Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1850 Only for being beaten

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

At the bottom, the world is clear and bright, only one wall radiates golden light.

A dozen teleportation formations suddenly appeared in midair, and after a while, dozens of people fell from the formations.

Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui also got down from one of the formations and landed on the ground.

"Is this the bottom layer? It looks pretty good." Ning Ruirui looked around and found that this world is really clean, the ground is white, and the sky is also white, but not the dazzling white , but a very soft light that makes people feel that the sky and the earth are very close.

"It seems that there is one more layer." Xia Xia pointed to the golden wall in the distance, and said lazily, "But it doesn't matter, first find the idiot in the black robe, and after beating him, let's go home and sleep."

"I didn't see where the others were." Ning Ruirui glanced around, but saw several familiar faces, all of whom had met in the previous space, and were brought over by the teleportation array this time.

Xia Xia said casually: "I guess I knew I was going to beat him, so I hid it on purpose."

"If he really wants to hide, why would he bring us all to the last floor?" Ning Ruirui disagreed with Xia Xia's guess, "That person's ambition is not small, he must be preparing something."

"Whatever he prepares, find him first." Xia Xia is not interested in other things, he just wants to beat up the idiot quickly, then take Ning Ruirui out of here and find A Jiu to have a good sleep .

Before Xia Xia could find the black-robed immortal cultivator, someone rushed in front of him and roared at him: "Xia Xia, you cheated on me just now, didn't you?"

"It's you idiot again." Xia Tian was a little impatient, "Don't bother me, you have lost so many times. If you bother me again, I will turn you into an idiot with one shot, and you will never come back."

Su Ye's body was stagnant, and he looked at Xia Xia with some suspicion. He was really scared. After all, Xia Xia's amazing needlework made him hard to guard against. The most troublesome thing was that he didn't know when Xia Xia moved his hands and feet. , which is terrifying.

"Forget it, I don't care about this with you anymore." Su Ye decided not to fight against Xia Xia, and said in a low voice, "How do you think about my suggestion to you before?"

"I said earlier, I'm not interested." No surprise, Xia Xia still refused, "I can deal with that idiot alone, I don't need to join forces with you."

Su Ye said a little impatiently: "Xia Xia, that senior has big plans, and I suspect that he has bad intentions and poses a great threat to us. By cooperating with me, we can protect ourselves and follow-up plans. There is no harm, so why not do it?"

"I don't want to cooperate with idiots." Xia Xia's reason is simple and clear, and it is impeccable.

Su Ye is also a high-spirited person. After being rejected again and again, he became a little angry, and suddenly said, "It's up to you, then I'll get the benefits, so don't be jealous."

"Are you all here?" Another teleportation formation appeared, and a man in a black robe came out of it. He looked up and frowned, "Huh? Why are there so many people?"

"If you go back to Zuzun, all the available people are here." Yuan Xiaodie also came down. She found that the person in charge of the Yuan family was not there, so she took the initiative to report.

The black-robed man glanced at Yuan Xiaodie: "What about Yuan Shican, he shouldn't have left the secret realm, why didn't he come?"

"This Xiaodie doesn't know either." Yuan Xiaodie explained with a little panic: "I didn't meet my brother when I came down, presumably he went out through another channel."

"Why are there so few people?" The black-robed man's face was unpleasant. "Also, what about the left-behind arrangements on each floor? They have decent cultivation and sufficient energy. How can they disappear?"

"Yuan Tianzheng has already been killed by Xia Xia, and Xue Xiaodao is also dead. I just don't know why Yuan Tian's behavior didn't come." Yuan Xiaodie whispered softly, with a very humble attitude, "The remaining half of the people are missing."

"Trash, they're all trash!" The black-robed man shouted angrily, "You Yuan family only have this ability? It seems that this old man is going to use another family."

"Zu Zun, please give the Yuan family another chance." Yuan Xiaodie immediately knelt down, "Xiaodie will inform the Yuan family and ask them to send more people in for Zu Zun to drive."

The black-robed man snorted coldly: "No need, if it doesn't work this time, there will be no need for anyone to come in the future."

"Zun Zun, if you don't dislike it, you can authorize it to Xiaodie. Xiaodie will definitely do everything she can to satisfy you." Yuan Xiaodie didn't know what the black-robed man meant, but only felt the future of the Yuan family. Maybe it's over, and I can't help but blame Yuan Shican. I don't know how to do it, but I don't even want to meet the requirements of the ancestors. This is the great support for the Yuan family to stand for a hundred years.

"I'll give you three days to send as many people as possible, I'll use it." The black-robed man looked at Yuan Xiaodie coldly, his eyes full of coldness: "This is you and your Yuan family. The last chance. If there are more mistakes, your Yuan family will no longer need to exist."

"You don't need to look for someone." Xia Xia hugged Ning Ruirui and came directly to the man in black robe, "Because you will be killed by me soon, it's a waste of effort to call many people to help."

