Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1895 I don't need anything

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


Zhao family mansion.

Summer just went back to the room and fell asleep, but was woken up by someone.

"Which idiot dares to disturb me to sleep, I'm impatient." Xia Xia left the room with a displeased face, and found a strange young man talking to Jiu'er in the living room, as if he was quite familiar.

When the man saw Xia Xia coming in, he immediately stood up and said with a smile, "Mr Xia Xia, you are awake. I have been waiting for you here for a while."

"Little boy, is this idiot your acquaintance?" Xia Tian glanced at Jiu'er and asked casually.

Jiu'er shook his head directly: "I don't know, he said he was your friend and suddenly appeared in the living room just now. However, he is quite talented and speaks nicely..."

"It's impossible for me to have such an idiot friend." Xia Xian pouted and said to the stranger, "Get out of here, before I'm in a bad mood, or I'll beat you up."

The man still had a faint smile on his face, and said without changing his face: "It is indeed a bit presumptuous to claim to be your friend, Mr. Xia, but I really want to be your friend with all my heart."

Xia Xia smiled: "Is today a good day, there are always idiots who want to make friends with me?" "I'm not an idiot, my name is Lu Shengliang, you must have heard the name Mr. Xia." The young man saw Xia Xia Lying on the sofa next to him, he moved to sit across from him, "I really came to make friends, and I brought a fairly large

Sincerity. "

"Not interested, you can get out." Xia Tian waved his hand.

Lu Shengliang took out the black suitcase on the side of the sofa, and opened it with a click. Inside was a new box of banknotes: "Here is one million. It's a small greeting. It's not a respect. Please accept it with a smile."

"Wow, so much money?" Jiu'er's eyes lit up and sighed, "How much ice cream can I buy." "I said with great sincerity, and now I say a little respect, then whether you are big or small. What?" Xia Tian just glanced at it casually, then lost interest and yawned lazily: "Bring another one or two hundred boxes over and say

Might make me a little bit interested. "Mr. Xia, if you really like it, it doesn't matter how many boxes you have. "Lu Shengliang squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "We Wan Gu only do things for money, and we really have no intention of offending you. As long as you promise not to pursue the previous offense, another ninety

Nine boxes, I'll have someone deliver them right away. "

Jiu'er added at this time: "If you are sincere, shouldn't you send another 199 boxes?"

"Hehe, that's not a problem." Lu Shengliang's mouth twitched slightly, and he pretended to be indifferent: "The premise is that Mr. Xia can calm down and kill someone for me by the way, someone who is insignificant to you."

"Kill you idiot?" Xia Tian yawned, "Do you think I'm very short of money?" If it was twelve years ago, when Xia Xian was just down the mountain, he might have been interested, after all, it was really short at that time. Money. But now he is sitting on the gold-absorbing "monsters" such as the Divine Doctor Group, the Shadow Group and the Tiandao Group, plus he is amazing

It's really not too easy to make money. It can be said that there are not many people richer than him in the world.

"You're definitely not short of money, but no one thinks you have too much money, right?" Lu Shengliang was still confident, "What's more, you only need to do one small thing and you can easily get 200 million, or US dollars. , isn't it worth it?"

"It's up to me to decide whether it's worth it or not." Xia Xia looked casual, "If I think it's worth it, I'll do it even if I pay for it. If I don't think it's worth it, you can send more money. It's no use either."

Lu Shengliang said with a smile, "Mr. Xia, I believe you will think this cooperation will be quite worthwhile."

With that said, he handed a picture of a woman to Xia Xia, "This is Miss Zhang Muxia, the president of our Ten Thousand Gu Association. If we can turn enemies into friends with Mr. Xia, our president Zhang is willing to marry Mr. Xia with the Ten Thousand Gu Association. ."


"You idiot, kill me." Xia Xia kicked the man out: "It's okay to disturb my sleep, and you come here to take advantage of me with a picture of an ugly girl. I really don't have a temper, right?"

"Big villain, isn't it? With so much money and a beautiful woman, you're not tempted at all?" Jiu'er looked at Xia Xia with some incomprehension, "If it was me, I would definitely agree."

"Little brat, you can agree if you want, the money is still on the table anyway." Xia Xia said casually.

Jiu'er frowned: "Forget it, eating too much ice cream will cause diarrhea." At this time in the summer, there was no sleepiness, and he was thinking about whether to go out to play. Zhao Qingqing's side must be more boring, or forget it. He couldn't think of any other places to play in Dijing. At this time, the phone rang just right.


After only answering two sentences, Xia Xia's figure flashed and disappeared.

The rest of the wine was in the living room, and the little face murmured to himself: "Can't you guys walk properly?"


Xianyun Continent, Beiyun County.

In the past few days, it has been raining heavily in Yunzhou, most of the official roads have been flooded, and many places have become a swamp country.

Xia Leng and their trips were naturally delayed, so they had to detour to Beiyun County and stayed at a high-class inn called Yuxianju.

Said to be an inn, in fact, rented an entire courtyard.

At this time, Xia Leng stood in front of the window again and looked into the distance.

