Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1874 Master, is she your daughter?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The little girl skillfully hid under the bed, closed her eyes, and covered her ears with her hands.

"Hey, ugly, things like guns are useless to me, you should save it." Xia Xian was lying in bed, too lazy to move, and casually warned: "There are people who usually dare to point a gun at me, and they will end up badly. awful."

As he was talking, Xia Tian suddenly changed his words: "However, Bingbing's wife told me that you must be reasonable in doing things. The fairy sister's wife also said that it is best for me to convince people with reason, so I like to talk about it the most. Reasonable. As long as you throw the gun now and slap yourself a hundred times, I can ignore you this time."

The young woman was stunned for a moment, what nonsense this person is talking about, what Bingbing's wife and fairy sister, it's just messed up, can't it be a lunatic!

"Fan quickly, it's over, I still have something to ask you." Xia Tian urged impatiently.

"You are so sick!" This was the first time the young woman saw the person being pointed at by a gun being so arrogant, so she couldn't help scolding, "I'm not joking with you, I have a real gun in my hand! Might as well Let me tell you again, my marksmanship has always been fast and accurate, so don’t even think about avoiding it. If you don’t want to die, it’s best to explain your true identity and the purpose of coming here.”

"Idiots really don't understand people's words." Xia Xia pouted and said helplessly: "I like people who are reasonable so much, don't blame me if you force me to do it."

The young woman glared at Xia Xia viciously: "I finally warn you, immediately explain your identity and the purpose of coming here, or don't blame me for blowing your head off!"

"Then you can shoot at any time." Xia Xia said with a disdainful face: "Look at who the unlucky person is.

When the young woman heard this, she no longer hesitated, took out the silencer and put it on the pistol, and pulled the trigger on Xia Tian's leg: "You brought it on yourself, don't blame me!"

call out!

The gunshots sounded softly, not as loud as the young woman's own screams, she covered her wrists in astonishment, and the pistol fell to the ground.

"I said it before, the gun is useless for me, why do you want to try it?" Xia Xia got out of bed, walked slowly to the young woman's side, picked up the pistol and rubbed it into a piece of waste. Iron, and then threw it into the trash can.

"You, who are you!" The young woman was really scared, the person in front of her was really terrifying, not to mention other light, how did he dodge the bullet just now, and how did he return the bullet to her, it belongs to her completely Incomprehensible operation.

"Who am I, I have already said it just now, I am too lazy to repeat it." Xia Xia said lazily: "Also, the Xiao family I told you has nothing to do with half a dime, so don't waste time guessing. This is a question, I need you to answer it, of course you don’t have to answer it, I just ask casually.”

The young woman rolled her eyes a few times. Considering the current situation, she could only be soft: "What do you want to ask?"

"Where did you bring this little girl?" Xia Tian reached out and dragged the little girl out from under the bed, and asked lazily, "Don't think about lying, it's useless, I can see it."

The young woman bit her lip: "I don't know this either. I bought it from someone else..."

Xia Xia turned his head and glanced at the little girl, and found that she didn't look any different, as if she didn't care much about it.

The little girl felt Xia Xia's gaze, and said disapprovingly: "Damn, what kind of eyes are you looking at? You are not sympathizing with me, I have been kidnapped since I was a child, I am used to it, my mother treats me like The best, although my blood is often drawn."

"I really treat Jiu'er as my own daughter." The young woman looked a little excited, and explained to Xia Tian, ​​"I was forced to draw her blood because I just wanted to live."

Xia Xia asked again: "I'll ask you again, who told you that drawing her blood can cure your disease?"

"This..." The young woman showed hesitation on her face, obviously weighing whether to tell the truth: "I found it on the Internet... uh!"


Before she could finish speaking, Xia Xia slapped her with a flick of her hand, and the left side of her face swelled up instantly, with a burning pain.

"I said, don't lie, or I'll beat you up." Xia Xia's expression was casual, but his tone was rather unhappy, "Don't think I won't beat you if you are a woman."

"I'm telling the truth." The young woman quickly discerned: "I didn't say... uh!"

Pop, pop!

This time, the bows were left and right, and now both faces were swollen, but the left side was more swollen, and the skin of his face looked a bit like a ripe tomato, as if the blood inside would burst out at any time.

"Don't deceive people too much! If you do it again, I'll turn my face. Do you really think I'm afraid of you!"

"Are you afraid of me? Does it have anything to do with me?" Xia Tian yawned lazily with an indifferent expression on his face: "Forget it, I won't waste time, just give you an injection."

