Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1922 There is no disease at all

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


In the past, as Yi Xiaoyin's maid, Ah Jiu had received countless high-profile people. No matter how weird and perverted these people were in private, they would maintain a basic courtesy on the surface. The middle-aged man in front of them, just after they entered the door

In a split second, he yelled and cursed, which is really rare.

"Dad, they are my friends and came here as guests." Yu Miaomiao hurriedly took a few steps forward, supported the middle-aged man, and whispered in his ear.

The middle-aged man looked stunned for a second or two, and continued to say in a furious tone: "Oh, it's your friend, so welcome, you must treat him well."

"Well, I will." Yu Miaomiao nodded obediently.

The middle-aged man said angrily: "Okay, leave me alone and greet your friends, don't let them think that Yufu doesn't know how to treat guests."

"Well. Okay." Yu Miaomiao nodded again.

The middle-aged man shook off Yu Miaomiao's support, turned around and walked up the steps, slowly walking up the steps. "Don't mind, he's my dad, he has some mental problems, but he's not malicious." Yu Miaomiao smiled apologetically at Ajiu and Xia Xia, and then shouted at the servant next to her, "Don't hurry up. Help my dad back to the room to rest, I don't know

He can't see the wind, so he actually let him out. "

The servant showed a panicked expression and did not dare to argue, so he stepped forward to support the middle-aged man, and led him back upstairs step by step. Ah Jiu can also see that this middle-aged man not only has a relatively serious mental illness, but also has some kind of hidden disease on his body, because his face and exposed skin have patches of dark purple shadows, but she doesn't know the specific situation. ,nor

Convenient to say more.

"Let's find a convenient place to talk first, what can you two drink?" Yu Miaomiao watched the servant help her father back, and enthusiastically led Xia Xia and Ah Jiu to the living room next to her.

"Just bring a handle to cool the water." Ah Jiu said casually, and pointed to Xia Tian, ​​"It's fine if he says the same as mine."

Yu Miaomiao glanced at Ajiu angrily, and said with a bit of resentment, "You, no matter how I say it, you are also a rich family daughter. You come to my house and you only need a cold cup. Others think that Yu Miaomiao treats friends poorly."

Having said that, Yu Miaomiao still followed Ah Jiu's intention and poured a glass of boiled water for her and Xia Nian. After chatting for a few minutes, Yu Miaomiao gradually stepped into the topic, and said sadly: "You saw it just now, my dad's condition is not very good, he was only ill a few months ago, but now he is very ill. Even the famous doctors in Tianjin Port are helpless

Policy. Among the friends I know, you are the only one who knows medical skills. I would like to ask you to help me find out what is going on with my father's illness. "

"My medical skills are not as good as my lady's, why don't you contact my lady directly?" Ah Jiu did not agree directly, instead she was a little puzzled: "I can help introduce you." Yu Miaomiao hesitated before speaking, okay After a while, he said: "Miss Yi is the number one goddess doctor in the world, and I know that. But I can't contact her because I can't explain the reason. Ah Jiu, you have been by Miss Yi's side for so many years, and you have good medical skills.

Ding also got her true biography, I believe you can definitely cure my father's illness. "

"I can't guarantee this, but can I check on Mr. Yu's physical condition first?" Ah Jiu vaguely felt that Yu Miaomiao's father's illness was a little strange, but because Xia Xia was by her side, she felt much more at ease.

Yu Miaomiao was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "Okay, but it will take a while."

"Okay." Ah Jiu didn't know why she had to wait, but she didn't ask any further questions.

About half an hour later, a servant came in and whispered a few words in Yu Miaomiao's ear.

"It's alright now, the two of you, please come with me." Yu Miaomiao smiled at Ajiu, then got up and led the way, the three of them walked through the winding steps on the side of the living room to the master bedroom on the second floor.

The furnishings in the bedroom are unusually simple, with old objects everywhere, even calligraphy and paintings on the screen with landscapes, and bookcases with the four treasures of the study. It can be seen that this person is still a man who likes elegance.

At this moment, this middle-aged man with bushy beard was lying on the bed, covered with a thin sheet, his expression was quite serene, and he didn't have the hideous expression of anger just now.

"He has taken sleeping pills, otherwise, he would not allow outsiders to approach him at all." Yu Miaomiao explained to A Jiu and Xia Xia softly, and then said, "Jiu'er, it's all up to you."

Ah Jiu nodded and didn't say anything more. She first checked Yu Miaomiao's father's pulse, and then checked her pupils, she couldn't help showing a puzzled look.

"My dad, how is he?" Yu Miaomiao, afraid of disturbing Ah Jiu, held her breath for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask.

"It's a little strange. Judging from the pulse, your father doesn't have any disease, but he is abnormally healthy." Ah Jiu hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth. Yu Miaomiao's face inadvertently showed a disappointed look: "As expected, the doctor said the same thing before. I even took my dad to major hospitals for a general examination, and he said he didn't have any disease. day by day

I'm really afraid of weakening..."

