Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1934 You are humble

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The person who spoke was a young man who looked very irritable. He looked about thirty years old, but he was wearing a nondescript ancient costume, and he had a rare long hair with a bun and eyebrows. It looks quite old-fashioned, but it is a pity that the mouth is fragrant, and it does not look very smart. xinwanben

But this person wasn't angry because of what Xia Xia said casually, but saw Ah Jiu sitting with Xia Xia. He could be considered to have seen beautiful women, but it was the first time he had seen a beauty like Ah Jiu who could be so captivating with every frown and smile. It's really hard for him to accept such a beautiful woman with an ordinary person with a mediocre appearance.

He had tried every means to strike up a conversation, but when he heard Xia Xia's words, he immediately took advantage of the topic, and slapped the table with a pretense of righteous indignation, just to attract Ah Jiu's attention.

Xia Xia glanced at this man casually. Of course, he knew the idiot's intentions, and said lazily, "Whoever has a short life is who he is. Seeing you as an idiot, it's better to go back early to prepare for the funeral. You won't survive today."

"You have to say it again." The man looked at Xia Xia coldly and said in a stern tone, "I don't seem to have any grudges against you. You curse me to death for no reason. I really think I have a good temper. Bar."

"Nine girls, how come there are always idiots who can't understand human words." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, "And the ability to bear is too poor, I'm telling the truth, but unfortunately the idiot just can't listen, it's really speechless. ."

Ah Jiu said angrily, "In less than a minute after coming in, you will offend people. Your ability really leaves me speechless."

"I didn't offend him." Xia Xia showed an innocent expression, "This idiot is too sensitive and can't understand good and bad words."

The man in ancient costume was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, he stood up suddenly, pointed at Xia Xia and cursed, "You are so endless, an idiot on the left and an idiot on the right, looking for a fight!"

"Don't be dry." A tall and thin old man in his fifties couldn't help but grab the man in ancient costume, "We're not here to fight, so please bear with it if you're angry, don't be impulsive. Don't do it here. xinwanben"

"Humph!" The expression of the man in ancient costume changed a few times, and he gave Xia Xia a fierce look, but he chose to swallow his voice and sat down indignantly.

The tall and thin old man looked at Xia Xia and A Jiu with a smile, and said in a calm tone, "My name is Duan Zhenghong, I am in the clothing business, this is my son Duan Yulou, he is young and ignorant, if there was anything offended just now , please forgive me."

"Dad, what are you talking about, it's obviously him..." The man in ancient costume got angry again and patted the table again, but unfortunately he was pushed back by the middle-aged man before he finished speaking.

Duan Zhenghong gave the man in ancient costume a stern look, motioned him to shut up, and then said to Xia Xia, "I don't know what this little brother is called?"

"My name is Xia Xia, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the number one sky in the world." Xia Xia said lazily about his mantra, "I am both the number one expert in the world and the number one genius doctor in the world."

"I'm not afraid that the sky will be blown to pieces." Duan Yulou sneered, "Is it still the number one expert in the world? The number one genius doctor in the world? I bah!"

Xia Xia said with a serious face, "I never brag, what I say is the truth, and I have said it more implicitly, because Bingbing's wife and sister Shenxian told me to be humble."

"You are so humble." Ah Jiu couldn't help pinching her eyebrows and whispered to herself.

Duan Zhenghong sensitively captured a word in Xia Xia's words, and couldn't help but ask, "Well, little brother, are you a doctor?"

"Correct you, I'm not a doctor, but a genius doctor, and the number one genius doctor in the world." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"Okay, Mr. Xia." Duan Zhenghong accepted Xia's statement with a smile on his face, "I'm curious about what you said just now. I wonder if you can solve my doubts for me."

Xia Xia said indifferently, "What?"

"You said before that my son will die soon. I don't know if it's a joke or serious?" When Duan Zhenghong said this, his face was very serious, and his eyes were fixed on Xia Xia. Xinwanben website www.xinwanben.com

"I'm never kidding." Xia Tian curled his lips, "Your son is not dying soon, but will die today, and so will you."

Duan Zhenghong was stunned for a few seconds, still feeling that Xia Xia might be joking, but he still agreed with what he said, so he said, "It seems that Mr. Xia's medical skills are indeed superb, we can see that our father and son are suffering from strange diseases, and I don't know our father and son. sickness, can there be any help?"

"There is no cure for your disease." Xia Xia said lazily, "No one can cure it except me."

Hearing this, Duan Yulou felt that Xia Xia was extremely arrogant, and the arrogance in his heart also vented, "Boy, you are so crazy, you really think you are some kind of genius doctor." Then he said to A Jiu, "Girl, You should draw a clear line with this kind of person as soon as possible, or you will get into trouble sooner or later."

"That's why you don't have to worry about it." Ah Jiu actually has a lot of experience in dealing with such people, and his expression is always indifferent, "Although he is really unreliable, his medical skills are really the best in the world. If you want to live, you'd better listen to him."