"What do you want to do?" The young woman saw that Xia Xia took out the silver needle and was about to stab her head. Suddenly, a bad premonition surged. She reached into her arms and took out a thin and sharp blade, which she quickly slashed towards. Summer throat.


The young woman flew out instantly and fell directly from the second floor into the hall on the first floor.

"Damn, you are really amazing!" The little girl

The child looked at Xia Xia with a look of astonishment, "I actually beat my mother so much that she couldn't fight back. However, you are also miserable. My mother will definitely call someone to kill you."

Xia Xia picked up the little girl with one hand, jumped lightly, and jumped from the door of the master bedroom on the second floor into the hall.

Sure enough, the young woman had disappeared, leaving a light pool of blood on the ground.

"Mom is here to rescue soldiers. She knows several powerful uncles, and they seem to be pursuing her and listening to her." The little girl looked at the direction of the blood stains, and looked at Xia Xia with some worry: "Damn, Although you are powerful, you definitely can't beat those uncles. Let's run away."

"I won't run away, I don't need to run, and I'm not interested in waiting for her to move some soldiers." Xia Tian pouted and walked out of the villa.

Seeing that Xia Xia was leaving, the little girl quickly followed.

Xia Tian turned his head and said, "Hey, little brat, why are you following me?"

"Can you please stop calling me a brat, I have a name, my name is Jiu'er, and I don't know what my surname is." The little girl counted her fingers to introduce herself: "I used to be surnamed Xiao, but later my surname was changed. Tian, ​​then the surname is too cold, the surname is Nie, and now the mother's surname is Xiao."

Xia Tian glanced at the little girl again: "That idiot woman is not your mother, nor is her surname Xiao."

"What about her, she said she was my mother and her surname was Xiao. Of course I had to believe her, it would save a lot of trouble." Jiu'er laughed dryly and murmured, "Who made me a little boy? As for the children, there is no way to live without adults."

Saying that, Jiu'er turned to look at Xia Xia: "Damn, what's your name?"

Without waiting for Xia Tian to speak, she patted her little head and said with some regret: "I almost forgot, you said your name just now, what is it called, Autumn?"

"You're called Autumn." Xia Tian corrected seriously: "My name is Xia, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the first day in the world."

"Xiamen, it's good, I like summer." Jiu'er laughed and followed Xia closely, "That, big rascal, did you really come to beat me because of the phone?"

"Of course it's true." Xia Xia looked at Jiu'er and said unhappily, "Everyone who dares to scold me deserves a beating, even if you are a child."

Jiu'er asked, "What about after you beat me?"

"Of course, go back to sleep after the beating." Xia Xia replied as a matter of course.

"No." Jiu'er looked at Xia Xia in disbelief, "Do you still think like this now?"

Xia Tian yawned and said, "I don't want to beat you now, I just want to go back to sleep."

"Then take me with you." Jiu'er pointed to himself and said to Xia Tian with a smile: "You drove my mother away, and I just don't want to follow her anymore. How about I be your daughter, and you will be my father in the future. It's gone!"

"You don't have a daughter, you only have a son." Xia Xia realized at this time that he had descendants, but he was also brought to Xianyun Continent by his wives, and he didn't know how they lived there. Then he remembered what Ye Yumei had said to him some time ago, especially about the stagnation in his practice of Eight Needles Against the Heavens, which made him feel a little disappointed.

"No, do you really have a son? How old are you? Are you handsome?" Jiu'er was wrinkled and said hesitantly, "Then I have to think about it again, I can't just be your son. My child bride, if he looks similar to you, then I will be at a disadvantage."

Xia Xia ignored this little brat and didn't bother to pay attention to her messy thoughts.

"Damn, why don't you talk." Jiu'er seemed to be afraid of what would happen to her when she was quiet, so she kept talking, and one hand still grabbed the corner of Xia's clothes.

Just like that, Jiu’er came to Zhao’s house with Xia Xia.

The guards of the Zhao family were curious when they saw a little girl following Xia Xia, but no one dared to ask.

When Xia Xia returned to the room, only to find that Zhao Qingqing was also there.

"Master, where did you go just now?" Zhao Qingqing had just returned from some work, and was thinking of having breakfast with Xia Xia, only to find that she was no longer in bed.

Xia Xia replied casually: "Go beat someone."

At this time, Jiu'er, who was following Xia Xia, shrank his head and looked at Zhao Qingqing: "Big villain, is this beautiful sister my new mother?"

"Hey, who is this little girl?" Zhao Qingqing also discovered the existence of Jiu'er, and then she groaned in her heart and subconsciously called out, "Master, she can't be your daughter, right?"

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