The dark clouds were stacked, and he couldn't see any scenery at all, but he just saw God. "Master, what are you looking at?" Xiao Xiu'er was ironing everyone's clothes, and Feng Tianling watched blankly. If it is not ironed after the rain, the clothes will definitely wrinkle. Although Xia Leng doesn't care much, Xiao, who was born in the palace

Xiuer felt that it was a disaster, and she would definitely not let this happen.

After a while, Ji Jiu knocked on the door, then took off her poncho and boots and hung it outside the entrance, and walked in slowly.

Seeing this, Feng Tianling immediately poured half a bowl of the hot tea to Ji Jiu and handed it over. "Sir, the official roads of the four cities, east, west, north and south, except for the official roads in the north city, which are still passable, all others have been flooded." Ji Jiuchong Feng Tianling nodded slightly and took the tea bowl, regardless of the heat, as if drinking. gulp it down,” but Beicheng has also

Restricted, only in and out. "

"That's not the reason for the rain." Xia Leng turned around and said lightly.

Ji Jiu frowned upon hearing this: "Young Master, what do you mean?"

"This rain is too strange." Xia Leng had a suspicion in his heart, but it was hard to prove it. "There must be something wrong."

Xiao Xiu'er pouted and said disapprovingly, "Young Master, you will talk nonsense. Wind, rain, thunder and lightning are all celestial phenomena, so what could be wrong. Could it be that there are monsters making waves here."

After saying this, Xia Leng glanced at her in surprise.

Feng Tianling's eyes also widened.

Ji Jiu also looked at her blankly.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Xiao Xiu'er didn't realize it, and said calmly, "Did I just say something wrong?"

Xia Leng reached out and nodded on her forehead: "You didn't say anything wrong, but you might be right."

"Are you right?" Xiao Xiu'er's head was full of question marks, and she asked Feng Tianling in a low voice, "What did I say is right?"

Feng Tianling glanced at Xia Leng, then approached Xiao Xiu'er's small ear, and explained a few words gently.

"What! There are monsters here!"

Xiao Xiu'er was so frightened that she jumped to the ceiling, her eyes filled with panic, she looked at Xia Leng: "Young Master, are you kidding me?"

"What are you talking about, it's just a possibility, not a 100% thing." Xia Leng gave Xiao Xiu'er a white look, "Be calm, don't be surprised all the time."

"Monster, son, let's run away." Xiao Xiu'er looked around the house in horror, for fear that some kind of monster would come out of nowhere, "They eat people."

Ji Jiu smiled and said, "Xiu'er, what is there to be afraid of monsters, it's not like you haven't seen them before."

"When have I seen a monster?" Xiao Xiu'er glared at Ji Jiu, "Brother Jiu, talk about it!"

Feng Tianling whispered: "It's at Yuntai Peak, those blood monkeys."

"Oh, isn't that a goblin." Xiao Xiu'er was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses: "It can't be compared with the legendary monsters."

Xia Leng asked casually, "Then what do you imagine monsters and monsters to look like?" "When I was a child, I often heard from my grandmother that monsters and monsters are a hundred feet long and a hundred feet wide, with blue faces, fangs, and black hair..." Xiao Xiu'er said As he spoke, his whole body trembled: "It looks scary and disgusting, and likes to catch girls as squatters.

Madam, grab the heart of the child for dinner. "

"Wait, Madam Yazhai?" Ji Jiu said with a smile, "You mean a bandit."

"Oh, Brother Jiu, you don't understand, the monsters also have mountain tops, okay?" Xiao Xiu'er said angrily: "For example, what are the old monsters of Montenegro, the old demon of Wankuling, the ogre in the bottomless pit..." "Okay, These useless things, there is nothing to be afraid of." Xia Leng shook his head, what kind of monsters and ghosts, he didn't believe in these things since he was a child, and now he has come to another world and knows that these things really exist, he is not afraid at all.


Ji Jiu suddenly said, "Young Master, there is another piece of news that may be related to us, so you need to pay attention."

"What's the matter?" Xia Leng asked. "Just three days ago, we encountered the matter of the nine sects of Yunzhou picking the leader." Ji Jiu paused, then said slowly: "Then the nine sects of Yunzhou have been merged into one faction, called Shengyunmen, and the sect master is It's the white jade son. This white master is the highest

One thing is to issue the 'Holy Cloud Chase and Kill Order', saying that the son is a person of the evil way, and all people in the rivers and lakes of Yunzhou must kill him. "Wow, a young master's defeated general still has the face to be the sect master. Xiao Xiu'er snorted coldly and said dissatisfiedly, "Those people are really annoying. They can't talk well, and they are so angry." When I go back to Lanjing, I must have your Majesty

downed them. "

"You are the one who doesn't speak well." Xia Leng glanced at Xiao Xiu'er, "If you hadn't talked a lot, we wouldn't have provoke them."

"It's none of my business." Xiao Xiu'er was indeed vicious to outsiders. Fortunately, her heart was not bad, and she didn't really hurt anyone.

"Don't pay attention to these people for now." Xia Leng thought for a while, and said to Ji Jiu, "Go and inquire again and see if there is anything strange happening in Beiyun County recently. Come back tonight and tell me."

Ji Jiu nodded and quickly left the courtyard, disappearing from Xia Leng's sight. At this time, someone knocked on the door again.

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