Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1846 Don't litter the garbage

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


In the center of the formation, about two meters above the sky, white light interweaves into a fog, and a gate emerges from the fog.

Everyone in the square was stunned and stared at the gate, obviously wanting to see who would come out of it.

After a few seconds, a figure appeared in the door, which seemed to be a young man. After he walked out of the white light gate, he was indeed a young man, a rather handsome young man, wearing a very well-tailored white suit with a faint smile on his face. Has the style of a family boy


"Huh? What are you doing here?" As soon as the young man in the white suit appeared, he felt an unusual atmosphere and immediately asked, "Where are the people guarding this great formation?"

The onlookers look at me, I look at you, no one dares to speak, but secretly looks at the summer not far away.

"Oh?" The man in the white suit stared at Xia Xia for a few seconds, then laughed: "You are Xia Xia, right? I've seen your photos before, but I can't believe that twelve years later, the real person has not changed at all."

Xia Xia said lazily: "Where are you an idiot."

"Heh. I heard that you have the habit of calling people an idiot, but I didn't change it." The man in the white suit was not angry at all, but his smile grew stronger: "How is it, this secret place in my house is still interesting? "

"It's boring." Xia Tian yawned, "If it wasn't for the little girl with long legs who likes to explore, I wouldn't be too lazy to come here to waste time."

"Tsk! Your taste is really high, and a place like a fairyland can't attract you." The man in the white suit shook his head helplessly, "However, believe me, the more you go down, the more interesting you are. would be of interest."

"It doesn't matter." Summer was noncommittal.

Ning Ruirui looked at this young man in a white suit, and always felt that there was a bit of evil in his smile, and he didn't look like a good person.

"Hey, this is Miss Ning, she is indeed a great beauty." The man in the white suit looked at Ning Ruirui again, and his eyes could not help but light up: "It's really out of the world, beautiful like a god, top-grade, top-grade, absolutely incredible. Taste……"

"This gentleman is polite." Ning Ruirui didn't know what this person was thinking, so she could only take it lightly.

"Hehe, Xia Xia, you are truly unparalleled in the world, making you jealous." The man in the white suit pretended to be envious and hated, and sighed: "If I have such a blessing, I should How nice."

"Okay, stop pretending, you idiot." Xia Xia said angrily: "You obviously like men, so don't pretend here."

The face of the man in the white suit froze instantly, and half of the original smile disappeared, making his expression rather strange.

"Summer, don't talk nonsense." Su Ye became impatient, "Let's go downstairs quickly, that senior is probably in a hurry."

Xia Tian glanced at Su Ye and didn't bother to pay attention. "Hey, you are Su Ye, the immortal cultivator invited by the ancestors to help our Yuan family." The man in the white suit looked at Su Ye and stretched out his hand: "Hello, I am Yuan Shican, the head of the Yuan family in Guicheng. We must work together, under the command of Zu Zun

Do a great job. "

Su Ye didn't even look at the man in the white suit, but still said to Xia Xia, "I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me?" The man in the white suit stretched out his hand in the air, with embarrassing words written on his face for a long time. Then he slowly retracted his hand, his eyes were still full of smiles, and he said casually, "If you two want to go down, you can tell Yuan.

one sound. Here I have the transmission formula that goes straight to the bottom, which can save you a lot of trouble. "

"Is it the formula given to you by senior Xiuxian?" Su Ye became slightly interested and turned to look at the man in the white suit.

"Not bad." The man in the white suit smiled and said, "Su Ye, and Xia Tian, ​​do you want it?"

Xia Xia's answer was straightforward: "I'm not interested."

"Just say it quickly, don't waste my time." Su Ye glared at the man in the white suit dissatisfied, "Otherwise, I'll blow your head off with one punch."

The man in the white suit smiled into a crescent moon: "If you want, I will definitely give it. After all, the two of you are helping our Yuan family..."

"You think too much, no matter what the Yuan family is, it's not worthy of me to help you with things." Xia Xia interrupted the man in the white suit dissatisfied, "I just accompany the little girl with long legs to play, and by the way, beat the black robe underneath. I'm an idiot." "I'm the first genius of the Dabei Lake Villa, what kind of thing are you Yuan family, what qualifications do you have for me to do things for you?" Su Ye was also quite dissatisfied, and said coldly, "If it wasn't for the protection of senior Xiuxian. With your Yuan family, I have already swept you down

, a bunch of ants dare to point fingers at me Su Ye. "You..." The man in the white suit finally restrained his smile, suppressed his anger, and said, "Don't go too far, the two of you, our Yuan family is not the so-called aristocratic family outside, but a hidden family that has cultivated a group of extraordinary masters. even if you are

Immortal cultivators, in front of the giant Yuan family, are just meat on the anvil. "

"Another one with a sick mind." Ning Ruirui couldn't help but sighed, "These children of aristocratic families are really spoiled, they haven't seen anything in the world, but they feel that they are invincible in the world, and they are invincible in every word and deed. It's a textbook for courting death."

