Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1864 There is also a real fake

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com



Before Zhao Xiaozhuo's fist could hit Xia Xia, he was kicked out by Zhao Qingqing.

"I'm still here, you dare to fight with my master?" Zhao Qingqing stared at Zhao Xiaozhuo who fell not far away, "Can you cover up your face, I always feel like I'm bullying Like Xiao Zhuo."

"If you dare to stop me, you will die!" Zhao Xiaozhuo climbed up from the ground and instantly turned into a black shadow. With a flash of cold light in his hand, he wiped it towards Zhao Qingqing's neck.

"The speed is too slow." Zhao Qingqing's eyesight was amazing, and he saw through this Zhao Xiaozhuo's routine at a glance, "At this level, you dare to challenge my master.


Zhao Qingqing waited for the dagger to reach three inches from his throat before starting, but it came first, grabbing Zhao Xiaozhuo's right wrist, and twisting it, the wrist bone was twisted into pieces like a twist.

"Ah!" Zhao Xiaozhuo's face changed dramatically, and it was difficult to accept the current situation: "Zhao Qingqing, you are also from the Zhao family, why do you want to help outsiders!"

"You are wrong, I, Zhao Qingqing, have always been a master's person, you are an outsider." Zhao Qingqing imitated Xia Xia's indifferent expression, "No, you are not even an outsider, you are a fake, hurry up and say, Where has Xiao Zhuo been hidden by you!"

Zhao Xiaozhuo gritted his teeth and endured the huge pain, and changed the dagger to his left hand: "I am Zhao Xiaozhuo, if you insist on helping Xia Xia, don't blame me for not thinking about family affection, and even kill you!"

"You have lost one of your hands, and you are still farting here." Zhao Qingqing shook his head and said with contempt, "I don't even have one percent of my master's strength, and you can't even beat me, why? You still have the face to talk big." "Hmph, mortals like you will never understand in a lifetime." Zhao Xiaozhuo's eyes suddenly turned completely black, flowing like fog, "In the past three days, I have seen God , it was God who gave me the strength to cleanse you

Heterogeneous. "

"You idiot can't do it, you can only talk such useless nonsense?" Xia Xia was a little impatient, "Don't think about delaying time, the waste you brought, I will handle it before I come in. ."

Zhao Xiaozhuo was stunned, and then his expression became firmer: "That's right, I can kill you without distractions!"

As he spoke, his body turned into a mass of black mist, as if there was a strong wind blowing, and it rolled towards Xia Xia and Zhao Qingqing at a very fast speed.

"Master, is this a ghost thing?" Zhao Qingqing said in a daze: "At night, is it smog?"

Xia Xia said casually: "I haven't seen a ghost, so I don't know if it's a ghost. However, it's useless. You should be beaten or you should be beaten." This kind of mist has an unusually pungent smell. The human body will directly penetrate into it, and it will spread to the whole body in an instant. The representatives of other companies are one after the other.

One fell to the ground, including Zhao Sigui, who wanted to escape secretly.

Zhao Qingqing's expression changed: "Master, this fog seems to be poisonous."

"No need to think, it's poisonous." Xia Xia sighed and gave Zhao Qingqing and Qin Xiaoluo a shot, "However, if you dare to use poison in front of the best doctor in the world, you idiot is so stupid that you have no medicine. It can be saved." When he was in the underwater palace, Xia Xia met someone who used this trick, that is, the man in black robe, the senior immortal cultivator in Su Ye's mouth, the so-called ancestor of the Yuan family, the black mist he transformed was better than this The counterfeit Zhao Xiaozhuo used is dozens of times stronger, even

Hundreds of times, but so what, was beaten and could only escape. In the end, at the bottom, the deity was beaten up by Xia Xia and had to explode his soul.

In dealing with this seemingly invisible but tangible thing, Xia Xia has already experienced, and it is a punch to hit this black fog directly.


The fist hit the void, making a crackling sound.

The black fog instantly solidified and changed back to Zhao Xiaozhuo's appearance. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

"How is this possible?" Zhao Xiaozhuo's eyes widened, he couldn't believe that he was beaten by such a simple punch.

Xia Xia casually stretched out his hand, grabbed Zhao Xiaozhuo's neck, and said lazily, "I don't have time to waste time with you, you learned this trick from the idiot in the black robe, isn't that idiot dead? "I don't know what you're talking about!" Zhao Xiaozhuo struggled a few times and found it useless, so he could only send out incompetent fury at Xia Xia: "You'd better let me go, otherwise, otherwise..." After saying several times, he said otherwise, Zhao Xiaozhuo doesn't know what to do

Love can threaten summer.

"Who are you, and where is my husband now!" Qin Xiaoluo came over at this moment, glaring angrily at Zhao Xiaozhuo in front of him.

A trace of anger flashed in Zhao Xiaozhuo's eyes: "You stupid woman, I am Zhao Xiaozhuo, you actually colluded with outsiders to deal with your husband."

