Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1851 Had to beat you to death

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Xia Xia himself was at the peak of the Tribulation Transcendence Stage, but later he was sucked away by Ye Yumei for most of his cultivation, which fell to around the Golden Core Stage. However, his acupuncture technique can ignore the cultivation base, and it can be effective for anyone, including immortal cultivators, and no one can resist it.

Therefore, there is no fear at all, and even contempt for this black-robed man who claims to be in the Tribulation Transcendence Period, because this man has not yet reached the Tribulation Transcendence Period, he is only a high-level fit, and he is still far from the Great Completion and Great Perfection. In two steps, it is barely enough to say that it is half a step to cross the calamity.

"It turned out that it is not easy for me to think about your cultivation. You can reach the Golden Core Stage at a young age. Your aptitude is not bad, so you have the heart to love talents." Repeatedly disappointing the good intentions of this seat, and now you dare to take action against this seat, then don't blame me for taking care of my fellow comrades."

"Little long-legged girl, why do you always say big things before you say that an idiot is going to be beaten?" Xia Xia was really puzzled by this question, so he asked Ning Ruirui.

"You talk a lot." Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes at Xia Xia and said angrily, "You don't like listening to this idiot talk, but you should solve him quickly and set aside time for him to talk, you Not sick."

Xia Tian gave Ning Ruirui a somewhat miraculous look: "Little long-legged girl, you have finally become a little smarter."

"Death to this seat!" The man in black robe saw that Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui were talking like no one else was there, and his anger rose from his heart. When he raised his hand, a white light pierced at Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui like a lightning disk.

Xia Xia hugged Ning Ruirui and moved to dodge, which was very comfortable and light, but the people standing behind Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui were in trouble, and were directly dispersed into a black mist by the white light.

"Let's see how long you can hide." The black-robed man strummed his fingers like a violin, and swiped rapidly in mid-air, and immediately dozens of white lights came out of nowhere, chasing Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui like sharp swords.


These dozens of white lights are extremely fast, and they can track them. They have been closely following Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui.

Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui were very resistant to this magical sound and were not affected much, while the others in the space, except Su Ye, fell to the ground, covering their ears and screaming.

"Sword come!"

Seeing that Bai Guang couldn't catch up to Xia Xia for a long time, the black-robed man felt a little impatient, and then he stretched out his left hand in the air and shouted angrily.

Suddenly, thousands of sword pellets responded to the black-robed man's order, and immediately traveled through several layers of space to the bottom.

In the air, there were long swords dancing wildly, like heavy rain, shooting down towards Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui.

"Stop playing, get rid of him early, otherwise many people will be implicated and die." Ning Ruirui knew that Xia Xia had a lot of fun, so she couldn't help talking to him.

"Little long-legged girl, you don't care what those people do, they will die if they die, and it has nothing to do with us." Xia Xia enjoyed the feeling of flying around with Ning Ruirui in her arms. In this state, Ning Ruirui's waist The limbs and long legs felt unusually soft and elastic, making him reluctant to stop for a while.

"No, if you don't do it, I'll do it." Ning Ruirui struggled to break away from Xia's embrace and took out Liuyun Iron Pill from her backpack.

"Little long-legged girl, you are useless to deal with him, let me do it." Although Xia Xia was a little unfinished, but since she has spoken, it is better to solve the idiot in front of her first.

Ning Ruirui said, "Hurry up."

"I really don't know how high the sky is." The black-robed man snorted suddenly, urging the white light to interweave with the flying sword, turning it into a net covering the sky and setting the summer.

Xia Xia yawned lazily, clenched his fists, and punched the flying swords of white light.


An inch outside the fist, a huge air ripple suddenly appeared, and then the ripple became bigger and bigger, covering the entire space in a few stops in the blink of an eye.

Bai Guang and Feijian collided with the ripples, and immediately shattered.

"How is this possible, there is actually a trace in the boxing... true meaning, isn't this a law that can only be possessed in the tribulation period?" The black-robed man's eyes widened, his eyes were full of disbelief: "Even this seat is only a You have touched the tip of the iceberg of true meaning, how can you use it so smoothly!"

"What is true or false, I haven't heard of it." Xia Xia said lazily: "Besides, I was originally in the tribulation period, but I was pitted by the long-legged girl, and my cultivation became what it is now. Although my cultivation is still I haven't recovered, but isn't it normal to beat up an idiot like you in the fit stage?"

"It's impossible!" The black-robed man couldn't accept this reality and said angrily.


Before he could finish speaking, he was punched in the face.

"Do you think this move will still be effective for this seat?" The black-robed man took this punch and was not injured at all, but he had expected this move in the summer and covered his body in advance. protective barrier.

"You're an idiot, it's better to be beaten obediently. Maybe I'll be happy and I'll spare your life." Xia Tian pouted and said a little unhappily: "Now I have to beat you to the death. ."

The black-robed man said coldly, "In summer, I will kill you today, and your wives will not escape..."


Another punch in the face.

