Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1941 Don't play such a boring trick

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Xia Leng's induction is very sensitive, this is a talent, and it is also tempered by his mothers. .

In the misty mist, he could not see the intruder clearly, but he clearly caught a trace of murderous aura that was deeply hidden.

It was also at this time that Kong Qingsong was no longer in front of him, but his voice was still faintly coming from a distance.


Xia Leng didn't know if this was a trick set up by Kong Qingsong, but he had no time to think about these issues, and a machete had already killed him.

The speed of the knife is not fast, but there is no sound, and it appears suddenly. Fortunately, Xia Leng has received the hell training of the mothers on the Immortal Island. This level of assassination does not threaten him at all.

Xia Leng turned sideways to avoid, let go of the blade, and then kicked out.

The figure behind the blade was immediately caught in the middle. The strange thing was that the figure did not fly out, but dispersed into a cloud of black mist, and then disappeared. The blade also fell to the ground with a bang.

"This knife is..." Xia Leng bent over to pick up the knife, and found that it really belonged to the previous swordsman.

Kong Qingsong just said that the swordsman and his companions have been killed in the back mountain, so is it really a ghost who is attacking him now?

After all, Xia Leng is the successor of socialism, and he is not so easily fooled. Just like what his unreliable father often said, most of the ghosts in this world are pretending to be ghosts.

This also shows that some people can't hide their fox tails.


Xia Leng feels that there is a strong stock behind?

His murderous aura attacked him at an extremely fast speed, "Still playing this trick?"

Without thinking about it, Xia Leng swung the machete in his hand and slashed back.


In the depths of the thick water vapor, there was an expected scream, but the sound was a little familiar.

Xia Leng rushed over in three or two steps, only to find a pool of blood on the ground, and no one was seen.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost, dare to show up?"

Xia Leng looked around and said a very routine line: "What kind of hero is he who hides his head and shows his tail?"

Sure enough no one responded.

Xia Leng took a few more steps and bumped into someone head-on.

The man fell to the ground with an "Oops".

"It's raining?"

Xia Leng glanced at the man and found that it was Xiao Sha Miyu who came: "Why are you here?"

"Donor Leng, please pull me."

Xiao Sha Mi Yulai rolled on the ground twice, but did not roll up, so he had to ask Xia Leng for help. .

Xia sneered and pulled the little novice up: "You're not physically fit, you have to work harder."

"Master Leng is joking."

Xiao Sha Miyu came a little embarrassed, patted his shirt, and said, "Young Master Confucius has arrived at Lingyun Pavilion, let me lead you there."

"Has he arrived?"

Xia Leng was stunned for a moment, he felt that he didn't delay for a few seconds, why did others arrive.

Under the leadership of Xiao Sha Mi Yulai, Xia Leng walked out of the fog-like water vapor and slowly climbed up a hill with a pavilion on it, where Kong Qingsong was already waiting for him.

"Master Leng, why are you so late?"

Kong Qingsong smiled, "Just now when I turned around, I realized that you didn't follow.

I had no choice but to let the rain come to the little master to find you. "

Xia Leng looked at Kong Qingsong and said, "I encountered something just now."

"What happened to you?"

Kong Qingsong asked casually.

Xia Leng didn't hide it, and simply told what happened just now.

Kong Qingsong laughed after hearing this: "This is the rain from Feilai Temple, it can create illusions.

This is just the beginning, it will be more exciting in the middle of the night.

The Rain Appreciation Festival is about to start, and there will be a big show to watch at that time, which will definitely make you come in vain. "

After speaking, he said meaningfully: "You still remember the legend of the Rain Girl, the water droplets broken by these raindrops are her tears. Don't be too curious and be careful to get lost in it."

Xia Leng is indeed even more curious. It seems that there are quite a lot of mysteries in this monastery.

...Earth, Longevity Emperor.

At this time, it happened to be late at night, the sea was dark, and nothing could be seen except the range of the lights on the ship.

"what happened?"

At the venue of the exchange meeting, Wu Baiding had an angry look on his face and roared at the group of people below: "Are you all pigs?"

These people were all the rich people who had participated in the so-called Longevity Club. At this time, they were all scolded by Wu Baiding as grandsons, but no one dared to say a word.

"Captain Wu, you can't blame us for this."

It was Duan Zhenghong who spoke, and the expression on his face was also a little unhappy, "I feel that Captain Wu needs to give us a reasonable explanation about the life-sustaining pill."

This statement aroused the approval of the crowd.

"What do I need you to explain?

You too deserve an explanation. ."

Wu Baiding snorted coldly and said disdainfully, "I just asked you to leave Xia Xia and Ah Jiu at the exchange venue. As a result, who can tell me where to go?"

"Then ask Xue Fengshan."

Duan Zhenghong replied, "Xia Xia and Miss Jiu finally left with him."

Wu Baiding glanced around and asked coldly, "What about Xue Fengshan?"

"How do we know that?"

Another rich man said angrily: "We couldn't move at that time, and no one saw where they went, but they definitely didn't show up at the venue."

"The venue is so big."

Wu Baiding snorted coldly: "Then have they evaporated from the world, or have they learned to be invisible?"

Xia Qisi suddenly said: "Will Xue Fengshan prepare some secret passage here?"


Wu Baiding finally woke up from his anger and felt that this was the most likely scenario, so he asked the security guards, "Tear down this venue for me and find the people!"

As soon as the voice fell, the security guards surrounding the venue immediately took action and began to forcibly demolish the venue.

As for those rich people, Wu Baiding couldn't ask anything useful from them, so he simply told them to get out of the way first, and the matter of life extension pills was temporarily like this.

