Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1940 Are you sure it's a rainstorm pear flower needle

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


There are not many people in the Zhaitang, except for a few monks, there are a few people in the rivers and lakes, who may have come to see the rain appreciation party.

Xiao Xiu'er felt a little strange and asked the little novice Yu Lai: "Why are there so few people eating?" "Most of the monks in the temple don't eat here, and most of the elegant guests who come to appreciate the rain have their fast food delivered to their wing. "Little novice Yu came to explain a few words, and then lowered his voice: "Those people are staying in the monastery and not leaving." He looked at

Glancing at those Jianghu people, there was a trace of timidity and disgust in their eyes.

As soon as the words fell, someone suddenly stood up beside the table, and directly overturned the food on the table to the ground: "This is all rubbish, it's just a bird, I want to drink and eat meat!"

The monk in charge of serving the food was taken aback and was a little overwhelmed.

Xia Leng took a look and found that this person had a strange-shaped machete hanging around his waist. He seemed to be a swordsman in the arena, but what did this kind of person do in Feilai Temple, did he really come to enjoy the rain?

"Donor, this is a monastery, there is no wine or meat!" The monk who served the dishes said quickly: "The temple only serves vegetarian dishes. If you are not satisfied, the monk will go and change a few more."

"No? Fart!" The swordsman scolded, then pulled out a dead Nagini chicken from under the table and threw it in front of the monk: "Don't you have it now, make it for Lao Tzu right away."

The monks in the Zhaitang were so frightened that their faces were pale, and they said they were guilty. The swordsman couldn't help laughing when he saw this, and his two companions also laughed.

"It's too much, sir, don't you care?" Xiao Xiu'er was about to stand up after seeing her stomach full of fire.

The swordsman heard Xiao Xiu'er's words, he couldn't help turning around and took a half-step, walked to Xiao Xiu'er, and said with a sneer: "Yo, there are people who want to meddle in their own business, I just want to ask, what do you want to do? "If you want to drink and eat meat, you won't go to the tavern at the foot of the mountain." Xiao Xiu'er was not afraid, on the contrary, she stepped forward and scolded confidently: "What kind of prestige to show off to the little monk in the monastery, you are considered a big man in the world." Man, look at the people on the street

What's the difference between popsicles! "Several Jianghu people were stunned by Xiao Xiu'er's words. The swordsman and his companions looked at each other and suddenly realized that they had been taught a lesson by the little girl's film. They were immediately annoyed and angry, and raised their swords towards Xiao Xiu'er: "Little girl , are you tired of living?

Dare to teach me a lesson. "

Xiao Xiu'er turned to look at Xia Leng, feeling a little scared, but she didn't show it.

The swordsman also turned his attention to Xia Leng, looked up and down, and found that he was just a teenage boy, he couldn't help sneering: "Brother from a rich family? Just the three of you, just learn from others to go out to the arena? It's a joke. already."

"Put down the knife." Xia Leng said lightly.

Not only did the swordsman not put it down, but he swung the sword horizontally, pointed at Xia and said with a sneer, "Boy, you have just left the house and have never seen blood. Today, I will teach you what is sinister in the rivers and lakes."

"Don't talk nonsense, this little boy will definitely wet his pants when he sees blood."

"I'm so idle in the monastery, it's better to play with them first."

"Or just kill someone to play, these two little girls are quite tender... ah!"

The mouth owes the few people who each received a slap first, and the slap made their mouths crooked.

"If you can't speak, then shut up." Xia Leng's figure flashed and stood in front of the swordsman: "Also, you don't need a knife when you see it, and don't insult it."

The swordsman reacted, raised the sword and slashed at Xia Leng: "If I say I can't use a knife, then I will hack you to death first."

The knife is very fast, but unfortunately it is of no use.

Xia Leng stretched out the middle two fingers of his right hand and pinched it lightly, then firmly clamped the blade.

"Let go, let go!" The swordsman tried desperately to take the knife back, but the blade did not move at all, "Let me go."

Xia Leng smashed the knife to pieces, and then kicked the swordsman out of the hall.

Seeing this, the other Jianghu people immediately took out their weapons and launched a siege against Xia Leng.

"Bang! Boom! Bam!" "Wherever you have to obey any rules, you can do it if you don't want to, then you must have the ability to break the rules." Xia Leng threw all these people out of the hall: "But you guys There is no such ability, just bullying the weak and playing tricks

Just splash. "

"Boy, if you have a name to sign up, our three monsters in Yunzhou will never let you go." The swordsman was unwilling, and still shouted.

Xia Leng looked down on these people more and more, but said coldly: "You don't deserve to know my name, get out."

Those Jianghu people looked at each other, probably feeling that they were not even Xia Leng's opponents together, so they had to say a few more harsh words and walked away scolding.

"Many thanks to the benefactor for making the siege." The monks in the Zhaitang thanked Xia Leng one after another.

Xia Leng waved his hand and didn't care.

The monks thanked them again, then picked up the dead chickens thrown on the ground by the Jianghu tourists, and walked out of the hall tremblingly. "Huh?" Xia Leng realized that something was wrong. The dead chicken had actually been treated a little. Most of the hair on its body had been plucked out, and the blood and flesh had also been washed roughly. It seemed that those people were not Came specially to mock the people in the Zhaitang

The monk, indeed, also has the meaning of wanting to eat. If that's the case, then the bloody smell he smelled before he came in wasn't from this dead chicken.