"I'm kindly reminding you, why don't you know what's wrong." Duan Yulou didn't expect Ah Jiu to have such an attitude, and was speechless for a while.

Ah Jiudan

He said lightly, "If you really know what it means to be good or bad, then you shouldn't have this attitude towards him."

"That..." Duan Zhenghong stared at A Jiu for a few minutes, and asked a little hesitantly, "Are you Miss Jiu?"

"You know me?" Ah Jiu couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Are you really Miss Jiu?" Duan Zhenghong showed a look of surprise on his face, "Seven years ago, my son and I went to Beijing to find a doctor Yi Shen for treatment. We saw you, Miss Jiu, and I never thought that we would meet you here. It's fate."

Ah Jiu still has no impression of this person. There were too many people who came to the capital to see Yi Xiaoyin to see a doctor, and she received too many people, so it is impossible for everyone to remember.

However, basic courtesy is still required, Ah Jiu replied indifferently, "Oh, is that so?"

"I can't believe that Miss Jiu looks younger and more beautiful than seven years ago. I didn't recognize it just now." Duan Zhenghong was not dissatisfied with A Jiu's indifference, on the contrary, he was still excited to meet old acquaintances. "At that time, I My son and I were suffering from a strange disease. Doctors at home and abroad were helpless. In the end, it was Yi Shenyi who pulled our father and son back from the gate of hell. Although we spent some money, our father and son are still alive. I really want to thank you and Yi. Physician."

"You're welcome." Ah Jiu felt a little wrong when she heard this man's tone, but Duan Zhenghong's expression didn't seem to be intentional.

Yi Xiaoyin did formulate a high fee system in the past, in order to earn huge wealth early and get rid of the control of Yin doctor. That kind of charging system inevitably made some patients and their families feel resentful, but the situation at the time did not allow them to think so much.

"Afterwards, I went to see Yi Shenyi several times, but she rejected them all." Duan Zhenghong showed a happy look on his face, "Miss Jiu, can you recommend me to see Yi Shenyi again? Or tell me that she is in where?"

Without waiting for Ah Jiu to answer, Xia Xia directly refused for Yi Xiaoyin, "You don't have to think about it, Yiyi's wife won't see you."

"Mr. Xia, what do you mean by this?" Duan Zhenghong didn't understand, and even wondered why Xia Xia looked like she could decide for Yi Xiaoyin.

"It bothers you idiots the most, you always like to talk around and pretend to be confused." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "You idiot just suspected that Yiyi's wife didn't cure you and your son back then, and wanted to find Yiyi. The trouble with my wife."

Duan Zhenghong glanced at Xia Xia, picked up the teapot and poured him a cup of hot tea, "How come I don't understand what Mr. Xia said, although our father and son's illness has indeed cost a lot of money over the years, but it is also relying on Yi Shenyi's formula, We can only survive, and I have always been grateful to her in my heart."

"Mr. Duan, don't be yin and yang when you speak." Ah Jiu understood what this person was doing, and said lightly, "If you really see Sister Yi to see a doctor, with a responsible attitude of Sister Yi, you will definitely do your best to treat him. Well, it's impossible to avoid seeing you. In this situation, either you have never seen Sister Yi for medical treatment, or you have used some wicked way to treat yourself. Don't blame Yi for everything. Sister's head."

Duan Zhenghong chuckled twice, clapped his hands and said, "Nine girls really can speak well, Duan really admires it."

"Dad, since everyone else has seen through, why should we pretend." Duan Yulou slapped the table, pointed at Xia Xia and roared, "I was a little sick back then, but Yi Xiaoyin charged my dad five million, not only I didn't cure my illness, and it almost killed me. If it wasn't for my father's relationship to join the Longevity Association, and I could buy one or two life-sustaining pills every year, I would have been tricked to death long ago."

Xia Xia sighed, and said helplessly to A Jiu, "Nine girls, this idiot is really stupid, you don't even know who was tricked by someone, but you still blame Yiyi's wife. It's more stupid than stupid."

"Boy, what do you mean!" Duan Yulou asked sharply.

"The meaning is clear." Xia Xia said lazily, "Your illness has been cured by Yiyi's wife long ago, but some people don't want your illness to be cured, so they use pills every year to maintain your sick state. Today is the limit, so today you are sure to die."

"It's a fart!" Duan Yulou was stunned for a few seconds, and said with a sneer, "Just because you open your mouth, I will believe you?"

"Do you believe it, does it have anything to do with me, it's not me who died." Xia Xia looked indifferent.

"Hmph, you are clearly guilty." Duan Yulou obviously didn't believe it.

Duan Zheng frowned and fell into deep thought.

"Dad, don't you believe their nonsense?" Duan Yulou looked at his dad's expression and couldn't help but say, "My life was almost lost in the hands of that woman, Yi Xiaoyin. The relationship is not shallow, it will definitely help that woman... uh!"

Before he could finish speaking, Duan Yulou clutched his neck abruptly, and fell to the ground in pain, with dark black pus and blood flowing from his nose and mouth.


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