Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1917 The evil star that should not be provoked

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In the night, a private jet slowly lifted off from the airport and blended into the vast darkness. www.xinwanben.com

At this moment, Ying Wenshan was lying on the specially-made bed with a pale face, with several chains wrapped around him.

The two bodyguards in black were sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at Ying Wenshan without blinking, as if he would turn into a butterfly and fly away at any moment.

"Have you seen enough?"

Ying Wenshan slowly opened his eyes and said a little dissatisfiedly, "You can let me go."

One of the bodyguards shook his head and said in a cautious tone, "Young master, you must be there to release you. This is the order of the eldest lady."

"I didn't speak to you."

Ying Wenshan rolled his eyes disdainfully, "That woman is so pretentious that she is disgusting to the extreme, don't mention her in front of me."

"Master, this is also for your safety."

The other bodyguard pursed his lips and persuaded after hearing this: "Well, we'll let you go in another hour, how about that?"

Ying Wenshan opened his mouth and scolded: "Let Nima's fart! If you don't let me go, I'll kill you two later."

The two bodyguards were speechless to this grumpy young master, they could only treat him as non-existent and ignore all his demands.

"Qin Qiji, what are you waiting for?"

Ying Wenshan suddenly shouted, "If you drag it on, I will beat you up."

The two bodyguards were shocked at first, and then they felt inexplicable. This is a plane flying in the air, and it is impossible for other people to suddenly appear.

"I said Young Master Ying, why are you so impatient? Isn't it difficult to wait until the plane has landed steadily?"

In fact, there was indeed one more person, and it was a rather strong-looking young man, wearing a tight black leather jacket and leather pants, with a proud expression and a lazy tone.

As soon as he appeared, he stretched out his hand and held the heads of the two bodyguards, suddenly exerting force, knocking the two bodyguards unconscious, and then untied the ropes on Ying Wenshan.

"What nonsense, why are you here so late?"

Ying Wenshan didn't appreciate it at all, but his tone became even more impatient, "A little later, I'll really send it home to apologize to the old man."

Then he drank and asked, "Where's the medicine?"

"It's still in such a hurry, the medicine is here, don't drink it all at once, it's better to divide it three times..." The leather-clad man laughed, took out a small porcelain bottle the size of a thumb from his pocket and threw it to Ying Wenshan. Xinwanben website www.xinwanben.com

Ying Wenshan directly opened the bottle cap, and then drank it: "Fuck it up."

"You are a waste of money. This is a magic medicine. I only have this bottle in my hand."

The leather-clad man had a regretful expression on his face, "If it weren't for you... Forget it, I've finished drinking, I'm too lazy to bother with you.

In short, let the plane return to Tejing first. "

"You don't need to remind me of this, the captain is mine."

Ying Wenshan sat cross-legged on the bed in a very strange posture, and within a few minutes, suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a few wisps of turbid air, regaining his original spirit, "Damn, that stinky woman really wants to ruin me. , if I hadn't been prepared, this time he would have succeeded."

The man in the leather jacket chuckled and said, "She is your sister and the only spokesperson in the country. You'd better not offend her."

"Hmph, it's just the deputy sect master of one of the four sects, and his eyes are raised to the sky."

Thinking of Ying Xiaoyue's words and deeds, Ying Wenshan was still indignant in his heart: "If you catch my small mistakes, they will put me to death. I don't have such a sister, and she is not worthy of being the deputy sect master. "

The man in the leather jacket shook his head and said quite solemnly: "You blame him for that. You did not make a small mistake, but provoked an evil star who shouldn't have provoked it."

"Evil star?

You are too flattering that kid. "

Ying Wenshan disapproved very much, "Summer is at best the level of our superiors. If I don't use despicable methods, I won't have a problem with him at all."

"Young Master Ying, you think too highly of yourself."

The man in leather didn't even mean to save Ying Wenshan's face, and directly said: "You don't even have the level of a heavenly general now, so you dare to say such a big thing.

I might as well tell you, Domingguang at the level of the king of heaven, if he was knocked out by Xia Xia, what kind of thing are you? "

"Do Mingguang and Xia Xia fought?

Still lost?

I do not believe! "

Ying Wenshan had an unexpected look on his face, he hesitated for two seconds, then shook his head and said: "Master Duo is a natural supernatural power, he has fought countless times for our Tiangong, so far he has not lost a single defeat, how could he lose to Xia Xia. .xinwanben.com”

"This is what I saw with my own eyes."

The man in the leather jacket said coldly: "That summer was indeed not a generalist, not only was his strength unfathomable, but the women around him were all masters.

Whether it is Yi Xiaoyin, Ning Ruirui and Zhao Qingqing, it is not easy to deal with. "

"Who the hell is this summer?"

Ying Wenshan instantly thought of Ah Jiu. Although he did not fight Ah Jiu, he clearly felt her

The strength is definitely not low.

"For nearly two decades, we have been developing overseas, and we know very little about domestic information."

The leather-clad man's eyes showed a strong color of fear: "And about this summer, I know very little.

