Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1861 Why hasn't it exploded

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Idiot, who are you, why is my wife's phone in your hand?"

Hearing this voice, Xia Xia was quite upset, and he started scolding directly.

"Your wife's mobile phone?" The other party was slightly surprised, and then said, "You made a mistake. I have used it for more than ten years, regardless of the phone number or the phone number."

When he was done he hung up the phone.

In summer, I was so angry that I dialed the number again. After the other party answered, he immediately said, "I don't care who your idiot is, in short, return the phone to my wife immediately, otherwise, I will go and beat you right now!"

"Woooooo, Mommy said someone wanted to beat me up!"

A little girl's voice rang on the phone, and then the phone hung up again.

"What's the situation?"

Xia Xia felt that things were a bit strange, and then looked down at the number on the phone and found that it was a string of unfamiliar numbers. It really was a mistake.

"Master, have you forgotten Yi Xiaoyin's number?" Zhao Qingqing couldn't help but said.

"I can't remember wrong." Xia Xia affirmed, "I know what happened."

Zhao Qingqing asked, "What's going on?"

"It must be the good baby who made a ghost." Xia Xia was a little angry, and said directly to the phone: "Good baby, stop playing, or I will call the little fairy wife back to clean up you."

After waiting for a few seconds, Xia Tian dialed Yi Xiaoyin's number again. After dialing, he took a look to confirm that he was not wrong.

This time, still no one answered.

Xia Xia couldn't help but wonder, but it wasn't surprising when she thought about it. After all, Yi Xiaoyin had several previous convictions of deliberately not answering his calls.

Tried several times, but no one answered.

"Forget it, I'll call Ah Jiu." Xia Xia dialed Ah Jiu's cell phone instead, and soon someone answered: "I'm Ah Jiu, who are you?"

"Girl Jiu, it's me." Xia Xia heard Ah Jiu's voice and immediately asked, "Is wife Yiyi next to you, why doesn't she answer my call?"

Ah Jiu replied, "Miss has something to do. As for why she didn't answer your call, this... shouldn't you reflect on it yourself?"

"What am I reflecting on?" Xia Xia looked puzzled, "Nine girl, it's not right for you to talk to your husband like this. I have something to do with Yiyi's wife, so hurry up and ask her to answer the phone."

"It's said that Miss is not here." A Jiu's voice was slightly dissatisfied, "I don't know where she went. If you are really in a hurry, go find her yourself, you should be able to find her."

Xia Xia thought about it, but decided not to go to Yi Xiaoyin for the time being: "Forget it, I'll go back to Jianghai in two days, and then I'll find Yiyi's wife to settle the account."

"Whatever you want." Ah Jiu hung up the phone after saying that.

Xia Tian stared, and immediately dialed the number again: "Nine girls, how dare you hang up on me?"

"Then you come back and call me?" Ah Jiu said without fear, and hung up the phone again.

After calling again, Ah Jiu simply stopped answering the phone.

"I must spank her when I go back." Xia Xia was very unhappy. Although Ah Jiu was already her woman, her bad temper was still there, and she had to slap him from time to time.

"Master, do you want to go back to Jianghai now?" Zhao Qingqing listened to Xia Xia's conversation with A Jiu, with envy in his eyes, his status is still not high enough, the master would never flirt with her like this pretty.

"If you don't go back first, the matter on your side has not been resolved yet. I will accompany you for a few days." Even if Xia Xia has an opinion on Ah Jiu, he is not really angry, and Zhao Qingqing is so obedient, he still has many postures. Enough is enough, how could it just go away.

"Master, you are so kind to me." Zhao Qingqing was so happy when she heard Xia Xia's words, she couldn't help but hug Xia Xia and kiss her.

Seeing Zhao Qingqing's coquettish appearance, Xu Jiaona couldn't help but feel a chill.

Xia Xia unceremoniously responded to Zhao Qingqing's kiss, and threw the phone to Xu Jiaona.

Xu Jiaona took the phone and put it in her bag without looking at it. After waiting for a long time, she found that the couple really had no scruples, so she couldn't help asking, "Mr. Xia, what about me? …”

Only then did Zhao Qingqing remember that there were still people around, and she let go of Xia Tian embarrassedly: "Master, Jiaojiao is my friend, can you help her?"

"Send those medical books directly to the genius doctor Da Xia, and Yiyi's wife will receive them." Xia Xia hugged Zhao Qingqing's slender waist and said to Xu Jiaona, "As for treating your mother, you can send her to her at any time. Just bring it here."

"That's great, thank you Mr. Xia." Xu Jiaona clapped her hands happily, stood up and bowed to Xia Xia: "I'll go back and arrange this right away, I hope it won't delay Mr. Xia's personal time."

"If you want to thank you, thank you Qingqing girl. I agreed because of her face." Xia Xia waved his hand indifferently, and didn't care about Xu Jiaona's thanks.

