Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1894 You idiot die for me

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


"Huh? Sniper rifle!"

Zhao Qingqing heard the sound and immediately made a judgment, but instead of avoiding it, she chased after the source of the sound, and then the sound came back from a distance: "Master, don't let him die, I'll have to come back. Questions?"

Xia Xia still wanted to stop her, but seeing that she had already gone out, it was fine.

Luo Yuming could no longer speak at this time, and his vitality gradually disappeared from his eyes, but it could be seen that he had a strong desire to survive and did not want to die at all.

"Forget it, since girl Qingqing doesn't want him to die, let him die." Xia Xia gave him a shot and saved his life first. As for his wound, he was too lazy to deal with it. So Luo Yuming was in a state where he couldn't die, but the pain of being shot did not diminish at all. He was just a wealthy boy who was greedy for pleasure and had no self-motivation. When did he suffer such a crime, he immediately pleaded with Xia Tian. : "

Save, save me, I don't want to die. "

"Don't worry, you idiot won't die." Xia Xia pouted, "But if you keep arguing, you might be targeted again."

Luo Yuming was covered in sweat from the pain, and blood oozes into the wound. It was very painful and itchy. Hearing Xia Xia's words, he was so frightened that he quickly bit his lower lip, preventing himself from making any more sound.

"Mr. Xia, I don't want to die either." Dean Zhao suddenly said at this time, "I know that many Ten Thousand Gu Associations still have the secret of Lu Shengliang, they will definitely not let me live, can you save me? ?"

"No." Xia Xia said lazily: "Does it have anything to do with me whether you die or not, why should I save you idiot?"

Dean Zhao explained with a serious expression: "I really have no ill intentions towards Mr. Xia and that Miss Zhao, and the previous offenses are nothing to lose. If you can save my life, then I will definitely be rich. s return."

"I'm not interested in your reward." Xia Tian curled his lips with disdain: "My darling apprentice just said that you are definitely going to die, so don't have unrealistic fantasies."

Dean Zhao did not give up, and continued to persuade: "Mr. Xia, don't be so absolute. In fact, I have some top-secret news, you must be interested, and it is enough to change my life."

"What news do you have, as soon as I take the needle, you will take the initiative to say it yourself." Xia Xia was even more disdainful, "So don't waste your time, what you say is useless."

Dean Zhao was about to die of suffocation. As expected, this person is just like the legend. He doesn't eat oil and salt, and he doesn't eat hard and soft. It is very difficult to deal with. What method should be used to get him to agree to help. "Don't even think about threatening me with suicide, it's useless." Xia Xia glanced at Director Zhao, then pointed at Luo Yuming, who was better off dead, "This idiot was shot just now, and he's not dead yet. Well, even if I'm really dead, I can save it, then

Let you die again. "

"No wonder those people call you a big devil. You are really stubborn and intolerant." Dean Zhao sighed and stared at Xia Xia with resentment.

Xia Xia thought it was funny for these idiots to talk, and said lazily: "If you don't have a good brain, talk less. Why should I be accommodating to idiots?"

Dean Zhao was speechless for a moment. On the other side, Zhao Qingqing had just left the hospital, and before she had time to investigate the killer's location, she saw Xu Jiaona running over from the opposite building out of breath, and said to her, "Qingqing, what happened just now, I Sounds like a gunshot, you

Are you all right? "

"Of course I'm fine." Zhao Qingqing was a little upset, "However, that Luo Yuming was shot."

"He was shot?" Xu Jiaona cried out in astonishment, "Then is he dead?"

Zhao Qingqing shook his head: "It shouldn't be dead, my master is there, Luo Yuming can be rescued even if he really dies."

"That's good." Xu Jiaona breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest, "If he dies, I really don't know who to ask about my mother's whereabouts."

Zhao Qingqing raised her eyes to look at Xu Jiaona, and said after a while, "Jiaojiao, tell me honestly, what exactly did you do? If those people only ask for money, it is impossible for them to lead to so many things."

"I don't know either." Xu Jiaona met Zhao Qingqing's gaze directly, her expression quite frank: "Qingqing, you have to believe me, if I do something hurtful, I can't have the face to come to you. "

"Okay, I believe you." Zhao Qingqing nodded and did not ask any further questions, and of course did not go to the so-called killer. Zhao Qingqing is not an idiot, nor is she simple, but she doesn't like intrigue, nor does she like to speculate on others, especially friends, with malice in advance. She hates evil and she also pretends to be a heroine, firstly because she really likes to do this kind of thing, and secondly because she wants others to know that she is a trustworthy person. In fact, when Xu Jiaona first came to her, she felt that something was wrong, but she never said it or guessed in a bad direction.

I hope the other party can take the initiative to speak out, so that their friendship will not deteriorate because of this. Of course, if the other party doesn't want to say it, she won't force it.

"What about your brother Xu Minghui?" Zhao Qingqing turned to ask others.

Xu Jiaona said with some emotion: "The man is indeed dead. Although he deserved it, he still feels a little unhappy in his heart."

Zhao Qingqing frowned and said worriedly, "I don't know what happened to the girl he kidnapped."

"I'm not sure about this." Xu Jiaona shook her head, "I'm also very surprised, how could he get together with Luo Yuming and these people, and he was silenced."

