Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1845 Just blow the formation away with one punch

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


"You don't deserve to be beaten, don't you." Xia Xia was a little upset, "What does it mean to be good before, I have always been good, no matter before, now or in the future, I am the number one in the world. Are you afraid of me, does it have anything to do with me? Don't think I don't beat women,

Except for my wives and girlfriends, there is no one in the world that I dare not beat. "

"You dare!" Xin Fangfang snorted coldly, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "If you dare to touch my son with a hair, then your wife will die!" "My wife's life? I have a lot of wives, what do you say? One?" Xia Xia was a little more serious in an instant, but he didn't take it to heart: "With your ability, you won't be able to hurt any of my wife's hairs, and even my girlfriend's little girl with long legs can abuse it.

One hundred you. "Humph, summer, I know what virtue you are!" Xin Fangfang abruptly grabbed the white dagger from the stunned Chu Feng, and pressed it against her fair neck.

of. "

"You have a disease in your head." Xia Xia was stunned by this woman's rude manipulation, and this was the first time he felt a little baffled: "Didn't you say you want my wife's life, why do you want to kill yourself all of a sudden?"

Ning Ruirui understood what this woman meant, and couldn't help but let out a "puchi", "Hahahaha... I'm dying of laughter."

"Little long-legged girl, what are you laughing at?" Xia Xia didn't know why, and looked confused.

"Don't you always think of yourself as smart, why are you not smart this time?" Ning Ruirui smiled and joked: "The meaning of this woman is already obvious, so you can guess."

Xia Tian glared at Ning Ruirui and said unhappily, "Little long-legged girl, I'll spank you if you laugh again."

"Here again!" Ning Ruirui stopped laughing for a moment, "Don't threaten me with this, you will understand it after a little turn."

"I've never been interested in the idea of ​​an idiot." Xia Tian pouted, "You better tell me directly."

Ning Ruirui didn't want to expose such an interesting thing, so she said to Xia Xia, "Let this woman speak for herself." "You don't want to act here all the time." Xin Fangfang kept her calm, and her tone was also very calm: "Summer, 12 years ago, you were as lustful as you were, and took Qiao Xiaoqiao, Ye Mengying and other peerless beauties as your wives, as well as the four major capitals in Beijing.

The beauty has also been poisoned by you... Now you, as expected, are still lecherous. Now that I'm young and beautiful, I know you won't let me go. "

As she spoke, Xin Fangfang looked at her son lovingly, and gritted her teeth and said, "As long as you let my son go, I will promise to be your wife."

"You think so beautifully!" Xia Xia finally woke up, the wife that the woman said actually meant herself, but he disgusted him: "You ugly bastard actually wants to be my wife, what are you daydreaming about? What!" "Summer, stop pretending!" Xin Fangfang straightened her pretty peaks, twisted her waist and plumped her hips: "When I was young, Xin Fangfang was the first of the four beauties in Tiannan City. Aren't you drooling over me before! Now my beauty is gone

After recovering to twenty years old, it is impossible for you to have no idea about me. "What idiot said I drooled over you twelve years ago. Xia Xia was very unhappy that someone secretly made rumors about him and lowered his aesthetics to such a level: "You ugly bastard no matter how old you are, it's not my taste, and you

It's not beautiful either, I can't compare to 1/10,000 of any of my wives. "Hehe, men are really not a good thing. "Xin Fangfang obviously regarded Xia Xia's dissatisfaction as a grievance that he could not desire." Back then, he sent people to search for beauties, but he didn't admit it in a blink of an eye. If I hadn't already married and had children, I might have been

You are in the harem. "

"You owe a beating, don't you!" Xia Tian didn't bother to refute, how could this woman feel so good about herself? Sure enough, if she has a son, she must have her mother. "This lady, you think too much, your beauty really can't catch his eyes." Ning Ruirui knew that Xia Xia was indeed a womanizer, but the taste of this dead gangster was really high, and ordinary people and beautiful women couldn't get into him at all. eyes, even her

It was also because a pair of long legs was similar to his long-legged sister wife that he was attracted and has been entangled until now. "Miss Ning, I think you are afraid that I will compete with you in the future." Xin Fangfang said in a cold voice, "I might as well tell you, just because of your little girl's film, I have not paid attention to it. If I do summer wife, the first thing is to take you

All these little goblins..."


"You can go to hell!" Xia Xia kicked the annoying old woman with her legs and kicked her equally annoying son directly out of the cave.

Ning Ruirui said with some humor: "I have never seen a mother and son who feel so good about themselves. They are so self-confident that they are going to heaven."

"There are many kinds of idiots, and these two are the more annoying kind." Xia Tian curled his lips, "It is estimated that the brain is broken at birth, and then it gets worse and worse, and then there is no cure."

