Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1859 Master is omniscient

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


Although Xu Jiaona looks very charming on the bright side, she seems to be very open in her words and deeds, in fact... she is really open, which can be regarded as a love affair with Zhao Qingqing's same hearty inside and outside, otherwise they would will not be friends for many years

best friend.

"He just came to my house a few days ago to talk to my dad about this." Zhao Qingqing nodded, "And he pestered me for a few days, but at that time I was already my master's woman."

"Did Xu Minghui even think of you?" Xu Jiaona covered her mouth and said in disbelief.

Zhao Qingqing was a little dissatisfied hearing this, and glared at Xu Jiaona: "What is it, am I bad?"

"Now that it has been developed, it's really good, and it's becoming more and more feminine." Xu Jiaona said with a smile: "It used to be really rough and reckless, and it really doesn't look like a woman."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to bicker with you." Zhao Qingqing leaned on Xia Xia, she did look like a little woman now, which was the state she despised the most before, but she did it quite naturally at this time. Xu Jiaona didn't see it, and continued: "Let's talk about Xu Minghui, I feel that he is a very problematic person, and it is not an ordinary problem. It has also caused all troubles to me, and it has come that I have to ask for help. to the point of

. "What's wrong with him?" Zhao Qingqing became curious. She didn't have a deep impression of Xu Minghui, just a so-called "young handsome man" in her parents' mouths. But in her impression, Xu Jiaona was not afraid of anything.

People, even she finds it a little tricky, which means that Xu Minghui is definitely not as simple as it seems. "This kind of idiot, either has a problem with his brain or his body." Xia Xia didn't have much interest in that Xu Minghui, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He just said this casually. In his opinion, apart from him and his wives, many others

There are more or less problems in these two aspects.

Xu Jiaona nodded in agreement: "I feel that not only does he have problems with his brain, but he also has problems with his body, and his identity is also a problem."

"Is there a problem with my identity, how do you say this?" Zhao Qingqing asked in confusion, "Isn't he your brother?"

Xia Xia can't stand it, and this apprentice is too stupid: "She said it was obviously not her identity."

"That's not true." Xu Jiaona couldn't help but glanced at Xia Xia, then shook her head, "This can't be faked, I secretly took his hair for DNA identification, it's his professional identity, and the problem is Not too small."

Zhao Qingqing praised: "It is your style of doing things that is resolute and resolute." "He told my mother that he is doing business abroad, and he has made some achievements. The company has been listed." Xu Jiaona's admiration for Zhao Qingqing is nothing. He responded with a smile and continued: "But I found that this is not the case. I checked his overseas public relations.

The company is all empty shells, and the registration place is an island country in the Pacific Ocean. Usually, only companies that are not visible will be registered there. "You're still so good. "Zhao Qingqing was really amazed at Xu Jiaona's ability to act, because even his own brother did not hesitate to investigate because he had a little doubt, and he found out so quickly.

Those in the Heavenly Dao group are even more efficient.

For a moment, Zhao Qingqing really flashed the idea of ​​recruiting Xu Jiaona into the Tiandao team, but quickly suppressed it again. After all, the Tiandao team belonged to Summer, not hers.

"I'm so good, my brother is really good." Xu Jiaona laughed a little at herself, "He brought a team back, specializing in the kidnapping business."

"Binding, kidnapping?" Zhao Qingqing's eyes widened, thinking she had heard it wrong, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Xu Jiaona nodded affirmatively, "It's the daughters of those rich people who are tied up, and that's the target of his blind date."

Having said that, Zhao Qingqing suddenly remembered that he seemed to be almost kidnapped, and couldn't help shouting: "Could it be that he did the thing that I was almost kidnapped? How do I remember that the sword girl paid someone to do it? "

"Obviously, that bitch is also the one who is so shy." Xia Xia said lazily.

Xu Jiaona looked at Xia Xia in amazement: "How did you know? I spent a lot of effort and used a lot of connections to find it out. Where did you find it?"

"I don't need to investigate, I just know." Xia Xia said casually, "Because I know everything."

Xu Jiaona obviously doesn't believe this kind of words, she is even more convinced that Xia Xia's background is not simple, at least she has resources that she does not have.

"Master is indeed omniscient." Zhao Qingqing saw that Xu Jiaona didn't believe it, and quickly explained: "Jiaojiao, don't believe me, my master is not an ordinary person, no, it should be said that he is not an ordinary person."

Xu Jiaona became more and more unbelievable: "If you are not a mortal, can you still be an immortal?"

