Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1920 Whether they die depends on their luck

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Xia Tian still had a look of disdain, and curled his lips: "It's another rubbish trick that doesn't seem to be useful. It seems that it's not interesting. You should explode with that hunchbacked idiot. The website www.xinwanben.com "

"My young master beat you up first!"

Ying Wenshan raised his mountain-like hand, squeezed his fist, and slammed towards Xia Xia: "Give me death!"


With a fluttering sound, Ying Wenshan's huge fist was carelessly supported by Xia Xia.

"As I said, this kind of fancy tricks are useless to me."

Xia Xia still looked lazy, and with a single shot, Ying Wenshan's huge shadow fist was scattered into a cloud of black smoke.

"How is this possible, I don't believe it!"

Ying Wenshan's figure quickly diminished as if the ball was leaking, and returned to his original appearance, his eyes full of disbelief.

Although he lost to Xia Xia during the day, he didn't take it to heart because he didn't give his best.

His pride in his own strength also comes from this. He believes that no one in the world can stop his trump card.

However, the facts in front of him proved that his proud trump card was still worthless in front of Xia Xia.

This psychological gap made Ying Wenshan completely unacceptable, and the others were also stunned.

"Am I dazzled, summer actually blocked it!"

"Wan Yingzhu was actually cracked so easily?"

"This summer has been horrible too."

"It's terrifying!"

Qin Qiji's brows wrinkled, obviously he didn't expect Xia Xia's strength to be so high, and he couldn't help but scold Ying Wenshan, an idiot, for provoking this evil star for his own personal grievances, and he was also implicated.

Yin Nineteen was also amazed. Twelve years ago, he had seen the power of Xia Xia. He never imagined that Xia Xia now is more like Yuan Yuezhi and unfathomable than that time.

"Three minutes are almost here."

Xia Xia glanced at those who were watching the play, "If you idiots don't get on, you will eat bombs together. xinwanben"

Qin Qiji quickly showed his weakness and said, "Xia Xia, we didn't mean to offend you. The plan to deal with you is also Ying Wenshan's personal idea, and we didn't agree."

The others came to their senses and immediately agreed with Qin Qiji's statement: "Yes, this is all the work of Ying Wenshan."

"We were all against this plan of his, but he insisted on it."

"I only came to China today, and this has nothing to do with me!"

"..." Those people tried their best to clear their relationship with Ying Wenshan, for fear of being missed by Xia Xia, a few people wanted to run away quietly and leave this place of right and wrong.

"Am I letting you go?"

There was a bit of unhappiness in Xia's tone.

As soon as Xia Xia's voice fell, a few people were immediately dissatisfied, and said coldly: "We have already explained, that is what Ying Wenshan meant by besieging you, it has nothing to do with us, what else do you want?"

"As I said, you idiots are going to die today."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "Of course, if you can make me play more enjoyable, maybe I'll give you a chance to live."

One of the handsome young men couldn't hold back his anger, and scolded Xia Tian: "Damn, who do you think you are, is the King of Heaven or King Yama still alive?

Our life and death, why is it up to you to decide.

I want to come, I want to leave, no one can stop me! "

"Then take a step and try."

Summer pouted.

The handsome man snorted coldly and was about to leave, only to find that his body seemed to have turned into a rock, unable to move at all. Even with all his strength, he couldn't move even a little bit.

"what did you do to me?"

The handsome man looked at Xia Xia in amazement, and couldn't help guessing that this bastard must have done it.

Several other people felt bad when they saw the handsome man like this, and then found that they couldn't move either.

"Summer, we really have no ill will."

Qin Qiji also tried it, and sure enough he was no exception, but he couldn't figure out when Xia Xia did something to them. It was impossible for Xia Xia to follow the law, and just one sentence could fix them, Xia Xia was not Sun Wukong. , There is no body fixation in the world. www.xinwanben.com

"Do you have any ill will and have something to do with me?"

Xia Xia looked casual, "I just want to kill you, lest you idiots come out again and again to disturb me, Jiu-tou and Qingqing-tou in the two-person world."

Qin Qiji was stunned for a moment, isn't it three people, why is it a two-person world?

However, this question only flashed in his mind. The most important question now is how to make Xia Xia change his mind. Otherwise, he may really explain it here.

"Time is up."

Xia Xia stretched lazily and said casually, "I won't waste time with you guys."

"Wait, Summer, you don't really want to kill us, do you?"

Qin Qiji was a little anxious, and said quickly: "We are people in Tiangong, and Ying Xiaoyue is the same family. If you kill us, Tiangong will not let you go."