"Old Wu, what should I do now?"

Xia Qisi was worried, "Do you think Xue Fengshan will take Xia and the others to the island?"

"This is impossible."

Wu Baiding shook his head directly: "Xue Fengshan doesn't know where the island is at all, and besides, he is not so courageous. He is also aware of the fear of the Longevity Lord."

"The ship is so big, where can they go?"

Xia Qisi also felt very puzzled, and guessed: "Could it be Xia Xia who discovered our plan and ran away."

Wu Baiding snorted coldly: "In the vast sea, unless he can fly, what if he discovers our plan. We have already set up a formation on the boat, and he will definitely be unable to escape."

"If that's the case, then it's better to make the plan ahead and force him out."

Xia Qisi suggested.


Wu Baiding was stunned for a while, and then he considered Xia Qisi's suggestion, "This is a way, anyway, the distance from the island is about the same."

At this time, a security guard reported loudly: "Report to the captain, we have found a secret passage."


Wu Baiding followed the security guard and walked over immediately, and then found a small and twisted gap, "Is this a special passage?"

The security guard replied, "It is indeed a secret passage. We found Xue Fengshan in it, already dead."

"This place seems to be twisted by some kind of force."

Xia Qisi looked at this passage, Mo Ming was a little flustered, "Could this be done in summer?"

Wu Baiding shook his head directly: "It's impossible to do such a boring thing in the summer. If he wants to kill people, he will kill them directly. There is no need to make such monsters."

"In other words, there are other people on the boat."

Xia Qisi instantly thought of a guess.

Wu Baiding's expression was gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Xia Xia and Miss Jiu found it."

A security guard's voice suddenly sounded on the walkie-talkie, "It's in their room."

...A few minutes ago, Xia Xia and Ah Jiu appeared in an unlikely place.

This is an island, not only with sunshine, sand, cactus, but also a beautiful woman in simple clothes.

"Welcome you two, come to my place as guests."

The beauty in ancient costume raised her hand a little, and a stone table and three stone benches appeared out of thin air in front of her: "What to drink?

Wine or tea? "

Ah Jiu looked around and felt that this place should be an illusion. After all, she and Xia Xia were still on the Changsheng Emperor for a second, and no one could move them to another place without a sound.

"It doesn't matter, it's fake anyway."

Summer said lazily.

"Fake, it's just fun."

The beauty in ancient costume smiled lightly, and ordered three cups and a pot of hot tea on the stone table, "Come, please take a seat."

Ah Jiu looked at the woman and felt that the clothes on her were familiar, but she was very unfamiliar: "Who are you?"

"My name is Su Mengli, and I am one of the heavenly generals of Nantianmen."

The beauty in ancient costume chuckled twice and looked at Xia Xia with bright eyes: "Mr. Xia should know me."

Ah Jiu immediately looked at Xia Xia and asked with her eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't know you."

Summer shook his head.

"Mr. Xia will you remember a nobody like me?"

Su Mengli's smile continued, "However, if it wasn't for your mercy a few days ago, maybe I would have died with that idiot Ying Wenshan."

Having said that, Xia Xia had some impressions, but he still didn't care, and said casually: "I said that day, whether you die depends on your own luck. If you don't die, it means you are lucky, and it has nothing to do with me."

"I don't think so."

Su Mengli shook her head, "With Mr. Xia's ability, if you don't want to let me go, even if Da Luo Jinxian is covering me, I'm probably dead long ago."

"Okay, I'm not interested in hearing you beat him here."

Ah Jiu said impatiently, "Just tell us if you have something to do with us, don't waste your time."

Su Mengli sighed and swept away the things on the table.

Kong: "Well, let's be blunt, I'm here to persuade you to leave the Changsheng Emperor as soon as possible. That ship was originally a trap, specially used to deal with Mr. Xia and you."

"Even if what you said is true, how did you know it?"

Ah Jiu didn't trust this woman who suddenly appeared.

"That Changsheng is actually an old rival to our Nantianmen. It seems that he was a freak cultivated by the Yin Queen. We also buried a few hidden piles under his hands."

Su Mengli explained slowly: "This time his purpose is to get rid of you for the Yin Queen, and at the same time he wants to capture Yi Xiaoyin and hand it over to the Yin Queen."

Ah Jiu asked back, "Then what's your purpose?"

"I just don't want to be an enemy of Mr. Xia, to make plans for myself in the future."

Su Mengli looked at Xia sadly, "Actually, my heart has been conquered by Mr. Xia. I am willing to be your servant, Mr. Xia, and I will never betray you forever."

Xia Tian pouted: "Don't play such boring tricks, or I'll beat you up."

"Well, it seems that Mr. Xia doesn't like me."

Su Mengli was a little sad, "But I still want to remind Mr. Xia and Miss Jiu to leave the ship as soon as possible, otherwise it will really be life-threatening, although their real target is actually Yi Xiaoyin, not you.

Also, be careful about our deputy head, Ying Xiaoyue, she now hates Mr. Xia, Yi Xiaoyin and Miss Jiu to the core. "

"It doesn't bother you anymore."

Ah Jiu said lightly: "After reminding, do you have anything else to say?"

"It's nothing, I just envy you for being the woman of Mr. Xia."

Su Mengli and Gu Ying said with pity: "Mr. Xia, I don't know that I don't have this opportunity, but my conditions are not bad."

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "No, get out."

"It's really disappointing, but I'll ask again next time."

Su Mengli really rolled, and the illusion disappeared immediately.

Ah Jiu and Xia Xia appeared in their room on the ship, and at this time, there were several more security guards in their room who were searching.

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