Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1933 There are short-lived ghosts in the Longevity Association

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"Damn, cheated!"

At the bottom of the cruise ship, Zhang Youzi was lying in the middle of a pile of debris and rubbish, enduring the unspeakable stench in the ship's warehouse, feeling really bad. www.xinwanben.com

The ticket given by the so-called Daoge was not a boat ticket at all, but a fucking temporary job contract. As soon as he got on the boat, he was taken to the bottom by the sailors before he could catch his breath. Be lazy in the cargo hold.

"It's another loss of lack of education, and I would never have dropped out of school before I knew it."

Zhang Youzi crossed Erlang's legs and muttered to himself, "After finishing this vote, I must draw a clear line with Dao Laogou.

But how do you get to the upper deck of a cruise ship now? "

According to the previous routine, it was nothing more than finding a rich man, stealing his money and clothes, and then posing as his identity to sneak into the upper class.

But now there is some trouble. He is not a passenger now, but a sailor. He can't even go to the ordinary passenger compartment, which is really a headache.

"Why don't you forget it, I won't do any bullshit tasks."

Zhang Youzi thought about it for a while, but still had no clue. After a headache, he immediately gave up on himself, "See if there is any valuable cargo here. While it's not far from the port now, I can steal an escape boat and go back to Tianjin Port."

Zhang Youzi turned over and jumped up. After looking around, he found an iron rod, and he started to pry the wooden box that was lying on it just now.


This is..." In the rectangular wooden box, in addition to the foam used to reduce the pressure, there are neatly stacked black block objects, each of which is about the size of a human palm, and it is a little heavy to start with. It is estimated that there are five six pounds.

"What's the trick?

Bricks? "

Zhang Youzi had never seen such a thing before, so he took out a piece, bit it with his mouth, and found that it was neither metal nor edible: "It's useless for eggs, forget it, look at other boxes."

After picking up more than a dozen boxes in a row, they were all such inexplicable things, which made Zhang Youzi completely stunned.

"What the hell is this, is it worth a lot of money?"

Zhang Youzi was full of doubts in his heart, following the principle of not letting thieves get away, he still touched a few pieces and hid them on his body. www.xinwanben.com

Before he could pry another box, a voice suddenly sounded outside.

Zhang Youzi was startled, and quickly covered the boxes again, and secretly hid in a hidden corner.

Almost at the same time, three men sneaked in and quietly closed the hatch again.

"How are you thinking?"

One of the tall and strong men said coldly.

The other two seemed to be sailors, because Zhang Youzi smelled the strong smell of the sea from them, as well as the undisguised body odor.

"This, this is not easy to handle."

Sailor Armor said hesitantly.

The tall man said coldly, "Do you have money or not?"

"But there are three or four thousand people on board, if..." Sailor A's tone is very uncertain, "I really can't bear it."

"I'm not asking you to kill people, pretending to be unbearable!"

The tall man said murderously: "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, so I will ask you to do it or not!"

Sailor Man sighed: "Okay, I'll do it."

"And you?"

The tall man looked at the other.

Sailor B only said one sentence: "If you want to add money, you must give it in advance."

"Money is not a problem, I can give you half now."

The tall man said lightly: "But after the incident, you have to keep your mouth shut. If the slightest bit of information is leaked, you, including your family, will all die."

Regarding this point, the two sailors had no objection and nodded.

"As soon as the ship enters the high seas, you will do it."

The tall man was very satisfied with the reaction of the two, he opened the wooden box on the side, took out a "black brick" that Zhang Youzi thought just now, and ordered: "Above the third floor, you don't need to do anything, I have another arrange.

On other floors, each room and corridor must be pasted every ten meters. Do you understand? "


The two said in unison. Xinwanben website www.xinwanben.com

The three discussed a few more secrets before leaving in a hurry.

Zhang Youzi, who was hiding in the dark, could only hear the general idea, but his face was not very good. It seemed that someone on the boat was conspiring to do something big, and it didn't sound like a good thing.

"What the hell are these?"

Zhang Youzi took out the two "black bricks" he had just stolen from his arms, "It seems that this ship is not safe, I have to find a way to steal a lifeboat back to Tianjin Port as soon as possible."

As for the task that Brother Dao gave him, he has already thrown it out of the sky, everything is important to save his life, and everything else is bullshit.

Thinking so, Zhang Youzi waited for a while before slipping out quietly.

...As it approached midnight, the housekeeper William knocked on the door of Xia Xia and Ah Jiu: "Master, the exchange meeting will start immediately."

After a while, the door opened, and Xia Xia and Ah Jiu walked out together.

I am not interested in any brand name or design.

