xia said with a natural expression: "After all, with me here, nothing will happen to you."

Ning Ruirui said casually, "Then I'm worried about Sister Yi. This is the head office."

"I have to worry about this, after all, Yiyi's wife is too disobedient." Xia Xia nodded, actually agreeing with Ning Ruirui's words: "As the saying goes, if you don't listen to your husband, you will suffer in front of you."

Ning Ruirui was speechless again.

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