"It doesn't have to be together, maybe they were originally a gang." Zhao Qingqing speculated, and then made a phone call to inform the police to rescue the girl who was kidnapped by Xu Minghui.

The two returned to the office together, and the people from the Tiandao group also arrived.

Not long after, Zhao Qingqing brought Xu Jiaona, Luo Yuming and Dean Zhao together to the base of the Tiandao Group.

As for the summer, he didn't follow him, saying he was going back to sleep. He wasn't interested in interrogation at all, so he gave Luo Yuming and Dean Zhao a few needles to make sure they were telling the truth during the interrogation.


Dijing, Wanguhui Culture Co., Ltd.

In the office on the ninth floor, three people are holding an emergency meeting. "I just received the news that Lao Zhao has already been planted. Several secret bases in our club have been swept away by the Tiandao team, and the loss is quite heavy." The speaker was an old man in his sixties. He had no eyebrows, but Meifeng wrinkled quite tightly, mouth

His lips were also pursed a little white, and his expression was obviously a little flustered.

Another young man who couldn't tell his age said rather unhappily: "I said earlier, don't provoke Xia Xia, and don't provoke the Heavenly Dao Group. You have to listen, there's something going on here!" A young woman in her early ten years, wearing a professional dress, raised her eyebrows, and said very displeased: "Uncle Lu, what you said is a bit unconscionable. The plan to deal with Xu Jiaona has always been planned and planned by you. host

Hold it, you can't push this responsibility away even if you want to. "What responsibility do I have, I'm just a consultant, not a person in the meeting." The young man surnamed Lu snorted coldly, "The premise of my hosting that plan is not to offend Xia Xia, have you heard it?" Just for the Xu family's family business

, you've worked so hard to ignore my warnings, and now you're clearly reaping the consequences. "

"Lu Shengliang, don't say a word." The eyebrowless old man glared at the young man surnamed Lu, and then said to the young woman, "President, now is not the time for us to shirk our responsibilities, but to find a way to make up for our mistakes."

The young woman lightly opened her red lips and asked softly, "Then grandpa Wan, do you have any good advice?" "Whether summer is as powerful as the legends say, let's not discuss this first." The old man surnamed Wan pinched it. With a needless chin, he said thoughtfully: "But since Lao Zhao has already been planted, then we must make a decisive decision, whether it is directly to fight against Xia Xia.

, save Lao Zhao back; or abandon Lao Zhao directly and show his favor to Xia Xia in turn. "

At this time, Lu Shengliang said indifferently: "Mighty like Yin doctors are not the opponents of Xia Xia, you Wan Gu would better consider the consequences." "Forget it, Lao Zhao is greedy for money and has no idea all these years. There is no need to lose the power of the club in order to save him how much public wealth there is." The young woman made an instant decision, "Whether summer is really invincible or not, we outsiders are all invincible.

You shouldn't be an enemy of him, if you can turn an enemy into a friend, that would be even better. "Okay, then stop all the calculations immediately and find a way to make a good deal with Xia Xia. If you can get him to help us, that's the best. "Old Man Wan also agrees with this decision. After all, their Wan Gu Association moved north here a few years ago, and the foundation has not yet been firmly established.

Don't make enemies.

"It's just how we can befriend Xia Xia?" The young woman Liu Mei frowned again: "We know too little about Xia Xia, and we haven't even figured out what he likes and dislikes."

At this time, Lu Shengliang said with a smile: "Twelve years ago, we had several dealings with Xia Xia. Although I have never had face-to-face contact with him, I also know that he has two hobbies."

"What hobbies?" the young woman asked.

Lu Shengliang raised two fingers: "One is money, and the other is beauty."

"Love of money and lust?" The young woman couldn't help but feel contemptuous and sneered: "It seems that he is also very ordinary, no big deal." "You are wrong, his greed for money is not ordinary money, he likes it Beautiful women are not ordinary vulgar fans." Lu Shengliang knew that this woman would be wrong, and immediately explained: "Back then, the richest man in the imperial capital, Qian Duoduo, was terminally ill.

When Tian cured it, Xia Xian asked for half of his property at that time; and Xia Xia’s twenty or thirty wives, all of whom looked like gods, including Yi Xiaoyin, the so-called sect master of our Yin Medicine Sect. "

The young woman obviously recognized Yi Xiaoyin, and when she heard that Xia Tian had twenty or thirty wives, all of them were similar to Yi Xiaoyin, she suddenly took a deep breath: "This person is really going to be condemned by God, and he has so many wives alone. The stunning red color."

Old Man Wan said with some headache: "This is a bit difficult to do." "What's difficult to do?" The young woman snorted coldly and said to Lu Shengliang, "Uncle Lu, you go to Xia Tian immediately and bring some money directly. In the past, if he was willing to turn our enemy into a friend, I would give him hundreds of millions of dollars as pocket money, even me

Can also be her mistress, I believe he will not refuse. If he doesn't know fun, then we don't need to put our hot faces on other people's cold butts. I don't believe that a summer can really cover the sky with one hand. "Okay, leave this to me. "Lu Shengliang nodded in agreement, and was full of praise in his heart. This female president is not only young and beautiful, but also has such courage. It's really not easy.

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