Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1921 It's Wrong to Leave Your Husband

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At this time, Ah Jiu was sitting alone on a high-speed train bound for Tianjin Port. www.xinwanben.com

In fact, with her current strength, she doesn't need to take any means of transportation at all. She can reach her destination faster by using light work or running directly over, but she is not the kind of pervert in summer, and she still has the idea of ​​being an ordinary person in her heart. .

The reason why Ah Jiu wants to avoid Xia Xia is not that there is something that Xia Xia cannot know about, but that there are some private matters to be dealt with, and she doesn't want to be entangled in the bed by that guy.

Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ah Jiu chose a business seat with fewer people, and also put on a hat, glasses and a mask, covering his entire face.

It's a pity that even though Ah Jiu put on a gesture of rejecting people thousands of miles away, there are still people staring at her obsessively.

It's no wonder that no matter who it is, as long as she sees her figure and her temperament, she will definitely think that this is a beautiful woman, and it is a rare beauty.

The other passengers in the business class were all staring at Ah Jiu along the way, their eyes filled with eagerness to try.

It's just because of A Jiu's cold attitude, he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

It is only a 30-minute journey from Imperial Capital to Tianjin and Hong Kong, and we will arrive at the station soon.

Hearing the voice prompt in the car, Ah Jiu turned slightly to one side.

A young man in a casual suit at the side finally couldn't help it, and said to Ah Jiu, "Beauty, are you also going to Tianjin Port?

That's too coincidental, I'm from Tianjin and Hong Kong, I'm familiar with every place there, and I can drive you there anytime. "

"no need."

Ah Jiu said lightly, stood up, and walked towards the door.

The young man in the suit immediately got up and followed, and shouted, "Beauty, don't be so out of touch, I can help you with your luggage or something."

"Thanks, I have no luggage."

Ah Jiu used to deal with people and things for Yi Xiaoyin, so her temper has always been good, but she was always irritated by Xia Xia.

Now, although his personality is gradually emerging, he still maintains basic courtesy and goodwill.

However, there are too many ignorant people in this world, and there are too many self-righteous people. xinwanben

The young man in a suit in front of him happened to be a self-aware man.

Hearing Ah Jiu's answer, he naturally understood that his own charm was outstanding, and the beautiful woman in front of him had already been convinced by him.

"Beauty, don't be polite, come here, I'll help you get your bag."

The young man in the suit stretched out his hand to grab the bag that Ah Jiu was carrying.

Ah Jiu was a little unhappy, and glanced at him coldly.

This man only felt as if his whole body was drenched in ice water, and his movements were frozen in an instant.

"What are you doing, do you want to grab the bag?"

A young man immediately rushed up next to him and kicked the young man in a suit to the ground, "I saw something wrong with you just now, always staring at this beauty, you must be thinking something wrong, beauty, don't worry, I will definitely help you. "Hey, where's the beauty?"

While the two were fighting, Ah Jiu just walked away, not interested in acting with them, let alone wasting time on this kind of thing.

However, Ah Jiu was also a little fortunate. Fortunately, Xia Xia didn't follow him. Otherwise, the two of them would have been beaten and thrown out, causing unnecessary trouble.

"Ah—" As soon as Ah Jiu thought about it, she heard two screams behind her.

Turning his head and looking, he saw two figures suddenly rising into the air and flying into the trash can tens of meters away, causing exclamations from the surrounding crowd.

Needless to say, it must have been the dead bastard who did it.

Ah Jiu sighed. She thought she could hide it for a while, but she didn't expect him to come over so quickly.

"Nine girls, it's not right to abandon your husband."

Sure enough, Ah Jiu's waist tightened, Xia Tian appeared on her side, and a hand naturally wrapped around her waist.

Ah Jiu gave Xia Tian a white look, and asked casually, "Have the matter over Zhao Qingqing been resolved?"

"It's resolved, it's not a big deal."

Xia Xia smiled and looked at Ah Jiu, "Nine girls, you won't be jealous, right?"

"The devil eats your vinegar. The website of the xinwanben.com www.xinwanben.com"

Ah Jiu looked at the noisy situation on the side, "Look at you, you made such a big trouble as soon as you appeared."

Xia Tian looked disapproving and pouted, "What's the trouble with this.

Those two idiots were trying to beat your mind, it would be nice not to turn them into eunuchs. "

"Forget it, get out of here first."

Ah Jiu still has things to do. Seeing that the two people have been pulled out of the trash can, there is no serious health problem, so he pulls Xia Xia out of the station.

Ah Jiu took a car and took Xia Xia to a high-end villa complex in Tianhe District. She came here to meet a friend and help the friend's family to heal.

"Just stay silent for a while, I'll let you talk and you'll talk, you know?"

Standing in front of a villa with a somewhat European medieval style, Ah Jiu couldn't help but explain some precautions to Xia.

, don't hit anyone any more. "

"Nine girls, I never hit anyone casually."