"Although not, but you can think so." Zhao Qingqing nodded. "You were poisoned by your master." Seeing Zhao Qingqing's appearance, Xu Jiaona felt that her best friend was too deep, and couldn't help whispering closer to her ear: "However, I think you still It's better to keep some sanity, beware of being

Cheated. "

"Hey, you're the liar." Xia Xia said with some discomfort: "Don't think I can't hear you if you keep quiet."

Xu Jiaona covered her mouth with a smile: "I'm sorry, it's not against you, but Qingqing is too innocent, so I reminded her out of worry. I hope Mr. Xia doesn't mind."

"You should worry about yourself." Xia Xia glared at her, "My apprentice doesn't need you to worry about it." "Aiya, Jiaojiao, you don't understand at all." Zhao Qingqing knew that Xu Jiaona had misunderstood, "My master Not the kind of person you imagined, he is... Forget it, I can't tell you clearly, don't tell me. In short, my master is omnipotent, and it is impossible for him to

Liar, it is impossible to lie to me. "

"Okay, as long as you like it." Xu Jiaona knew that persuasion was useless, so she simply reserved her opinion, "Let's get down to business, don't keep interrupting."

Zhao Qingqing complained: "It seems that you keep talking and then go astray. You just said that your brother has a kidnapping gang, which specializes in kidnapping women who have a blind date with him. What's next?"

"Of course it's extorting money, what else can I do?" Xu Jiaona rolled her eyes at Zhao Qingqing and said angrily.

Zhao Qingqing was stunned for a moment, and then asked back, "What does Zhao Xiaozhuo's disappearance have to do with that?"

"I never said it had anything to do with Zhao Xiaozhuo's disappearance." Xu Jiaona pointed at Xia Tian, ​​"It was your master who said it."

Zhao Qingqing said affirmatively: "Oh, that must have a lot to do with Zhao Xiaozhuo's disappearance."

"You're really hopeless." Xu Jiaona shook her head at Zhao Qingqing and sighed.

Xia Xia felt really bored and couldn't help yawning: "It's all useless nonsense after talking for a long time, why don't you go back to sleep."

"I haven't finished yet." Xu Jiaona said quickly.

"Master, let's hear what she has to say later." Although Zhao Qingqing really wanted to fool around with Xia Xia again, bah, practice, but Xu Jiaona was her best friend after all, so she couldn't watch her get into trouble and sit back and watch ignore.

Xu Jiaona said: "The biggest trouble now is that my brother seems to have kidnapped several people and found out that I was investigating him."

"Then you are very dangerous." Zhao Qingqing worried: "Will he kill you?" "I have his handle in my hand, and he doesn't dare to do anything to me for the time being." Xu Jiaona's eyes With a worried look, "It's just that my mother is now almost obedient to his son, who hasn't seen him for many years, and she has actually been very ill these years.

Now, if she were to know that his son did this, she would probably die of anger. Saying that, she looked at Xia Xia and pleaded: "After receiving the text message from the good baby, I actually did some research on Mr. Xia, I hope Mr. Xia will forgive me." I learned that Mr. Xia is actually a very skilled doctor, so I thought

Please help my mother heal. "

"You've been around for a long time, and you're actually asking my master to see a doctor?" Zhao Qingqing admired her as a best friend, but at the same time felt that she had done a lot of unnecessary things, "If you want to ask my master to see a doctor, tell me directly. That's it."

"You don't understand." Xu Jiaona sighed and turned to look at Xia Xia meaningfully: "But Mr. Xia must understand, right?"

Xia Xia did understand, but he didn't like the way this woman did things: "What is it that you can't understand? What do you want to say is your business, but why should I help you?" "I also After thinking about it, it's not easy to ask Mr. Xia for help, so I didn't bother Qingqing to intercede for me." Xu Jiaona didn't have any special reaction when she heard Xia Xia's words, and continued: "I have prepared some materials, which may be helpful to Xia. First

Life is useful. ""What information? "Zhao Qingqing is a little curious about what kind of information Xu Jiaona will come up with. She knows very well that there are not many things that can interest Xia Xia, and her eyes are extremely picky. Apart from never being too much for stunning beauties, other things are also

It's nothing, "Is it something like a picture book of beauties in the world?" "Divine Doctor Group has been buying old medical books for a lot of money recently." Xu Jiao Ao took out a rather thick file bag from his carry-on bag, Putting it on the coffee table in front of him, "Although there will definitely be many people offering books under the heavy reward, the quality of ancient medical books obtained by this method must be uneven. And some people will not be moved by money. I have a group of ancient medical books with extremely high collection value. This is one of them. As long as Mr. Xia promises to help me, they will be

yours. Mr. Xia, what do you think? "I don't think so! "The person who spoke was not Xia Xia, but a strange young man, staring at Xu Jiaona with fiery eyes, "You bitch really hid here, now I see where you can escape!" "

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