"Stop pretending." Qin Xiaoluo's tone turned cold, "I, Qin Xiaoluo, don't have the ability to reach the sky like summer, but I can still tell the men who stay by my side day and night."

Zhao Xiaozhuo shouted: "I'm too lazy to meet a stupid woman like you, get out of here and call my eldest brother immediately, he can definitely prove my identity."

These words were decisive, and they were exactly the same as Zhao Xiaozhuo's usual tone and demeanor.

For a moment, Qin Xiaoluo hesitated, did he really make a mistake? "Master, is he really Xiaozhuo?" Zhao Qingqing is still a little skeptical, mainly because this Zhao Xiaozhuo is in appearance.

Still his words, deeds, and even his demeanor are not too different from usual, "What do you mean when you said he was fake and genuine?

Think, is it true or false? "

"To be exact, he is just a part of Zhao Xiaozhuo." Xia Xia explained casually.

"One, a part?" Zhao Qingqing was startled, and a bad thing suddenly occurred to his mind: "Is Xiaozhuo broken down?"

Qin Xiaoluo turned pale with fright: "Qingqing, don't scare me." "You think too much." Xia Xia thought of the ghosts in the underwater palace that copied him and Ning Ruirui, "It's just that these black mists seem to It has the function of copying other people's appearance and absorbing other people's words and deeds, but the quality of this idiot is a bit low, even one tenth

Don't even dare to come out and be embarrassed. "

"Then where is Xiaozhuo? After being copied by this...thing, will there be any threat?" Qin Xiaoluo asked worriedly.

"There is indeed a danger. If it is completely copied, then he is the real Zhao Xiaozhuo." Xia Xia nodded, "But it will take time, Zhao Xiaozhuo has been missing for less than three days now, and they are already at the limit of making this idiot out. ." It wasn't long before Zhao Qingqing became the woman of Xia Xia. She didn't know much about things like cultivating immortals, and she had never seen such things. Looking at this person's face, she felt a vague disgust: "Master, we Or hurry up and find a way to rescue Xiaozhuo

Yes, I remembered that the people from the Tiandao group came over and asked them to pry open this person's mouth. "

"Don't be so troublesome." Xia Tian waved his hand, "I gave him a shot and he said everything."

Zhao Qingqing nodded. Of course she believed in Xia Xia's medical skills, but she immediately thought of another question. Since Zhao Xiaozhuo may be a fake, it is difficult for the rest of the Zhao family to be trusted.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Qingqing still said to Xia Xia: "Master, the Zhao family is in a mess now. I'd better call the people from the Tiandao group to help."

"Whatever, now you are the leader of the Tiandao team." Xia Xia replied indifferently, then took out the silver needle and stabbed it on Zhao Xiaozhuo's head.

Zhao Xiaozhuo stared at Xia Xia fearlessly: "Xia Xia, these tricks of yours are outdated long ago. Your acupuncture has no effect on me, my body is already a demigod, so don't waste your time. "

Xia Xia directly ignored Zhao Xiaozhuo's nonsense, and took the needle back after taking a needle.

"Sure enough, it's a fake handle." Zhao Xiaozhuo didn't feel anything, so he couldn't help sneering: "Xia Xia, is your medical skills regressing, or is it just blowing it out before... Ah!" Before he finished speaking, he felt A strange feeling arose in his mind, as if countless fine hooks bound his entire brain, and then contracted a little bit, making him feel as if he could feel it in less than a second.

centuries of pain.

"Kaka..." Zhao Xiaozhuo wanted to beg for mercy, but found that he couldn't make a sound at all, and even his facial features were out of his control, and blood was overflowing from his seven orifices.

Seeing this, Zhao Qingqing was a little worried: "Master, you won't play him to death, will you?" "It's okay, I'll save him again." Xia Xia said with a smile, agreeing to Zhao Qingqing's offer. Don't take it to heart. He is really playing, doing a small test by the way. As for extorting a confession, he is not in a hurry.

Crazy will take the initiative to confess sooner or later.

However, Qin Xiaoluo and several other representatives were very anxious.

"Xia Tian, ​​is it better to hurry up and find Xiao Zhuo first?" Qin Xiaoluo still couldn't help but remind Xia Tian in a low voice, "Just let him tell where Xiao Zhuo is, and I'll arrange someone to go there now. rescue."

"Isn't there another real fake? You can take him to save people first." Xia Xia thought about it and said to Qin Xiaoluo, "He must also know where Zhao Xiaozhuo is being held."

Zhao Qingqing was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but ask, "Who is the real fake?"

"It's him." Xia Xia pointed to a person lying on the ground not far away, it was Zhao Sigui.

"Xia Tian, ​​what do you mean by saying that he is a real fake?" Qin Xiaoluo asked puzzled.

Xia Tian replied lazily: "It means literally."

Zhao Qingqing's heart moved, and she immediately stepped forward and lifted Zhao Sigui, reached out and grabbed his face.

When Qin Xiaoluo saw the face under the skin, he was so shocked that he covered his mouth with his hands subconsciously. "why you……"

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