Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1847 Immortality exists

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Jianghai City.

A ray of dawn, the sky lighted up slightly.

At this time, the sunlight was like a tulle, slowly crawling on the glass window of the genius doctor Daxia, leaking into the president's office through the gap in the curtain.

Yi Xiaoyin's beautiful face was dazzled with a layer of holy light.

She slept very lightly and was very sensitive. She was busy until the early hours of the morning and only lay down on the sofa for a while, and she slowly opened her beautiful eyes when she was illuminated by the light.

"Sister Yi, you're awake." A Jiu, dressed in casual clothes, sat energetically opposite her, smiling all over her face.

Yi Xiaoyin stretched her waist slightly, lifted the sheet covering her, and asked softly, "What time is it?"

"It's still early, it's only half past five." Ajiu handed Yi Xiaoyin a glass of warm water, "Sister Yi, you should go to the room to rest for a while, it's not good for your health to boil like this."

"It's okay." Yi Xiaoyin smiled indifferently, "Go and rest, I don't need to take care of it for the time being."

"I don't need to rest now." Ah Jiu replied with a straight face, "Although that stinky hooligan is very lustful, he is really powerful, I..." As he spoke, Ah Jiu suddenly realized something. The rather apologetic sister Chong Yi. "

"You don't need to apologize, and you don't need to feel as though you stole something from me." Yi Xiaoyin put A Jiu in her arms and said with a smile, "You just got the happiness you deserve. Although Xia Tian is very small and childish, But you're really good to your woman. He's your man, you don't have to hide this from anyone, you deserve it."

"His temper is too stinky, so don't spread the word." Ah Jiu's face flushed, and she continued, "I'll go make a pot of tea for Sister Yi."

Yi Xiaoyin smiled and let Ajiu go. She turned around and stood in front of the glass window, pulled the curtains open, and quietly looked at the sunrise in the distance. Absolutely stunning scenery. She hadn't had such a moment of leisure for a long time, and it was an infinite pleasure to feel the feeling occasionally.

Suddenly, Yi Xiaoyin's eyes changed slightly, then she closed the curtains, turned around and left the office, and said to A Jiu, "I'll go out."

Ah Jiu was making tea, and when she heard this, she raised her head slightly and said, "Then you have to come back quickly, I will prepare breakfast for you."

"Yeah." Yi Xiaoyin nodded.

After leaving the Divine Doctor Building, Yi Xiaoyin strolled around the nearby streets, and sure enough, in a corner of the wall, she found a contact mark unique to Yinyimen. Following these signs, she came to a rather hidden cafe.

Pushing the door in, it was very deserted, and there were basically no customers. After all, it was still early, and the cafe had just opened for business.

"Guest, what would you like to drink?" A waitress saw Yi Xiaoyin and immediately walked over to say hello.

"I don't need it for now." Yi Xiaoyin said lightly, "Find me a quiet place first."

"Okay." The waitress nodded and led Yi Xiaoyin to a rather secluded corner, where there was a potted plant at the same height as the person, just enough to obscure the surrounding vision.

Yi Xiaoyin sat on the seat, and through the floor-to-ceiling windows, she could just see the pedestrians outside. She frowned slightly, thinking about who was looking for her and what was going on. After her rectification, Yin Doctor Sect is no longer engaged in that kind of shady activities, so if the doorman has any contact with her, she only needs to make a phone call, so this kind of contact mark has actually been abandoned. Those who are still in use are only those who have been hidden for a long time.

"Wait for me for a long time." Just as Yi Xiaoyin was thinking, a city girl with hot waves came over and said to her with a smile.

Yi Xiaoyin came back to her senses and glanced at the visitor, a little surprised: "Is it you?"

"Yes, it's me, Lord Yimen, isn't it surprising?" The big wave girl gently moved her plump buttocks and sat opposite Yi Xiaoyin, lit a cigarette for herself, took two puffs, and vomited in a curling manner. A smoke ring.

"It's not too surprising. I thought it would be you, but I didn't expect it to be you." Yi Xiaoyin said lightly: "What should I call you, Yin Xiaosi?"

"Hehe, Lord Yimen, don't put me in the same category with those people." The big wave girl shook her head, "I have left the yin doctor and found my biological parents. Now my name is Ying Xiaoyue. "This name sounds pretty good, doesn't it?"

Yi Xiaoyin nodded in agreement: "It sounds really good, much better than numbers."

"I think so too. But it's still a little worse than your Yi Xiaoyin." The big wave girl laughed a few times, then stopped, and said to Yi Xiaoyin, "How is it, is the door owner good?"

"As long as you get rid of the black sheep, it's actually no different from managing a hospital or a business." Yi Xiaoyin replied casually.

Ying Xiaoyue said with admiration on her face: "I admire you for that. You have the courage to clean up all those self-righteous guys. Unfortunately, some still hid when they heard the wind."

"Let's be honest, what do you have to do with me?" Yi Xiaoyin didn't bother, and didn't want to go around in circles anymore, after all, Ah Jiu was preparing breakfast for her to go back to eat.

Ying Xiaoyue was obviously not here to catch up with Yi Xiaoyin, so she said, "I got some news, don't be too surprised when you hear it."

"You can rest assured, my psychological quality has always been good." Yi Xiaoyin said this in a flat way, such a strange flower in the stall, she has seen all kinds of strange things, and even she herself has become a legend The immortal cultivator, there is really nothing that can surprise her b.