Xia Xia said innocently, "It's all those idiots who need to be beaten. I beat them to satisfy their desire to be beaten."

Ah Jiu is very speechless, this person is really talking nonsense to a certain level "I'm visiting a good friend of mine now, in short, don't mess around, and don't mess with people, if you don't agree, you should go back, I'll be alone Just go."

"okay I know."

Xia Tian nodded and made a very obedient look.

Ah Jiu stared at Xia Xia suspiciously for a while, and then took out his mobile phone and called his good friend, "Miao Miao, I'm already at your door."

"Ah, Jiu'er, you're here so soon, wait a minute, I'm taking a shower."

An excited voice sounded on the phone, "I'll ask the housekeeper to open the door for you."

Ah Jiu smiled and said, "Okay."

At this time, Xia Tian suddenly moved his eyebrows strangely.

Ah Jiu was keenly aware of it, and turned to look at him, "What's wrong?"


Summer replied casually.

Ah Jiu didn't think deeply, just waited for a few minutes, and still no one came to open the door. She couldn't help but feel a little strange. She called her good friend again, but no one answered.

Thinking that the other party might be taking a shower, it is inconvenient to answer the phone, so he rang the doorbell.

A rather cold voice rang from the doorbell, "This is Yufu, who is it?"

"My name is Ajiu. I'm Miss Yu's friend. I was invited by her to come to pay my respects..." Ajiu couldn't help frowning when she heard the voice, but she explained the reason, but she didn't wait for her to finish speaking. The doorbell was immediately hung up.

"what's the situation?"

Ah Jiu felt a little puzzled, so she rang the doorbell again.

"Don't press any more, get out, or I'll let the security beat you."

The cold voice in the doorbell rang again, and the attitude became more and more bad.

Xia Xia said angrily, "Why did you talk to Jiu girl, believe it or not, I'll beat you up."

The grim voice replied, "Humph! You can try it!"

"I really came here at the invitation of Miss Yu Miaomiao. If you don't believe me, you can confirm to her."

Ah Jiu gave Xia Xia a look, telling him not to interrupt, and explained.

"There's no Miss Yu here, and there's no one called Miaomiao. You are in the wrong place."

The cold voice scolded very dissatisfiedly, "Get out of here, or I will really be rude to you."

Saying that, he hung up rudely again.

Ah Jiu even had some doubts, maybe she had found the wrong place, but after looking at the nameplate in front of the gate, the address was correct.

"Jiu'er, why haven't you come in yet?"

Fortunately, Ah Jiu's cell phone rang in time, and it really was Yu Miaomiao's call.

Ah Jiu answered truthfully, "I'm outside the gate of your house, I've been waiting for almost fifteen minutes, and no one has come to open the door.

When I rang the doorbell, someone said that there was no Yu Miaomiao. "


Yu Miaomiao was stunned for a few seconds, and then said, "I guess what's going on, wait, I'll come out to pick you up in person."

Ah Jiu said, "Okay."

After another two minutes, I saw a tall and slender figure walking out of the villa, passing through the rather wide courtyard, and arriving in front of the gate.

"Jiu'er, you've come, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The person who came was a young woman under thirty years old, wearing an orange T-shirt and some worn-out denim hot pants. It looked fresh and sultry. Unfortunately, there was a flat horse on her chest.

Ah Jiu stepped forward and hugged the woman, "Tell me nonsense, I just waited outside for a long time, what happened just now?"

"It's nothing, don't talk about this, let's go ahead and talk about it."

Yu Miaomiao's eyes flickered for a moment, then changed the topic, and then she glanced at Xia Xia and couldn't help asking, "Who is he?"

Ah Jiu didn't know how to introduce "He's mine..." "I'm Jiu's husband."

Xia Xia's words were straightforward, "My name is Xia, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the number one day in the world."


Yu Miaomiao's eyes suddenly became ambiguous, and she teased at Ajiu, "You also said that you have never been looking for a man in your life. I can't believe...you found such a handsome young man."

In Yu Miaomiao's eyes, Xia Xia's appearance can only be regarded as ordinary, but since he is a good friend's man, he must be polite.

"you are wrong."

Xia Tian corrected seriously, "I'm not a handsome guy, but a handsome guy, and the most handsome guy in the world."

Yu Miaomiao was shocked by Xia Xia's self-confidence, and she couldn't help laughing, "You boyfriend... It's really interesting, let's come in together."

"Don't forget what you promised me just now."

Ah Jiu gave Xia Xia a look and reminded softly.

Xia Xia didn't say anything, this Yu Miaomiao's appearance was not his thing, so he didn't have the desire to talk to her.

Coincidentally, Yu Miaomiao thought so too.

The group of three walked through the rockery and fountain in the courtyard, and soon came to the door of the villa. As soon as they pushed the door and walked in, a middle-aged man with all his beard and hair walked in front of him. Take it all home, horse

Blast me out! "

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