Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1916 bragging is not afraid of blowing the sky

Remember in one second\^End^ben^God^station^\Mobile phone reading address: m.xinwanben.com

"you still need to ask?"

Xia Tian took a natural tone of voice, "Of course it's you idiot. The website www.xinwanben.com"

"When death is imminent, it's really stupid to speak so out of mind."

Ying Wenshan shook his head regretfully, "A-Jiu, your eyes on choosing men are really bad, for the sake of childhood sweethearts, you also wanted to give you a chance to get close to me, but now it seems that I have high regard for you. ."

"You are self-motivated and self-motivated, and you have to talk about yourself so noble."

Ah Jiu sneered at this, Xia Xian had had enough of such a narcissistic person: "He has many shortcomings, but he is not stupid, and my vision has never been bad."

Ying Wenshan's voice gradually softened: "Then I will kill your man and take you away. Your biological parents and I miss you very much."

"Mind your own business, it's just like you."

Ah Jiu was also a little impatient, and directly said to Xia Xia: "I hate this kind of person the most, you go and beat him, it's better to fight quickly."

Xia Xia smiled and bargained with Ah Jiu: "Nine girl, you can beat him, but do you want to give me some rewards?"

"You old pervert."

Ah Jiu scolded in a low voice, and then said, "Anyway, hurry up, I'm a little sleepy now. I haven't had a serious rest since I got off the plane. Don't delay my sleep time."

Xia Xia asked in confusion: "Didn't you rest last night?"

"Can that be called a break?"

Ah Jiu glared at Xia Xia angrily, she was obviously tossed by this bastard all night.

"Your man is now under my control, and he's probably powerless."

Ying Wenshan chuckled, "I'll give you one more minute to think about it. If you don't agree, then I'll kill him."

"If you can kill it, kill it quickly."

Ah Jiu said lightly, "I'm afraid that you won't be able to kill him. In the end, you have to kneel down and beg him for mercy."

Ying Wenshan sneered and said coldly, "I kneel down and beg for mercy?

Haven't the two of you discovered your situation yet?

The lives of both of you are now in my hands. Whoever I want to die will die, and there will be no luck. www.xinwanben.com”

"This trick of yours is of no use to me at all."

Xia Xia said lazily: "I met a few idiots before, and I played this trick a hundred times better than you, and I ended up killing it."

That's right. During that time, he and Ning Ruirui encountered several people and monsters who used shadows to attack in the underwater palace, and they were all solved by Xia Xia.

"Bragging is not afraid of blowing the sky."

Ying Wenshan had a mocking look on his face, "This practice is unique to us, no one else can do it, let alone more powerful than me.

I see that you are afraid, that's why you talk nonsense. "

"I never brag. Anyway, you'll know it after a while. This kind of trick is useless."

Xia Tian pouted his lips in disapproval.

"Then I'll see how you struggle."

Ying Wenshan's figure gradually disappeared in the darkness, "Yingchao, engulf him for me."

In the darkness, there was an unprovoked wind, and there seemed to be a surging tide rolling in from a distance.

For a moment, Ah Jiu thought she was standing by the sea, and there seemed to be hundreds of feet of waves crashing towards her.

"I really don't understand why idiots like to do so many useless tricks."

Xia Xia didn't even look at the surging black tide, his figure flashed like a ghost, and when he reappeared, he grabbed Ying Wenshan's neck in his hand.

The dark tide instantly dissipated, revealing a brightly lit room.

"You, how could you... I actually lost?"

Ying Wenshan's eyes were full of horror, and he obviously couldn't believe the scene in front of him, nor could he accept his failure.

"This is the end?"

Ah Jiu was also a little disappointed, thought it was a very good-looking duel, but it ended in less than a second, and there was no pleasure in watching a play.

Xia Xia's innocent expression: "Nine girls, didn't you make me hurry up?"

"Let go of me, I was just unprepared just now."

Ying Wenshan struggled and said, "Otherwise I would not have lost to you. There is a fair duel. Don't use that despicable method."

"You idiot have a problem with your brain. xinwanben"

Xia Xia looked at Ying Wenshan with contempt, "We're not competing, but you idiot came to Jiu's room to harass us and didn't kill you, you should be thankful."

Ying Wenshan was also speechless, but he was really unwilling to lose. For so many years, he always felt that even if he was not the best in the world, he was at least one of the best in the world, but he was completely abused by an unknown soldier. This humiliation is simply Make him feel ashamed.

"Nine girls, do you want to kill this idiot?"

Xia Xia looked at Ah Jiu and asked casually.

Ah Jiu waved her hand: "Forget it, just let him go."


Xia Xia nodded and left the room with Ying Wenshan.

About five minutes later, Xia Xia came back with a smile, jumped on the bed and hugged Ah Jiu tightly.

"Where did you throw him?"

Ah Jiu asked casually.

Xia Xia smiled: "In short, it's a long way away, and he won't be able to come out to disturb us again in the future."

"What do you mean, you killed him?"

Ajiu asked in confusion.


Xia Xia shook his head, "Nine girl, you didn't tell me to kill him. I definitely won't kill him. I always listen to my wife."