"That's good." Ying Xiaoyue said: "That old witch is going out, do you know?"

"What did you say?" Yi Xiaoyin stood up suddenly and looked at Ying Xiaoyue in astonishment: "Who is going out?"

Ying Xiaoyue looked at Yi Xiaoyin with a half-smile but not a smile: "Master Yimen, your reaction is too big, which is a bit inconsistent with your usual indifferent temperament."

"Are you sure you know what you just said?" Yi Xiaoyin instantly regained her indifference and sat back, but looked at Ying Xiaoyue with a sharper look.

"Of course I know." Ying Xiaoyue pinched the cigarette, "You and I have both entered the yin doctor's door since childhood, and were raised by the old sect master. However, the real controller of the yin doctor's door has always been that old man. The immortal witch is also the founder of our school. That old witch began to retreat more than 60 years ago, saying that she wanted to break through the limits of human beings, so as to cultivate immortals and gain the Tao."

"The patriarch of the founding faction is closing the gate of longevity, and everyone knows this." Yi Xiaojian frowned slightly, interrupting the other party's words with a little dissatisfaction: "You don't need to talk about this kind of nonsense."

Ying Xiaoyue smiled apologetically, and then said, "Okay, then tell me what you don't know."

"Do you know why there are more girls than boys in the door?" Ying Xiaoyue leaned back and leaned on the cushion of the chair, "Besides, girls will be used by the door owner with various medicinal soups, Potion... tempering the body? Boys never need this."

Yi Xiaoyin didn't answer, but asked directly, "Do you know the reason?"

"I didn't know it before, but now I know it." Ying Xiaoyue lit another thin and long lady's cigarette, "and since I knew the reason, I have tried every means to get out of the yin medicine door. I used to take tasks frantically, make enough contributions to the sect and earn enough money, and finally the old sect master finally agreed to let me go."

Yi Xiaoyin said indifferently: "Then you should have two slashes with Yin Doctor Sect from now on, and don't have anything to do with it."

"Yes, that's what I think." Ying Xiaoyue gave a wry smile, "Unfortunately, some things can't be done by just thinking about it. For example, that old witch will definitely not let me go, and of course, she will not let go. you."

"Oh?" Yi Xiaoyin couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

"Yin doctors are not good halls, adopting our children, in addition to making us desperately make money for her..." Ying Xiaoyue's face gradually showed a look of resentment, "I just want our bodies and make her a container for rejuvenation. , we are nothing but guinea pigs kept by her."

Yi Xiaoyin remained calm and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember, about 20 years ago, several senior sisters were taken by the old sect master to meet the old witch, and they have disappeared since then." Ying Xiaoyue sneered, pointed at Yi Xiaoyin and said, "I see you It's just pretending to be garlic, in fact, you have already guessed whether it is right or not, otherwise, how could you have thought about leaving the yin medicine door ten or twenty years ago."

In this regard, Yi Xiaoyin was noncommittal and did not express her position. She just continued to ask: "I really don't understand what you want to say. I didn't mention the main point for a long time. Your ability to express needs to be strengthened."

"That old witch has an extraordinary obsession with immortality, and she actually founded Yin Medicine Gate to realize her dream." Ying Xiaoyue was a little annoyed at Yi Xiaoyin's attitude and said, "If the old witch continues Close her longevity gate, or simply die in it. I don’t want to be related to Yin doctor’s door anymore, and I don’t want to contact you. But I have definite news, that old witch is about to leave the gate, and it is likely that she will come to see us again. , look for the guinea pigs that Yin Doctor Clan has cultivated for her over the years."

"Then you came to me to remind me out of kindness?" Yi Xiaoyin asked.

"Not really." Ying Xiaoyue shook her head and said solemnly: "I want to join forces with you to protect yourself. You now control the magic doctor group, and you have that perverted husband to help you, so you can fight with that old witch. And I haven't been idle all these years, and I have also accumulated a part of my strength. When that old witch really comes to my door, we won't be waiting for death."

Yi Xiaoyin couldn't help but ponder, she didn't quite believe what Ying Xiaoyue said. Regarding the founding father of Yin Medicine Sect, she has secretly investigated it for a long time. It is also because of this that more than ten years ago, in order to get rid of the surname "Yin", she used a high price to save people. The Lord has redeemed his free body, but he still needs to obey the orders of the Yin doctor. After that, the Yin Doctor Sect changed several times, and the old Sect Master and some of her fellow clan members disappeared together, until now she has taken control of the Yin Medicine Sect by herself.

"What kind of immortality, immortality, it's all fake, it's pure nonsense." Ying Xiaoyue continued to persuade: "But the old witch will do whatever she can to make herself rejuvenated. If you and I join forces, it's possible There is a chance of life."

However, what Yi Xiaoyin suspected was Ying Xiaoyue's motives for looking for her, which was probably not as pure as she claimed. Besides, her cultivation base is not low now, even if the founder of the sect really came to her door, she boasted that nothing would happen.

A few minutes later, Yi Xiaoyin said lightly, "I need to think about it."

"You'd better make a decision as soon as possible, I'm afraid things will change." Ying Xiaoyue put out the cigarette again and stood up slowly, "Within three days, if you think about it, contact me directly, you should know the method."

Yi Xiaoyin nodded, but did not speak.

After watching Ying Xiaoyue walk away, she said slowly: "Xiu Xian, immortality... all exist."

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