"Master, you were too cheap for those rascals just now,

They should be asked to apologize to the little monks first and then spank them. "Xiao Xiu'er was still indignant.

Feng Tianling thinks this is good.

Xia Leng looked at Zhaitang, looked at the monks, and asked in a low voice, "Did you smell any strange smell when you came in just now?"

"The smell of vegetarian food." Xiao Xiu'er replied without thinking, and she came to her senses: "It seems that there is nothing strange about it, what are you trying to ask, son?"

"I think I smelled it." Feng Tianling's expression changed slightly, and she whispered, "It's the smell of blood."

Xiao Xiu'er said disapprovingly: "Didn't those people bring a dead chicken just now, it must be the bloody smell of that chicken."

"No." Feng Tianling whispered, "It's the smell of human blood."

Xiao Xiu'er was stunned for a while, then she was so frightened that she shivered: "Little Ling'er, don't scare me."

"You smell it too?" Xia Leng glanced at Feng Tianling unexpectedly, and then remembered: "Oh, you seem to have said that you are more sensitive to smells, so can you tell where it comes from?"

Feng Tianling replied, "It's on those few people just now."

"Then it's not surprising." Xiao Xiu'er said casually: "The kind of people they are so brave and ruthless, maybe they left some wounds when they fought."

There is nothing wrong with this. As a person in the rivers and lakes, injuries are commonplace, so there is really nothing to say.

Xia Leng still felt something was wrong in her heart, but she didn't say it in front of the two little girls, so she had to wait and discuss with Ji Jiu in the evening.

After the fasting meal, Xia Leng and the others were not in the mood to hang out, but went back to the room together.

Xia Leng was waiting for Ji Jiu to come back, but unfortunately he didn't wait until Kong Qingsong.

"It's almost time, Young Master Leng, let's go to Lingyun Pavilion together, it's an excellent place to appreciate the rain." Kong Qingsong knocked on Xia Leng's door and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm here to invite Young Master Kong." Xia Leng didn't say anything, and then went out with Kong Qingsong.

Xiao Xiu'er may be a little lethargic because she has just finished eating. Now she is only full of sleepiness and doesn't want to go anywhere. As for Feng Tianling, she is from Yunzhou and has no interest in Yujing, so she chose to accompany Xiao Xiuer to bed early.

Kong Qingsong suddenly pretended to ask unintentionally: "Master Leng, where is your bodyguard, why is there no one?"

"He's used to being idle. I guess he went somewhere to find a drink." Xia Leng replied casually. "Oh, that's it." Kong Qingsong laughed and said in a low voice, "Young Master Leng is too outspoken. If you want wine and meat, you can tell Kong in private. Although the temple has strict rules and regulations, it is not used to bind people like me. Yes, as long as there is no fanfare

Can. "

Xia Leng also laughed, but said nothing.

"Just now, something happened in the back mountain of Feilai Temple. I don't know if Young Master Leng knows about it?" After walking for a while, Kong Qingsong suddenly brought up another topic.

"What's the matter?" Xia Leng really didn't know.

Kong Qingsong frowned slightly: "Three people from all corners of the world were killed in the lost forest in the back mountain. The death was quite tragic. It seemed that some hidden weapon had penetrated the whole body."

"Huh?" Xia Leng first thought of the people who were making trouble in the Zhaitang.

Kong Qingsong thought that Xia Leng was interested, and then said: "It's somewhat similar to the legendary pear flower needle in the rainstorm."

"There are also rainstorm pear blossom needles here?" Xia Leng asked strangely.

"Haha, doesn't Young Master Leng think that the pear flower needle in the rainstorm is something unique somewhere?" Kong Qingsong said with a smile.

Xia Leng always thought that the rainstorm pear flower needle was made up by some martial arts novelists on the earth, but unexpectedly heard this word again in Xianyun Continent: "Are you sure it's the rainstorm pear flower needle?"

"Not sure." Kong Qingsong shook his head, "because we only found dense needle holes on them, but not half a needle."

Xia Leng asked again, "Do you know who killed them?"

"I don't know." Kong Qingsong shook his head again, then looked at Xia Leng: "I just heard that Young Master Leng seems to have had a conflict with them in Zhaitang at night?"

Xia Leng couldn't help laughing: "You think I did it?"

"That's not true." Kong Qingsong stared at Xia Leng for a few seconds, and finally shook his head: "I just think it's weird and want to remind Young Master Leng to be careful."

"Thank you for reminding me." Xia Leng thanked absently.

Kong Qingsong laughed suddenly, and said to Xia Leng, "Actually, there is a rather interesting bizarre story in this monastery in Beiyun County. Has Young Master Leng heard of it?"

Xia Leng shook his head. "I heard that this monastery is a gathering place for the souls of the whole Beiyun County. Every half of the seventh month, they will gather here to seek the help of eminent monks." Kong Qingsong said jokingly: "You said that you will die in the back mountain. Will those dead souls still swim in the temple?

swing? "

At this time, the rain was getting thicker and thicker, and the air was filled with water vapor, making the whole Feilai Temple seem to be immersed in the misty sky, like a fairyland.

Xia Leng had never seen this kind of rain on earth. Raindrops fell from the sky like jade, then fell to the ground and shattered into powder.

Those raindrops and powder were blown up by the breeze, one by one, one by one, floating like life, and they would retreat when they saw people. At this time, in the rain and fog, a shadow of a knife lifted up the water vapor layer by layer, and stabbed Xia Leng quickly and silently.

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