Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1873 Is this your daughter?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Hey, wake up, stop pretending."

Xia Tian pouted, reached out and patted the little girl's face, and said dissatisfiedly, "Do you think this naive trick can fool me?"

The little girl's delicate and delicate nose twitched slightly, her eyelashes also blinked, and she still lay on the bed with her eyes closed and pretended to be dead.

"If Jiu Liu wakes up again, I'll give you a needle." Xia Xia took out the silver needle, lit it up in front of the little girl, and stabbed her on the body.

The little girl couldn't take it anymore, she jumped up immediately, and ran to the corner with a tumble: "Ah! Don't get injections, I'm afraid of injections!"

"I really don't know, this is acupuncture, not an injection." Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly, "Don't confuse the two."

"Hmph, who are you, and why did you appear in my house." The little girl looked at Xia Xia cautiously, her small eyes rolling around: "Are you a thief, mother's money and gold and silver jewelry are hidden in the cabinet over there. Here, take it all, I won't tell my mother, nor the police uncle."

"You're the thief!" Xia Xia stared at the little girl and said solemnly, "I came here to beat you, and you reported the address."

The little girl was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened: "You, are you that big bad guy?"

"Hey, call me the big bad guy again, and I'll beat you up now." Xia Xia threatened with a very serious look.

"If I don't call you a big villain, what do I call you!" The little girl was suddenly no longer afraid, and she wrinkled her nose in Chong Xian: "It's obvious that you called me to scare me first, so I just wanted to take revenge. Who knew you would be like this? You're stingy, I care about a little girl like me, and I really came over..."

"Wait, big rascal, how did you get in?" The little girl said and suddenly realized that something was wrong. She knew that the community was heavily guarded, and people who didn't live here couldn't get in at all, so she dared to report the address to Xia Tian.

Xia Tian said in a casual tone: "Just walk in directly."

"Impossible, why didn't the uncle guard stop you." The little girl was a little disbelieving, her sparse eyebrows knitted together: "And there are more than a dozen big dogs in the yard downstairs, why didn't you bark when you came in?"

"Because the dogs were knocked out by me." Xia Xia said with a smile.

The little girl showed a dazed expression: "Are you so powerful?"

"That's for sure, I am summer, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the number one day in the world. No matter what it is, I am number one in the world." Summer's mantra came out very smoothly: "There is no me in the world. Where I can’t go, there’s no one who can stop me, let alone a dog.”

"Really?" The little girl's eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands and shouted, "That's great, big rascal, take me out to play! I'm dying here, I'm going to the playground all day! "

Xia Xia stared at the little girl and said unhappily, "Why should I take you out, the matter of you waking me up from sleep is not over yet."

"Big bad guy, you're too stingy, you actually care about a child like me." The little girl gave Xia Tian a blank look, and then sold a cute: "For the sake of my cuteness, can't it be considered that it never happened? ?"

"No." Xia Xia categorically refused.

The little girl was a little surprised: "You don't really want to beat me up, do you?"

"Yes." Summer nodded.

"Then you can beat it, but lightly, and don't leave any traces, otherwise my mother will find out, and you will be dead." The little girl raised her head and squatted in front of Xia Tian with a well-behaved look.

Before waiting for the summer to start, the little girl added: "After the beating, you must take me out to play, do you want to eat?"

"Do you think you are qualified to negotiate with me?" Xia Xia put his hand on the little girl's forehead to prevent her from getting too close, "I haven't figured out how to beat you."

The little girl said with a look of disgust: "Big villain, you won't be a pervert, right? I'm a child. Even if you want me to be your girlfriend, you will have to wait at least ten years."

"I'm not interested in children." Xia Xia raised his hand and patted the little girl's forehead, slapped a red mark: "And I'm the most handsome guy in the world, you're not pretty, and being my girlfriend is just taking advantage of me. Cheap."

"You actually said that I'm not beautiful, I'm obviously from a beautiful woman." The little girl was unhappy, and was obviously extremely dissatisfied with Xia Xia's words: "Also, what kind of handsome guy are you, the uncles at the door are more handsome than you. ten times."

Xia Xia looked disapproving and said lazily, "There is no one more handsome than me in this world."

"Is this okay, I admit that you are the most handsome in the world, and you admit that I am a beautiful woman, how about that?" The little girl stretched out her right little tail finger very seriously: "It's settled, we pull the hook, and we won't allow it in the future. change."

Xia Tian still told the truth: "You are really not beautiful, you are cute at most."

"Isn't it beautiful when you grow up!" The little girl said angrily: "Big villain, your aesthetic level is not good, and you don't have a long-term perspective on new things."

Xia Xia said contemptuously: "Is this what a child said?"

"Damn, how old are you, you won't belong to my grandfather's generation." The little girl looked at Xia Xia with disgust, "What children don't understand now, some even know more than you adults."

After speaking, the wind changed again: "Big villain, have you thought about it, take me out to play? If you don't leave, my mother will come back, and she won't be able to leave if she wants to."

Just then, a young woman sounded downstairs.

