Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1939 The ancient temple in the deep mountains is convenient for killing people

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


The strong monk walked away scoldingly, leaving Xiao Sha Miyu with an embarrassed look on his face.

The two little girls, Xiao Xiuer and Feng Tianling, felt that Monk Zhuang was too rude, and they were not worthy of being a monk. Xia Leng is not bad, but he has a strange feeling of activating NPCs. After all, he is from the earth. He has been influenced by various novels and film and television dramas. The temple is the most

Name, he had a hunch that something would definitely happen today.

"Sin, the three benefactors were shocked." Little novice Yu came to plead guilty and explained: "Just now that person was my third uncle Dingyi, and he was also a picket in the temple, managing the implementation of the regulations and the majesty of the monks. ."

Xiao Xiu'er couldn't help but complain: "He is full of swear words, rude words and deeds, how can he still have the decency and dignity to care about others?"

Xiao Sha Miyu didn't speak for a moment, this is really not something he can discuss.

"Who will take care of the accommodation in your temple, the abbot?" Xia Leng suddenly raised a question and asked casually.

The little novice Yulai quickly and respectfully replied: "There is a seat in the temple, that is, the little monk's second master, Dingshan, who is in charge of the kitchen and the fasting hall. The abbot is a great monk and does not get involved in such common things."

Xia Leng had already expected it. Kong Qingsong just said that he was going to discuss with the abbot today's room and board, which is obviously a lie. As for what he did, it is estimated that he was the only one.

"Little monk, how many are there in your monastery?" Xiao Xiu'er looked around, "I don't think the monastery is very big. It's not as big as the smallest Baiyun Temple in Lanjing."

"Amitabha, our Feilai Temple is just an ordinary small temple, and there are only more than 30 novice monks. How can we compare with the monasteries in Lanjing?" The little novice Yulai folded his hands and replied cautiously.

Xiao Xiuer saw that this little novice was always timid when speaking, and soon felt boring.

After Xia Leng and the three of them worshiped incense in the Daxiong Hall, they followed the little novice rain to the scripture hall, passing a small lake full of white jade lotus flowers on the way. Unknowingly, some sentences appeared in Xia Leng's mind, which could not be restrained: "On the zigzag lotus leaves, the leaves of Tiantian are seen. The leaves are very high, like the skirts of dancing girls. among the leaves, sporadic places

Decorated with some white flowers, there is a curlina..."

"Stop, stop!" Xia Leng had a headache, but he didn't expect to feel the power of "reading and reciting the full text" in Xianyun Continent.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Xiu'er looked at Xia Leng with concern, "Your face looks so bad, it's like being caught by the mistress on the spot after you didn't finish your homework."

Xia Leng glared at Xiao Xiu'er: "You're thinking too much, and you still have to take a good look at the road, beware of falling..."

Before the words were finished, Xiao Xiu'er slapped her feet, turned her body to one side, and then leaned towards the small lake.

Xia Leng reached out his hand subconsciously, and suddenly felt a strange power fluctuation, which made his whole body cold, and his action was one step late.

So Xiao Xiuer fell into the lake.

"Ah, help, I can't swim." Xiao Xiu'er struggled in the pool, "Young Master, save me quickly."

Feng Tianling was anxious, but she couldn't swim either, so she could only look at Xia Leng in relief. What surprised her was that Xia Leng stood with solemn hands, as if she had no intention of begging Xiao Xiu'er.

"Stop screaming, you are not submerged." Xia Lengchong snorted Xiao Xiu'er, who was desperately throwing water.

Only then did Xiao Xiuer realize that there was an extra lotus leaf under her body, and she slowly lifted her away from the lake. She couldn't help being shocked by this scene: "This..."

"The road is slippery in rainy days, and there are no guardrails here, so be careful when walking."

At this time, a young monk with clear eyes and beautiful eyes came out from the corner, holding the seal in his hand, and controlled the lotus leaf to carry Xiao Xiuer back to the ground.

Xiao Xiu'er stared blankly at the young monk with an idiotic look on her face: "So handsome."

"Xiu'er, don't thank this master yet." Xia Leng was speechless, glared at Xiao Xiu'er, and reminded in a low voice.

Only then did Xiao Xiu'er come back to her senses, and she immediately said a thousand blessings: "Ah, many thanks to this master for saving his life."

"The poor monk is not a master, just an ordinary monk." The young monk waved his hand with a smile: "Saving people is also an effort, not worth the word of thanks."

Xia Leng saw that the clothes the young monk was wearing were different from those of the monks in Feilai Temple, and asked curiously, "Is the master also a monk in the temple?"

"Ah, the poor monk just wandered here and placed orders in the temple." The young monk smiled and shook his head.

The little novice rain came here to introduce the monk: "This is Master Qinglian from Yunzhou who is proficient in the "Qinglian Wonderful Dharma Sutra".

"You're a mage at such a young age, he's really amazing." Xiao Xiu'er had an expression of admiration on her face.

Xia Leng pulled Xiao Xiu'er away, who was nympho, and bowed to the young mage: "I have seen Mage Qinglian, in Xia Lengxia, Lanjing people, thank you for saving my maid this time."