"Hey, do you see what's going on?" A Jiu listened to Yu Miaomiao's words, and couldn't help feeling sympathy, moved her head slightly, and asked Xia Tian softly, "What's wrong with him? Why can't he get his pulse? "

With a nonchalant expression on Xia's face, he said casually, "He doesn't have any illness in the first place, so of course he can't get his pulse.

Come. "

"Then what happened to his physical and mental abnormalities?" Ah Jiu knew Xia Xia's medical skills very well, and naturally would not doubt his judgment, but there were still problems that he couldn't figure out.

When Yu Miaomiao heard Xia Xia's words, she couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and then she was even more shocked when she saw that A Jiu was actually asking for advice from this man: "Jiu'er, your boyfriend is..."

"He's also a doctor, and his medical skills... are stronger than my young lady." Ah Jiu never liked to compare Yi Xiaoyin and Xia Xia, but the truth was the truth, and of course she wouldn't deny it.

"Really or not?" Yu Miaomiao didn't quite believe it, "Yi Xiaoyin is the number one goddess doctor in the world."

"My wife Yiyi's medical skills have been improved by me. Except for me, she is indeed the most powerful." Xia Xia said casually: "Because I am the number one genius doctor in the world, then of course Mrs Yiyi is the number one goddess in the world. doctor."

Still in disbelief, Yu Miaomiao turned her head to look at Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu nodded and admitted: "Although what he said is a bit exaggerated, it is basically the truth."

"Nine girls, what do you mean basically?" Xia Xia was a little dissatisfied, "Everything I said is true."

Ah Jiu rolled her pretty eyes, ignoring him.

"Then Mr. Xia, what's wrong with my dad?" Yu Miaomiao trusted Ah Jiu's words, and immediately begged, "Can you save him, you will definitely be grateful afterward."

Xia Xia yawned lazily: "As I said before, your father is not sick and doesn't need treatment at all." "Mr. Xia, you are joking." Yu Miaomiao thought that Xia Xia didn't want to be treated, and felt very unhappy. : "My dad was a little confused a few months ago, and after that, his skin also showed dark purple color, and the whole person became more and more weak... so

So many symptoms, how can you not be sick. "

"No sickness means no sickness." Xia Tian curled his lips, and was too lazy to explain, he just said: "No matter how many symptoms you have, it's fake. You can only say that you are too stupid to even see through this kind of trick."

At this time, Father Yu, who was in a drowsiness, clicked his fingers inadvertently.

"You're talking nonsense." Yu Miaomiao couldn't accept Xia Xia's statement, and even got a little angry with A Jiu, "Jiu'er, if you don't want to treat my father, you can say it earlier, it's totally unnecessary. perfunctory me."

"Miaomiao, you'd better believe what he said, because he never lies in this regard." Ah Jiu's expression became solemn, "I have never had many friends, so I never perfunctory friends." Yu Miaomiao looked at it. Ah Jiu's expression didn't seem to be joking, and she didn't know whether to believe her or not, so she repeated: "According to what you mean, my dad is not sick at all, but is pretending to be sick on purpose? How is this possible? must be playing

me, right? "

"Yes, they are playing tricks on you!" At this time, a few people pushed the door roughly and said in a cold tone.

When Ah Jiu heard the sound, her expression immediately froze. This was the sound from the doorbell just now.

Among the people who came in, the first one was about thirty-five or six years old, with a very ordinary face, with only a short moustache around his mouth.

"Didn't you go to the Imperial Capital, why did you come back?" Yu Miaomiao saw the man with the short mustache with a panicked look on her face. The man with the short mustache snorted coldly, and his tone became more and more gloomy: "I said why did you urge me to leave early in the morning today, you are really doing tricks. Dad's illness was cured by the messy doctor you invited, you You still haven't learned your lesson, have you?

Do you have to kill your father to be reconciled? "

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Yu Miaomiao glared at Guozi with a short mustache and retorted, "Yu Mangmang, it's only a problem that you stop us from asking someone to see a doctor over and over again!"

"Whatever you say, I will never allow you to harm Dad any more." The man with the short mustache said to the security guard behind him, "Go, arrest these two people, and ask the lady to go back to the room and have a good rest!"

Several security guards were very obedient, and immediately stepped forward to surround Xia Xia and A Jiu, and also separated Yu Miaomiao.

"Yu Mangmang, why do you treat me like this!" Yu Miaomiao was also angry, "My surname is also Yu, and it's your sister. Even if Dad is not in good health now, it's not your turn to call the Yu family!"

"I still have to decide today!" The short-bearded man's face sank, "I don't want you to recruit such a random person to go home again, and then my father will really be killed by the quack doctor you invited. "

Hearing this, Xia Xia was very dissatisfied: "Who do you idiot say is a quack doctor?" "It's not necessary to ask, of course, it's you and this bitch... uh!" Before he finished speaking, the short-haired man suddenly found himself The whole person flew up, then smashed the window and fell into the fountain in the front yard.

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