Ning Ruirui sighed: "These two people are wonderful and superb."

Xia Tian raised his eyelids and said casually, "There's another superb product, it seems that it's best to kill him directly to avoid any mess in the future."

"Who's here?" Ning Ruirui asked in surprise.

While talking, a person swept directly in front of Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui from outside the cave, and said with a mad laugh: "Xia Xia, Ning Ruirui, I have found you!"

Ning Ruirui took a look, okay, yes

Su Ye, the first genius of the Dabeihu Villa, seems to be a strange person, plus he is chatty.

"You guys actually got to this level, and the speed is quite fast." Su Ye didn't look at all, and said very familiarly: "However, are you waiting here for my first genius in this Dabeihu Villa?" Xia Xia talked to Ning Ruirui, and Su Ye then said to himself: "Sure enough, if you want to break through the formation of this layer, you are still not powerful. After all, the formation is broad and profound. The technique is also good, but after all

Missing some background. And I, Su Ye, as the first genius of the Great Northern Lakes, whether it is the way of cultivating immortals, the way of formation, or any other way, I have quite studied..."

"Have you finished talking nonsense?" Xia Xian squeezed his fist and shook it in front of Su Ye's eyes, "Say one more word and I'll beat you up." Although Su Ye claimed to be stronger than Xia Xia, he had turned twice before three times. Being planted in Xia Xia's hands still gave him a little psychological shadow, so he forcibly couldn't hold back his endless addiction, and said with a smile: "Everyone is old acquaintances, so why bother with such swords?

It's tense. This layer of formation requires everyone's concerted efforts to crack it. By the way, what about the Yuan family junior in the eyes of the array? "" Yuan family junior? When Ning Ruirui heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. The old man Yuan Tianxing seemed to be in his 70s and 80s, but he actually became the junior Su Ye said.

How old Dao has lived, it is reasonable to call Yuan Tianxing a junior just from the perspective of his cultivation.

"You said that old idiot has already been killed by me." Xia Xia said casually.

"What? You killed him?" Su Ye was stunned, "Why?"

Xia Xia said lazily: "If you see him unhappy, kill him, do you have any opinion?"

"No, why did you kill him?" Su Ye couldn't understand, "He is a guard of the formation, and his cultivation is very low. To you, he is just an ant. sturdy."

"You idiot deserves a beating!" Xia Tian lifted his leg and kicked him.


Su Ye flew out upside down, flew back in less than two seconds, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"Xia Xia, your temper is really stinky, even worse than me. If you don't agree with anything, you are a reckless man."

"The man is already dead, and the mummified corpse is lying there." Ning Ruirui shook her head secretly, this old man obviously watched his heroic feat of knocking the plane down. "It's hard to do this now." Su Ye glanced in the direction Ning Ruirui pointed, and shook his head suddenly: "With that junior here, we basically just need to walk along the formation, and now the people who are guarding the formation are enough. dead, we need to first

Calculate the numbers of the evolution of , and then decipher them one by one... No, there is still a lack of someone who can guard the eyes of the formation, otherwise, the formation will change just after we calculate it, which is equivalent to wasting effort. "

"It doesn't take that much trouble to break the formation." Xia Xia looked at the nagging Su Ye with a look of contempt, and said lazily, "As long as I make a move, I can break this formation at any time." What is your teacher's way to break the formation?" Su Ye became a little curious. In the previous two battles against Xia Xia, he found that Xia Xian didn't seem to understand the exercises at all. too high

Deep, it makes his ordinary punches infinitely powerful. In this way, he became more curious about Xia's division.

Xia Xia said casually: "What do you need to break the formation, just smash the formation with one punch."

"Xia Tian, ​​are you serious?" Su Ye stared at Xia Xia, stunned for a while: "Are you kidding?"

"Who is joking with you?" Xia Xia glared at Su Ye, "I'm not familiar with you, an idiot.

Ning Ruirui was also a little worried: "It's so simple and rude, can you really crack this array?"

"You'll know if you try it." Xia Xia said with a smile: "Little long-legged girl, do you have any other way?"

Ning Ruirui shook her head, how long has she been a cultivator, many things have only been seen in novels before, but now that they have encountered it, she is really helpless, and it is estimated that she can only think of a trick.

"You really..." Su Ye shook his head, "Your teachers are too irresponsible, you don't teach such basic knowledge, you must know that our Dabeihu Villa has opened 21 courses from the beginning. Among them is the formation..."

Before the words were finished, the formation suddenly moved on its own. For a time, white light flashed on the square, and a door faintly appeared in the formation's eyes. "Hey, someone came up."

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