"Don't call me a mage, just call me Qinglian." Qinglian monk was obviously a little afraid to bear the title of mage, and then changed the subject: "Young master Leng, are you here for the rain appreciation party?"

"Yes." Xia Leng nodded: "Passing through Beiyunjun, but was blocked by the rainstorm, so I stayed here temporarily. A friend was afraid that we would be idle and bored, but invited us up the mountain to enjoy the rain."

Qinglian monk said with a smile

: "The night rain in Feilai Temple is really beautiful, and there are more poignant legends to match, but it has a unique flavor and is worthy of appreciation."

"Legend?" Xia Leng said lightly, "You mean the legend of the Rain Girl?"

"Not bad." Qinglian monk smiled unabated, "Actually, I am more interested in this legend, and I don't know if I will have a chance to see the true face of the legendary Rain Girl."

Xiao Xiu'er said puzzled: "Isn't Rain Girl a legendary monster?" "It's exciting to see the legend, isn't it?" Qinglian monk's tone was somewhat meaningful, and then he said with a low laugh : "I hope you can also see interesting things, ancient temples in deep mountains, white lotus and green ponds, and continuous

It's not surprising what happens here, but it's also surprising. Young Master Leng, you have to take care of yourself. "

After speaking, he left directly, leaving the other people with inexplicable expressions on their faces.

"Master, what did the monk want to say?" Xiao Xiu'er was stunned for a long time, then turned her head and asked Xia Leng.

Xia sneered, and said lightly: "He probably wanted to say that the ancient temple in the deep mountains, in the middle of the night, in the rain, is convenient for killing people."

Xiao Xiu'er said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, son, you are too scary, you see Xiao Linger is scared by you."

"No, I just feel a little cold." Feng Tianling shook her head in denial, "Don't you guys feel that way?"

Xiao Xiu'er said disapprovingly, "It's on the mountain, and it's raining again, so it's normal to be cold."

Not long after, Kong Qingsong found Xia Leng and the others. When he found that there was one person missing, he was stunned for a second or two, but it disappeared in an instant. "Board and lodging have been arranged, Mr. Leng, you can go to your room to rest now. When it's time for dinner, there will naturally be monks who will call you. The rain appreciation meeting will start at the end of Hai, so please don't be late for the rain." Kong Qingsong made his book

Tong handed Xia Leng and the others two number plates, with the number of the wing engraved on it and the key hanging below.

In this way, the monastery is almost the same as the inn at the foot of the mountain. Xia Lengchong thanked Kong Qingsong, and then handed the number plate to Xiao Xiuer for safekeeping.

"You're welcome." Kong Qingsong was still so polite, "You are the guests of Yuxianju, which is Kong's friend."

"That Confucius has a lot of friends." Xia Leng teased in a mild manner.

Confucius replied with a smile: "Life is difficult and the rivers and lakes are dangerous. One more friend means one more path. What do you think?"

"That's true." Xia Leng nodded, "Then I'm glad to have met the friend Confucius."

The two of them chatted and polite again, and then left each other.

Xia Leng took Xiao Xiuer and Feng Tianling, and continued to follow the little novice rain, wandering around the Feilai Temple.

Kong Qingsong turned around and returned to his residence. As soon as he sat down, he said coldly, "There is one missing among them, where did they go?"

There was an afterimage in the room, and he whispered, "The man went to investigate the surrounding terrain of Feilai Temple."

Hearing this, Kong Qingsong frowned and muttered to himself, "Could it be that the cold guy has already noticed something?"

"I don't think it's possible." The afterimage shook his head, "Young Master's plan is beyond doubt, even if they really notice it, the moment they step into Feilai Temple, their fate is already doomed."

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think!" Kong Qingsong scolded angrily: "This is the key for this young master to step into the realm of immortality in one fell swoop. Jedi can't make any mistakes. Otherwise, don't do it."

The afterimage was obedient, and quickly said: "I will strengthen my vigilance to ensure that there will be no mistakes."

"Also, where did that idiot Bai Yu go?" Kong Qingsong asked again.

The afterimage replied, "I can reach the county at midnight tonight."

"Very good." Kong Qingsong nodded, "Zi Shiqian, you arrange for Young Master Bai Yu to fight against that cold-faced Xiao Xiejun first, and when they both lose, it is the best time for this Young Master to appear."

"Yes." The afterimage nodded in agreement.

When the afterimages dissipated, Kong Qingsong suddenly took out a remnant of an ancient borrowed book from his arms, with the words "Extreme Rain and Longevity" written on it. "Longevity, longevity, I, Kong Qingsong, will finally step into the realm of immortality before the other three." Kong Qingsong groped for this ancient book with a greedy expression, and muttered to himself: "As long as we can gain longevity, sacrifice some Stuff is also worth it. Grow up for me

If you plan to die, presumably you will feel honored even if you die. "

The night came quickly. Xia Leng and the others had already visited most of the Feilai Temple. Just when they were a little hungry, a monk came over and told them to have dinner. As soon as he entered the hall, Xia Leng felt something was wrong, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

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