Ah Jiu looked at Xia Xia suspiciously, but didn't think much about it. Although Xia Xia beat someone without blinking, the last sentence was sincere. At least she had seen Xia Xia's anger at Yi Xiaoyin, but she had never seen him reject Yi Xiaoyin. Xiao sound.

"Nine girls, don't waste time, let's go to sleep."

Summer said impatiently.

"Sleep your big head... ah!"

Ah Jiu's voice was filled with helplessness and excitement: "Don't mess around."

Looking at the sky outside, it seems that night has not yet fallen.

But who cares, Xia Xia never takes this into account. Of course, fun things must be played with all the time.

...Tsinko, a private mansion somewhere.

"what happened!"

Ying Xiaoyue was full of anger, and smashed the table in front of her with one palm.

In front of her, kneeling a young man tied up with five flowers, is the Ying Wenshan who harassed Xia Xia and Ah Jiu just now.

"It's nothing, it's just a moment of carelessness and someone else's yin."

Ying Wenshan was still a little embarrassed to see his sister, but the expression on his face was extremely disdain.


Still fucked? "

Ying Xiaoyue couldn't help laughing twice, pointed at Ying Wenshan and said, "It's really shameless, do you know who he is, so you dare to provoke him?"

"Provocation of a nobody?"

Ying Wenshan shook his head disdainfully, "I'm looking for Ajiu. As long as Ajiu is taken down, I don't have to worry about Yi Xiaoyin not listening to me."


Ying Xiaoyue slapped over and directly slapped Ying Wenshan in mid-air for two and a half weeks, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"You dare to hit me?"

Ying Wenshan's hands and feet were tied, so he couldn't wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, but his eyes were filled with anger.

"It's fine if you don't kill you."

Ying Xiaoyue was really a little angry, "Do you know that even I would not dare to provoke that evil star, and even if I wanted to provoke it, I would not dare to confront him head-on, I managed to appease him and let him stand by us temporarily. On this side, you are actually going to provoke him directly, and even hit his woman's idea, you want to die, don't pull me!"

Ying Wenshan is a little stunned now. Although he sees his sister unhappy, he understands her position very well. Even if the top ten families in the imperial capital unite, she does not see any special reaction from her. Why is she so panicked now: "What the hell was going on that summer?"

"Just asking now, don't you think it's too late?"

Ying Xiaoyue said coldly.

Ying Wenshan said stunned: "It's only been three days since I returned to China. I'll help you when I get off the plane. If you don't consider my credit, you should also consider my kindness."

"Good shit."

Ying Xiaoyue said angrily: "You just want to fight for merit.

The plan to deal with Shuangyue Island this time is my painstaking planning for many years, and I will never allow anyone to destroy it, not even you! "

Ying Wenshan said dissatisfied: "I'm a member of the headquarters, yours can't control me, you quickly let me go."

"Don't think about that."

Ying Xiaoyue folded her arms and said, "The condition for bringing you back in the summer is... Let you stop appearing in front of him from now on."

"What's the meaning?"

Ying Wenshan raised his eyebrows, "Do you want to take the opportunity to kill me and then monopolize the property?

Do you think Dad would allow it, I'm the only child in the family. "

"kill you?"

Ying Xiaopeng snorted coldly, "You think too much.

I will abolish your roots, seal your anger, and send you back to your parents. In the future, you will get married and have children, and accompany them to spend your old age peacefully. "

"you dare!"

Ying Wenshan's eyes widened, and he stepped forward to rush towards Ying Xiaoyue, but unfortunately he was kicked as soon as he got up.

Ying Xiaoyue stepped on Ying Wenshan's head, took out a bag of gold needles, and stabbed them one by one into the big acupoints in his body: "I have obtained the consent of the palace lord for your treatment, even if parents react, it will not matter. Useless."

"Ying Xiaoyue, you are taking the opportunity to murder your younger brother and fight for home... poof!"

Before he could finish speaking, Ying Wenshan spat out a mouthful of blood, his whole body wilted instantly, and his eyes also lost the look of contempt for others.

Ying Xiaoyue did not hesitate to move, every needle was as stable as Mount Tai, and after more than a dozen silver needles were inserted, she said lightly: "You are wrong because you shouldn't provoke summer, if you do this, no one can protect it. you."

"He, who is he?"

Ying Wenshan's expression was lax, and the corners of his mouth kept drooling.

"You don't need to know."

Ying Xiaoyue raised her hand to summon two servants, and instructed: "You two take the young master home by private jet, go now."

The two servants nodded, stepped forward to help Ying Wenshan, who was paralyzed, and dragged him away.

"Summer, summer, you

Is this a deliberate warning to me? "

Ying Xiaoyue clenched her silver teeth and said coldly, "When Shuangyue Island is destroyed, I will definitely kill you, or you will become a stumbling block to our Heavenly Palace sooner or later."

It's just that Ying Xiaoyue still has a problem she can't figure out, and that is why Xia Xia can find her.

This is her second stronghold in the country, and it has never been leaked, and almost no one knows about it except herself.

"Is there a traitor on my side?

Or, what secret intelligence capabilities does Summer have? "

Ying Xiaoyue really couldn't figure it out, so she simply didn't think about it at first, and then dealt with it after the problem of Yin medicine was solved.

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