Xu Jiaona thanked Zhao Qingqing again, but Zhao Qingqing did not accept it.

At this time, Xu Jiaona said goodbye to Xia Xia and Zhao Qingqing, left the Spring and Autumn Club in a hurry, and got into a black car. After closing the car door, Xu Jiaona immediately took out her mobile phone from her bag and looked at the call log. She wanted to know the number that Xia Xia had just dialed. To her surprise, both call records and dial records have been deleted.

Xu Jiaona was astonished. She clearly remembered that after Xia Xia hung up, she directly returned the phone to her, no matter how it was recorded.


After a while, I received a text message on my phone.

"Don't do unnecessary things, or you will be at your own risk."

The signature is a good baby.

Xu Jiaona's face changed, and she looked around nervously, apparently feeling that she might be being watched, otherwise, this good-looking baby's hacking skills would be too monstrous.

"Go, go home first." Xu Jiaona whispered to the driver.

The black car started slowly, and then quickly left.


In the clubhouse, Zhao Qingqing and Xia Xia were still together.

"Master, is there something wrong with Jiaojiao?" Although Zhao Qingqing is not smart, she is not stupid. She has long noticed that her best friend's words and deeds are a bit abnormal, but she has been holding back and said nothing. Now that she has left, Naturally, you can ask summer clearly.

Xia Xia said lazily, "What's the problem?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you." Zhao Qingqing lay on Xia Tian's chest and looked like a little bird: "She's a little weird today, and it's quite different from usual."

"It doesn't matter if she has a problem or not, and it has nothing to do with me." Xia Xia's face was full of indifference, "It doesn't really have anything to do with you, there's no need to think so much."

Zhao Qingqing thought the same thing, no matter if Xu Jiaona has any problems, it will not pose any threat to her and Xia Xia anyway, but it is better to have no problems.

"Master, it's already night, let's go out to eat." Zhao Qingqing put aside his messy thoughts, put his arms around Xia Xia's neck and said, "I haven't eaten for a day, I'm a little hungry."

"Okay." Xia Xia nodded. They had been practicing in the room for a long time before, and they really needed to supplement their physical strength. Otherwise, the practice at night would not be enjoyable enough.

Zhao Qingqing laughed, looking at Xia Tian with beautiful eyes: "What do you want to eat, Master?"

"I don't have any requirements for food, you can do it." Xia Xia smiled and tightened his arms around Zhao Qingqing's waist, "I don't need to eat, you can eat."

"Why don't...you stop eating?" Zhao Qingqing's face was flushed, she now has some taste.

Xia Xia said with a serious face: "You still have to eat rice. Although you have been washed, you are not a real cultivator after all, and you need to replenish your physical strength."

"Then we can order takeout, which can be delivered to the room." Zhao Qingqing instantly thought of a good idea, and whispered to Xia Tian: "Master, there is a kitchen in the clubhouse, I will ask the chef to prepare the meal and bring it over. "

With that said, Zhao Qingqing called the kitchen and asked them to cook some good dishes for an hour, oh no, they will be delivered to her room in two hours.

After the phone call, Xia Xia hugged Zhao Qingqing and went back to the room, not knowing what to do, she knew that Zhao Qingqing seemed to be screaming miserably. Fortunately, the sound insulation of the room here is excellent. Except for Xia Xia and herself, no one called her, otherwise, someone would definitely call the police.

Two hours later, a waiter pushed the dining cart and knocked on the door: "Miss Zhao, are you okay? I'm here to deliver the food."

The waiter waited for a long time, but the people in the room did not respond, and called several times: "Miss Zhao, Miss Zhao..."

Still no response.

At this time, the waiter turned his head and looked around, but found no figure, his eyes changed slightly, he took out a small bomb from under the dining car, tugged it a few times, and buckled it under the door handle. As soon as someone inside opened the door, the bomb would explode. Despite the small size of the bomb, it is very powerful, and just one bomb can bomb the entire villa. If the person inside does not come out, it will automatically explode after ten minutes.

The waiter quickly loaded the bomb and walked away unhurriedly with the food cart.

After leaving the villa, the waiter pushed the dining car and the suit on him into the lake by the roadside, found a secluded corner, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"The bomb is already loaded. As long as they open the door, it will detonate. It is absolutely foolproof." After the call was connected, the waiter reported in a low voice.

A disguised voice sounded on the phone: "Very good, I have booked a flight ticket to Xingdao Country for you, you should go to the airport now, and don't show up for at least ten years, you know?"

"Understood." The waiter replied respectfully.

After hanging up the phone, the waiter subconsciously glanced at the villa in the distance and muttered to himself, "It should be almost time, why haven't you... eh?"

"You want to know why the bomb hasn't exploded, right?" At this time, a grinning voice sounded above his head, and the laughter was not without joking.

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