Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1863 This is a fake real thing

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


The people present saw Zhao Xiaozhuo, who had been missing for many days, suddenly appear, and they were all stunned.

"Xiaozhuo, you're back!" Qin Xiaoluo was very surprised to see Zhao Xiaozhuo, and hurried forward to hug him. She was frightened and suffered a lot these days.

Zhao Xiaozhuo glanced at Qin Xiaoluo indifferently: "I don't have time to ignore you now, get out of the way." Then he skipped her and walked straight to the conference table.

"You..." Qin Xiaoluo was confused and saddened by Zhao Xiaozhuo's attitude.

After seeing Zhao Xiaozhuo, the representative of the Song family recalled what he had just said, and couldn't help asking: "Zhao Xiaozhuo, what did you mean?" "It literally means." Zhao Xiaozhuo's eyes were bright and radiant, and his hands were on the table, " For a long time, several big families of our imperial capital have been overwhelmed by one person, and everything is looking at his face.

Shame on the family! It's time to change this situation, people like this summer should not exist in the world! "

Qin Xiaoluo's face changed greatly, and he quickly reminded: "Xiaozhuo, are you crazy, do you know what you are talking about?" "I am not crazy, on the contrary, I am very awake." "All of you here are representatives of the Dijing family and allies of our Zhao family. Over the years, we have indeed received a lot of favors from Xia Xia, but we have also been

His willful delusions dragged him down. Yes, twelve years ago, summer was indeed invincible, but not now. "

Everyone in the meeting listened to Zhao Xiaozhuo criticizing Xia Xia with a bewildered expression, and had no idea what medicine he took wrong. "Everyone, the times have changed, you should wake up!" Zhao Xiaozhuo slammed the desk and shouted loudly: "There are people in this world who are stronger than Xia Xia, and there are many such people. With Xia Xia's character, sooner or later, they will meet with those who are enemies

It has already become enemies with those people. At that time, he can pat his butt and leave, what should we do? "

Zhao Xiaozhuo paused for a while, and then raised a few tunes and shouted: "We people have become cannon fodder, and we have become the targets of those people to vent their anger. In the end, they will inevitably end up on the same level as the Li family twelve years ago." Twelve years ago The Li family, once prosperous, can be called the first family in the imperial capital, but because of offending Xia Xia and his wife, Xia Xia finally killed the family alone. It was also that incident that made all the families in Dijing witness Xia Na for the first time.

Eye-popping power, that is a power that transcends the realm of human beings, and almost no one dares to attack it after this. After that, several families that were closer to Xia Xia quickly grew under his prestige, and re-divided the power map of the Imperial Capital. Among them, the Zhao family benefited the most. And now, the current young head of the Zhao family, the future

The person in power in the family actually stood up and proposed to "de-summerize". This operation is simply incredible. The people from the Song family shook their heads and said, "Zhao Xiaozhuo, you don't know what it means. It's okay for other families in Dijing to say these things, but your Zhao family doesn't have this qualification. If you're not crazy, then it's true. Is a wolf-hearted, ungrateful

generation. "No matter how you scold, I personally have long put my life and death aside. Zhao Xiaozhuo frowned tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "In the past three days, I have seen too much, and I have also foreseen the huge disaster that a person like this summer can bring. For the Zhao family,

For you, and even for the sake of the world. I have a bit of an agreement here, you sign it, and I'll handle everything after that. "

When those people took over the agreement, they suddenly changed color: "Zhao Xiaozhuo, you are a lunatic."

Some people also said: "Your agreement is no different from waste paper!"

"No one would agree with you." Qin Xiaoluo also glanced at the agreement, and found that the agreement was to let the rest of the families hand over their authority unconditionally, including the four groups of Tiandi Xuanhuang, he wanted these It's insane indeed. To know Tiandi Xuanhuang

Although the four groups have major families taking turns in charge, they are not private property at all, and no one has the right to split or integrate them.

"You just need to sign the agreement and bring it back to your family to see." Zhao Xiaozhuo crossed his arms, not surprised at the performance of these people, "Three days later, Zhao Sange will take over the power of your families. , pay attention to cooperation."

"Cooperation? I bah, you are not worthy!"

"Your Zhao family is trying to swallow a snake and swallow an elephant."

"You think that Zhao Jiazhen is the best in the world, you just want to eat shit."

Qin Xiaoluo couldn't believe that Zhao Xiaozhuo would do such a thing, which was too different from his usual character. Zhao Xiaozhuo is a smart person and has a great view of the overall situation, but he is quite casual and a bit cynical at the same time. he has always

It's freeing itself. It was not until Zhao Gongzi chose to go into politics and slowly transferred the power within the Zhao family to him, and after Zhao Yuji lived in seclusion on the Immortal Island, he had to restrain his temper and try to lead the Zhao family and manage the Zhao family. As a wife who has been with Zhao Xiaozhuo for many years, Qin Xiaoluo knows Zhao Xiaozhuo very well. It is absolutely impossible for him to say these words, unless... Qin Xiaoluo suddenly has a bad idea in his mind, no, she must contact Xia as soon as possible


However, just as Qin Xiaoluo was about to walk out of the conference room, two mysterious people in black robes blocked her way.

