Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1945 Nothing is important for you to sleep

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Xia Qisi's eyes were split, and it took a long time to recover from the shock. Pointing at Xia Xia and A Jiu, she roared heart-to-heart, "You killed Tianchi, I won't let you go."

"That was his own death. Didn't you see it all just now?"

Ah Jiu glanced at the woman coldly, "We were not interested in talking nonsense with him at first. It was he who repeatedly entangled himself and caused the current consequences. It is entirely his own fault."

"I do not care!"

Xia Qisi was a little hysterical and couldn't accept the reality, "If Xia Xia didn't punch that punch just now, he would still be able to save him.

It was Summer who killed him, I saw it with my own eyes. "

Ah Jiu wanted to explain something, but Xia Xia stopped her, and then said lazily, "I killed this idiot.

How can you? "

"I..." Xia Qisi still wanted to clamor to kill Xia Xia and A Jiu, but then she thought that if Wu Baiding was dead, what could she do if she was a weak woman.

In fact, she also felt that what A Jiu said was not wrong. Wu Baiding had plotted against Xia Xia and her from the very beginning. Although the purpose was to force Yi Xiaoyin to show up, she knew that Wu Baiding did not let Xia Xia and A Jiu go after the incident. idea.

Now it's just that the strength is not good enough, and the murder is not successful, and it has been killed.

It is not difficult to distinguish such things as reason, but it is not so easy to accept.

Ah Jiu has been staring at Xia Qisi, but fortunately she found that her expression and tone were full of anger, but her body and behavior were restrained.

"Don't be too complacent."

Xia Qisi glared at Xia Xia and A Jiu with a bit of resentment, "Tianchi is the spokesman of the Lord of Longevity on the boat. If you kill him, there will be no good end."

Xia Tian had a casual expression on his face, "Then let that longevity master come over."

"You will arrive at Sentinel Island tomorrow, and you will see him."

Xia Qisi's mood may have eased, and her tone has become much calmer, "You will know how terrifying the Lord of Longevity is, facing him, you will not have any chance of winning."

"It's embarrassing here again."

Ah Jiu shook her head helplessly, "Although I don't want to admit it, so far, no matter you or the so-called masters boasted by other people, in the end, without exception, they were all reimbursed by this rogue with three punches and two kicks."

Hearing this, Xia Xia couldn't help correcting, "You don't need three punches and two kicks. In fact, one punch is enough. Most of them are just playing with them because of boredom."

"Okay, I know you're amazing."

Ah Jiu casually said something, and then asked, "What are you going to do with this woman?"

"Ninth girl, of course she's handed over to you."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "I'm a little sleepy now and want to sleep."

Xia Qisi looked at Ah Jiu, trying her best to keep an indifferent expression, "Tianchi is already dead, and I have no meaning to live anymore. If you want to kill or cut, please feel free."

"It's just that I'm not a casual person."

Ah Jiu thought about it for a while, and then said, "Although we did have some grudges before, but that happened many years ago. At that time, Sister Yi let you go, but unfortunately you are not grateful at all, and you are still thinking about what to do. harm her.

If I let you go today, I don't know if you will come back to me in the future. "

"Needless to say."

Xia Qisi's pupils still flashed a little bit of fear, "I know what you mean, I don't need you to do anything, I will break it by myself.

But before that, I still have something to do, can you give me an hour or two? "

Ah Jiu turned her head and glanced at Xia Xia. In less than three minutes, Xia Xia was already lying on the bed and fell asleep. She didn't know if she was really sleepy or she was pretending.

"I can promise you, but you'd better not play tricks."

After all, Ah Jiu was not a ruthless person. In fact, she also thought of the possibility of this woman escaping, but she didn't care. She knew Xia Qisi well, she was just an ordinary person with some scheming, so she would not pose any threat to them. .

"You actually agreed?"

Xia Qisi asked back with some uncertainty, "You're not afraid of me running away."

"It doesn't matter if you run away."

Ah Jiu said indifferently, "Bai Tianchi can't come up with anything, let alone you."

Xia Qisi smiled sadly and nodded, "Understood."

Just when Xia Qisi turned to leave, Ah Jiu stopped her again, "Wait."

"You regret it so soon?"

There was a mocking smile on Xia Qisi's face.

Ah Jiu shook her head, "I, Ah Jiu, never go back on my word when I talk or do things. It's just that this room has been destroyed so badly that I definitely won't be able to sleep here. Please change my room."

"What about him?"

Xia Qisi pointed to Xia Tian who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

"Ignore him."

Seeing that Xia Xia was sleeping, Ah Jiu was still secretly relieved. Otherwise, this rascal would definitely have to toss her until dawn. Although that kind of thing is indeed very satisfying, it is too much to eat every day, after all. No field can't help the ox to plough every day, and it is a completely tireless and contented iron ox.

better take advantage of now

, take a good rest.