The man in black robe was not angry when he heard Xia Xia's words, he just snorted and said, "Xia Xia, you are here, it's very good. You and your girlfriend are both immortal cultivators, and their cultivation is not low, so they can help me. A lot, I am very happy.”

"Your brain is really sick, who told me to help you." Xia Xia stared at the black-robed man unhappily, "I'm here to kill you, you

If you have any last words, please tell me quickly, you won't have a chance to say it when I do it. "

The black-robed man ignored Xia Xia's words, poked at the wall not far away, and said, "Did you see that wall?"

"Of course I did." Ning Ruirui also glanced at the imposing wall, "What's in that wall?"

"There is everything you want, especially what the cultivators want." The black-robed man said excitedly to Xia Tian: "As long as you help me, I will give you some real energy and let you directly It is not impossible to rise to the distraction stage, or even the integration stage."

"Senior, are you serious?" Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui didn't react, Su Ye flashed over and asked excitedly.

The black-robed man nodded and said proudly: "This seat is sure to have extremely strong True Essence, this old man only needs 70% of it, and the remaining 30%, you go to share."

A look of dissatisfaction flashed across Su Ye's face, obviously a little disappointed with Sancheng.

"Although it's 30%, it's enough for you to enjoy." The black-robed man naturally saw what Su Ye and others were thinking, and slowly explained: "You guys are not high in cultivation, and it's not a good thing to absorb too much real energy. The old man is only one step away from entering the Tribulation Transcendence, or even ascending. Isn't it a better chance for you to take you to the Immortal Realm together?"

"Senior, can you really take me to the Immortal Realm?" Su Ye was really tempted. Although he claimed to be the first genius of the Great Northern Lake, there were not many resources that could be allocated in the sect, so his cultivation had been stagnant. If you can get some True Essence and go directly to the Immortal Realm, it is indeed a good deal.

Most of the rest of the people who were sent down by the teleportation array already knew about the existence of immortal cultivators, and a small number of them had reached the cultivation level of the foundation-building stage.

"He's obviously lying. These idiots still believe that they are all mindless." Xia Xia teased Ning Ruirui with some amusing.

"I also don't think it's credible." Ning Ruirui also felt that the black-robed man's words were a little untrue. Let's not talk about whether there is so-called true essence behind the wall, just what he did in the top palace before, just Hard to believe.

"Xia Tian, ​​Ning Ruirui, the two of you want to die, don't you, you dare to speak rudely to Zuzun." Yuan Xiaodie immediately jumped out and scolded: "Zuzun is an immortal and the protector of our Yuan family, who is it? If you dare to be disrespectful to him, you are the enemy of our entire Yuan family!"

These words are somewhat deterrent. After all, except for Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, everyone else came in through the Yuan family's channel, and they are very aware of the huge energy of the Yuan family.

"Is the Yuan family very powerful?" Xia Xia pouted, "What kind of first family was the Li family in Dijing in the past, but it was still destroyed by me."

Yuan Xiaodie glared at Xia Xia and said coldly, "Don't compare the Li family's idiots with our Yuan family, they don't deserve it."

"I think your Yuan family is even more stupid than the Li family's idiots." Xia Xia looked disapproving, "At least the Li family were very straightforward when they were courting death, and they didn't do as many tricks as you."

"Summer, cooperate with this seat, you and I will each have their own benefits, and you can still get a share of this seat's favor, why not do it?" The black-robed man said in a deep voice: "But if you don't cooperate, then this seat will I can only regret to obliterate you."

"It's like you can beat me." Xia Xia sneered at this, "You are my defeat. When I was there, I wanted to kill you, but you were just a clone. Now I see your deity. , you can't escape if you want to."

"It's really arrogant." The black-robed man was angry and looked at Xia Xia coldly, "Xia Xia, do you know that this seat has given you many opportunities. As early as twelve years ago, this seat I can kill you, but I have never shot, just out of love for talent. It's a pity that you have repeatedly failed my expectations for you, is this really reluctant to kill you?"


Xia Xia was too lazy to talk nonsense any more. He punched him directly, and caught the black-robed man by surprise. The whole person flew out dozens of meters, knocked down several people, and fell heavily to the ground.

"You actually did something to him, Xia Xia, you're going to die... ah!" Su Ye was startled and shouted in astonishment.

Xia Xia glanced at Su Ye dissatisfied, and then gave him a kick, kicking him like a ball.

"Xia Xia, how dare you take action against this seat!" The black-robed man flashed back, pointing at Xia Xia and roaring: "Then this seat will kill you today to let you know the horror of the tribulation period... eh!"

"What's so terrifying about the robbery period, all my wives are in the calamity period." Xia Xia punched again, hitting the black-robed man's nose firmly, "If you fight, you will fight, if you kill, you will kill, old man. It's to shout about what period you are in, you can only say that you idiot has no confidence in your heart, then you only have to be beaten."

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