Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1849 The tomb-suppressing beast is a little girl

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"not human?"

Ning Ruirui was stunned when she heard this, and asked, "What is that, ghost? Demon? Or something else?"

"It's not a ghost or a demon." Xia Xia thought for a moment, then shook his head: "As for what it is, I don't know, I haven't seen it before."

"The little girl in the floral skirt showed a smug smile on her face, and said to Xia Tian: "My birth has very harsh conditions, and there may not be one in tens of thousands of years. It's normal that you haven't seen it. "

"Then what the hell are you..." Ning Ruirui swallowed the word "thing" at the back, apparently feeling a little rude.

"Yes, what am I?" The little girl in the floral dress raised her head and thought hard for a long time.

"Don't you even know who you are?" Ning Ruirui looked at her cute appearance, and suddenly felt that this little girl was a little cute, but she didn't know whether the word "little girl" was appropriate.

The little girl in the floral skirt pouted, and her little feet swayed even more: "I just can't remember for a while, how you people on earth call me."

"We Earthlings?" Ning Ruirui asked subconsciously, "Aren't you Earthlings?"

"Little long-legged girl, why is your memory getting worse and worse." Xia Xia reminded next to her: "She is not even a human being, so she definitely can't be considered a person from Earth."

Ning Ruirui glanced at him and said, "Don't interrupt, I don't have time to play word games with you." "He's right, I'm not even a human being, and certainly not a creature on Earth." Broken Flower The little girl in the skirt didn't mind Xia Tian saying she was not human, and explained with a smile: "In our place, my name is Lingling, I am a kind of elf. I remember that there is a saying on your earth that "things live for a long time", that is, no matter what When things exist for a long time, they will breed a certain spirituality. As for me, I am a spirit that is millions of times stronger than this kind of spirituality. You can call me Lingling.

You can call me Zhenling... It seems a bit tongue-in-cheek, you should understand. "

"Well, I remembered that Sister Shenxian seemed to have mentioned this to me before." Xia Xia's eyes lit up, pointing to the little girl in the floral dress and said, "Lingling, it seems to be the guardian spirit of the tomb, wait, this stuff. Shouldn't it be called the tomb-suppressing beast?" "I hate it, don't confuse me with that low-level thing, okay?" The little girl in the floral dress was a little unhappy, and stared at Xia Tian with her hands on her hips: "The tomb-suppressing beast is too ugly. , how beautiful and cute this girl is. Besides, most of the tomb-suppressing beasts are wise

If it is not opened, it is just a general and fierce alien beast. "

Ning Ruirui suddenly woke up: "If you are the guardian spirit of the tomb, doesn't it mean that this secret realm of Guixu is actually a cemetery."

"It's the cemetery." The little girl in the floral dress blinked and asked strangely, "You dare to come down without knowing anything?"

"There's nothing to dare to come down." Xia Xia said disapprovingly, "Even if it's a cemetery, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Ning Ruirui thought about it too, and asked, "Whose cemetery is this?"

"I can't tell you this." The little girl in the floral dress shook her head, "Anyway, I'm here to remind you, of course I'm not listening to you."

"Remind us of what?" Ning Ruirui heard a lot of emotions from the little girl's words. "Remind you to leave quickly." The little girl in the floral dress showed a helpless look on her face, "I've been so bored in the past ten thousand years, so I often find some people to come down and play. You met above. Medicines are good, agencies are good

, I made it when I was bored. Those people are purely for me to pass the time, so there is no harm in leaving them here. But you two are different, and it might really be bad for me. ""We are fundamentally different from those people. "Ning Ruirui couldn't help but explain, "Those people want to get something from this secret realm, especially the Yuan family, who has been trying to send people down for a hundred years, just to take this secret realm as their own.

Yes, and then cultivate a group of immortal cultivators, there must be some ulterior motive. And I'm just here to explore, just curious. "

After speaking, he pointed to Xia Xia and said, "He came down with me, and he doesn't have much interest in this secret realm."

Xia Tian nodded and yawned: "It's really not interesting here, why don't you go back and hold A Jiu to sleep." "Don't you know that curiosity is the most dangerous thing?" The little girl in the floral skirt told Ning Ruirui Said: "Those people's desires are all on the surface, and they can't do anything. This secret realm is originally a testing ground for the whole body. It doesn't matter how they toss, it's just a toy for me to pass the time in the long years. Only like you This kind of person who has no desire and no desire will have the kind of persistence to break the casserole and ask to the end, and also have the ability to achieve, which is a little bit to me.

Dangerous. "

"What do you mean, I don't quite understand?" Ning Ruirui frowned, she really didn't understand what the little girl was trying to express.