Xia Qisi quickly arranged another room for Ah Jiu, which was equally extravagant, no less than the presidential suite in a five-star hotel.

Ah Jiu originally wanted to change to a normal room, but was told that the normal room was already full, and unless someone disembarked in the middle, it would not be vacant.

After Xia Qisi left, Ah Jiu soaked in the bathtub for a while, took a shower, took out the satellite phone and made a call before going to bed.

After sleeping for a while, Ah Jiu faintly felt that something was wrong. That hooligan in Xia Tian didn't touch her, which was really abnormal.

With his temper and habits, if there is no woman on his body, he can't sleep peacefully at all.

In the past, even if she promised that she would not mess around, she would still make a surprise attack in the end, and then she said with a smile that she would not mess around, and finally... indescribable.

"A-Jiu, A-Jiu, how did you become like this? You still miss him if you don't come to harass you!"

Ah Jiu thought about it for a while, and couldn't help but spit to herself, then she restrained these messy thoughts and gradually fell asleep.

When she woke up, she was stunned when she opened her eyes.

Sure enough, there was summer sleeping beside him, but after that, it was full of water.

As for the boat, there was no trace of it, she and Xia were sleeping on the mattress, drifting on the vast sea.

"Hey, get me up!"

Ah Jiu directly gave Xia Xia two feet, "Wake up quickly."

Xia Xianyou woke up and wrapped his arms around Ah Jiu's slender waist. "Ninth girl, why did you wake me up? You thought about it..." "I miss you."

Ah Jiu pulled Xia Xia's hand away and pointed around, "What's going on here, did you do it?"

"No, I'm not that boring."

Xia Xia yawned lazily, "Nine girls, this is what the woman you let go did. When she committed suicide, the firepower was out of control and she blew up the boat."

Ah Jiu looked blank, "Then why didn't you wake me up?"

"Nine girls, why did you wake up?"

Xia Xia said with a smile, "Nothing is more important than your sleep, and there is nothing to say."

Ah Jiu was speechless for a while, and her heart was filled with inexplicable emotions. Fortunately, she quickly pressed down, "Where are those passengers?"

"They're all right, there are enough lifeboats on board."

Xia Tian looked casual, "If it's not enough, just find something to float like us."

Ajiu looked at the vast sea, and there was no movement from the Longevity Emperor. She asked in doubt, "Are you sure it was caused by Xia Qisi's suicide?"

Xia Xia said indifferently, "There may be other reasons, but don't worry about it."

"How can it be ignored?"

Ah Jiu gave Xia Tian a white look, "What if that woman is actually playing tricks?"

"No matter what tricks she plays, it doesn't pose any threat to us."

Xia Xia still looked lazy, as if nothing could make him worry about it. "What's more, she really didn't play tricks this time. It's just that that idiot woman doesn't understand gunpowder, so she used a little too much."

A Jiuxiu frowned, "In this way, how do we find that longevity master?"

"Don't look for it, that idiot will definitely do everything possible to find us."

Xia Xia didn't take it to heart, "Besides, didn't that woman say that she can go to that island early tomorrow morning."

"That's a boat ride."

Ah Jiu said angrily, "Right now, we only have mattresses, and the sea is boundless. It is estimated that we will die of thirst before we find any islands."

Xia Xia shook his head, "Nine girls, think about it again, that woman and that woman named Wu Baizhi have always said that they can reach the Sentinel Island tomorrow morning. They never said that they arrived by boat."

"Have you studied Chinese in elementary school? Is it still obvious?"

Ah Jiu felt that Xia Xia's childish disease was committed again, "Apart from taking a boat, is it possible to let others swim to that island in the vast sea?"

"Not always."

Xia Xia smiled and suddenly pointed to the distance, "Look, there is someone swimming there."

Ah Jiu looked in the direction Xia Xia pointed, and only saw a mass of darkness. It was just after midnight, the sky was dark, and the sea water was also dark. Most people couldn't see what was in front of them.

Fortunately, Ah Jiu is no longer an ordinary person, and his eyesight has long been beyond the scope of ordinary people.

Staring at the front for a few seconds, she really saw a small figure about five or six hundred meters away, rolling in the waves, up and down, looming, and it looked like she was swimming freestyle.

"Swipe over to see what's going on."

Ah Jiu kicked Xia Tian, ​​"Hurry up, maybe the passengers on the ship are in distress, and they can be rescued if they can."

Xia Xia didn't move, but the mattress under them moved forward rapidly, and soon they came to the figure.

Ah Jiu looked at the man and said with a look of astonishment, "This, this... is he still a person?"


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