Human voice: "Ji'er, who are you talking to!"

The little girl was startled, and rushed to Xia Tian: "Big rascal, hurry up and hide, if your mother finds out, you will definitely be beaten to death."

"As I said just now, I am the number one summer in the world, and no one can beat me to death." Not only did Xia Xia not leave, but instead slowly lay down on the bed, "It's just right, I'll settle the account with your mother. "

"Damn, what do you have to do with my mother?" The little girl looked bewildered, "Don't you have a crush on my mother, are you also the kind of wild bees and butterflies that my mother talks about? "

Xia Tian felt that he couldn't communicate with this little brat, so he was too lazy to pay attention to her.

"Tack, tick, tick..."

Outside, the sound of high heels hitting the floor was getting closer.

"Darling, why didn't you answer when mom asked you something?" A young woman slowly opened the door of the master bedroom, only to see a strange man lying on her bed, her face changed greatly, and she asked: " Who are you and why are you in my room!"

"My name is Xia Xia." Xia Xia replied solemnly, "I came in from the window room."

The young woman was stunned for half a second, and then changed color: "I don't care who you are, get out of here immediately, or I will call the police."

"I'm here to beat her." Xia Xia pointed to the little girl in the corner holding her small head, "She called and disturbed me to sleep."

"It's nonsense!" The young woman couldn't hold back her anger. She took out her mobile phone and notified the guard: "Is there a security guard in the community? Someone broke into my house here. I suspect that he is not planning a trick. Come here immediately!"

Xia Xia still didn't respond, just looked at the young woman with a funny face.

"Hey, big rascal, you're not running!" The little girl quietly gave Xia Tian a wink, "Get out of the window, and I can help you hold mom back."

"Why should I run?" Xia Xia smiled, "It's time for your mother to run away."

The young woman found that Xia Xia's eyes were not good, and she was so frightened that she immediately covered her chest: "What, what do you want to do to me?"

"You're ugly, but you want to be beautiful." Xia Tian pouted, "I'm not interested in ugly people like you, I just want to ask you something, you'd better answer truthfully."

"Ugly? You actually called me ugly?" The young woman pointed at herself, and then exploded with anger on the spot: "You don't want to leave today, if you don't kill you, the old lady won't be named Xiao!"

Xia Xia said coldly, "Your surname is not Xiao at all."

"Big villain, how do you know my mother's surname is not Xiao, do you know each other?" The little girl looked at Xia Xia curiously. She remembered that she never mentioned her name. How could this big villain be so sure that her mother's surname was not Xiao.

The young woman was also a little suspicious, staring at Xia Xia: "Who the hell are you!"

"I said it before, my name is Xia Xia." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "I don't want to repeat it a third time, I'm not interested in your surname, and I'm not interested in your surname. I came here, One is to beat this brat, and the other is to ask you something."

"I won't answer any of your questions." The young woman said coldly, "Also, stay away from my daughter, or I won't guarantee that I will kill you directly."

Xia Xia sighed and said helplessly: "Why do you idiots always fail to learn to reason?"

"Mom, the big bad guy is really not a bad guy." The little girl spoke for Xia Tian at this time. "I told him the address. In the morning, when I was idle and bored, I made a random phone call and made him sleep."

The young woman said lightly, "Ji'er, don't talk, come over to mom."

As soon as the little girl got out of bed, she walked towards the young woman reluctantly, but before she took two steps, she returned to the bed.

"Who the hell are you? What are you trying to do!" The young woman found that Xia Xia was unusual. Just now, the man took her daughter away at such a speed that she couldn't see it. "When did I provoke you?"

"You haven't provoked me, but I see that you are very upset." Xia Tian stared at the woman, "because you are not the mother of this brat at all."

The little girl covered her mouth in shock and looked at Xia Xia with admiration: "Big bad guy, are you sent by monkeys to save me?"

Xia Xia said angrily: "You are the one sent by the monkey!"

"Otherwise, how do you know she's not my mother?" The little girl's eyes were full of puzzlement, "I thought I was the only one who knew."

"Jiu'er, what nonsense are you talking about!" There was a trace of panic on the young woman's face, and she quickly shouted: "This person must be a trafficker, don't be deceived by him. Come back to mother quickly."

"Mom, in fact, I already knew that you were not my mother." The little girl raised her eyebrows and said a little sadly: "But you have always been very kind to me, so I didn't want to make you sad, and I never told you."

Startled and angry, the young woman pointed at Xia Xia and said, "Did you send it from the Xiao family? Let me tell you, Jiu'er is my biological daughter, my heart and my life, no matter how much you trick her into coaxing her. She, can't change this fact. None of you want to take her away from me."

"Stop acting, it's impossible for you to get pregnant, so how can you have a child." Xia Xia pouted and said casually: "Also, don't make yourself so great, you didn't adopt this girl just to draw her blood. You heal yourself."

"You, you actually know this!" The young woman was so shocked that her eyes almost fell out this time, and she immediately reached out and took out a pistol from the inner thigh: "Then you can't leave it!"

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