"Ning Ruirui, do you know what you are talking about!" The man in the white suit was furious, and poked at Ning Ruirui: "Trust

If you don't believe me, you will be able to uproot your Ning family and disappear from the world! "

"I don't believe it!" Ning Ruirui looked directly at the stern gaze of the man in the white suit, "If your so-called hidden Yuan family was really that powerful, how could they have been kicked out of Guicheng more than 20 years ago."

"Looking for death!" The man in the white suit moved, and he made a bold move, slashing at Ning Ruirui with a thin thunderous intent in the palm of his hand.

call out! Ning Ruirui has long been different from what it used to be, and she lacked some combat experience in the past, but now she has made up for it bit by bit. Seeing the man in the white suit move, he immediately reached out his hand and took out the flowing cloud iron blade.

Recklessly out of the hole, he wrapped himself around the man in the white suit several times.

"Don't move, or your neck will be cut." Ning Ruirui said lightly.

"Liuyun Iron Blade?" The man in the white suit recognized the things in Ning Ruirui's hands, "How come that old Taoist's things are in your hands?"

"Ge Daochang gave it to me temporarily." Ning Ruirui took the blade back into the sheath and said with a smile, "How about it, I can use it fairly smoothly?"

"Okay! Very good!" The man in the white suit's face turned ashen, "It seems that you are also planning to do the right thing with our Yuan family." "You kid has a sick mind." Su Ye reached out and grabbed the neck of the man in the white suit. " They all said that your Yuan family is a piece of shit, an ant-like family, and is worthless in front of immortal cultivators. For the sake of the immortal seniors, I won't kill you, but you don't either.

Disgraceful here, get out! "

With that said, Su Ye threw the man in the white suit casually, and it could be seen that Su Ye still had mercy, but threw the man two or three meters away without even messing up his hairstyle.

"Hey, Su Ye, don't you need a beating?" Xia Xia glared at Su Ye a little unhappily, "Why did you throw this idiot on my side." Only then did the man in the white suit realize that Xia Xia was by his side. , so he said: "Xia Xia, I know that something has happened to you recently. Because of the disappearance of Immortal Island, the forces under your hands have collapsed. Why don't you defect to our Yuan family, I will protect you

How about the position of an elder? "

Xia Xia grabbed the back of the neck of the man in the white suit and said to Su Ye: "Bingbing's wife told me before not to litter the garbage. So, throwing this idiot here is disrespectful to Bingbing's wife. I plan to give it to you. A little lesson."

"Teach me a lesson?" Su Ye laughed angrily, "Xia Tian, ​​you're fine... right!"

Xia Xia casually threw the man in the white suit out, just hit Su Ye who was stunned, and then the two of them fell out of the cave together.

In less than a second, Su Ye's deafening roar sounded outside the cave: "Summer, I will fucking kill you!"

Then, like a flash of lightning, Su Ye swept into the formation in the blink of an eye, and a fist the size of a sand bowl smashed into Xia Xia.

"Little long-legged girl, let's go to the next floor, don't pay attention to these idiots." Xia Xia's figure flashed, and she casually avoided Su Ye's attack, came to Ning Ruirui's side, and put her arms around her. Slender waist.

"How to get down?" Ning Ruirui asked.

Xia Xia smiled and pointed at Su Ye, who was so angry that he lost his understanding: "Just let this idiot show us a way."

"Take another punch from me!" Su Ye's fist, with a trace of thunder, slammed towards Xia Xia again.


Xia Tian took the punch and said lazily, "Su Ye, haven't you eaten?"

"Come on! Come again!"

Su Ye's competitive spirit was already bursting, and when he heard this, he was even more furious. He punched and punched again. The continuous fists greeted Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui like a storm. .

bang, bang, bang—

"The power is too light!"

"It's a waste, is that enough strength?"

"What is the No. 1 Villa in the Great North Lake, you are the No. 1 Softfooted Shrimp in the Great North Lake."

Xia Xia's poisonous tongue kept stimulating Su Ye's nerves, causing him to throw his fists like crazy. It's a pity that Su Ye's fist hit not Xia Xia, but the formation eye of the formation. Just now Xia Xia took advantage of Su Ye's unpreparedness and gave him a shot, which made him hallucinate. He regarded the formation on the ground as Xia Xia.

Compete with the formation.

"Is it really okay for you to tease him like this?" Ning Ruirui couldn't bear it, "Why do I feel that he is a little pitiful."

"What's so pitiful." Xia Xia didn't have any sense of responsibility: "Who made him an idiot."


Finally, after Su Ye blasted thousands of punches, the formation finally let out a whimper and collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye. A huge pool appeared on the ground, and it was full of rippling white liquid.

People in the square fell one after another, and they were instantly submerged by these white liquids, which melted and decomposed into a pile of nutrients. Xia Xia jumped directly into the pool with Ning Ruirui's arms around her.

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