Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1946 Idiots Can't Understand Human Words

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

At this time, hundreds of miles away, a small boat was swept across the sea.

If someone saw this scene, they would definitely be shocked out of their bodies, thinking they had seen a ghost ship.

Because this leaf boat is tied together by several bamboos, and there is no power on it, and no one is paddling, but the speed is unbelievable.

The two people on the boat were wearing burqas, but one was white and the other was blue. They covered their bodies and appearances tightly, only revealing a pair of bright eyes, constantly scanning the surroundings.

"Senior Brother Ye, what's that in front of you?"

Among them, the man in green robe suddenly saw something floating in the distance.

"Just a lifeboat."

The other white-robed man glanced at it lightly and said casually.

Both of them sounded like young men, the Qingpao man sounded like a teenager, but the white robe man was more mature and stable.

The youth in the green robe continued, "I'm talking about the things on it."


The man in white robe jumped and jumped to the lifeboat a few miles away in an instant, and the man in green robe immediately followed.

"Longevity Emperor?"

The youth in the green robe glanced at the sign on the lifeboat and couldn't help but say: "What a big tone, even ordinary people dare to call them emperors.

One of the people we are looking for seems to have a so-called longevity? "

"That person calls himself the Lord of Longevity."

The man in white robe looked indifferent: "As for the emperor of longevity, it's just four words, so why call it?"

"Our master has practiced for so many years before he dares to be called Xianjun. How can he dare to be so big?"

The youth in the green robe was unhappy, "These people in the secular world really don't know how high the sky is."

The man in white robe didn't bother to pay attention to his junior brother's complaints, and looked at the things on the survival boat. It was a black ball that was as high as the person. The black mucus kept falling, and there was a big hole on one side. There is a human-shaped imprint in it, but now the person inside is nowhere to be found.

"These are the shadows produced by the cathode pellets. I don't know why it condensed into a spherical ball, and it seems that a person was once trapped inside."

The white-robed man frowned slightly, "It seems that the cathode pill has indeed leaked out."

The youth in the green robe said in a stunned manner: "It doesn't look like it, the cathode pill is so powerful that just a small one can devour all life within a range of several miles. Looking at three boxes of cathode pills, how could it even swallow a person? No?"

"That means that only the formula of the cathode pill was leaked, not the pill itself."

The white-robed man took out a small bottle of potion and poured a small drop on the man wrapped in black mucus.

"Sanqinglu is so precious, there is no need to use it with this kind of waste."

The young robed boy said with some difficulty.

The white-robed man said coldly, "Before leaving the world, do you remember what Master told you?"


The youth in the green robe sighed and said, "Master has explained three things."

The man in white robe asked, "Which three?"

Although the youth in the green robe was a little reluctant, he still opened his mouth and recited it: "First, you must not wantonly hurt anyone or anything in the secular world;" "Second, you must not reveal your identity and origin to any secular person;" "Third ..." Having said this, he suddenly got stuck, and he didn't know if he couldn't remember clearly, or if he was pretending.

The white-robed man glared at the other party and shouted softly: "Third, don't let the suffering worldly people die! Junior Brother Ye, you are spoiled by your teacher and your parents, so this ship is indifferent to humanity and has no mercy. Heart."

"Senior Brother Ye, I know I'm wrong, you don't need to be so harsh."

The young robed boy said with dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, others spoil you, but I'm too lazy to get used to your stinky temper."

The white-robed man looked bored, and said coldly, "You go to the island to wait for me first, and you must not leave the island without my consent."

"No, if the person on the island is against me, can't I resist?"

The youth in green robe showed a frightened look in his eyes, "Senior Brother Ye, I'd better stay by your side, so that I can learn something."

The man in the white robe coldly refused: "The lifeboat here means that a boat is likely to be killed, I want to go check it out.

The last time you tortured and killed the worldly people is not over yet. If you follow the past, only bad things will happen. "

"Senior Brother Ye, you're talking too much about me."

The youth in the green robe was very angry, "I just missed a moment, I didn't intend to kill, and besides, the master has already punished me, you don't need to tell me about it every day.

The big deal, I found those people this time, I won't use any Reiki and Immortal Techniques. "

"I'm too lazy to talk about you, I just want to advise you, don't be too arrogant."

The white-robed man said with a cold expression: "The world has recently shown signs of aura recovery, and there are often talented people. This is not the place for you to do whatever you want."


The man in the green robe looked disapproving, "The spiritual energy of the world is so sparse that it is not the same as nothing, and any talented people who can come out are all old gangsters who have lived for hundreds of years. It's over a hundred years old, and I don't know what Master has seen in such an old man."

The white-robed man retorted, "Master is over a hundred years old, what do you mean?

Is his old man also an old man? "

"That's different."

The man in green robe looked proud, "Master is a peerless person who is rare in a hundred years. No one in the secular world is worthy of comparison with his old man."

"All right."