The little girl in the floral skirt didn't intend to explain any further, just looked at Xia Xia: "You are the biggest threat at the moment, so I don't want to continue going down."

"Should I go down and see what the little girl with long legs means." Xia Xia said lazily: "I have no interest in this secret realm, but there is an idiot below, and I must beat him up."

"You mean the idiot in the black robe?" asked the little girl in the floral dress.

"Yes, it's that idiot." Xia Xia nodded, "I think he is very upset and must beat him."

The little girl in the floral dress hesitated, staring at the summer

After a while: "After beating him, will you leave?"

"What if we don't leave?" Ning Ruirui said tentatively, she always felt that the little girl was not very hostile to them, but she was jealous and very strange. "If you don't leave, then stay and play with me." The little girl in the floral dress said with a smile, "You are immortal cultivators, and your roots are good. With the resources here, you should be able to live for a long time. In this case , you can spend more time with me

. "

"You're wrong." Xia Tian pouted, "With me here, my women and I can live as long as we want."

"That's even better." The little girl in the floral skirt clapped her hands happily. "Then you can just stay. The spiritual energy here is much better than outside. How about you practice here for a thousand or two thousand years?"

"Hey, aren't you... your mind is not clear." Ning Ruirui said a little speechlessly, "You just said to remind us to leave early, but now you suddenly change the style of painting?" The little girl in the floral dress has a face Showing a tangled color, he murmured: "Hey, I don't know what I'm thinking, it's really boring, but boredom is better than no chance to be bored at all. I have a hunch that if you continue to explore, you may be interested in me.

The presence of the threat poses a threat, so I would like to ask you to leave. However, if you leave, then I will be even more boring. So, tell me, is it better to live for thousands or tens of thousands of years in a boring way, or just let the addiction go away? "It's not very good. "Ning Ruirui thought for a while and said seriously, "I don't want to live that long, but I don't want to disappear." I still have a lot of things to do, a lot of scenery I haven’t seen, a lot of people I haven’t met, and a lot of challenges I haven’t gone to

Finish. One day, I feel that there is nothing left for me to miss, and then I can really disappear without worrying about it. Living with nothing but boredom is not what I want. "

"Little long-legged girl, you won't disappear, and you won't die." Xia Xia said solemnly: "With me here, you can't be bored."

Ning Ruirui was not moved, but rolled her eyes at Xia Xia. She suspected that the rascal was driving again, but there was no evidence. "Okay, go or stay, in short, you can do it yourself." The little girl in the floral skirt clapped her hands and said to Xia Tian and Ning Ruirui, "Whether it's a suggestion or a reminder, I feel that you must not listen. Go in, in the end you should make mistakes

Mistakes will still be made, and mistakes that shouldn't be made will also be made. However, I still want to remind one last thing, when you get to the bottom, just take a look, and don't touch some things. "

The little girl in the floral dress looked at Xia Xia and added: "By the way, if you meet that idiot in a black robe, you have to beat him harder. I think he is also a little upset."

"That's fine." Xia Xia nodded in agreement.

"Then why don't you beat him yourself?" Ning Ruirui asked inexplicably, "Aren't you the tomb-suppressing beast here? If you don't like him, it's over if you just drive him away." "Correct again, I am Lingling, not a tomb-suppressing beast." The little girl in the floral skirt glared at Ning Ruirui, then raised her head and muttered to herself, "It seems that there is a lack of tomb-suppressing beasts here, wait, I'll make a few. Come out, hey, it seems to have

played. "

He turned his head and smiled at Ning Ruirui again: "You have a good idea. I didn't think of it before. I'm going back to build a batch of tomb-suppressing beasts. I guess the next batch of guests will like it."

As he said that, the figure flashed and disappeared directly. It really came and went in a hurry.

"What's wrong with her?" Ning Ruirui was still at a loss, she didn't know what the little girl wanted to do, her brain circuit was like that of a dead hooligan in Xia Xia, she was uninhibited, and there was no trace at all.

"I found something fun." Xia Xia was actually a little envious. "Little long-legged girl, I also have fun things here, do you want to try it?"

"I don't want to do good things, I'm too lazy to care about you." Ning Ruirui was sure that the dead hooligan was driving, and the evidence was conclusive.

Xia Xia said innocently: "Little long-legged girl, it's obviously your own thinking crooked."

Although Ning Ruirui didn't understand the intention of the little girl just now, she deduced some information from her words. For example, she was about to reach the bottom floor. I wonder if there was anything interesting there. .

At this time, a formation suddenly appeared in front of them, and at the same time, a slightly familiar voice sounded: "Come down, it's the most critical moment, this seat needs your help."

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