Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1860 is useless

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


"Sir, please pay attention to what this place is!" Zhao Qingqing raised his eyebrows, and his anger surged up: "It's better to be polite, or blame yourself for the consequences." The young man sneered and said disapprovingly: "I Of course I know where this is, isn't it a broken club built by Zhao Xiaozhuo, what's so great. Believe it or not, I will buy this broken club in a few days, and then let you

They all work here as waiters, cleaning the toilet every day. "

Xia Xia looked at the person who came, and felt as if he had seen him somewhere, but he didn't pay much attention to it. It was estimated that he had beaten an idiot before.

"Luo Tianming, how do you know I'm here?" Xu Jiaona couldn't help but look at the person who came, her eyes could not help flashing a hint of fear: "Could it be that... you are following me?" "Following?" The young man sneered, his face With a look of disdain: "This young master doesn't have the leisure to do this, and there is no need to do this kind of thing that lowers your status. If you hide honestly, then this young master may really have to work hard. It's a pity that you are too

Stupid, to dare to show up, it's really asking for a dead end. ""Are you from the Luo family? " Zhao Qingqing looked at the person who came, and gradually got some impressions, and there was some contempt in her tone: "I remember that the Luo family is only a small family of the third-rate in the imperial capital, and you dare to look down on the Zhao family. I should say that you are arrogant and arrogant." Big

What, or are you saying you don't know how to live or die? "

Luo Tianming glanced at Zhao Qingqing in surprise, and asked in surprise, "Are you from the Zhao family?"

"My name is Zhao Qingqing, what do you think?" Zhao Qingqing said coldly. "Hehe, I said how dare you become more courageous." Luo Tianming glanced at Xu Jiaona with a half-smile, and then proudly said to Zhao Qingqing: "Even if your surname is Zhao, so what. Wake up, now The Zhao family has long since declined, not before

The Zhao family is gone. Now the Yuan family is in full swing, and our Luo family is the natural ally of the Yuan family. You should understand what this means. "

"It means you're an idiot." Zhao Qingqing annoys this kind of person the most.

Luo Tianming was furious, pointed at Zhao Qingqing and scolded: "Damn, what did you say! Say it again!"

"It's the same no matter how many times you say it, you're an idiot." Zhao Qingqing rolled her eyes and said contemptuously.

"Enough, Luo Tianming, aren't you here for me?" Xu Jiaona knew Luo Tianming's bad character and didn't want Zhao Qingqing to get into trouble with such a person, so she stood up and said, "Speak straight, What do you want?"

"What do I think?" Luo Tianming was really distracted, and turned to look at Xu Jiaona coldly, "What you said is really ridiculous, you stole all the heirlooms of my Luo family, and you asked me What do you want?"

Xu Jiaona explained: "I bought this from your brother with money. The money and goods have already been sold. If you want to find it, you should also find your precious brother." "My brother is young and ignorant, and he has a very strong heart Innocent, I was deceived by a bitch like you, so I sold the family heirloom cheaply." Luo Tianming clasped his hands together and made a nonchalant look as he spoke, "Of course I, the older brother, have to help him.

To get justice, you return the things to me as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame me for calling the police to arrest you. "Neither of your brothers are good things. They were originally a gang. One stole things from the house and sold them, and the other designed anti-things to snatch them back. Do you really think everyone is a fool?" "Xu Jiaona was about to be pissed off and couldn't help but say it.


Luo Tianming sneered, shook his head and said, "You are very smart and stupid. Now that you know it, you should honestly send the things back and pay another 20 to 30 million yuan, so as not to be imprisoned, no one can I can't save you."

Zhao Qingqing listened to the conversation between the two and found that there seemed to be a rather complicated story, so she asked Xu Jiaona: "Jiaojiao, what's going on?" "It's nothing, it's just a small matter, I can handle it myself." Jiao Na didn't want to waste her friendship with Zhao Qingqing on this matter, she turned her head to Xia Xia and said, "Mr. Xia, don't worry, I bought these medical books with money and there will be no problem.


"Fart!" Luo Tianming's eyes became sharp, he raised his finger and pointed at Xia Xia, and warned: "The ancient medical books in her hands belong to our Luo family, and she cheated them from my brother. If you dare to take over, then Don't blame me for cleaning up with you."

"You idiot don't deserve to be beaten, right?" Xia Xia said unhappily: "I'm the most annoying when others point at me."

Zhao Qingqing was even more unhappy: "Dare to point to my master, you don't want your hand anymore, right?"

Luo Tianming couldn't help laughing, and said to Xia Tian: "You are quite crazy, this young master is pointing at you, how can you take me... ah!"


Before he finished speaking, Luo Tianming's entire arm was directly broken by Zhao Qingqing.

"Hand, hand, hand... My hand is broken, please let me go!" Luo Tianming's face was deformed in pain, and he screamed in pain: "Call an ambulance!"