The white-robed man became a little impatient, "I don't have time to accompany you to talk nonsense here, I'll go save people, and investigate the ins and outs of these negative electrode pills by the way, you can do it yourself, if I don't see you on the island after finishing my work, then you will Wait for Master's sins to be punished."

After finishing speaking, I saw the man in the white robe slammed into the palm of his hand, and the lifeboat moved quickly. He drove it on the vast sea and moved forward rapidly.

The man in green robe jumped back to the bamboo raft, feeling very unhappy, and said to himself: "Isn't it a few years older than me, I really took the style of a senior brother, I finally got out of bounds once, don't have fun, Then what's the point of cultivating this immortal?"

Then he muttered to himself: "I don't understand why Master has the idea of ​​coming to the mundane world to find the seeds of immortal cultivation. The spiritual energy here has been exhausted and there is not much left. What kind of immortal cultivators can appear? not found.

That immortal master is nothing more than using some wicked ways to make himself live longer, and the so-called Yin queen, it is estimated that he has a false name.

It's boring, boring, I don't even have anyone to play with. "

As he was talking, the man in the green robe suddenly narrowed his eyes, and found that a mattress was floating in the distance, and the speed was only faster than his bamboo raft.

You must know that the reason why the bamboo raft under him can sail on the sea without a power device is actually driven by his consumption of his own spiritual energy.

"It's interesting, did you meet fellow cultivators so soon?"

There was a smile on the face of the man in green robe, and he immediately urged the bamboo raft to get close to the mattress.

On the mattress lay a plain-looking man, who seemed to have fainted; there was also a woman who looked like a fairy, with a body and a face that was really rare; As a human being, it was just like the one that had just been swiped out of the oil. It was pitch black all over the body, as if it was still melting.

"Beauty, do you need help?"

The man in green robe stood tall, lifted the hood over his head, and revealed a charming smile.

This beautiful woman is Ah Jiu. She rescued a person from the sea only a few minutes ago. A person who was covered in black mucus looked like chocolate that was about to melt. It was already serious. Humanoid.

Just when she was thinking about how to rescue this person, another bamboo raft floated in the distance, and a young man in a green robe stood on it, talking to her with a wicked smile.

"Why are there so many weirdos at sea?"

Ah Jiu was full of doubts in her heart, but she didn't bother to pay attention to such an unknown person.

"Hey, I'm talking to you."

The youth in green robe did not receive A Jiu's response, and felt a little unhappy: "Beauty, this is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, don't miss it."

Ah Jiu is really speechless. How can she meet this kind of idiot who feels good about herself in the vast ocean: "I'm sorry, I don't know you, can't you see that I'm busy?"

"You don't have to be busy, that person was attacked by the cathode pill."

The youth in the green robe smiled and pointed at the man who seemed to be covered in oil, "The shadow has penetrated his body inside and out, and there is no way to save him. It's better to kill him directly and give him a relief."

Ah Jiu also guessed that this person might have been contaminated by the cathode pill, but he didn't expect that the young man in front of him could see through it at a glance, so he couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

"My name is Liang Beichen, and I am a cultivator."

The youth in the green robe said with a smug smile: "I think you have good qualifications. How about being my woman, I can make you immortal and youthful forever."

In the summer when I was asleep, I opened my eyes now and said very unhappily, "You idiot are courting death, right? You dare to hit my woman's idea."

"Is this your woman?"

The youth in green robe looked at Xia Xia's eyes, his eyes filled with regret, "Unfortunately, you are not worthy of this woman.

However, it is also a blessing for you to meet me today.

Well, my son is too lazy to work hard. "

As he said that, he took off the brocade bag he was wearing at his waist and threw it in front of Xia Tian: "If you sell one of the contents, you can eat and drink for the rest of your life. This woman belongs to me now."

Xia Xia sat up and glanced lazily at the youth in the green robe: "You idiot can't understand people's words, right? If you want me to do it, then do you want to become a eunuch or a dead person?"

"It's quite temperamental."

The youth in green robe sneered at Xia Xia's reaction, "However, I advise you to put away the brocade bag and pass it on as a family heirloom.

As for this woman, I want her, she can barely be my maid. "

"If you can't speak, get away, don't be annoying here, or you will be at your own risk."

When Ah Jiu heard this, her mood was quite complicated. She used to have a bad background and was an orphan with no father and no mother. Later, she was assigned to Yi Xiaoyin as a maid by the Yin doctor school. Although Yi Xiaoyin treated her like a sister, after all With the disparity in status, she may not have a trace of grudge in her heart.

The person in front of her looked like a boss, and asked her to be her personal servant, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Dare to talk to me, you are courting death!"

The youth in the green robe changed his expression, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and before he finished speaking, others had already arrived in front of Ah Jiu.

, grabbed a long sword from the void, and slashed towards Ah Jiu's fair neck swiftly.


Ah Jiu was startled, completely unexpected that this person would suddenly turn his face, and his skills were lightning fast, not giving her half a second to react.

puff! The cold light converges, and the blood spends four cheap.

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