Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1932 Kill him if it's a big deal

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"I don't know. www.xinwanben.com"

Xia Xia pouted, a little disliked by this idiot's pretentious appearance, "I'm not interested in teaching you either, because you're not worthy."

Wu Baiding laughed, glanced at Xia Xia, and said loudly, "You will know me, and from today onwards, you will remember my name."

"I never remember an idiot's name."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "Also, what are you doing here with us, if you don't say anything, I'll go back to the room with Jiu girl to sleep."

"No hurry, it's a long night, you have time to sleep, or do something else."

Wu Baiding continued to lean back against the edge of the pool, leaning back tactically, and said with a smile, "I'm looking for you, of course, because someone reported you. As the owner of the Longevity Emperor, of course I have to investigate."

Ah Jiu was unmoved, and said lightly, "There is no need to investigate, what they report is the truth."

"So direct?"

Wu Baiding showed an unexpected expression, "It seems that Miss Jiu really doesn't want to deal with me."

"Nobody wants to deal with idiots."

Xia Tian pouted, "Nine girls, let's go, don't waste time with this idiot."

Wu Baiding didn't expect that Xia Xia and A Jiu would leave without any hesitation. He suddenly got a little annoyed and said in a low voice, "Are you two being too self-righteous, now you are on my boat."

"so what?"

Ah Jiu asked back, "What can you do to us and throw us off the boat?"

Wu Baiding stared at Ajiu and Xia Xia for a while, then suddenly grinned and joked, "Just kidding, why are you so angry.

I really have something to do with you, and it's a very important thing..." With that, he walked out of the swimming pool, and a maid immediately stepped forward to help him dry off the water on his body, and put him on again. Simple pajamas, slowly walked to the rest area on the side: "Come, have a cup of coffee together, let's chat slowly. "

"Forget the coffee. If you have something to say, you'd better say it quickly, don't go around the corner, we are very busy."

Ah Jiu looked back at Wu Baiding and said coldly.

"You are really busy."

Wu Baiding chuckled twice, took the coffee pot handed over by the maid, and poured himself a cup of hot coffee, "However, I'm also very busy, so I really want to make a long story short. www.xinwanben.com"

Xia Tian said impatiently: "If you have something to say, hurry up, if you have a fart, let it go, and I'll beat you up again."

"You used Fang Tianqi's ticket and invitation letter. I want to know how others are doing."

Wu Baiding laughed and asked softly, "Although the old man is a bit low-profile, he is still a member of our Longevity Association, and we are still very concerned about his whereabouts."

Xia Xia replied, "That idiot is dead."


Wu Baiding raised his eyebrows, his eyes suddenly cold: "How did you die?"

"I was killed by someone."

Summer has an indifferent expression.

Wu Baiding twisted the bottom of the coffee cup with the little tail finger of his right hand, and then asked, "Who did it?"

"You're asking the wrong person."

Ah Jiu stopped Xia Xia for a while and explained: "The ticket or something is indeed what we asked for from him.

However, his death has nothing to do with us. "

Wu Baiding asked suspiciously, "How do I know what you said is true or false?"

"That's your business."

Ah Jiu replied indifferently, and then said: "Besides, that guy used medical skills to harm others and use it to make huge profits.

"Okay, I won't pursue this matter anymore."

Wu Baiding waved his left hand, pretending to be generous: "Let's talk about other things, about Cai Jiaxu and Xia Qisi's report to you..." Ah Jiu interrupted him directly: "This has already been said, they The reports are true, what do you think?"

"I really can't do anything with you guys."

Wu Baiding said with a bit of a headache: "However, the prohibition of violence is also an iron rule on the ship, and no one is allowed to violate it.

If I leave you alone like this, as the captain, it will be difficult for me to explain to the other passengers. "

Xia Xia said lazily: "Don't talk about it, the number of people you killed on this ship is not one hundred or seventy or eighty."

"I'm the captain and anything I do on this ship is legitimate."

Wu Baiding was lying on the beach chair quite comfortably, and said casually: "Forget it, how can I say that I and Miss Jiu are also old acquaintances, this time I won't hold you accountable, but I won't be an example next time. xinwanben.com”

"Say as if you can hold us accountable."

Ah Jiu scoffed at this.

Wu Baiding rubbed his nose and said with a little headache, "Miss Jiu, it seems that you don't want to communicate well, so let's be practical and talk about the purpose of your boarding."

Ah Jiu said coldly, "Of course it's for the Longevity Association, could it be for the luxury cruise?"

"I guess it's also because of the Longevity Association."

Wu Baiding sighed, "Fang Tianqina

The guy bought some yin medicine practice and acupuncture techniques last time and showed them off everywhere. He expected that he would be killed.

It's just that I didn't expect to provoke you, and he really deserves to die. "

"Now that you know it, be more straightforward and explain it directly."

Ah Jiu looked at Wu Baiding blankly, "Where did you get the Yin Medicine Sect's exercises, and who secretly sold it to you?"