The housekeeper William did not look sideways, and said with a smile: "The exchange meeting is on the 12th floor. Please come with me."

"You, lead the way."

Ah Jiu nodded.


The housekeeper William walked in front, about a step and a half ahead of the two, leaned slightly on his side, and explained to them the precautions at the exchange meeting from time to time: "This exchange meeting is semi-open, in principle, all passengers on the ship can join.

Those with invitations, however, have priority in the transaction and can choose not to be identified. "

Ah Jiu asked casually, "How many people are there usually in the exchange meeting?"

"There is no rule for this. There are probably less than 100 people this time."

The housekeeper William slowly explained: "There will be no more than 60 invitation letters at a time, and there are some thresholds for people who do not have invitation letters, so that most people who are purely for fun can be isolated."

"What threshold?"

Ah Jiushuang asked.

"you still need to ask?

No matter where you are, the best threshold is money. "

At this time, a rather unkind voice sounded from the side, "If you have money, especially if you have enough money, you can do whatever you want, like me."

The person who came was Cai Jiaxu, and was accompanied by a person who made Xia Xia feel familiar. It was Xu Jiaona's cousin Xu Xiaojun.

A few days ago, this little girl treated Cai Jiaxu with no false color, but now she is hugging his arms very naturally. This is a big change, and I don't know what happened during this period.

"Xia Tian, ​​you can see it, now Xiao Jun is my person, you better not hit her idea."

Cai Jiaxu seemed to have forgotten about being beaten by Xia Xia before, and still warned with self-righteousness.

Xu Xiaojun also glanced at Xia Xia, showing a rather apologetic look, but said nothing.


Xia Xia wasn't interested in other people's affairs, and didn't bother to inquire, just scolded Cai Jiaxu.

"Summer, remember it for me!"

Cai Jiaxu was still uneasy, stared at Xia Xia and said, "You won't gain anything in this longevity fair. No matter what you want to buy, I will grab it at ten times the price."

"Then your money may not be enough."

Ah Jiu couldn't help laughing. Although she didn't know how many properties Xia Tian had, just one genius doctor group was a giant that many rich people looked up to. In addition, he also had medical skills that could earn sky-high prices at any time. He could compare with him in this world. There are very few people with more money, let alone the idiot in front of him.


Cai Jiaxu snorted coldly, and slowly walked into the exchange meeting venue with his arms around Xu Xiaojun.

Before entering, Xu Xiaojun suddenly turned his head and gave Xia Xia an inexplicable look, but still didn't say anything.

"You know this little girl?"

Of course, Ah Jiu also saw Xu Xiaojun's eyes, "She looks like she has encountered some difficulty."

"Knowing is knowing, but not familiar."

Xia Xia said with an indifferent expression: "Nine girl, whether she encounters problems or not, it has nothing to do with us."

Ah Jiu also thought to herself, they still have a lot of troubles to solve.

"The venue is right in front. According to the regulations, I couldn't go in, so I waited outside."

The housekeeper William stood in front of the venue with a smile on his face, "Of course, if the master needs anything, he can ask me to do it at any time."

Xia Xia said lazily, "No need, just stay here."

After speaking, he put his arms around Ah Jiu's slender waist, pushed open the door of the venue, and walked in slowly.

Inside the venue, there is quite a lot of space. There are more than a dozen large round tables. There are already many people sitting around the round tables. It doesn't look like a meeting, but a dinner party.

They came late in the summer, so they didn't have much choice, just picked the nearest empty table and sat down.

"The people here... are a bit strange."

Ah Jiu looked around the people at the venue, and the situation was somewhat unexpected to her.

She originally thought that most of the people who came to participate in the so-called longevity meeting were definitely old people in their fifties or sixties like Fang Tianqi. After all, people only have such unrealistic thoughts when they are about to die of old age.

However, at this time, most of the people in the venue were under the age of 40, and there were even a few minors, which was a bit puzzling.

"Nine girls, what's so strange about this."

Xia Tian yawned lazily and said disapprovingly.

Ah Jiu repeated her thoughts, and then asked back: "Don't you think it's strange at all, these people are obviously still young, just in their youth, they are not busy enjoying life, what are they asking for longevity?"

Xia Xia smiled: "Nine girls, you are also a bit stupid.

Those who seek longevity are not necessarily old men, but also those who are about to die. "


Ah Jiu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then she understood: "You mean these people..." "Yes."

Xia Tian nodded, "The people in this Longevity Association are all short-lived ghosts."

Xia Xia's words first made the people at the same table extremely dissatisfied. One of them slapped the table, stared at Xia Xia fiercely, and roared, "Who the hell are you talking about short-lived ghosts!"

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