"Get out of the way!" Qin Xiaoluo yelled.

The two men in black robes didn't react at all.

"No one is allowed to leave this room until the matter is settled." Zhao Xiaozhuo glanced at Qin Xiaoluo, his expression did not change at all.

People from other families naturally ignored Zhao Xiaozhuo's words, didn't even bother to say goodbye, and walked directly to the door.

All these people were stopped without exception.

"As I said, no one can leave!" Zhao Xiaozhuo's eyes sank, and he said fiercely, "Don't force me to do anything to you."

The Song family snorted coldly, "Then try it out!"


A shadow flashed by, and the people of the Song family flew out instantly and fell heavily to the ground, with blood and broken teeth spurting out of their mouths.

"Huh? What's the situation!"

"It's so fast!"

"how is this possible!"

Qin Xiaoluo was also stunned. It seemed that this move was only available in the summer. Not only did she see it, but she also heard Zhao Qingqing and others mention it from time to time. She never expected to see it in Zhao Xiaozhuo one day. "Summer will do it, and I will do it now." Zhao Xiaozhuo said with a solemn expression, "I won't do it in summer, I will now. And although summer is powerful, he is still a person after all, and I have seen it in the past three days. true god. This power also

He gave it to me, and you can have it if you submit. "

This sentence has moved other people's hearts. They can't control such things as power, but this kind of unpredictable power is indeed very few people can resist. "You only need to sign it, and I will solve it in the summer." Zhao Xiaozhuo said proudly: "From now on, all of us in the imperial capital can raise their heads and be human beings, without relying on anyone's breath, what else is there? more impressive than this

Satisfied? "

"You really..." Qin Xiaoluo looked at Zhao Xiaozhuo, who was completely unfamiliar, and didn't know what to say: "Xia Xia saw you wrongly, and so did Big Brother." "Shut up!" Zhao Xiaozhuo walked over to Qin Xiaozhuo Luo walked in front of her, stared at her with wide eyes, and said coldly: "Don't think I won't kill you, today's affairs will rot into my stomach, be your mistress of the Zhao family, otherwise, don't blame me for not thinking about the past. .


"You're not Zhao Xiaozhuo!" Qin Xiaoluo said suddenly.

Zhao Xiaozhuo was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You are tired, go down and rest."

"You are definitely not him!" Qin Xiaoluo said with certainty.

"Looking for death!" Zhao Xiaozhuo stretched out his hand to pinch Qin Xiaoluo's neck, but before his hand touched Qin Xiaoluo, he retracted like an electric shock.

At the same time, a lazy voice suddenly rang in the conference room: "He really is not Zhao Xiaozhuo."

"Who!" Zhao Xiaozhuo looked around vigilantly, "Get out!"

Two figures suddenly appeared in front of Qin Xiaoluo, it was Xia Xia and Zhao Qingqing. "Master, isn't he really Xiaozhuo, he looks exactly the same?" Zhao Qingqing looked at Zhao Xiaozhuo who was standing opposite, no matter his face or demeanor was the same as in his impression, the only difference might be that his personality had changed.

The former Zhao Xiaozhuo loved Qin Xiaoluo very much, and it was absolutely impossible to treat her so badly.

"It's not quite right to say that he is a fake." Xia Xia looked at Zhao Xiaozhuo in front of him, and suddenly remembered the ghost he encountered in the underwater palace, "To be exact, he is a real fake, no, it should be a fake the real thing."

Zhao Qingqing was a little speechless, looking at Xia Xia: "Master, it's this time, you are still in the mood to practice tongue twisters. Is he real or fake?"

"It's both true and false." Xia Xia said lazily.

Zhao Qingqing was puzzled: "It's not the same as not saying it."

"Apprentice, you are really stupid." Xia Xia shook his head and muttered to himself, "Except for the little girl with long legs, you are the stupidest among my wives. Ah Jiu was as stupid as you before, but now you are smarter. "Summer, I knew that kind of bomb would have no effect on you!" Zhao Xiaozhuo's expression changed after seeing Xiaxia, and finally said coldly: "Alright, I just wanted to delay for a while. Now, just in front of In the presence of representatives of the major families,

Your myth of invincibility ends, and the world is a new era for me! "

"What is your era, my era, do you do radio gymnastics?" Xia Xia giggled, "However, your brain is not good, and no one likes to watch it."

Zhao Qingqing was stunned: "Master, do you need brains to perform radio gymnastics?"

"No, then do you dance?" Xia Xia asked.

Zhao Qingqing said with a smile: "As long as the master likes to watch it, I will dance no matter what the dance is."

This apprentice is well-behaved, but he is indeed too stupid. However, Xia Xia doesn't care whether her woman is stupid or smart, she has a good figure and looks beautiful. Everything else, he has it all covered.

"Death to me!" Zhao Xiaozhuo squeezed his fists, flashed behind Xia Xia in an instant, and used all his strength to blast Xia Xia's back. Xia Xia yawned lazily and said casually, "Isn't it bad to live, why are there always people rushing to find death?"

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