The information on the bright side has long been deleted, and we have also acquired Xia Xia’s information at a high price on the dark web, but those with hands and eyes on the underground network are too frightened to dare to appear again when they hear Xia Xia’s name. "

"Is he really that powerful?"

Although Ying Wenshan was still a little unbelievable, this also aroused his fighting spirit, "It's better to be true, so it's not worth my visit to the country, and there may be unexpected gains."

The man in leather knew what kind of virtue Ying Wenshan was, and reminded directly: "Remember the purpose of your coming to China, that's why we help you.

If the plan goes awry, we'll be dragged down by you too. "

"Qin Qiji, your courage is getting smaller and smaller."

Ying Wenshan couldn't help but sarcastically said, "I don't have the belligerent style of fighting generals that I used to be crazy about. I scared you like this in one summer."

"Because I have seen what it means to have a sky outside the sky."

The man in leather didn't respond to this kind of aggressive tactics, and said lightly: "I used to be just a frog in a well, and I always felt that I was invincible in the world. Later, when I met a real master, he beat me to the ground while talking and laughing. Powerless.

The strength gap between me and him is a natural moat. "

Ying Wenshan became a little interested: "Who is this master you are talking about?"

"His name is Nie Zixiong."

When the man in leather said the name, he looked very solemn, "Don't think about recruiting him, because he is a fairy-like existence and cannot be recruited by anyone, and I don't know where he is."

"It's a pity."

Ying Wenshan sighed with regret.

The man in the leather jacket didn't say a word. That summer gave him a similar feeling, as if he would definitely die without a place to be buried if he changed a little bit, and there was no possibility of survival.

This was the real reason why he was so afraid of Xia Xia, but he didn't tell anyone.

It didn't take long for the plane to return to the airport in Dijing. The two of them got off the plane, changed to a rather low-key car, and rushed to a villa in the suburbs.

At this time, the villa was brightly lit, and several men and women of different ages were quietly waiting for the return of Ying Wenshan and Qin Qiji in the living room.

"A few people are here, that's great."

After Ying Wenshan came in, he immediately sat down on the main seat, "You can save a lot of time, let's get started."

One of them, a young woman wearing a modified Hanfu emerald long skirt, said with a smile, "Young Master Ying is a little too impatient. He called us here. He didn't say anything, just started shouting, what do you want us to start? ?"

"Little servant of the Su family, since you are here, why are you pretending to be garlic?"

Sitting across from the woman in the long skirt is an old woman with a thick skin. She seems to dislike the woman in long skirts, so she can't help but say something.

The woman in the long skirt pressed her brows and glanced at the old woman: "Who are you calling a little maid?

The old lady Qian is very old, pay attention to accumulating eloquence, be careful of God's retribution, let the white-haired person send the black-haired person. "

"What did you say!"

The old woman with goose skin poked on the ground with a cane in hand: "Say it again, you bitch!"

A handsome young man sat next to the old woman with goose skin. At this time, he said, "Everyone, don't be dry, let's listen to what Young Master Ying has to say."

There was another middle-aged man with an expressionless face, hunched over with his head lowered, as if he was not interested in anything.

"What kind of grievances there are between you, this young master is not interested."

Ying Wenshan's face was cold, and his tone was quite gloomy: "But it's better not to spoil this young master's major affairs, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

I have to say that Young Master Ying is still somewhat intimidating, and both the woman in the long skirt and the old woman are quiet.

"Okay, since everyone wants to do big things, it's easy to do."

Ying Wenshan continued: "I came to China for two things, one is to receive all the forces of Nantianmen, and the other is to get the secret recipe for rejuvenation.

Both of these things require everyone's cooperation, especially the first one. Ying Xiaoyue has long been blinded by selfish desires and is no longer suitable to be the deputy head of the clan. As a descendant of the Ying family, I must put things right.

But this first thing can be done after the second thing is done.

On the surface, you must fully cooperate with Ying Xiaoyue's plan to exterminate Frost Moon Island, but after you get the secret recipe, you must give it to me.

Understand? "

Several people looked at each other and clearly understood that this was a struggle for power and profit within the Ying family, and they kept silent.

The leather-clad man glanced around and said, "Young Master Ying is the only son of Master Ying, and he is also the most optimistic disciple of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace. You'd better make your choice carefully."

At this time, the others couldn't help laughing and talking politely, nothing more than that they must support Ying Wenshan.

"Okay, I don't expect you to really help me wholeheartedly, as long as you don't cause trouble for me."

Ying Wenshan didn't think that these people would be obedient, as long as they were on the sidelines.

"By the way, there is a third thing, this is my personal business, you can help or not."

Ying Wenshan suddenly flashed in his mind

A thought, "Before doing those two big things, I want you to take action and help me kill someone."

Everyone's heart froze, obviously this so-called insignificant private matter is the real test.

The woman in the long skirt covered her lips and chuckled: "We are the best at killing people. I don't know who Young Master Ying wants to kill?"

"This person is called Summer."

Ying Wenshan said lightly.

The middle-aged man who had been taciturn and hunchbacked abruptly raised his head, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and his voice was hoarse as if it came from hell: "Who do you say to kill?"

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