"Haha, Miss Jiu, you are a little too impatient."

Wu Baiding didn't directly answer Ah Jiu's words, but changed the subject: "In fact, you can buy answers to all these things you want to know at the exchange meeting, as long as you have enough money."

Ah Jiu looked at the man in front of her coldly, thinking in her heart whether she should let Xia Xia beat him directly and then talk about it.

"Nine girls, if you look at this idiot unhappy, just beat him up, you don't have to think about it so much."

Xia Xia saw what Ah Jiu was thinking and said with a smile.

"hit me?

If there is one, you can try it. "

Wu Baiding chuckled twice and waved his hand: "But I advise you not to have this idea, it will only bring you death... eh?"

Before the words were finished, Xia Xia's fist arrived.

Bang! With a loud bang, Wu Baiding slammed heavily on the ground like a ball, then bounced up and fell into the pool.

"Oh, why did you beat him?"

Ah Jiu was stunned for a moment and looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

Xia Xia pointed at Wu Baiding in the swimming pool: "Didn't he ask for it just now?"

"Are people dead?"

Ah Jiu couldn't help but ask.

Xia Xia said with a smile: "I didn't die, but I passed out, and I couldn't wake up for an hour or two."

"Can't you use less violence?"

Ah Jiu gave Xia Tian a white look, "You wake him up, I still have something to ask."

"Nine girls, there's no need to waste time on this idiot."

Xia Tian pouted, "This person is a puppet, he doesn't know anything you want to know."

Ah Jiu looked at Xia Xia: "How do you know he doesn't know?"

"Because I know everything."

Summer showed a serious expression again.

"never mind."

Ah Jiu glanced at Wu Baiding floating in the swimming pool, "Let's go, we'll take a look at the exchange meeting in the evening."

The two were too lazy to stay here any longer and left directly.

On the way, Xia Xia couldn't help but ask Ah Jiu a question: "Jiu girl, how do you know such a sick idiot?"

Ah Jiu said angrily, "I know more than one idiot with a sick mind, and neither do you."

"Hey, girl nine, it's wrong for you to say that about your husband."

Xia Xia looked at Ajiu unhappily, and then pointed at Wu Baiding: "And this idiot's brain is really sick."

"I already knew this."

Ah Jiu nodded, "Fifteen years ago, this man's brain was ill, and he went to see Sister Yi, but he finally gave up the treatment."

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "It's right to give up treatment, this idiot has long been dead."

"It's strange that he has survived until now."

Ah Jiu frowned slightly, thinking about some bad guesses: "Back then, Sister Yi said that he could only live for five years at most, and tried to extend his life, but it didn't work.

After that, some unpleasant things happened. This person and their family were expelled to Sing Tao, and at the same time, they were ordered not to return to the country for life.

Unexpectedly, it's back now. "

"It doesn't matter if you come back, you're an idiot anyway."

Xia Xia didn't care, "Nine girl, if you don't feel good about him, just kill him if it's a big deal."

Ah Jiu shook his head: "Wait a minute, there must be someone else behind him, let's see what kind of Mingtang that Longevity Association is."

"what ever."

Don't worry about summer.

...more than an hour later, Wu Baiding woke up in his room, rubbed his head, and gasped from the pain.

"woke up?"

Xia Qisi was sitting beside the bed, and when she saw Wu Baiding open her eyes, she asked softly.

Wu Baiding asked casually, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"Soon, about an hour."

Xia Qisi frowned slightly, "But I don't understand, what are you trying to do?

If it wasn't for the maid who found out sooner, you'd be drowning in the pool by now. "

Wu Baiding replied: "I just want to try, is that man as scary as the legend says."

"Then have you tried it?"

Xia Qisi asked.

"I have a bottom of my heart."

Wu Baiding grinned in pain, but his face was full of confidence: "It is indeed powerful, but the so-called invincibility in the world is overblown."

Xia Qisi obviously had a lot of trust in Wu Baiding and did not doubt his words, and hurriedly asked, "Then what is our plan?"

"It's time to start."

Wu Baiding opened a medicine box by the bed, took out two white pills, threw them into his mouth, and chewed carefully: "Remember, our purpose is not to kill people, but to control them, and then put Iraqi Xiaoyin brought it out.

When Yi Xiaoyin is in hand, it will not be too late to kill them. "

"Does that work?"

Xia Qisi was still a little hesitant: "The one on Frost Moon Island really cares about Yi Xiaoyin that much?"

After Wu Baiding finished eating, his whole body was shaken, he turned over and got out of bed, and said with a frenzied expression: "This is the information of the Lord of Longevity, there is nothing wrong, we just need to do it, and then we can live forever. "


Xia Qisi also had a radiant expression, "Is it really possible?"

"Of course."

Wu Baiding put a hand into Xia Qisi's clothes and said firmly: "Longevity Lord is an obvious example. He has lived for so long, of course we can too."

Xia Qisi's eyes gradually blurred, and after a while she became panting.

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