Zhao Qingqing was stunned for a moment: "Hey, I haven't tried my best yet, why did it break?"

"You... Hercules?" Xu Jiaona couldn't help but be stunned when she saw this situation. Although she knew Zhao Qingqing's strength before, she could break someone's hand with a single touch. It's an exaggeration.

Zhao Qingqing remembered that after washing her marrow a few days ago in the summer, her strength increased by a lot. Unexpectedly, her strength has increased again: "Master, I seem to be stronger again."

"That's for sure." Xia Xia said lazily: "As I said, sleeping with me is practicing."


Qingqing said excitedly: "It's no wonder that Sister Yuji and Yaoyao are so strong, Master, we will sleep every day from now on, okay?"

"Of course there is no problem." How could Xia refuse such a good thing.

Xu Jiaona looked at the pair of masters and apprentices with embarrassment. They were talking about such a dirty topic in a serious manner, and she didn't care about anyone else beside her. Sure enough, a woman who has been hungry for a long time can't be provoked.

After a while, a security guard came and carried Luo Tianming out, who had fainted from pain. As for whether he was sent to the hospital or thrown to the side of the road like a dead dog, it was unclear. "Jiaojiao, that Luo Tian is obviously a coward, why are you afraid of him?" Zhao Qingqing looked at Xu Jiaona in confusion. In her impression, Xu Jiaona was always a strong woman. As for being forced to hide by this character


Xu Jiaona rolled her eyes: "Who said I was afraid of him."

"That Luo Tianming said, you've been hiding from him for a long time." Zhao Qingqing became curious, "what's the matter with you?" "It's nothing. It's just that they can't stand the two brothers cheating money with their family's antiques. He even cheated on me." Xu Jiaona's face showed unconcealed disgust, "What's more abhorrent is that this Luo Tianming not only wants to cheat money, but also wants to cheat me. He just bought a batch of antiques from them at a low price. His younger brother Luo Yuming is a prodigal, and he doesn't have much reaction after getting the money. He has been pestering me, and I am annoyed by him

It's too bad, and I ran into Xu Minghui's business again, so I had to avoid him first. "

"Then do you want me to help you solve him?" Zhao Qingqing said casually, in a light tone, "including your brother."

Xu Jiaona felt the murderous intent in her words, and looked at Zhao Qingqing in surprise: "Qingqing, what's your status now? How can you be murderous when you speak?" "What kind of status can I be? Idle people, they specialize in fighting injustice and promoting positive energy. If you encounter many such people, you will know that dealing with such people is the most effective way to be simple and rude." Of course, Zhao Qingqing will not put himself in charge of heaven

Even if Xu Jiaona doesn't believe it when she speaks out about the group's affairs, what should be kept secret is to keep it secret. This is the principle.

"Maybe." Xu Jiaona said with a sense of gratitude, "Anyway, I would like to thank you all for helping me again."

Xia Xia shook his head and said, "Don't say it again, I never helped you, and I never said I would help you." "Uh, Mr. Xia, don't you have any interest in this ancient medical book?" Xu Jiaona's attitude towards Xia Xia Surprisingly, "Although I don't know medical skills, I have asked an expert to identify it. It has a history of at least a thousand years and is absolutely worth a fortune. If you don't

Know the ancient text above, I already have the translated text here, you can compare it. "

"This kind of medical book is of no use to me at all." Xia Xia still looked lazy. In front of the Eight Needles Against the Sky, any ancient medical book was a younger brother, and had no reference value at all.

Xu Jiaona didn't expect Xia Tian to react like this, and she was a little overwhelmed for a while, which was completely different from what she expected. He had no choice but to look at Zhao Qingqing with help-seeking eyes, hoping she could help.

Zhao Qingqing knows Xia Xia's character very well. Although her master is lustful, she almost obeys his wife's words, but she doesn't know whether she has that weight now.

Before Zhao Qingqing could speak, Xia Xia suddenly changed his words and muttered to himself, "However, Yiyi's wife might like it. I'll call and ask her." Yi Xiaoyin has always been doing the collection of ancient medical books. , she also proposed, the purpose is to help him practice the eight needles against the sky as soon as possible. Although Xia Xia didn't have much hope for Yi Xiaoyin's practice, the medical skills recorded in those medical books

For him, it is really sparse and ordinary, so he can't be too interested, but since it is what Yiyi's wife is going to do, he naturally has to support it.

In the summer, I took out the same mobile phone and found that the mobile phone was still in a brick state and could not be turned on at all.

"Master, use mine."

Zhao Qingqing handed over her mobile phone, but it couldn't be turned on either.

"Use mine." Seeing that she had a chance to turn around, Xu Naqiao immediately handed her phone to Xia Xia, with a strange look flashing in her eyes.

Xia Xia was not polite, just dialed a number and went out. The phone rang for a while, but no one answered.

"Strange, doesn't Yiyi's wife have time to answer the phone?" After a few seconds, someone finally answered, but it was a man's voice: "Which one?"

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