Xia Xia said angrily: "You idiot, are you threatening me?"

"It's not a threat, just a reminder that it's not worth it at all."

Qin Qiji rushed to Xia Xia and said: "Ying Wenshan is the only son of the Nantianmen's sect master, if you kill him, you will never die with Nantianmen, and you will also have revenge with Tiangong, which will not benefit you at all.

And I didn't do anything to you, you..." "There's a lot of nonsense. "

Xia Xia was too lazy to listen, and with a flash, he threw Qin Qiji, Ying Wenshan, and the others together, and just surrounded the hunchbacked man who swallowed the bomb.

Yin Nineteen was a little confused, because he was also thrown over there by Xia Xia, and he wanted to open his mouth to remind Xia Xia, but he couldn't make a sound.

"Summer, wait a minute!"

At this time, Ying Xiaoyue quickly rushed over with a few figures, and shouted to Xia Tian from a distance: "Don't do it yet, as long as you save my brother's life, I can promise you any conditions."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "It's too late, whether he dies or not depends on his own luck."


With a loud bang, the bomb in the hunchback man's body exploded at the right time, and several figures were blown out, leaving only a deep pit of a few meters in size.

"Quick, go to my brother first."

Ying Xiaoyue glanced at Xia Xia with a complicated look, and then ordered the people behind her, "Let's see if anyone is still alive."

Xia Xia yawned and planned to go back to find the nine girls to continue sleeping.

"Summer, you don't want to leave like this, do you?"

Ying Xiaoyue suppressed the anger in her heart and said coldly, "Aren't you going to give an explanation for killing so many people in my Heavenly Palace?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Summer looked puzzled.

Ying Xiaoyue pointed at the mess on the ground: "You wouldn't say it has nothing to do with you, right?"

"It really has nothing to do with me, it's these idiots who seek death on their own."

Xia Xia said disapprovingly: "I warned you a long time ago, don't bother me, or you will be at your own risk.

In the face of Jiu Yatou, I let your idiot brother go, but unfortunately he didn't learn his lesson and wanted to do something again, so I had to kill him in advance. "

Ying Xiaoyue said coldly: "Anyway, he is my brother. If you kill him, it is impossible for me to let you leave here so easily."

"Stop pretending, that idiot is dead, you don't know how happy you are."

Xia Xia directly pierced Ying Xiaoyue's innermost thoughts, "What kind of your Tiangong underground palace, Nantianmen and Beitianmen, it's best not to bother me, or I will directly kill it."

"Okay, what happened today is my brother's fault."

Ying Xiaoyue still has a place for summer, so she can only endure the anger or ecstasy in her heart, and pretend to say: "But our Tiangong and Nantianmen are not playthings that you can handle.

In summer, you must know the truth that there are people outside people and heaven outside. Even if no one is your opponent now, it does not mean that there will be no in the future, and it does not mean that there will be no heaven in our heaven. "

"There are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky."

Xia Xia said lazily: "Even if there are people outside, it's only me. Even if there are days outside, it can only be my summer."

Ying Xiaoyue laughed in anger, feeling that Xia Xia was so arrogant that there was no cure.

You must know that in their heavenly palace, there are so many genius monsters, and they are all monsters whose human body has been transformed and their potentials are stimulated.

Xia Tian said casually: "Also, if you don't find that Broken Island called Shuangyue tomorrow, then you're useless, find a piece of tofu and kill yourself."

"You..." Ying Xiaoyue stared at Xia Xia for a long time, gradually calmed her inner emotions, and said lightly: "Shuangyue Island has been successfully positioned, and we can leave tomorrow. I'll send someone to deliver it."

"Then I'll go back and find Jiu girl to sleep."

Before the words were finished, Xia Xia's whole person disappeared.

"Back to the deputy sect master, only two people are still alive, the others are dead."

A figure flashed behind Ying Xiaoyue and replied softly.

When Ying Xiaoyue heard this, Liu Mei subconsciously raised her voice slightly, "Who is alive?"

"Su Mengli and Yin Nineteen."

The voice of the figure did not fluctuate at all.

"Alive, take it back for healing."

Ying Xiaoyue breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered: "Take up my brother's bones and send them back to their hometown immediately after cremation."


The figure nodded in agreement, waited for a while, and then asked, "Then the others..." "It's all trash, all smashed to ashes, no matter what they do."

Ying Xiaoyue was also angry in her heart, thinking about other things, and said: "Importantly notify Master Duo and ask him to come back immediately. There are important things to discuss at night."

...On the other hand, Xia Xia returned to the hotel, only to find that Ah Jiu was not in the room, which made him feel a little strange.

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