"It's useless, you are doing completely useless work, just now I was just unprepared." The black-robed man sneered, "

The body protection magic of this seat may not be broken even in the calamity period, let alone you... Pfft! "

Before he could finish speaking, the black-robed man spit out blood, and then his whole face became bloody, and he murmured, "This, how is this possible!"

"I hate people threatening me the most, and I hate people threatening my wives even more. But you idiot actually commits both of these points. It's really unfortunate." Xia Xia punched the black-robed man with punch after punch. In his eyes, there is no such thing as hitting people without hitting the face. According to Xia Xia's code of conduct, if you don't hit someone in the face, then why do you hit someone.

After a while, the black-robed man's entire face was swollen like a pig's head, his teeth were almost all gone, and the whole person was terrible.

Su Ye saw all this, and a doubt arose in his heart, why is this senior in the integration stage even worse than himself? Anyway, when he first fought Xia Xia, he had the upper hand. If Xia Xia didn't use it meanly With acupuncture, he can really beat the summer.

"Why do you feel that this senior is much weaker than before?" Su Ye was a little puzzled. "Or is it that summer has become stronger again? It's impossible. Seeing that the cultivation base has not changed, it's similar to me."

Xia Xia punched a few more times and felt boring, so he closed his hands angrily and threw the muddy black-robed man on the ground.

"Is he dead?" Ning Ruirui asked.

"Not dead, let him run away." Xia Xia said a little unhappy.

"What do you mean?" Ning Ruirui couldn't help but stunned, "Aren't others still here?"

"The body is here, the primordial spirit has already run away." Xia Xia's eyes patrolled around, looking for the primordial spirit of the man in black robe, "Where should I hide, ready to attack at any time."

Ning Ruirui also looked around to see if she could find out the hidden dangers.

"It should be over there." Su Ye suddenly pointed at the wall with golden light, "Hide in the wall, if you want to pull him out, it is estimated that you have to break the wall, but this wall is very hard, and there are countless layers of magic circles. Protector, your fists are useless at all. Originally, if you and I, plus that senior, would do it with all our strength, there is still a little possibility, but now it is completely impossible."

"It's just a broken wall." Xia Xia was quite disdainful of Su Ye's words, "You can't do it, don't take me on your behalf, I only need one punch to break it."

Su Ye smiled and looked at Xia Xia: "Xia Xia, you are really beyond my surprise, but some things, not all things can be broken with fists. In the world of immortals, you only cultivate body skills and not cultivate them. Spell, that is just a fighter, only assigned to those immortals who guard the mountain gate."

"I remember that Lingling seemed to have said, don't touch the things here." Ning Ruirui said worriedly: "That wall should be what she was referring to."

"Behind the door is a great opportunity." Su Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a slightly gloomy atmosphere: "Xiasum, now is the opportunity. You and I will join forces to blast his primordial spirit directly into the wall. A The Primordial Spirit of the cultivator in the fusion period is shattered, and with our strength, it should be enough to break this wall. When the time comes, the True Essence in it will be half of you and me, how about it?”

"It's still the same sentence, I'm not interested." Xia Xia didn't take the trick, no matter how Su Ye persuaded him, he just didn't follow his routine, "I just need to catch that idiot and let him be destroyed. What? True essence, chance, I'm not interested at all. If I want to practice, I can find a few wives myself, why waste time on such boring things."

When Ning Ruirui heard this, she couldn't help but secretly complained, it's boring to find a wife to practice, and it's also very obscene.

"I'll catch that idiot first." After that, Xia Xia came to the wall and reached out to touch the wall.

"Huh?" He found that something seemed to echo him behind the wall. This kind of excitement was very strange. It had the feeling that he first met Liu Meng back then. Because Liu Meng is also a spirit body of ice and fire, when he was in double cultivation, he was greatly improved. Could it be that there are people behind the wall who have a spirit body of ice and fire?

"No matter what's behind the wall, grab that idiot's primordial spirit first." Xia Xia thought about it and made a quick decision: "Take down this broken wall."


At this moment, the wall suddenly made a tremor.

Su Ye's face changed greatly when he heard this voice, he was stunned, then turned and ran.

"Little long-legged girl, you will hold me tight." Xia Xia also became a little serious, immediately took a few steps back, and stretched out his arms to hug Ning Ruirui.

Ning Ruirui felt the solemnity of Xia Xia and asked, "What's the matter?"

"That idiot blew himself up in the wall." Xia Xia explained casually: "There will be a few shock waves in a while. Your cultivation base is not high now, so you may not be able to withstand it. But you will be fine if you hold me."

Sure enough, after a long two or three seconds of silence, the wall suddenly burst into dazzling golden light, and one after another huge shock wave.

Ning Ruirui also recognized it. The few golden lights she saw above were the ones in front of her.

Before the golden light arrived, people and objects in the space were already shaken apart. Even though Ning Ruirui was holding Xia Xia, she still felt a strong and unparalleled repulsion, like playing golf, and knocked them out.

After a few seconds, Jin Guang escaped. The bottom space is empty.

The little girl in the floral skirt came out of the wall, frowned, and muttered to herself, "That idiot still touched the wall, he has to find a way to move it, or the kid will definitely come over again, we can't let him disturbing the master's sleep."

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